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Official Information Act release

This OIA response released copies of all submissions objecting to the proposals to alter Takanini to Takaanini and Takanini Railway Station to Takaanini Railway Station. The Board also provided a response on behalf of the Office of the Minister for Land Information for a parallel request to that office.

All submissions objecting to the proposals to alter Takanini to Takaanini and Takanini Railway Station to Takaanini Railway Station were provided. The submissions were released in the processed form considered by the Board at its 15 October 2024 hui with personally identifiable information withheld.

On behalf of the Minister’s Office, two copies of Briefing 25-143 with the Board’s decision on the proposals (as sent, and as returned with the Minister’s final determination) were released. Administrative correspondence on sending and receiving the briefing and attachments not already held by the requestor or publicly available was also released.

Via the Board, the Minister’s Office provided a further response to the request confirming that the proposals were not sent to Cabinet, that no other agencies advised on the proposals, and that the Minister had not received any submissions directly from members of the public.