Tenure review was a voluntary process that provided an opportunity for lessees to gain freehold title to part of their leasehold land, and for some of the land to be restored to Crown ownership, usually as conservation land managed by the Department of Conservation (DOC).
Completion of the tenure review process required an exchange of payments between the Lessee and the Crown. The amounts shown in this response are the Crown’s consideration paid for the pastoral lease and the Holder’s consideration for the land designated for freehold disposal. The following properties are included: Bendrose, Erewhon Park, Glencoe - East Otago, Happy Valley, Huxley Gorge Henroost, Island Hills, Longlands, Middle Hill, Mt Dasher, Simons Pass, The Wolds and Twin Peaks.
Also included in the release are various Part 3 reviews. Part 3 reviews do not require an exchange of payments by the Crown and the Holder. A Part 3 review may designate land to be disposed of in fee simple following the competition of the Part 3 review under the Land Act 1948. Where applicable, the purchase prices where land was subsequently disposed of under the Land Act 1948 is included for the following properties: Awakino, Domett Downs, Mt Gladstone and Mt Oxford.