This OIA response released Board research on the proposal to alter Petone to Pito One, a copy of the Briefing to the Minister with the Board’s decision, the returned copy with the Minister’s final determination with associated correspondence.
After clarification of the initial request, Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa New Zealand Geographic Board (Board) released:
- Board archive material for prior discussions and decisions on Petone spanning 1926 to 2008,
- a supporting document for the proposal report considered by the Board at its 30 April 2024 hui which included:
- a table of maps and plans showing use of the name over time,
- a summary of prior Board discussions and decisions,
- further Secretariat research,
- a table of media articles.
- A birth record for George Petoni Carter. The record was not supplied in time for the Board’s 15 October 2024 hui when it considered submissions on the proposal, so the Board did not consider it.
- A copy of Briefing 25-142 as sent to the Minister, and a returned signed copy with the Minister’s final determination on the proposal,
- Correspondence between Toitū Te Whenua LINZ and the Minister’s Office sending the briefing and receiving the returned briefing.
Some information in the Board archives relating to place name proposals for the Port Nicholson Block (Taranaki Whānui ki Te Upoko o Te Ika) Claims Settlement Act 2009 was redacted where it was out of scope of the request.
The requestor was advised that copies of the Board proposal and submission reports, and all relevant Board policies and guidelines and guiding legislation were already available online.