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Official Information Act release

This OIA response released copies of the Briefing to the Minister with the Board’s decisions on the proposals to alter Takanini to Takaanini and Takanini Railway Station to Takaanini Railway Station. It also released all attachments to the briefing, associated correspondence, and advice about the Minister’s final determinations.

The request was for ‘All information held by the Minister and the Ministry in relation to receiving, considering and refusing the proposal and also advising of the decision’ for the Takanini to Takaanini proposals, including correspondence between the Board and the Minister’s Office.

Two copies of Briefing 25-143 with the Board’s decision on the proposals (as sent, and as returned with the Minister’s final determination) were released. Administrative correspondence on sending and receiving the briefing and all attachments (including the original proposals) to the briefing were released.

Email advice about the Minister’s final determination as sent to the Board, to the proposer, to submitters, correspondents and mana whenua was released. Other ways the Board advised of the Minister’s final determination (by phone, online publication, circulation to news media) are noted in the response letter.