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Place naming
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Index of original tangata whenua place names, their history, origin or meaning, important events and cultural significance where known, and their equivalent contemporary name or description.

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Te Waipounamu

NameKoreroCurrent name or description
Ahauraara tawhito from Māwheranui to HokakuraAhaura River
Ahuririkāinga mahinga kai for gathering tuna and wekaAhuriri River
Akaroalong harbourAkaroa Harbour
Anahauwindy bayCannibal Cove
Anatohiabay of blessingsAnatohia Bay
Anatokinamed in association with the cave of adzesAnatoki River
Anatotoblood cave, an important Ngāti Kuia and Ngāti Kōata boundary markerClay Point
Ao-ata-te-pōthird largest island at TamateaCooper Island
Aonuinot knownCooks Head
Aopōuridark world or dark placecoastal ridges and ranges from south of Collingwood to west of Tākaka
Aorakiprincipal maunga of Kāi Tahu whānui, and centre of the Kāi Tahu creation for Te WaipounamuAoraki / Mount Cook
Aorereflowing clouds, a Hawaiki nameAorere River
Aparimaa Ngāi Tahu kāingakāinga near Aparima River mouth
Aparimanamed after a wahine tipuna and a major travel routeAparima River
Arahuraone of the principal Kāti Waewae kāinga on Te Tai Poutinikāinga at right bank, Arahura River mouth
Arahurariver renowned for pounamuArahura River
Arapaoathe rising strike Kupe delivered to kill the monstrous octopus Te WhekeArapaoa Island
ArawhataPātea and Ngāti Kopiha stronghold succeeded by Ngāi Tahupā at left bank, Arawhata River mouth
Arawhataa tipuna nameArawhata River
Arinamed after a tipunaMount Alfred / Ari
Aroarokaehetipuna on the Araiteuru wakaAroarokaehe Range
Aropakiarea of coastline on the eastern side of Te Waewae Baybeach at Orepuki (locality)
Arowhenuanamed by Te Rakitauneke to commemorate Arowhenua at Te Umu Kahaformer extensive bush clad area around Longbush (locality)
ArowhenuaKāti Huirapa kāinga and cultivations located by large remnant of native forestkāinga at Arowhenua Pa (locality)
Atuarerereef where the Orurea waka capsizedLong Reef
Awaitilittle riverpā at Te Awaiti Bay
Awaroalong expanse of waterAwaroa Inlet
Awaruameans ‘two channels’, refers to the two bodies of water that cover the harbour and the name is also used for the wider areaBluff Harbour and Awarua Bay
Awaruatwo riversHaast River
Awaterefast flowing riverAwatere River
Haehae aku matacut and scar the faceLake Nisson
Haehaeataa rock in Central OtagoLeaning Rock / Haehaeata
Haehaenuitributary of the KawarauArrow River
Hakapoualake at southern end of Te Rua-o-Te-MokoLake Hakapoua
Hakatarameanamed after taramea (speargrass)Hakataramea River
Hakatereara tawhito from the coastline to ŌtūwharekaiAshburton River / Hakatere
Hākinikinia tipuna nameQuoin Point
Hananuihighest maunga on RakiuraMount Anglem / Hananui
Hāpukunamed after hāpuku (groper)Hāpuku River
Haukorehill traditionally used as a weather markerHelmet Hill
Haumaiterakitītī islands east of RakiuraBunker Islets
Haumukurocks near mouth of ŌhinataraSail Rock
Haupapadescriptive term for frost and iceHaupapa / Tasman Glacier
Haurokowhistling sound of the windLake Hauroko
Hautaiseeing a ship a long way offGorge River
Hauterealso known as ‘Te Niho-o-Kewa’ which describes the island as a tooth of the whale KewaSolander Island / Hautere
Hāweanamed for the tipuna Hāwea-i-te-rakiHāwea / Bligh Sound
Hāweanamed for the tipuna Hāwea-i-te-rakiLake Hāwea
Hekeaokāinga mahinga kai for gathering tunaHinds River
Hikurakibay on the southern coastline of Te Pātaka-o-RākaihautūHikuraki Bay
Hikurakilake at Te Rua-o-Te-Mokoone of the Mavora lakes
Hikurangikāinga of Ngāti Rangitāne that Tamaherangi establishedHikurangi / Goulter Hill
Hine Kōarearefor a Ngāti Kuia tupuna, who was interred on the maungaStrachan Peak
Hinemakawea tipuna nameMount Castor
Hinemoatūfor a Ngāti Apa tupunaHinemoatū / Howard River
Hinenuia tipuna nameHinenui / Nancy Sound
Hinepaakasacred fowling tree traditionally used as a land markerfowling tree near Alford Forest (locality)
Hinerukutainamed after the tipuna HinerukutaiLake Alice
Hinewaikāraraname for both the cape and Hazelburgh Group of IslandsEast Cape / Koromere
Hokakuralake dug by the Waitaha tipuna RākaihautūLake Sumner
Hokanuimaunga near the MatauraEast Peak
Hokitikainland kāinga at the Hokitikakāinga at left bank, Hokitika River
Hokitikanamed as a signpost ‘to return directly’ after disastrous battleHokitika River
Hopeakoacold water stabbing the loins when crossing the riverTaipo River
Horahora-Kākahuthe spreading out of the cloakHorahora Kākahu Island
Horoirangiwashing of the sky, referring to clouds gathering as a sign of bad weatherHoroirangi / Drumduan
Huateasouth arm of MoturauSouth Arm
Huatekerekeretipuna on the Araiteuru waka and wife of TarahaoaLittle Mount Peel / Huatekerekere
Huiraparefers to the Kāi Tahu hapū of Kāti HuirapaMount Hutt
Huriawahistoric pā of the Ngāi Tahu rangatira Te Werapā at Waikouaiti River mouth
Hurunuiara tawhito for transporting pounamu from Te Tai Poutini to Kaiapoi PāHurunui River
Inangahuanamed after īnanga (adult whitebait)Inangahua River
Irihukapeninsula on the Murihiku coastlineIrihuka
IwituaroabackboneIwituaroa Range
Kā Ara-a-Haereroanamed for Haereroa finding seal tracks here and making several trips to hunt themSeal Point
Kā Huruhuru-o-koekoeāfeathers of koekoeā (the Long-tailed cuckoo)Breaksea Island
Kā Kamu-a-Hakitekuratwinkling of the mountain tops seen by Hakitekura in the dawning light when she swam across Whakatipu WaimāoriWalter Peak and Cecil Peak
Kā Mauka WhakatipuWhakatipu mountainsAilsa Mountains
Kā Mauka-tokowekathe mountain range of tokoweka (South Island brown kiwi)Kā Mauka-tokoweka (range)
Kā Onehukabay on eastern coast of RakiuraChew Tobacco Bay
Kā Pākihi-whakatekateka-o-Waitahaoften interpreted as ‘the open plains where Waitaha walked proudly’ and ‘the treeless seedbed of Waitaha’Canterbury Plains
Kā Poupou-a-Te-Rakihouiathe eel weirs of Te RakihouiaKā Poupou-a-Rakihouia (coastline)
Kā Pukemāeroerohills of the māeroro (supernatural beings)Maclennan Range
Kā Rā-o-takitimuthe sails of TakitimuWaimea Plains
Kā Roimata-a-Hinehukaterethe tears of HinehukatereFranz Josef Glacier / Kā Roimata o Hine Hukatere
Kā Tiritiri-o-te-moanarefers to when Māui mistook the white tipped mountains of Kā Tiritiri-o-te-moana as “a mirage of the ocean”Southern Alps / Kā Tiritiri o te Moana
Kā Tū-waewae-o-Tūthe standing feet of TūterakiwhānoaSecretary Island
Kā Whata-Tū-o-Rakihouiathe food storehouse of RakihouiaSeaward Kaikōura Range
Kahokahoterescudding mistBannock Brae
Kāhuikākāpōthe gathering of kākāpōSpey River
Kahukuranamed after Kahukura who helped Tūterakiwhānoa shape Te Waipounamu for human habitationarea around Bush Cone and Longbeach Creek
Kahukuraa tipuna nameMount Alba
Kahuranginorthern boundary of Ngāi Tahu takiwā on Te Tai PoutiniKahurangi Point
Kahuroaalso known as Ngā Paepae Tāngata by Kurahaupō iwiRichmond Range
Kahutarawhere the Ngāti Kurī rangatira Te Rākaitauheke wore a pōkeka and imitated a seal to entice Ngāti Māmoe out of Peketā PāKahutara River
Kaiapoipā established by Tūrākautahi, son of Tūāhuriripā north of Kaiapoi
Kaiauaa feast of aua (Yellow-eyed mullet)kāinga in vicinity of Pakiaka Point at northeast of Croisilles Harbour
Kaihukatītī island southeast of RakiuraKaihuka Island
Kaikākāpōnamed for kākāpōKaipo Bay
Kaikaraenamed after karae (a seabird)Kaikorai Stream and Kaikorai Lagoon
Kaikiekienamed after kiekie (native vine highly valued for weaving)Kaikiekie / Bradshaw Sound
Kaimahia very important cultural site where Matuahautere lifted the tapu placed over the lands by his tupuna KupeOke Rock
Kairākaubay on eastern coastline of RakiuraHalfmoon Bay
Kairuruhill famed for taramea (speargrass) and tikumu (mountain daisy)Kairuru
Kaitoreteara tawhito and area of historical occupationKaitorete Spit
Kaitunato eat eelsKaituna River
Kākānamed for the parrotspā on Kākā Island
Kakara Tarameasweet-smelling taramea (speargrass)Karamea River
Kākaunuihome of the leading Kāi Tahu rakatira Te Māmarukāinga nohoanga at Kakanui River mouth
Kākaunuikāinga mahinga kai for gathering weka, tuna, tutu and kōareare (edible plant stem of raupō)Kakanui River
Kāmoanahaehaethe split seasjunction of Clutha River / Mata-au and Manuherikia River
Kanaweratītī island southwest of RakiuraTaukihepa / Big South Cape Island
Kaniererelates to sawing pounamuLake Kaniere
Kanierepass at the head of the ArahuraMount Harman / Kaniere
Kaparatehausite of the final battle between Ngāi Tahu and Ngāti ToaLake Grassmere / Kapara Te Hau
Karangaruarenowned for tuna and gathering seagull eggsKarangarua River
Kararoakāinga situated one days walk north of Māwherapā at Kararoa Creek
KaritāneNgāi Tahu kāinga at the Waikouaitikāinga at Karitane (locality)
Karu-hāpukua bush in Murihikuformer bush clad area around Gropers Bush (locality)
Kataihaerehome to the rangatira Taetaepā at Ulipa Hill, Saltwater Lagoon
Kāti Hāweanamed after Kāti HāweaMutiny Peak
Kāti Wairakinamed after Kāti WairakiMount Paulina
Kawarauara tawhito from Mata-au to Whakatipu WaimāoriKawarau River
Kawarauname for both the mountain range and the KawarauThe Remarkables
Kawateabay where the Makawhiua waka landedOkains Bay
Kawatirinorthernmost kāinga on Te Tai Poutinikāinga at left bank, Buller River mouth
Kawatirinot knownBuller River
Kawhakaputaputalarge bay west of ŌrakaKawakaputa Bay
Kekerengunamed after a tipuna of Ngāti Ira descentKekerengu River
Kimiākautributary of the Kawarau RiverShotover River
Kirikirikatatatipuna on the Araiteuru wakaKirikirikatata / Mount Cook Range
Ko te arohakiriver south of ŌkahuSmoothwater River
Kōamarugentle, easy, to rejoice overCape Koamaru
Kohikaaroroakāinga mahinga kai for gathering weka, kākāpō, kea, kererū, kākā and aruhe (fernroot)Harper River
Kohimaraflower of the native convolvulusKumara (locality)
Kohitewaicollecting water. In the 1820s the settlement was destroyed and thereafter used as a pahi (encampment)kāinga in vicinity of Glenduan
Kokatahiinland summer pā, and site of battle between Ngāi Tahu and Ngāti WairangiKokatahi River
Kōkōtanekāinga mahinga kai for gathering pūtakitaki (Paradise duck) and pārera (Grey duck)kāinga mahinga kai at southeast end of Lake Hāwea
Kōpekatītī island off the southeast coastline of RakiuraKopeka Island
Kōpūtaikāinga nohoanga in Otago Harbourkāinga at Port Chalmers
Kōpūwainamed after a giant who was transformed into the natural obeliskOld Man Range / Kopuwai
Korotuahekahistoric kāinga resettled after land protest at Ōmāramakāinga at right bank, Waitaki River mouth
Kōtorepībeach where the Tairea waka was bailed out and repairedNine Mile Creek / Kotorepi
Kōtukuwhakaokanamed after a rangatira from Te Ika-a-Māui associated with taniwha legendArnold River
Kōtukuwhakaokanamed after a rangatira from Te Ika-a-MāuiLake Brunner / Moana
Koukouraratanamed by Moki after a stream at Te Whanganui-a-Tara that recalls the birth of his father, TūāhuririPort Levy (Potiriwi) / Koukourarata
Kōwainamed after the native kōwhai treeKowai River
Kōwhaifor the kōwhai treepā at right bank Wairau River mouth
Kōwhaiwhainamed after a nearby clump of kōwhai treesKōhaihai River
Kura Tawhitiarea renowned for gathering kākāpōCastle Hill
Kuramātakitakinamed after a female Waitaha tipunaMataketake Range
Kuramealarge tidal estuary at mouth of PounaweaCatlins Lake
Kurateauwhen Kupe killed Te Wheke it bled into the current turning it red. Also alludes to red krillTory Channel / Kura Te Au
Maerewhenuakāinga nohoanga and location of ancient rock art drawingskāinga at Maerewhenua River
Mahaanuithe waka of MāuiMount Harper / Mahaanui
Mahakipaoasmoke rising from cremations, an important Ngāti Kuia kāingakāinga at head of Mahakipawa Arm
Māhēipukuthe fishing sinkerPepin Island
Māhinapuasite of a significant battle between Ngāi Tūāhuriri and Ngāti WairangiLake Mahinapua
Mahitahiriver and bay where Māui first landed in Te WaipounamuMahitahi River
Mahitahito work together as one, a local name for whitebaitMaitai River
Mahu-tōreanamed after tōrea (South Island pied oystercatcher)Tōrea Rocks
MaitapapaKāi Tahu kāika at the Taiarikāika at Taieri River southwest of Henley (locality)
Makahoekāinga mahinga kai for gathering pātiki (flounders), makō (shark), tuere (blind eel) and shellfishPapanui Inlet
Makarewatributary of the ŌretiMakarewa River
Makarewatributary of the WaiauWairaki River
Makaroreara tawhito from Wānaka to Te Tai PoutiniMakarora River
Makatīprominent headland on the Murihiku coastlineMakati
Makāwhiostream of whio (the native Blue duck) and Ngāti Mahaki pāMakawhio River / Jacobs River
Makihikihikāinga mahinga kai for gathering kāuru (cabbage tree root), tuna (fernroot), aruhe and īnaka (whitebait)Makikihi River
Makotukutukunamed after a tipuna on the Araiteuru wakaCape Wanbrow
Manakaiauaeating of aua (yellow-eyed mullet)Manakaiaua River
Manawaporalake at Te Rua-o-Te-Moko, also known as Manawapoporeone of the Mavora lakes
Māniatotomānia is plain, and toto may refer to karaihe (reddish-brown sedge) resembling a sea of red blood (toto)Maniototo Plain
Maniniaroon the path for spirits of Ngāti Apa dead flying back to touch the shores of HawaikiManiniaro / Angelus Peak
Manokīwaifull of permanent waterMonowai Lake
Manuhaeacentre of learning and lagoon renowned for tunakāinga nohoanga at The Neck, flooded when Lake Hāwea was raised
Manuherekiakāinga mahinga kai for gathering tuna, pārera (Grey duck), pūtakitaki (Paradise duck), and kōareare (edible plant stem of raupō)Manuherikia River
Mangamaunukāinga north of the mouth of the Hāpukukāinga at Mangamaunu (locality)
Mangatāwhaiplace at the intersection of many overland trailsarea around Tophouse (locality)
Māpourikidaughter of KāritoLake Mapourika
Māpoutahihistoric pā and site of a significant battlepā at Mapoutahi (isthmus), Pūrākaunui Bay
Maraeroapart of ara tawhito from the Waiau to the Mavora LakesMararoa River
Mārahauwindy gardenMārahau River
Marakuraalso the name for a kāinga at the river mouthUpukerora River
Maranukunot knownkāinga at Port Molyneux (locality)
Maruiarenowned place for birdingMaruia River
Mata-aukāinga mahinga kai and ara tawhito to Wānaka and Whakatipu WaimāoriClutha River / Mata-Au
Matahigirl’s name meaning black pineLake Ianthe / Matahi
Matakaeasite where the Araiteuru waka capsizedpā at Shag Point / Matakaea
Mātakitakito gaze or watchMātakitaki River
Mātakitakikāinga mahinga kai for gathering tuna, kāuru (cabbage tree root) and aruhe (fernroot)Matukituki River
Matamatafinal resting place of the taniwha MatamataSaddle Hill
Matangiawheaa whistling sea breeze, important site successively occupied by several iwipā at original shoreline at Port Nelson
Matangitawaumountain range north of MāwheranuiTwelve Apostles Range or Rapahoe Range
Mataparaa dialectical name for rock lobsterMatapara / Pickersgill Island
Matapihipossibly from ‘Matapihi-o-te-Rangi’ (window to the sky) for the adjacent maungaMatapihi Bay
Matarikipā established by Ngāti Māmoepā north of Waiau Toa / Clarence River mouth
Matarikismall island fortification located just offshoreisland off the coastline south of Pahia Hill
Mataufish hookCape Farewell
Mātauan island in Whakatipu WaimāoriPig Island / Mātau
Mataūirapā established by Kāti Māmoe at Rakitumapā at Spit Islands, Rakituma / Preservation Inlet
Mataurarenowned for its abundance of kanakana (lamprey)Mataura River
Mauīkatauisland broke away from the mainland by Tūterakiwhānoa with his foot when carving out Te Rua-o-Te-MokoResolution Island
Mauka Atuatipuna on the Araiteuru wakaMaungatua
Maukakūkutaname for both the river and Two Thumb RangeMacaulay River
Maukakūkutatipuna on the Araiteuru wakaTwo Thumb Range
Maukaropamountain range between Lake Potiritiri and Lake HaurokoPrincess Mountains
Maukatakaheamountain of takahea (South Island takahē)Mount Philipps
Maukaterekāinga mahinga kai for gathering kāuru (cabbage tree root), tikumu (mountain daisy) and taramea (speargrass)Mount Grey / Maukatere
Maukateretipuna on the Araiteuru wakaShingle Peak
Maukurunuilandmark post, name also for Bakers CreekSeventeen Mile Bluff
Maungakurared mountain, protected by the taniwha Te HuarauMaungakura / Red Hill
Maungatapuhaving taken the waka Te Hoire as far upriver as he could, Matuahautere built an altar to claim the lands and ascended the maungaMaungatapu
Māwheraone of the main pā for Poutini Ngāi Tahupā at Grey River / Māwheranui
Māwheranuiabbreviated name referring to Tūterakiwhānoa creating the gorgeGrey River / Māwheranui
Meretotobloody club, Rangitāne tūpuna such as Te Rangihouhia and Kahura also interacted with Cook and his crew hereMeretoto / Ship Cove
Mikonuihistoric kāinga of Ngāti Kurī rangatira Kaikōura Whakataukāinga at Mikonui Stream
Mikonuirefers to a man being killedMikonui River
Moanahunahidden lakeLake Marchant
Moanautainland seaWet Jacket Arm
Moawhitia Ngāti Tūmatakōkiri tupuna wahinebay (and lake) at northeast Greville Harbour / Wharariki
MoerakiKāi Tahu kāika home to several senior rakatira following the fall of Kaiapoi Pākāika on Moeraki Peninsula
Moerangilake renowned for tunaLake Moeraki
Moerepoa tupuna namepā at Moerepo Island
Mohuafor the once abundant endemic forest birdGolden Bay / Mohua
Mōkihinuinamed after a large mōkihi (raft) made from kahikatea used to cross the riverMōkihinui River
Mokinuitītī island west of RakiuraMokinui / Big Moggy Island
Motuaraisland on the ‘path’ of wakaMotuara Island
Motuareronuiisland shaped like a long tongue, alternatively ‘of the swift moving clouds’Motuareronui / Adele Island
Motuarikitipuna on the Araiteuru wakaMotuariki Island
Motuekatogether with Aorere and Tākaka a name transferred from islands in HawaikiMotueka River
Motunauisland of nau (Cook’s scurvy grass)Motunau Island
Motupikoisolated winding streamMotupiko River
Motupiuan island in Te Ara-a-KiwaDog Island
Motupōhuemotu is a clump of trees or island, and pōhue is a native convolvulusThe Bluff / Motupōhue
Moturaurefers to numerous islands in the lakeLake Manapouri
Moturoalong islandMoturoa / Rabbit Island
Moutere‘an island’, originally referring to the coastal inletMoutere River
Muaupokopeninsula created by TūterakiwhānoaOtago Peninsula
Murihikuname widely used in Polynesia for the southernmost area of an islandSouthland
Muriwaimahinga kai for gathering tuna, īnaka (whitebait), kēkēwai (freshwater crayfish) and manuCoopers Lagoon / Muriwai
Nokomaipart of ara tawhito from Murihiku to the interior of Te WaipounamuNokomai River
Noti Raurekanamed after the Kāti Wairaki woman Raureka who discovered the icy passBrowning Pass / Noti Raureka
Noti Taramakaupass used to transport pounamu from Te Tai Poutini to Kaiapoi Pā, also known as Te RakamaunikuraHarper Pass
Nukumaniakāinga mahinga kai for gathering weka, kiore, kākāpō and tutuBlack Range
Ngā Pākihi-a-Māniarauheaplain of the shining tussockHanmer Plain
Ngā Whatukaiponuto be ‘grasped’ (affected) by the eyes of Te Wheke-o-Muturangi, which Kupe cast into the sea here after killing the monstrous octopus. Certain tikanga and kawa were required to pass these tapu islands safelyThe Brothers
Ngākawaunamed after kawau (shags, cormorants)Ngākawau River
Ōaroname from the river mouth to the first junctionlower reaches of Oaro River
Ōhanuia rocky point south of RakitumaWindsor Point
Ōhaulake dug by the Waitaha tipuna RākaihautūLake Ōhau
Ōhekeianamed after the southern rangatira HekeiaLongwood Range
Ōhekiariver that flows into Te Whaka-a-Te-WeraFreshwater River
Ohikaroroatipuna on the Araiteuru wakaMount Watkin / Hikaroroa
Ōhinatarariver south of the HurunuiBlythe River
Ōhinemahutahome of the tupuna HinemahutaŌhinemahuta River
Ōhinetaketakefirst pā of Poutini Ngāi Tahupā at junction of Ahaura River and Grey River / Māwheranui
Ōhinetamateawoman’s name from alpine pass discoveryŌhinetamatea River / Saltwater Creek
Ōhonuimportant river for pounamu and goldGreenstone River / Hokonui
Ōhonumountain range between Taramakau and KōtukuwhakaokaHohonu Range
Ōkahuold pā and fishing anchorageJackson Bay / Okahu
Ōkaihaeisland near the mouth of the KaikaraeGreen Island
Ōkākāone of three large waves that capsized the Takitimu waka at Te Waewae BayHump Ridge
Ōkananot knownOkana River
Ōkarilagoon and kāika south of Tauranga BayŌkari Lagoon
ŌkāritoNgāti Wairangi pā and wānangapā at southern end of Ōkārito Lagoon
Ōkāritotipuna name referring to shoots of the raupōŌkārito Lagoon
Ōkarurubay on eastern coastline of Te Pātaka-o-RākaihautūGoughs Bay
Ōkiwifor a tupuna, Kiwikāinga at head of Ōkiwi Bay
Okopakonot knownplain between Rakaia River and Selwyn River / Waikirikiri
Ōkūkūkāinga mahinga kai for gathering kāuru (cabbage tree root), aruhe (fernroot), tutu, tuna, kākā and wekaŌkūkū River
Ōmakōara tawhito between Te Manahuna and HāweaLindis Pass
Ōmakōkāinga mahinga kai for gathering tunaLindis River
Ōmanuipass north of Te Ana-auOmanui / McKinnon Pass
Ōmāramakāinga mahinga kai and site of a major land protest. Also known as Te Ao Māramakāinga north of Omarama (locality)
Ōmāuinamed after a well-known Māori explorer MāuiŌmāui Island
Ōmāwherohill at eastern end of Te Waewae BayPahia Hill
Ōmihiprominent pā established by Kāti Māmoe at Omihi Stream
Ōnaukusaid to refer to the end of the soundŌnauku Bay
ŌnaweNgāi Tahu pā at the head of Akaroa at Onawe (peninsula), Akaroa Harbour
Onetahuapile of sand, sand barFarewell Spit
Onikikomovement of the head of a weaponPort Hardy
ŌnukuNgāi Tārewa kāinga in Akaroakāinga at The Kaik (locality)
Ōpakiakāinga mahinga kai for gathering tunaLake Middleton
Ōpāwahorenowned kāinga mahinga kai for gathering fish, vegetation and waterfowlHeathcote River
Ōpēhianame for both the cape and Nicholson HarbourSouth Cape / Whiore
Ōpihiara tawhito to Te Manahuna and a significant kāinga mahinga kai for Kāti HuirapaŌpihi River
Ōpōreakāinga mahinga kai for gathering tuna, kōareare (edible plant stem of raupō) and waterfowlLake Pearson
Ōpōreaitikāinga mahinga kai for gathering tuna, kōareare (edible plant stem of raupō) and waterfowlLake Grasmere
Ōpūahakāinga mahinga kai for gathering tuna and taramea (speargrass)Opuha River
Ōpukucliffs at Green BeachŌpuku Cliff
Ōraefor the tupuna RaeRai River
Ōrahoriuplatform across the bilge of a wakaCape Stephens
ŌrakaNgāi Tahu kāinga at Ōrakakāinga at Colac Bay / Ōraka
Ōrarikāinga mahinga kai for gathering tunaOrari River
Orarikipā established by Ngāi Tahu rangatira Te Ruahikihiki by way of taunahapā at Taumutu (locality)
Ōrauara tawhito between Whakatipu Waimāori and WānakaCardrona River
Ōraubay on south side of MuaupokoSandfly Bay
Ōraumoathe tupuna Raumoa would come here especially for kaimoanapā at Ōraumoa / Fighting Bay
Ōrautahisandy beach on northern coastline of RakiuraSmoky Beach
Ōretiara tawhito and river that crosses the Southland plains to the coastlineŌreti River
Orikākārefers to snaring kākāOrikaka or Mackley River
Ōrokoone of three large waves that capsized the Takitimu waka at Te Waewae BayHeale Ridge
Ōronokomountain range south of HokakuraOronoko Range
Ōrorekāinga mahinga kai for gathering tuna and īnaka (whitebait)Orore Point
Ōruawairuanot knownBlumine Island / Ōruawairua
Ōtaaokāinga mahinga kai for gathering tuna and wekaDobson River
Ōtaetaeplace where waka were pulled up and carried over landformer bush clad area around Otaitai Bush (locality)
Ōtaiakāinga mahinga kai for gathering aruhe (fernroot), kāuru (cabbage tree root) and tunaOtaio River
Ōtākarorenowned kāinga mahinga kai for gathering fish, vegetation and waterfowlAvon River / Ōtakaro
Ōtākoutraditional name for the eastern channel of Otago Harboureastern (southern) channel of Otago Harbour
Ōtakua river on RakiuraMurray River
Ōtamatakoukāinga mahinga kai for gathering weka, tuna, and tutuOtematata River
Ōtānenuikāinga mahinga kai for gathering kāuru (cabbage tree root), aruhe (fernroot), kākāpō, weka and tunaWilkin River
Ōtāparanamed after the Waitaha tipuna TāparaLake Gunn
Ōtarapoint on the Murihiku coastlineWaipapa Point
Ōtārewaname also for a large forest of which only Seaward Downs Scenic Reserve remainsOtepuni Creek
Otauirawater rushes, a Rangitāne pāOtauira Pā, at head of Waikutakuta / Robin Hood Bay
Ōtautahinamed after Tautahi, son of Huikaikāinga nohoanga and kāinga mahinga kai on Avon River / Ōtakaro
Ōtautaurefers to the place where a gift was givenŌtautau Stream
Ōteakenamed after a treeOtiake River
Ōtehaketributary of the TaramakauOtehake River
Ōtepotisite of a tauraka wakatauraka waka and kāinga at Dunedin where Toitū (stream) met the original shoreline
Ōteraumakaalso the name for a large forest of which only Edendale Scenic Reserve remainsOteramika Creek
Ōtewaoone of three large waves that capsized the Takitimu waka at Te Waewae BayForest Hill
Ōtewhakārikikāinga mahinga kai for gathering kāuru (cabbage tree root), aruhe (fernroot), kākāpō, weka and tunaMinaret Burn
Ōtiraara tawhito between the Taramakau and the WaimakaririŌtira River
Ōtoatahimajor tributary of the AwaruaLandsborough River
Ōtuawhitinot knownBoundary Creek
Ōtūmatuapart of ara tawhito from the Waiau to Te Ana-auWhitestone River
Ōtūparāoamountain range in MurihikuUmbrella Mountains
Ōtūrotokāinga mahinga kai for gathering weka, aruhe (fernroot) and kāuru (cabbage tree root)Lake Heron
Ōturunamed after a Waitaha tipunaDiamond Lake
Ōtūwharekaikāinga mahinga kai for gathering tuna and ducksMaori Lakes
Ōuenot knownkāinga at New River Estuary
Ouetokāinga mahinga kai for gathering kiore and koreke (the extinct New Zealand quail)plain between Rakaia River and Wakanui Creek
Ōuruhianamed after Uruhia, a son of Tūrākautahikāinga at Ouruhia (locality)
Ōwinot knownarea around the Mataura River mouth
Ōwhionamed after whio (the native Blue duck)area of Blue Spur (locality)
Pāhautributary of the HurunuiPahau River
Pāhautāneancient stone quarry for flints to work pounamuarea of Pahautane (locality)
Pākawauearly occupants were Ngāi Tara, Tūmatakōkiri and Ngāti Apa. In 1828 Ngāti Tama occupied for a timepā at Pākawau Inlet
Panausite of an old pāLong Lookout Point
Papahauawindy plateaumountain range between Buller River and Mōkihinui River
Papakia matHope River
Papapounamunamed after large slabs of pounamu in the bayPoison Bay
Papatararocks on the coastline between Tahutahi and ŌkahuSeal Rocks
Papateaalso known as Te Kauati-a-Tamatea which refers to Tamatea making fire on the islandGreen Island
Parakārehua tipuna nameThe Peninsula
Parakiorenamed after the tipuna ParakioreCameron Mountains
Paramatalarge moraine hill on beach south of HokitikaBold Head
Paratītahirefers to ‘purpose in life’ as the children of ariki were cleansed here before being presented to the peopleParatītahi Tarns
Parikawakawacliff of kawakawa (pepper tree)cliffs at Washdyke Stream north of Waiau Toa / Clarence River mouth
Paringasite of Poutini Ngāi Tahu pāParinga River
Pariroalong cliffGore Bay
Parororangistormy skyMount Stokes
Pāteaancient name from Rai’atea in Eastern PolynesiaDoubtful Sound / Patea
Pātearoakāinga mahinga kai for gathering weka and tikumu (mountain daisy)Rock And Pillar Range
Pāterepoint on the western coastline of RakiuraSouth Red Head Point
Pātītītipuna on the Araiteuru wakaPātītī Point
Pāuarekasweet tasting pāuaAbbey Rocks
Pawakatakanot known634m hill at head of Redan Stream known as Slopedown Hill
Peketāpā established by Ngāti Māmoe overlooking Kahutara River mouth
Pikikirungarecalls the story of a taniwha Ngārarahuarau. When trapped and set on fire he exploded and his scales embedded in the hillsPikikirunga / Canaan Downs
Pikinoamountain range between Upokororo and Te Ana-auEarl Mountains
Pikirakatahimaunga in Kā Tiritiri-o-te-moanaMount Earnslaw / Pikirakatahi
Pikomamakutītī island east of RakiuraNorth Island and Womens Island collectively
Pīnohiato use tongs for handling hot stones. Site of Hīkapu, a battle where Ngāti Toa, Ngāti Rārua and Te Āti Awa assaulted Ngāti Kuiapā at Paradise Bay
Piopiotahithe last great fiord created by TūterakiwhānoaMilford Sound / Piopiotahi
Pirekarefers to the fragrant smell made when roasting the root of pipi (type of fern)Peraki Bay
Piripāuanamed for the vast numbers of pāua covering the flat rocksSpy Glass Point / Piripāua
Piripiri-o-Huatakia plant of the ancestor HuatakiPiripiri
Piri-tūtae-putaputanamed after a battle between Ngāi Tūhaitara and Ngāti KurīConway River
Poatirithe highest point of KaimataMount Charles / Poatiri
Pōhatubay on eastern coastline of Te Pātaka-o-RākaihautūPōhatu / Flea Bay
Pōhaturoaara tawhito from Māwheranui to the inland of Te WaipounamuUpper Grey River
Pokohiwitahicaptain of the Araiteuru waka. Also known as PākihiwitahiHorse Range
PorangirangiPoutini Ngāi Tahu pā at Maitahipā at Bruce Bay
Potikōhuacampsite and caves on journey between Māwhera and KawatiriFox River
Potiritirilake at the southern end of Te Rua-o-Te-MokoLake Poteriteri
Pouerua-hāpuarefers to the lagoonSaltwater Lagoon
Pouerua-tāhunarefers to the riverbedPoerua River
Poukirikirion the pathway for the spirits of Ngāti Apa dead returning to HawaikiPoukirikiri / Travers Saddle
Poumāhakamay refer to ‘pou driven into the riverbanks to snare ducks’Pomahaka River
Pounaweariver that flows into KurameaCatlins River
Pourangahauthe standing place of the ‘post of research’Pourangahau / Mount Robert
Poutamanamed after a Ngāi Tahu tipunaPoutama Island
Puahiririver that flows into the top of Whakatipu WaimāoriRees River
Puārikāinga nohoanga and kāinga mahinga kai for gathering foods from Ōtākaro and surrounding wetlandskāinga nohoanga on Avon River / Ōtakaro, vicinity of Victoria Square
PuāriNgāti Huikai pā and kāinga at Koukouraratapā at Puari (locality)
Puhikererūevocative of cloud formations over the maunga like the feathers of a kererū, also the name of a tupunaMount Furneaux
Puhipuhitributary of the HāpukuPuhi Puhi River
Puhipuhi-takiwaimaunga at PiopiotahiMount Pembroke
Puhiwaerocape on southern coastline of RakiuraSouth West Cape / Puhiwaero
Pukaherekathe swinging anchorage for wakaCoal Island
Pūkakilake dug by the Waitaha tipuna RākaihautūLake Pukaki
Pukekoikoisharpened hill, also refers to a type of spear considered best for training purposesPukekoikoi Hill
Pukekuranamed after red rocks located nearbyDean Hill
Pukekurahistoric pā on Taiaroa Head on Taiaroa Head
Pukenuibig hillAnchor Island
Pukeonesand was carried up to the summit so signal fires could be litPukeone / Mount Campbell
Pukepōurigloomy hillCalm Peak
Pukerakirefers to the hillMount Dick
Pukeurisacred place where certain rituals were carried out when travelling from one realm to anothersmall hill at Pukeuri (locality)
Pukewekacommon place name on RakiuraPort Adventure
Punatahukāinga mahinga kai for gathering tuna and wekakāinga mahinga kai at Lake Pukaki
Punatarakaokāinga mahinga kai for gathering tuna and īnaka (whitebait)Buchanans Creek
Pūpongatwo Tūmatakōkiri pā, one fortified, the other for everyday livingpā in vicinity of Pūponga (locality)
Pūrākaunuilagoon and kāinga mahinga kai for gathering tuna, kōareare (edible plant stem of raupō) and kōrariformer lagoon at mouth of Hinds River
Pūrākaunuibodies piled up like a pile of sticksPūrākaunui Bay
PuramāhoiNgāi Tara, Ngāti Apa pāpā at Puramāhoi (locality)
Pureoratipuna on the Araiteuru wakaPareora River
Pūtātarapā on northern coastline of RakiuraPutatara Point
Putauhinutītī island southwest of RakiuraPutauhina Island
Pūteawhatiiatipuna on the Araiteuru wakaBig Hill Range
Rakahurikāinga mahinga kai for gathering īnaka (whitebait), tuna and shellfishAshley River / Rakahuri
Rakailandmark maunga behind MahitahiMount Hooker
Rakaianame from the coastline to the first junctionRakaia River
Rakaia-wai-kīkāinga mahinga kai for gathering weka, kākāpō, aruhe (fernroot), and kāuru (cabbage tree root)upper reach of Rakaia River to confluence with Mathias River
Rakaia-wai-pākihiara tawhito that connects Mathias Pass with the RakaiaMathias River
Rākauroaabundant forest or the specific species of treeRākauroa / Torrent Bay
Rākautarakāinga and stream on the Kaikōura coastkāinga at Rakautara (locality)
Rakawahakurapeninsula at south of PukewekaRakawahakura
Rakeāhuaa hill on RakiuraMount Rakeahua
Rakiroaatua who along with his brothers form the highest peaks of Kā Tiritiri-o-te-moanaMount Dampier
Rakitumasouthernmost fiord at Te Rua-o-Te-MokoRakituma / Preservation Inlet
Rakiuraoften interpreted as ‘the glowing skies’, alternative names Te Puka-a-Māui and Te Puka-a-Aoraki describe the island as an anchorStewart Island / Rakiura
Rangitahilake at headwaters of the WaiautoaLake Tennyson
Rangitataara tawhito and kāinga mahinga kai for gathering fish and vegetationRangitata River
Rangitoto-ki-te-Tongablood red sky, a Hawaiki name with ‘of the south’ added laterRangitoto ki te Tonga / D’Urville Island
Rarotokasignificant island used as an occupation site, resting place and navigational markerRarotoka Island
Rīpapapā of Taununu that became embroiled in the Kai Huānga Feudpā on Ripapa Island
Riuwakanamed by Huiterangiora for the basin where the river emerges from underground like water collecting in the bilge of a wakaRiuwaka River
Rotoitismall lakeLake Rotoiti
Rotokurareferred to a small red lake at the head of the bayRotokura / Cable Bay
Rotomaninituarefers to the spirits of Ngāti Apa dead bathing and swimming in the snow, or in summertime, inside the maunga ManiniaroRotomaninitua / Lake Angelus
Roto-nui-a-Whatulake dug by the Waitaha tipuna RākaihautūLake Tuakitoto
Rotopōhueroashaped like a long calabashRotopōhueroa / Lake Constance
Rotoroalong lakeLake Rotoroa
Ruakanakanaweirs were dug to trap lampreys on their annual migrationkāinga at Gibsons Creek, left bank Wairau River
Ruakanakanaassociated with the settlement of the same nameRuakanakana Creek
Ruapukeone of three locations where Ngāi Tahu signed Te Tiriti o WaitangiRuapuke Island
Tahakopariver on the Murihiku coastlineTahakopa River
Tāhunaa sandbankplace at Glenorchy (locality)
Tāhunaa sandbankkāika at Queenstown waterfront
Tahutahinamed after the tipuna Tahutahi and source of pounamuCascade River
Taiarifiord at Te Rua-o-Te-MokoTaiari / Chalky Inlet
Taiariimportant source of mahika kai for local Kāi TahuTaieri River
Taiparirikinamed after Taipaririki who carved out the soundDeep Cove
Taiporoporonamed after Taiporoporo who escaped from a battle at Te HokiauauTaiporoporo / Charles Sound
Taitetimunamed after Taitetimu who escaped from a battle at Te HokiauauTaitetimu / Caswell Sound
Takahangawhere the Ngāti Kurī rangatira Marukaitātea ate foods from the sacred pōhā Tohuraumati to gain manawhenua over Kaikōurapā on bluff overlooking Kaikōura
Tākakaa name brought from Hawaiki, also refers to the common bracken fernTākaka River
Takamanasmall lake west of TakapōLake Alexandrina
Takapōkāinga mahinga kai for gathering tuna and wekakāinga mahinga kai at southern end of Lake Tekapo
Takapōlake dug by the Waitaha tipuna RākaihautūLake Tekapo
Takapōtakanot knownTakapōtaka / Attempt Hill
Takapourewarefers to a pourewarewa (fighting platform)Stephens Island / Takapourewa
Takatakaname for both the pā and islandpā on Refuge Island / Takataka
Take Kārarapā and kāinga mahinga kai for gathering tuna and weka at southern end of Lake Wānaka
Takerehakanot knownkāinga at Kingston (locality)
Taki-a-Marutipuna on the Araiteuru wakaTaki-a-Maru / Fish Reef
Takitimunamed after the Takitimu waka that capsized at Te Waewae BayTakitimu Mountains
Tamateafiord at Te Rua-o-Te-MokoTamatea / Dusky Sound
Tapuaenukumountain range in West OtagoBlue Mountains
Tapuae-o-Uenukuhighest peak in the Inland Kaikōura RangeTapuae-o-Uenuku
Tapuae-o-Uenukumountain range where tikumu (mountain daisy) was gatheredTapuae-o-Uenuku / Hector Mountains
Tarahaka WhakatipuWhakatipu saddleHarris Saddle / Tarahaka Whakatipu
Tarahaoatipuna on the Araiteuru waka and husband of HuatekerekereMount Peel
Tarahau-kapitirefers to a high peak standing into the windWest Dome
Tarakaipāname of an early tupuna who arrived on the sacred waka Te AwateaTarakaipā Island
Tara-māhitihitia hill in MurihikuMid Dome
TaramakauPoutini Ngāi Tahu pā for working pounamupā at left bank, Taramakau River mouth
Taramakauara tawhito from Te Tai Poutini to Kaiapoi and source of pounamuTaramakau River
Taramataancient Rapuwai and Kāti Māmoe pāpā at Rakaia River mouth
Tarameaancient name meaning special or treasuredHowells Point / Taramea
Tara-o-Tamathe point of the tekateka (dart) used by Tama AhuaTara Tama
Tauhinukāinga mahinga kai for gathering tuna, aruhe (fernroot), kiore and pākura (swamphen)kāinga mahinga kai north of Lake Ellesmere / Te Waihora
Taumakīisland south of the mouth of the AwaruaTaumaka Island
Taumoanapeninsula near TamateaFive Fingers Peninsula
Taumutu‘end of a ridge’ or a ‘high ridge of land’kāinga and pā at southwest shore of Lake Ellesmere / Te Waihora
Taupōancient Te Waipounamu settlement site and pā with many successive occupants, sacked by Ngāti Toa c.1825pā at isthmus of Taupō Point
Taurangalanding place for waka and site of a kāingaTauranga Bay
Tautukupeninsula between Makatī and TahakopaTautuku Peninsula
Tawerakāinga mahinga kai for gathering kāuru (cabbage tree root), kiore, aruhe (fernroot) and papaī (speargrass)Mount Thomas
Tāwhiriraupōmat used for making fireLake Paringa
Tāwhirirautia hill in MurihikuCentre Hill
Tawhitiwhiti-rorosouthern head of RakitumaPuysegur Point
Te Ahi Wekathe cooking of wekaPrices Harbour
Te Ahi-a-Mahuikathe fire of MahuikaFranklin Mountains
Te Ahi-Kai-Kōura-a-Tama-ki-Te-Rakithe fires where Tama-ki-Te-Raki ate crayfishthe wider area around Kaikōura
Te Ahu Pātikitipuna on the Araiteuru wakaMount Herbert / Te Ahu Patiki
Te Aka Tārewaname for both the mountain range and streammountain range between Lake Benmore and Hakataramea River valley
Te Akaakakāinga mahinga kai for gathering tuna and kanakana (lamprey)Saltwater Creek
Te Akeroanot knownWangaloa Creek
Te Ana-aulake dug by the Waitaha tipuna RākaihautūLake Te Anau
Te Ana-a-Waiwater flowing through cavesTengawai River
Te Anamāhangatwin bays, landing site of Te Huataki who led Rangitāne to the areaTe Anamāhanga / Port Gore
Te Ara-a-Kiwathe path of Kiwa, also known as Te Ara-a-KewaFoveaux Strait
Te Ara-ruahine-waimeans ‘lead us from the hinterland to Te Tai-o-Aorere’ and refers to the consecration of inter-hapū marriages to enable safe travelarea around confluence of Motueka River Right Branch and Maitland Creek
Te Aumiti - Te Aumiro-o-te-Kawau-a-Toruthe current that swallowed up Te Kawau-o-Toru, named by Kupe when his daughter’s kaitiaki, a shag, drowned hereTe Aumiti / French Pass
Te Au-nui-pihapiha-kanakanarenowned for its abundance of kanakana (lamprey)Mataura Falls
Te Awa Aruherefers to aruhe (fernroot)Hopkins River
Te Awa Kōkōmukakāinga mahinga kai for gathering tuna and pātiki (flounders)kāinga mahinga kai north of Waitaki River mouth
Te Awa Whakamaukāinga mahinga kai for gathering aruhe (fernroot) and manu (birds)Tasman River
Te Awa WhakatipuWhakatipu riverDart River / Te Awa Whakatipu
Te Awa-a-Takatamiratributary of TakapōCass River
Te Awamāeroerorefers to māeroro (supernatural beings)Lochy River
Te Awamakararakāinga mahinga kai for gathering weka, kākāpō, kāuru (cabbage tree root), aruhe (fernroot) and tunaYoung River
Te Awamakokāinga mahinga kai for gathering aruhe (fernroot) and tunaAwamoko Stream
Te Awa-o-Tūthe bay created by TūterakiwhānoaTe Awa-o-Tū / Thompson Sound
Te Awaurekāinga mahinga kai for gathering tuna and wekaJollie River
Te Hakapupukāinga mahinga kai for gathering tuna, pātiki (flounders) and īnaka (whitebait)Pleasant River
Te Hakapūreireipoint west of Te Waewae BaySand Hill Point
Te Hāpuarefers to the fiord resembling a large lagoonTe Hāpua / Sutherland Sound
Te Hāpua Waikawabitter waterLake Lyndon
Te Hoierethe lace bark tree, name of the waka captained by Matuahautere which brought Ngāti Kuia to the regionPelorus Sound / Te Hoiere
Te Hoierethe lace bark tree, name of the waka captained by Matuahautere which brought Ngāti Kuia to the regionTe Hoiere / Pelorus River
Te Hōkaipoint at northern end of Te HokiauauAwarua Point
Te Hokiauaunamed after a Waitaha and Kāti Hāwea tipunaBig Bay
Te Horathe spreading out, a Ngāti Kuia pāpā at foot of Tūtūmāpou Hill, opposite Canvastown
Te Horomaunga at RakitumaTreble Mountain
Te Horokōausecond highest maunga in Aotearoa me Te WaipounamuMount Tasman
Te Hororātākāinga mahinga kai for gathering kāuru (cabbage tree root), aruhe (fernroot) and tunaHororata River
Te Houhoua fiord between Hāwea and TaitetimuTe Houhou / George Sound
Te Ihutaisignificant kāinga mahinga kai for gathering tuna, waterfowl and shellfishEstuary of the Heathcote and Avon Rivers / Ihutai
Te Iwi-o-Pāteathe iwi of PāteaCommand Peak
Te Kai-a-te-atuaKāti Hāteatea kāinga at the Waihaokāinga at Waihao River mouth
Te Kaihīnakithe gourds and calabashes from the Araiteuru wakaMoeraki Boulders / Kaihinaki
Te Kāika-o-Nihothe kāika of NihoLooking Glass Bay
Te Kākahu-o-Tamateathe cloak of TamateaChalky Island
Te Karoronamed after karoro (seagulls)Willsher Bay
Te Kauparenuithe great division, refers to seismic events that created Rotoiti and later carved out the riverTe Kauparenui / Gowan River
Te Kiekietipuna on the Araiteuru wakaMount Somers
Te Kirikirirefers to gravel (kirikiri)kāinga at Frankton (locality)
Te Kōhainamed after the kōwhai treeMary Burn
Te Kohurautipuna on the Araiteuru wakaKurow Hill / Te Kohurau
Te Koko-a-Kupethe cove scooped out by KupeTe Koko-o-Kupe / Cloudy Bay
Te Kopi-o-Ōpihiara tawhito from Arowhenua to Te ManahunaBurkes Pass
Te Kōwhaiold kāinga at Te Ana-aukāinga north of Te Anau
Te Kurī-a-Kōpūwaithe dog of KōpūwaiStuart Mountains
Te Makatipuakāinga mahinga kai for gathering weka, tuna and tutuOtamatapaio River
Te Mamakufor the species of fern, a shared Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō and Tūmatakōkiri pāpā at base of Kina Peninsula northeast of Tasman (locality)
Te Manahunatribally renowned kāinga mahinga kai for gathering weka and tunaMackenzie Basin
Te Manahunaara tawhito from Arowhenua to Te ManahunaMackenzie Pass / Manahuna
Te Māruathe hollow, main Ngāti Kōata pā until c.1848 at Kidnap Point
Te Matauthe fish hook of Māui, descriptive of the whole bay with Matau as the hooked pieceSeparation Point / Te Matau
Te Māwherataka-o-kā-kuwhā-o-Tūterakiwhānoaextension made by the thighs of Tūterakiwhānoagap between the ranges on either side of Grey River / Māwheranui
Te Mikoshoot of the nīkau palmPerpendicular Point
Te Mimi-o-Moki-parawakaname associated with Moki, son of TūāhuririOmihi Stream
Te Mimi-o-Tūterakiwhānoarefers to Tūterakiwhānoa who carved out the fiords of Te Rua-o-Te-Mokothe Fiordland coast, inclusive of the fiords
Te Moana-nui-a-Kiwathe great sea of KiwaSouth Pacific Ocean
Te Moana-o-Nohorualake of NohoruaLake Ada
Te Moana-o-Raukawathose crossing the strait used raukawa or kawakawa leaves to avoid seeing the tapu islands Ngā Whatukaiponu lest they reawaken Te WhekeCook Strait
Te Moana-tāpokopoko-a-Tāwhakithe seas to the southSouthern Ocean
Te Moeka-o-Tuawethe bed of TuaweFox Glacier / Te Moeka o Tuawe
Te Motuwekaisolated place of the wekapā at Havelock
Te Ōmamanamed after the tipuna Te ŌmamaMount Solitary
Te Oneroalong beachMason Bay
Te Paekāikāinga mahinga kai for gathering weka, kākāpō, kea, aruhe (fernroot) and kāuru (cabbage tree root)kāinga mahinga kai by Makarora River at Makarora (locality)
Te Pākekaland that has been exhausted by cultivationMaud Island or Te Hoiere
Te Papadescriptive, also the site of two ancient pābluffs on the coast at Tasman (locality) to Moutere Bluff
Te Papanuimountain range in Central OtagoLammermoor Range
Te Papanui-o-Tūthe broad flat place of TūterakiwhānoaMount Clerke
Te Papapunipart of an ara tawhito between Murihiku and KawarauNevis River
Te Paparoasite of final battle between Ngāti Wairangi and Ngāi Tahu was nearbyPaparoa Range
Te Parinui-o-Whitinorthern boundary of the Ngāi Tahu takiwā on the east coastWhite Bluffs / Te Parinui o Whiti
Te Paruparudiscoloured watersForsyth Island / Te Paruparu
Te Paruparuoutlet of KaparatehauTe Paruparu
Te Paruparu-a-Te-Kauniakāinga mahinga kai for gathering waterfowlGreat Moss Swamp
Te Pātaka-o-Rākaihautūthe food storehouse of RākaihautūBanks Peninsula
Te Poho-o-Kuianot knownCullen Point
Te Poho-o-Rakitāmaumaunga near ŌmāramaMount Saint Cuthbert
Te Poho-o-Taireatītī island on the southwest coast of RakiuraBig Island
Te Pohotārewasouthernmost fiord of Te Ana-auSouth Fiord
Te Pou-a-Taikinothe post or mark of TaikinoAlligator Head
Te Puaitahaa small sound north of TamateaTe Puaitaha / Breaksea Sound
Te Puhi-a-noamountain range at Te Ana-auMurchison Mountains
Te Puhituianamed after the Ngāi Tahu female tipuna Te Puhituiaone of Llawrenny Peaks
Te Puna-a-Marutauraka waka and home to the Ngāi Tahu rangatira Te Huruhurukāinga on right bank of Waitaki River
Te Punawai Pāold Ngāti Kōata pā named for its water source opposite Haulashore Island
Te Rāfiord at Te Rua-o-Te-MokoTe Rā / Dagg Sound
Te Rae-o-Te-KōhakaHinerongo of Ngāti Māmoe cried out for the headland when travelling pass here after being captured by Ngāti KurīCape Campbell
Te Raka-a-Hineateasite of several skirmishes the last being between Taoka and Te Werapā at Kātiki Point
Te Rakihuitahia tipuna nameMount Longsight
Te Rangiwhaitirikāinga mahinga kai for gathering tuna and īnaka (whitebait)kāinga mahinga kai north of Waitaki River mouth
Te Rāpaki-o-Te Rakiwhakaputathe waist mat of Te RakiwhakaputaTe Rāpaki-o-Te Rakiwhakaputa (locality)
Te Rauhill at northern end of Te Ana-auFoliage Hill
Te Raumountain range in MurihikuGarvie Mountains
Te Rereka-o-Māuithe leap of MāuiTe Rereka-o-Māui
Te Riu-o-Te-Aika-Kawakāinga mahinga kai for gathering pātiki (flounders) and shellfishBrooklands Lagoon
Te Ruahikihikikāinga mahinga kai for gathering tunaLake Selfe
Te Ruahineeastern headland of AkaroaTe Ruahine Point
Te Ruakanakanahome to the Ngāti Kurī rangatira Te RākaitauhekeLake Elterwater
Te Rua-o-Te-Mokotwo interpretations, one refers to the creation of Fiordland, the other Tamatea digging pits to obtain pigment for tattooingFiordland
Te Ruataniwhatipuna on the Araiteuru wakaBen Ohau
Te Ruatūpāpakutipuna on the Araiteuru wakaMount Royal
Te Tai Poutinithe coast of Poutinithe coasts of Westland
Te Tai-o-Aorererushing tideTasman Bay / Te Tai-o-Aorere
Te Tai-o-Araiteuruthe coast of the Araiteuru wakathe Otago coast
Te Tai-o-Mahaanuithe coast of Mahaanui (the waka of Māui)the Canterbury cosast
Te Tai-o-Marokurathe coast of Marokurathe Kaikōura coast
Te Tai-o-Rehuathe ocean belonging to Rehua (a star also known as Antares)Tasman Sea
Te Taitapusacred seas or tidecoast from Kahurangi Point to Farewell Spit
Te Taonui-a-Kupethe great-spear of KupeCape Jackson
Te Tara-o-Te-Maramaat certain times of year the moon rises following the slope of the maungaTe Tara-o-Te-Marama / Mount Freeth
Te Tari-a-Te-Kaumirathe mountain range of Te KaumiraThe Hunters Hills
Te Tari-o-Mauka-Atuathe mountain range of Mauka AtuaBen Ohau Range
Te Taumanu-o-Te-Waka-a-Māuithe place where Māui pulled up Te Ika-a-MāuiKaikōura Peninsula
Te Timu-o-te-ure-o-Te-Kahapoint on the northern coastline of RakiuraSaddle Point
Te Umu Kahatwo common interpretations are ‘swirling whirlpools in the river’ and ‘large umu to cook kāuru (cabbage tree root)’Temuka River
Te Upoko-o-RākaitauhekeNgāi Tahu kāinga located by the former Waimātaitai Lagoonkāinga at Māori Park in Timaru
Te Upoko-o-Taepunorthern point of Te OneroaMason Head
Te Upoko-o-Tahumatānamed after the Ngāi Tahu tipuna Tahumatā who lived and fought in Hawkes Bay525m maunga at northwest of Little River (locality)
Te Waewaenamed after the southern rangatira who lived in the bayTe Waewae Bay
Te Wāhitauānamed after a tauā (war party) that was forced to land on the islandBench Island
Te Wai-a-Kohekāinga mahinga kai for gathering wekaIrishman Creek
Te Waihorawater spread out, also known as Te Kete-Ika-a-RākaihautūLake Ellesmere / Te Waihora
Te Waikākahinamed after kākahi (New Zealand freshwater mussel)Waikakahi Stream
Te Waikoropupūbubbling waters, home of the kaitiaki Huriawa who keeps the waterways pristineTe Waikoropupū River
Te Wai-o-Hinetūthe water of HinetūLake Wilmot
Te Waipounamuthe waters of pounamu (greenstone)Te Waipounamu or South Island
Te Waitunanamed after tuna (eels)West Cape
Te Wehengathe parting of two riversFox River and Cook River / Weheka below their confluence
Te Wehi-a-Te-Werathe fright of Te Werapā at The Neck (isthmus)
Te Whakaaro-o-Rurunamed after Te Kōhaka-o-Ruru who assisted Tūterakiwhānoa carve the fiords of Te Rua-o-Te-MokoMount Talbot
Te Whaka-a-Te-Werathe harbour of Te WeraPaterson Inlet / Whaka a Te Wera
Te Whaka-a-timurakithe harbour of TimurakiGates Harbour
Te Whanganuithe wide expanse (of water)Big Lagoon
Te Whanganuithe wide expanse (of water)Te Whanganui / Port Underwood
Tekimokamaunga at KōtukuwhakaokaMount Te Kinga
Terewhatatributary of the ArawhataJackson River
Tiātītī island off the east coast of RakiuraTia Island / Entrance
Tihakaa form of kete or matPig Island
Tīmarutauraka waka for mōkihi and kāinga mahinga kai for gathering tuna and wekaTīmaru River
Timutimuwestern headland of AkaroaTimutimu Head
Tioripāteaara tawhito from Te Tai Poutini to WānakaHaast Pass / Tioripatea
Titiroarefers to the long white face of the maunga resembling a stone wedge used when cutting treesMount Titiroa
Tititararefers to tītī (muttonbirds)Tititira Head
Tititeanamed after a Waitaha tipunaMount Aspiring / Tititea
Tokangawhāsplit rock, a boundary marker for Ngāti Tama and Te AtiawaTokangawhā / Split Apple Rock
Tokatāpoint at northern end of The CatlinsNugget Point
Tokomairaroa river on Te Tai-o-AraiteuruTokomairaro River
Tokomarunamed after a similar peak in Hawaiki and refers to the pole of a shelter protecting the WairauTokomaru / Mount Robertson
TongaTonga (south) is probably only part of a longer original nameTonga Island
Tōtarariver between Hokitika and MikonuiTōtara River
Tōtarastream south of ŌkariTōtara River
Tōtara Kaimakatipuna on the Araiteuru wakaBenmore Range
Tōtaranuilarge or abundant tōtaraQueen Charlotte Sound / Tōtaranui
Tuahiwimeans the back ridge, and takes its name from the ridge between Kaiapoi and RangioraTuahiwi (locality)
Tuapekatributary of the Mata-auTuapeka River
Tuhirakikō (digging stick) used by Rākaihautū to dig the lakes of Te WaipounamuBossu
Tūhuanamed for the northern Tūhua at Te Moana-a-ToitehuatahiTūhua
Tunaheketakakāinga mahinga kai for gathering tunaformer lake and wetlands on Taieri River east of Waipiata (locality)
Tuparu-tūtaebay on the western coastline of RakiuraEasy Harbour
Turihukakāinga mahinga kai for gathering tuna, raupō and wekakāinga mahinga kai at Dingle Lake, Lake Hāwea
Turimokomokopoint south of MakatīThe Brothers Point
Tūtaekawetowetoa river on RakiuraLords River / Tūtaekawetoweto
Tūtaekurītributary of the AhauraTūtaekurī River
Tūtokonamed after the Ngāi Tahu rangatira TūtokoMount Tūtoko
Tūtūmāpoua bird snare in the māpou tree, refers to catching the plentiful kererū feeding at the maungaTūtūmāpou Hill
Tuturaumountain range between Moturau and ManokīwaiHunter Mountains
TuturauNgāi Tahu kāinga on the MatauraTuturau (locality)
Tūwairuanamed after a Waitaha tipunaHyperia
Tūwatapoint on the coastline north of Mata-auCoal Point
Tūwharewharehouse on high banksMahināpua Creek / Tūwharewhare
Upokororonamed after the extinct New Zealand grayling, a small slender fishEglinton River
Upokotauiaalso known as HāweaHunter River
Wahapakodaughter of Kārito and sister of MāpourikiLake Wahapo
Waianakaruakāinga mahinga kai for gathering tuna, kanakana (lamprey), īnaka (whitebait) and aruhe (fernroot)Waianakarua River
Waiāniwaniwawhere the Tairea waka was mooredTen Mile Creek / Waianiwaniwa
Waiāniwaniwakāinga mahinga kai for gathering tuna, pipiki (type of fish), weka and koreke (the extinct New Zealand quail)Waianiwaniwa River
Waiarekakāinga mahinga kai for gathering tuna, īnaka (whitebait) and māunu (Grey duck)Waiareka Creek
Waiariarinamed for the crystal-clear nature of the waterHook River
Waiaustrong currentWaiau River
Waiaustrong currentWaiho River
Waiau Uwhariver with a strong current (female)Waiau Uwha River
Waiautoariver with a strong current (male)Waiau Toa / Clarence River
Waihaonamed after the hao eelWaihao River
Waiharakekestream of harakeke (New Zealand flax)Flaxbourne River
Waiharakekestream of harakeke (New Zealand flax)Lill Burn
Waihemohistoric kāinga at Waihemo River mouthkāinga at right bank, Waihemo / Shag River mouth
Waihemokāinga mahinga kai for gathering tuna, īnaka (whitebait), pātiki (flounders), raupō and aruhe (fernroot)Waihemo / Shag River
Waihīkāinga mahinga kai for gathering tunaWaihī River
Waihopairiver that flows across the Southland PlainsWaihopai River
Waihōpaipleasant sound of a waterfall or pebbly streamWaihōpai River
Waihorawater spread outLake Waihola
Waiitismall streamWai-iti River
Waikākahipā established by Tūtekawapā on eastern edge of Lake Ellesmere / Te Waihora
Waikākahinamed after the New Zealand freshwater musselWaikaka Stream
Waikārapifor a series of channels and weirs used to trap fish and birdsWaikārapi Lagoon
Waikawabitter waters, a Te Ātiawa pāpā at Waikawa (locality)
Waikēkēwainamed for kēkēwai (freshwater crayfish)Waikekewai Creek
Waikirikirirefers to gravel (kirikiri)Selwyn River / Waikirikiri
Waikirikirirefers to gravel (kirikiri)Waikerikeri Creek
Waikōaunamed after the kōau (shag)Waikōau River
Waikoikoitributary of the PoumāhakaWaikoikoi Creek
Waikōtukunamed after the kōtuku (White heron)Seaforth River
Waikōuaitikāinga mahinga kai gathering for tuna, īnaka (whitebait), pātiki (flounders) and shellfishWaikouaiti River
Waikūkūpanamed after kūkūpa (pigeons, kererū)Waikūkūpa River
Waikutakutaplace of the water rushes, an extensive settlement and cultivation site. May originally relate to a geographic feature in the baykāinga overlooking Waikutakuta / Robin Hood Bay
Waimānamed after white limestones in the riverbedWaima River
Waimakariricold waterWaimakariri River
Waimangaroariver north of KawatiriWaimangaroa River
Waimatematerefers to the irregular flow of the riverWaimate Creek
Waimatukuriver that flows across the Southland PlainsWaimatuku Stream
Waimaunuchannel of moulting birdsBroughton Arm
WaimehaTūmatakōkiri pā with extensive cultivations, attacked by Ngāti Toa in 1820spā and kāinga spread over several sites along lower reach of Waimea River, main site at Appleby School
Waimehainsipid waterWaimea River
Waimehanamed after Waimeha at Te Waewae Bay where the Takitimu waka capsizedWaimea Stream
Waimumutributary of the MatauraWaimumu Stream
Wainauabay on the west coast of RakiuraDoughboy Bay
Wainonomeans oozing water and refers to numerous springs at the lagoonWainono Lagoon
Waionecreek on sandy beachAwarua River
WaipapaNgāti Māmoe pā captured by Ngāti Kurīpā south of Waiau Toa / Clarence River mouth
Waipapaflat waterSlope Point
Waiparariver north of KōwaiWaipara River
Waipāreralagoon of pārera (Grey duck)Waituna Lagoon
Waipōurikāinga mahinga kai for gathering tuna and waterfowlLake Waipori
Wairaumany streamsWairau River
Wairaurahiriflows from Hauroko into the oceanWairaurāhiri River
Wairewalake renowned for tuna claimed by the Kāti Kurī rangatira MakōLake Forsyth / Wairewa
Wairoalong stretch of waterstretch of Waiau River between Lake Te Anau and Lake Manapouri
Wairoalong streamWairoa River
Wairua-ā-pōkāinga mahinga kai for gathering wekaRough Ridge
Waitahariver near AwaruaWaita River
Waitahanamed after a man who arrived hereWaitaha River
Waitāhunatributary of the Mata-auWaitāhuna River
Waitakereriver with a deep riverbedWaitakere or Nile River
Waitakiprincipal river of Kāi Tahu whānui, often described as Kā Roimata-o-Aoraki (the tears of Aoraki)Waitaki River
Waitangihome to the Ngāi Tahu rangatira Taetaepā at Waitangitāhuna River mouth
Waitangitāhunacrying for waterWaitangitāhuna River
Waitarakaowhānau from Arowhenua annually camped here to harvest tunaWashdyke Lagoon
Waitāwhiriara tawhito from Noti Raureka to the Rakaia RiverWilberforce River
Waitetekāinga mahinga kai for gathering aruhe (fernroot), kāuru (cabbage tree root), harakeke and tunaWaitati River
Waitohitributary of the HurunuiWaitohi River
Waitohiritual to bless warriors by striking their right shoulders with a karumū branch dipped in the streamWaitohi River
Waitotonamed after a tipunaWaiatoto River
Waitūidating through three periods of occupation, most recently by Tūmatakōkiripā at east side of Titirangi Bay
Waitunanamed after tuna (eels)Waituna Bay
Waitunanamed after tuna (eels)Waituna Creek
Waituturiver at southern end of Te Rua-o-Te-MokoWaitutu River
Waiwaiatastream that flows into MoturauIris Burn
Waiwhakaatawater that reflects objectsLake Hayes
Waiwhiostream of whio (the native Blue duck)Irwell River
Wānakasouthern variation of wānangaLake Wānaka
Wāwāhi Wakaname for both the lake and an island in Whakatipu WaimāoriLake Alabaster / Wāwāhi Waka
Wāwāhi Wakaname for both the island and Lake AlabasterPigeon Island / Wāwāhi Waka
Weheruabay at Te Ana-auMiddle Fiord
Whakaarimountain range near Whakatipu WaimāoriRichardson Mountains
Whakakeariver that flows into HāweaDingle Burn
Whakamāramaapproach to a clear view or a clear precise explanationWakamarama Range
Whakamarinoexpanse of calm watersWakamarina River
Whakamataulake dug by the Waitaha tipuna RākaihautūLake Coleridge
Whakamoaancient kāinga of Te Ruahikihiki before settling at TaumutuWhakamoa Bay
Whakanuifirst kāinga nohoanga with freshwater on the ara tawhito south of Rakaiakāinga nohoanga at mouth of Wakanui Creek
Whakanuikāinga mahinga kai for gathering kiore, manu (birds), aruhe (fernroot) and waharoa (type of fish)Wakanui Creek
Whakanuinamed after a manWanganui River
Whakaomamaunga in MurihikuShip Cone / Ōtaupiri
Whakapapakuramountain range in MurihikuTaringatura Hills
Whakapoairiver north of AwaruaWhakapohai River
Whakapoāicall of the female kiwiHeaphy River
Whakapuakabay of puaka, Ngāti Kuia pā sacked by Ngāti Toa and allies in 1833Delaware Bay
Whakararibay on eastern coastline of Te Pātaka-o-RākaihautūLavericks Bay
Whakaraupōbay of raupō (bulrush)Lyttelton Harbour / Whakaraupō
Whakarimubay on eastern coastline of Te Pātaka-o-RākaihautūFishermans Bay
Whakaroalong harbourLittle Akaloa Bay
Whakatipukāinga mahinga kai for gathering tuna and wekaTwizel River
Whakatipu WaimāoriWhakatipu freshwaterLake Wakatipu
Whakatipu Waitaione of the largest Ngāi Tahu kāinga in the regionkāinga at Martins Bay
Whakatipu Waitainame for both the lake and Martins BayLake McKerrow / Whakatipu Waitai
Whakatipu WaitaiWhakatipu seawaterMartins Bay
Whakatipu-ka-tukuara tawhito from Whakatipu Waimāori to Whakatipu WaitaiHollyford River / Whakatipu Kā Tuka
Whakatoetoenamed after the tipuna ToetoeToitoi Bay
Whakatōreabay of the tōrea (oystercatchers)Akatore Creek
Whakatūto prop up into a standing positiongeneral area of Nelson city
Whanganuiriver near Kakara TarameaLittle Wanganui River
Whanganuiwide expanse of waterWhanganui Inlet
Whangapekawhanga is an expanse of water, peka, a branch of riverWangapeka River
Whangaraesunny bay, a name from HawaikiCroisilles Harbour
Wharanuia type of harakekecoastal area at Wharanui (locality)
Whararikifor the species of flaxGreville Harbour / Wharariki
Whareakeakepā and kāinga mahinga kai east of Pūrākaunuipā at Whareakeake (beach)
Whareāteanot knownWhareātea Bay
Wharehungafallen house, the Ngāti Ira people met Cook and later Bellingshausenpā at head of Wharehunga Bay
Wharekōfirst bay south of PiopiotahiTransit Beach
Wharepapaconsidered a tupuna and provides a historical and spiritual link to the natural worldWharepapa / Arthur Range
Whataroaa long storehouseWhataroa River
Whenua Houtraditional kāinga and important stopping-off point for muttonbirders travelling to the Tītī IslandsCodfish Island / Whenua Hou
Whimiahoariver flowing from Kā Tiritiri-o-te-moana into TakapōGodley River
Whiringahauold pā sitepā in vicinity of Tuamarina (locality)
Whitiaka-te-rā‘shining of the sun’, named by Tamatea when camping here with his travelling partya place near View Hill

Rēkoku | Wharekauri (Chatham Islands)

NameKōreroCurrent name or description
Ahuruthe sea swellAhuru (Eastern Reef)
Hakepawhile ha refers to breath or wind, the context is not known. An important ritual siteHakepa
Hāpūpūimportant kōpi/karaka grove and Moriori kāinga, urupā and rākau momori (dendroglyphs) siteHāpūpū
Hemokawahemo is used when describing hunger, fainting, etc but the context is not knownMount Diffenbach (Hemokawa)
Hokorereoro | Rangatiramillions of seabirds resonate in flight | not knownSouth East Island (Rangatira)
KaimātaotaoNgāti Tama pā, besieged by Ngāti Mutunga in 1840pā on right bank of Nairn River at the mouth
Kaingaroa | RātāNgāti Tama settlement | Moriori settlementKaingaroa
Kekerionemeaning armpit, may be descriptive of the shape of the islandLong Beach
Kohanga-ta-ra | Ko Whakahewanot knownTe Whakahewa / The Horns
ManaueaMana is the name of an ancestor, but the context is not knownManauea (beach)
Māngere | Maung’ Rēnot known | sun mountainMangere Island
Matawhenuarefers to the shape of the topographythe eastern shoreline north from Hikurangi Channel
Momoe-a-Toawarrior’s resting or sleeping place, when the warrior Tchoro threw himself into the blowhole after killing someoneat next point southwest of Cape Young
Motchu Hara | Motuharadifficult islands, perhaps referring to birding expeditions | not knownMotuhara (Bertier or the Forty Fours)
Motchu Hopo | Motuhopeisland of the albatross | not knownStar Keys (Motuhope)
Motuhinahinaisland of grey hairs, may refer to fur seals or the local māhoe speciesMotuhinahina Island
Ōhinepaparefers to an ancestor, an important quarry for stone toolssite southwest of Waitangi opposite Heaphy Shoal
Ōnouaan ancestor’s namethe bay at Flower Pot (Onoua) (locality)
Orokongaadze sharpener, a place where Moriori made stone toolsGlory Bay
Ouenga | Owengaan ancestor’s name | not knownkāinga at Owenga (locality)
Panaan ancestor’s namePana / Blind Jims Creek
Pohautato face southOcean Bay
Pūhinanamed for its resemblance to a seal’s face in profilePuhina
Rakitchu | Rangitūtahireference to a celestial body | first land sighted when approaching from the northwestThe Sisters (Rangitatahi)
Rangiaurialikely reference to an ancient name from Eastern Polynesia, similar to Rai-aotea in derivation. Alternatively the name of a large waka towed with other waka behind the Rodney to form a raft in 1835Rangiauria Point
Rangiauria | Rangihautename of point at southwest applied to whole island | misty skyPitt Island (Rangiauria)
Rangihokopoirefers to the way the water ripplesRangihokopoi / Western Reef
Rangiwheaomay be an ancestor's nameThe Castle (Rangiwheau)
Rēkohu | Wharekaurimisty sun | a tupuna name and/or for the ancient pā in north TaranakiChatham Island
Rēkohu | Wharekaurimisty sun | a tupuna name and/or for the ancient pā in north TaranakiChatham Islands
Rongomaiongoa Moriori ancestorFrench Reef
Ta Upoko-o-Rangimenethe head of RangimeneTa Upoko-o-Rangimene Reef
Takapubellyarea of Takapu (locality)
Tapuaenukuthe footsteps of NukuLittle Mangere Island (Tapuaenuku) The Fort
Tapuaki-o-Hiti | Tupuangithe anchoring place of Hiti | a kāinga here was destroyed by a tsunami in 1868Cape Pattisson
Tapuikameaning 'sacred fish', where the Moriori waka Rangihoua was wreckedarea of Tapuika (locality)
Tarakoikoia | Tcharakonot known | to be sharpThe Pyramid (Tarakoikoia)
Te Awapātikithe channel where flounder are takenHikurangi Channel
Te Kiatokiato means jealous, and has connotations of being tightly packed, but the context is not knownCattle Point
Te Rangakiorethe movement of the kioreTe Rangakiore Islands
Te Rangi Taumaewaan ancestor’s nameNorth-East Reef (Terangi-taumaewa)
Te Whangathe bayTe Whanga Lagoon
Tei Kohuru | Whangaroasafe or calm harbour | deep harbour where Ngāti Tama and Kekerewai first disembarked from the Lord Rodney in December 1835Port Hutt (Whangaroa Harbour)
Tok’ Karoro | Tokakaroroplace of the seagullPoint Munning
Tokotoko-o-Utangaroathe walking stick of Utangaroa, a crew member of the Moriori waka RangimataCape Young
Tupourangarefers to diving, though the context is not knownCape Fournier
WaikanaeNgāti Mutunga pāpā in vicinity of present day Port Hutt (locality)
Waikokopuriver of freshwater fishCanister Cove (Waikokopu)
Waimihiathe place of greetings, referring to the meeting place of two waters on this coastWaimihia / Point Alison
Waipāuathought to be one of the oldest places of human settlement hereWaipāua (locality)
Waitangi | Waitekiwaters of lamentation | home of the ancestors Tapeneke and Taponikāinga at Waitangi (locality)
Waituarefers to the extensive preparation to detoxify kernels of kōpi/karaka berries through soaking/steamingWairua
Waiwerarefers to hot water but the context is not knownPoint Gap
Whenuahauessence of the landWhenuahau
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Te Waipounamu

IngoaKōreroIngoa o nāianei whakamārama rānei
Ahauraara tawhito atu i Māwheranui ki HokakuraAhaura River
Ahuririkāinga mahinga kai mō te tuna me te wekaAhuriri River
Akaroahe whanga, he aka roaAkaroa Harbour
Anahauhe whanga e pupuhi tonu ai te hauCannibal Cove
Anatohiahe whanga mō ngā tikanga o te tohiAnatohia Bay
Anatokii taunahatia ki te ana tokiAnatoki River
Anatotote ana toto, he tohu paenga hira ki a Ngāti Kuia me Ngāti KōataClay Point
Ao-ata-te-pōhe motu kei Tamatea, o ōna motu katoa tuatoru ana tōna nuiCooper Island
Aonuikāore e mōhiotia anaCooks Head
Aopōurite ao pōuri, tētahi wāhi pōuri rāneingā hiwi i te tahatika me te pae maunga mai i te tonga o Collingwood ki te uru o Tākaka
Aorakimaunga aporei o Kāi Tahu whānui, ko te pū o te orokohanganga mai o Te Waipounamu ki a Kāi TahuAoraki / Mount Cook
Aorerengā ao (kapua) e rere ana, he ingoa nō HawaikiAorere River
Aparimahe kāinga nō Ngāi Tahukāinga e pātata ana ki te wahapū o te Aparima River
Aparimai taunahatia ki tētahi tipuna wahine me tētahi huanui matuaAparima River
Arahuratētahi o ngā kāinga aporei o Kāti Waewae he kāinga kei Te Tai Poutinikāinga kei ngā parenga katau o te wahapū o te Arahura River
Arahurahe awa rongonui mō te pounamuArahura River
Arapaoate paoa atu a Kupe i te Te Wheke nui kia mateArapaoa Island
Arawhatahe pā tūwatawata nō Pātea me Ngāti Kopiha i whakaekea e Ngāi Tahupā kei te parenga mauī o te wahapū o te Arawhata River
Arawhatahe ingoa tipunaArawhata River
Arii taunahatia ki tētahi tipunaMount Alfred / Ari
Aroarokaehetipuna o runga i te waka o AraiteuruAroarokaehe Range
Aropakite tahatika ka rere i te taha rāwhiti o Te Waewae Bayone kei Orepuki (wāhi)
Arowhenuai taunahatia e Te Rakitauneke hei whakamaharatanga ki a Arowhenua i Te Umu Kahawāhi ngahere whānui o mua i te takiwā ki Longbush (wāhi)
Arowhenuahe kāinga, he mahinga nā Kāti Huirapa kei te taha o tētahi toenga ngahere nuikāinga kei Arowhenua Pa (wāhi)
Atuarerete pūkawa i tahuri ai te waka o OrureaLong Reef
Awaitihe awa itipā kei Te Awaiti Bay
Awaroahe rerenga wai roaAwaroa Inlet
Awaruaētahi ‘awa e rua’, e kōrero ana mō ētahi rerenga wai e rua ka rere i te whanga, koinei anō te ingoa o te wāhi whānuiBluff Harbour me Awarua Bay
Awaruaētahi awa e ruaHaast River
Awaterehe awa tere te rereAwatere River
Haehae aku mataka haehae ka waiho mātānawe ki te mataLake Nisson
Haehaeatahe toka kei ŌtākouLeaning Rock / Haehaeata
Haehaenuihe manga nō te KawarauArrow River
Hakapouate roto kei te pito ki te tonga o Te Rua-o-Te-MokoLake Hakapoua
Hakatarameai taunahatia ki te taramea (tipu)Hakataramea River
Hakatereara tawhito atu i te tahatika ki ŌtūwharekaiAshburton River / Hakatere
Hākinikinihe ingoa tipunaQuoin Point
Hananuite maunga tiketike katoa kei runga o RakiuraMount Anglem / Hananui
Hāpukui taunahatia ki te hāpuku (ika)Hāpuku River
Haukorehe hiwi tohu huarere mai anōHelmet Hill
Haumaiterakimotu tītī kei te rāwhiti o RakiuraBunker Islets
Haumukungā toka tūtata ki te wahapū o ŌhinataraSail Rock
Haupapahe kupu taurite mō te te hukapapa me te hukatūHaupapa / Tasman Glacier
Haurokote ngoio o te hauLake Hauroko
Hautaite kite kaipuke i tawhitiGorge River
Hauteree mōhiotia ana anō ko ‘Te Niho-o-Kewa’ mō te rite o tōna āhua ki te niho o te KewaSolander Island / Hautere
Hāweai taunahatia ki te tipuna ki a Hāwea-i-te-rakiHāwea / Bligh Sound
Hāweai taunahatia ki te tipuna ki a Hāwea-i-te-rakiLake Hāwea
Hekeaohe kāinga mahinga kai mō te mahi tunaHinds River
Hikurakite whanga i te tahatika ki te tonga o Te Pātaka-o-RākaihautūHikuraki Bay
Hikurakihe roto kei Te Rua-o-Te-Mokotētahi o ngā Mavora lakes
Hikurangikāinga o Ngāti Rangitāne i whakatūria e TamaherangiHikurangi / Goulter Hill
Hine Kōarearemō tētahi tupuna o Ngāti Kuia, i tanumia ki runga i te maungaStrachan Peak
Hinemakawehe ingoa tipunaMount Castor
Hinemoatūmō tētahi tupuna o Ngāti ApaHinemoatū / Howard River
Hinenuihe ingoa tipunaHinenui / Nancy Sound
Hinepaakahe rākau mātiti tapu, mai anō he tohu whenuarākau mātiti tūtata ki Alford Forest (wāhi)
Hinerukutaii taunahatia ki te tipuna ki a HinerukutaiLake Alice
Hinewaikāraraingoa o te kūrae me ngā Moutere o te Hazelburgh GroupEast Cape / Koromere
Hokakurate roto i keria e te tipuna o Waitaha e RākaihautūLake Sumner
Hokanuimaunga tūtata ki MatauraEast Peak
Hokitikakāinga ki te tuawhenua o Hokitikakāinga kei te parenga mauī o te Hokitika River
Hokitikai taunahatia hei pou tohutohu ‘kia hoki tika’ i muri o te pakanga aituā nuiHokitika River
Hopeakoate wai hōkiwai ka ngau ki te hope ina whakawhiti i te awaTaipo River
Horahora-Kākahute horahora i te kākahuHorahora Kākahu Island
Horoirangite horoia o te rangi, he kōrero mō te takahuihui o te kapua te tohu o te puhoroHoroirangi / Drumduan
Huateate kokoru ki te tonga o MoturauSouth Arm
Huatekerekeretipuna o runga i te waka o Araiteuru, te wahine a TarahaoaLittle Mount Peel / Huatekerekere
Huirapamō te hapū o Kāi Tahu a Kāti HuirapaMount Hutt
Huriawapā ōnamata o Te Wera, rangatira o Ngāi Tahupā kei te wahapū o te Waikouaiti River
Hurunuiara tawhito mō te ikiiki pounamu atu i Te Tai Poutini ki te Pā o KaiapoiHurunui River
Inangahuai taunahatia ki te īnanga (te mahitai, te maitai)Inangahua River
Irihukate koutu kei te tahatika o MurihikuIrihuka
Iwituaroate iwituaroa, te tuaiwiIwituaroa Range
Kā Ara-a-Haereroai taunahatia ki a Haereroa i kite nei i ngā ara kekeno i konei me te hokihoki tonu ki te patuSeal Point
Kā Huruhuru-o-koekoeāngā huruhuru o te koekoeā (te koehoperoa)Breaksea Island
Kā Kamu-a-Hakitekurate kakamu mai, te rikoriko o ngā tihi maunga i te atatū i kite a Hakitekura i a ia e kauhoe ana i te Whakatipu WaimāoriWalter Peak me Cecil Peak
Kā Mauka Whakatipute pae maunga o WhakatipuAilsa Mountains
Kā Mauka-tokowekate pae maunga o te tokoweka (kiwi parauri o Te Waipounamu)Kā Mauka-tokoweka (pae maunga)
Kā Onehukawhanga kei te takatika ki te rāwhiti o RakiuraChew Tobacco Bay
Kā Pākihi-whakatekateka-o-Waitahae rite ana te kīia ko ‘ngā pākihi i haere ngākau whakahī ai a Waitaha’ me ‘te rākau kōre o te pārekereke a Waitaha’Canterbury Plains
Kā Poupou-a-Te-Rakihouiangā pā tuna a Te RakihouiaKā Poupou-a-Rakihouia (tahatika)
Kā Pukemāeroerongā puke o te māeroro (atua)Maclennan Range
Kā Rā-o-takitimungā rā (o te waka) o TakitimuWaimea Plains
Kā Roimata-a-Hinehukaterengā roimata o HinehukatereFranz Josef Glacier / Kā Roimata o Hine Hukatere
Kā Tiritiri-o-te-moanae kōrero ana mō te pōhēhē o Māui ko ngā maunga o Kā Tiritiri-o-te-moana e kōreko mai rā ōna tihi mā ko te “ehu mariko o te moana”Southern Alps / Kā Tiritiri o te Moana
Kā Tū-waewae-o-Tūngā waewae tū o TūterakiwhānoaSecretary Island
Kā Whata-Tū-o-Rakihouiate whata kai a RakihouiaSeaward Kaikōura Range
Kahokahoterete kohu e rere anaBannock Brae
Kāhuikākāpōte patu kākāpōSpey River
Kahukurai taunahatia ki a Kahukura nāna nei i āwhina a Tūterakiwhānoa ki te ahuahu i Te Waipounamu kia nōhia ai e te tangatatakiwā ki Bush Cone me Longbeach Creek
Kahukurahe ingoa tipunaMount Alba
Kahurangite paenga taha raki o te takiwā o Ngāi Tahu i Te Tai PoutiniKahurangi Point
Kahuroae mōhiotia ana hoki e te iwi o Kurahaupō ko Ngā Paepae TāngataRichmond Range
Kahutarate wāhi i mau pōkeka ai a Te Rākaitauheke rangatira o Ngāti Kurī ka haru me te kekeno ki te poapoa mai i a Ngāti Māmoe i te Pā o PeketāKahutara River
Kaiapoite pā i whakatūria e Tūrākautahi, tama a Tūāhuriripā kei te raki o Kaiapoi
Kaiauako te aua (ika) te kaikāinga kei te takiwā ki Pakiaka Point i te raki-mā-rāwhiti o Croisilles Harbour
Kaihukamotu tītī kei te tonga-mā-rāwhiti o RakiuraKaihuka Island
Kaikākāpōi taunahatia ki te kākāpōKaipo Bay
Kaikaraei taunahatia ki te karae (he manu moana)Kaikorai Stream and Kaikorai Lagoon
Kaikiekiei taunahatia ki te kiekie (he aka e kaingākautia ana mō te whatu)Kaikiekie / Bradshaw Sound
Kaimahihe toka hiranga nui taha ahurea, te wāhi i hikina ai e Matuahautere te tapu i ngā whenua i whakatapuhia e tōna tupuna, e KupeOke Rock
Kairākauhe whanga kei te tahatika taha rāwhiti o RakiuraHalfmoon Bay
Kairurute hiwi rongonui mō te taramea me te tikumu (tipu)Kairuru
Kaitoretehe ara tawhito, he whenua pīrere anō i muaKaitorete Spit
Kaitunate kai tunaKaituna River
Kākāi taunahatia ki te kākāpā kei Kākā Island
Kakara Tarameate taramea kakara (he tipu)Karamea River
Kākaunuikāinga o te rakatira matua o Kāi Tahu o Te Māmarukāinga nohoanga kei te wahapū o te Kakanui River
Kākaunuikāinga mahinga kai mō te mahi weka, tuna, tutu me te kōareare (aka o te raupō ka kainga)Kakanui River
Kāmoanahaehaengā moana weheruapūruatanga o te Clutha River / Mata-au me te Manuherikia River
Kanaweramotu tītī kei te tonga-mā-uru o RakiuraTaukihepa / Big South Cape Island
Kanieree pā ana ki te kani pounamuLake Kaniere
Kanierenonoti kei te upoko o te ArahuraMount Harman / Kaniere
Kaparatehaupapa o te riri whakamutunga i waenga i a Ngāi Tahu me Ngāti ToaLake Grassmere / Kapara Te Hau
Karangaruae rongonui ana mō te tuna me te kohikohi hua tarāpungaKarangarua River
Kararoakāinga ka kotahi rā te hīkoi atu ki te raki o Māwherapā kei te Kararoa Creek
Karitānekāinga nō Ngāi Tahu kei te Waikouaitikāinga kei Karitane (wāhi)
Karu-hāpukuhe ngahere kei Murihikuwahi ngahere o mua i te takiwā ki Gropers Bush (wāhi)
Kataihaerekāinga o te rangatira o Taetaepā kei Ulipa Hill, Saltwater Lagoon
Kāti Hāweai taunahatia ki a Kāti HāweaMutiny Peak
Kāti Wairakii taunahatia ki a Kāti WairakiMount Paulina
Kawarauara tawhito atu i Mata-au ki Whakatipu WaimāoriKawarau River
Kawaraute ingoa o te pae maunga me te KawarauThe Remarkables
Kawateate whanga i ū ai te waka o Makawhiua ki utaOkains Bay
Kawatirikāinga kei te pito whakateraki rawa o Te Tai Poutinikāinga kei te parenga mauī o te wahapū o te Buller River
Kawatirikāore e mōhiotia anaBuller River
Kawhakaputaputate whanga nui ki te uru o ŌrakaKawakaputa Bay
Kekerengui taunahatia ki tētahi tipuna o Ngāti IraKekerengu River
Kimiākaukautawa o te Awa o KawarauShotover River
Kirikirikatatatipuna o runga i te waka o AraiteuruKirikirikatata / Mount Cook Range
Ko te arohakiawa kei te tonga o ŌkahuSmoothwater River
Kōamarue mārū ana, e māmā ana, ka koainaCape Koamaru
Kohikaaroroakāinga mahinga kai mō te weka, te kākāpō, te kea, te kererū, te kākā me te aruheHarper River
Kohimarapua o te pōhueKumara (wāhi)
Kohitewaite kohi wai. I ngā tau 1820 ka hoepapatia te kāinga ka noho hei pahi i muri ihokāinga kei te takiwā ki Glenduan
Kokatahipā raumati kei te tuawhenua, te kauhanga riri anō a Ngāi Tahu me Ngāti WairangiKokatahi River
Kōkōtanekāinga mahinga kai mō te pūtakitaki me te pārera (ētahi manu)kāinga mahinga kai i te pito tonga-mā-rāwhiti o Lake Hāwea
Kōpekamotu tītī kei waho atu o te tahatika tonga-mā-rāwhiti o RakiuraKopeka Island
Kōpūtaikāinga nohoanga kei te Whanga o Ōtākoukāinga kei Port Chalmers
Kōpūwaii taunahatia ki tētahi tangata nunui i hurihia kia toka kāwitiwitiOld Man Range / Kopuwai
Korotuahekakāinga whakahirahira i nōhia anō i muri o te tohe whenua i Ōmāramakāinga kei te parenga matau o te wahapū o te Waitaki River
Kōtorepīte one i reira te waka o Tairea e tāngia ana, e tapia anaNine Mile Creek / Kotorepi
Kōtukuwhakaokai taunahatia ki tētahi rangatira o Te Ika-a-Māui kei te pūrākau mō te taniwhaArnold River
Kōtukuwhakaokai taunahatia ki tētahi rangatira o Te Ika-a-MāuiLake Brunner / Moana
Koukouraratai taunahatia e Moki ki tētahi manga i Te Whanganui-a-Tara, he maharatanga ki te whānautanga mai o tana matua a TūāhuririPort Levy (Potiriwi) / Koukourarata
Kōwaii taunahatia ki te kōwhai (rākau Māori)Kowai River
Kōwhaimō te kōwhai (rākau Māori)pā kei te parenga matau o te wahapū o te Wairau River
Kōwhaiwhaii taunahatia ki tētahi uru kōwhai e tūtata anaKōhaihai River
Kura Tawhitihe wāhi i rongonui mō te mahi kākāpōCastle Hill
Kuramātakitakii taunahatia ki tētahi tipuna wahine o WaitahaMataketake Range
Kurameangutu taikato nunui kei te wahapū o PounaweaCatlins Lake
Kurateaui te patunga a Kupe i Te Wheke ka rere ngā toto ki te au o te wai ka whero. E pā ana anō ki te whero o te kōurarakiTory Channel / Kura Te Au
Maerewhenuakāinga nohoanga me te wāhi o ngā whakairo kāmaka o nehekāinga kei te Maerewhenua River
Mahaanuite waka o MāuiMount Harper / Mahaanui
Mahakipaoate paoa ka kōkiri ake i te tahu tūpāpaku, he kāinga hiranga nō Ngāti Kuiakāinga kei te upoko o Mahakipawa Arm
Māhēipukute māhē hī ikaPepin Island
Māhinapuate kauhanga o te riri nui a Ngāi Tūāhuriri me Ngāti WairangiLake Mahinapua
Mahitahite awa, te whanga i ū tuatahi atu ai a Māui ki Te WaipounamuMahitahi River
Mahitahite mahi ngātahi, he ingoa nō te hau kāinga mō te īnangaMaitai River
Mahu-tōreai taunahatia ki te tōrea (tōrea ōpure o Te Waipounamu)Tōrea Rocks
MaitapapaKāi Tahu kāika kei te Taiarikāika kei te Taieri River i te tonga-mā-uru o Henley (wāhi)
Makahoekāinga mahinga kai mō te pātiki, te makō, te tuere me te mātaitaiPapanui Inlet
Makarewamanga o te ŌretiMakarewa River
Makarewamanga o te WaiauWairaki River
Makaroreara tawhito atu i Wānaka ki Te Tai PoutiniMakarora River
Makatīmātārae kei ngā tahatika o MurihikuMakati
Makāwhiomanga o te whio (manu māori) he pā anō nō Ngāti MahakiMakawhio River / Jacobs River
Makihikihikāinga mahinga kai mō te kāuru (paiaka o te tī), te tuna, te aruhe me te īnakaMakikihi River
Makotukutukui taunahatia ki tētahi tipuna o te waka o AraiteuruCape Wanbrow
Manakaiauate kainga o te aua (ika)Manakaiaua River
Manawaporahe roto kei Te Rua-o-Te-Moko, e mōhiotia ana anō ko Manawapoporetētahi o ngā Mavora lakes
Māniatotohe whenua mānahanaha te mānia, e kōrero ana pea te toto mō te karaihe (momo pātītī hīwera) ka rite ki te moana totoManiototo Plain
Maniniarokei te ara wairua o ngā mate o Ngāti Apa e hoki haere ana ki Hawaiki kia pā anō ai ki ngā tahatika o reiraManiniaro / Angelus Peak
Manokīwaitoitū ana te kī i te waiMonowai Lake
Manuhaeahe whare wānanga, he hāpua rongonui anō mō te tunakāinga nohoanga kei The Neck, ka pukea i te pikitanga o Lake Hāwea
Manuherekiakāinga mahinga kai mō te tuna, te pārera, te pūtakitaki me te kōareare (aka o te raupō ka kainga)Manuherikia River
Mangamaunukāinga kei te raki o te wahapū o te Hāpukukāinga kei Mangamaunu (wāhi)
Mangatāwhaiwāhi kei te pūtahitanga o ētahi ara tuawhenua maha tonuarea kei te takiwā ki Tophouse (wāhi)
Māpourikitamāhine a KāritoLake Mapourika
Māpoutahihe pā whakahirahira he kauhanga riri nui anōpā kei Mapoutahi (kūititanga), Pūrākaunui Bay
Maraeroatētahi wāhanga o te ara tawhito atu i te Waiau ki ngā Mavora LakesMararoa River
Mārahauhe māra e pupuhi tonu ai te hauMārahau River
Marakurahe ingoa anō mō tētahi kāinga kei tōna wahapūUpukerora River
Maranukukāore e mōhiotia anakāinga kei Port Molyneux (wāhi)
Maruiahe wāhi rongonui mō te mahi manuMaruia River
Mata-aukāinga mahinga kai, he ara tawhito anō ki Wānaka me Whakatipu WaimāoriClutha River / Mata-Au
Matahihe ingoa kōtiro ko te mataī te tikangaLake Ianthe / Matahi
Matakaeate wāhi i tahuri ai te waka o Araiteurupā kei Shag Point / Matakaea
Mātakitakite tirotiro, te mātakitakiMātakitaki River
Mātakitakikāinga mahinga kai mō te tuna, te kāuru (paiaka o te tī) me te aruheMatukituki River
Matamatate okiokinga o Matamata te taniwhaSaddle Hill
Matangiawheahe matangi whio, he wāhi hiranga i rite tonu te whakaekehia e ngā iwi mahapā kei te tahatika ake i Port Nelson
Matangitawaupae maunga kei te raki o MāwheranuiTwelve Apostles Range or Rapahoe Range
Mataparahe kupu ā-iwi mō te koura taiMatapara / Pickersgill Island
Matapihitērā pea nō te ‘Matapihi-o-te-Rangi’ mō te maunga tūtataMatapihi Bay
Matarikihe pā i whakatūria e Ngāti Māmoepā kei te raki o te wahapū o Waiau Toa / Clarence River
Matarikihe motu iti i noho hei pā tūwatawata kei waho paku atu o te tahatikamotu kei waho atu o te tahatika ki te tonga o Pahia Hill
Mataumatau hī ikaCape Farewell
Mātauhe motu kei Whakatipu WaimāoriPig Island / Mātau
Mataūirahe pā i whakatūria e Kāti Māmoe i Rakitumapā kei Spit Islands, Rakituma / Preservation Inlet
Mataurae rongonui ana mō te nui o te kanakanaMataura River
Mauīkatauhe motu i whati atu i te tuawhenua i te waewae o Tūterakiwhānoa i a ia e tārai ana i Te Rua-o-Te-MokoResolution Island
Mauka Atuatipuna o runga i te waka o AraiteuruMaungatua
Maukakūkutate ingoa o te awa me te Two Thumb RangeMacaulay River
Maukakūkutatipuna o runga i te waka o AraiteuruTwo Thumb Range
Maukaropapae maunga kei waenga o Lake Potiritiri me Lake HaurokoPrincess Mountains
Maukatakaheamaunga o te takahea (takahē o Te Waipounamu)Mount Philipps
Maukaterekāinga mahinga kai mō te kāuru (paiaka o te tī), te tikumu me te tarameaMount Grey / Maukatere
Maukateretipuna o runga i te waka o AraiteuruShingle Peak
Maukurunuipou tohu whenua, te ingoa anō o Bakers CreekSeventeen Mile Bluff
Maungakuramaunga whero, e tiakina ana e te taniwha e Te HuarauMaungakura / Red Hill
Maungatapui te hoea o te waka o Te Hoire e Matuahautere ki te pito whakauta e taea ana, ka hangaia e ia he tuāhu e poua ai tōna mana ki te whenua, ka piki ia i te maungaMaungatapu
Māwheratētahi o ngā pā matua o Poutini Ngāi Tahupā kei Grey River / Māwheranui
Māwheranuihe ingoa kua whakapotohia mō te hanganga a Tūterakiwhānoa i te kapitiGrey River / Māwheranui
Meretotohe mere kua hūtoto, i konei anō ngā tūpuna o Rangitāne pērā i a Te Rangihouhia me Kahura e tūtakitaki ana ki a Cook me tana hoe wakaMeretoto / Ship Cove
Mikonuikāinga whakahirahira nō te rangatira o Ngāti Kurī a Kaikōura Whakataukāinga kei Mikonui Stream
Mikonuimō te tangata kua patua kia mateMikonui River
Moanahunamoana (roto) hunaLake Marchant
Moanautamoana (tai) kei utaWet Jacket Arm
Moawhititētahi tupuna wahine o Ngāti Tūmatakōkiriwhanga (he roto anō) kei te raki-mā-rāwhiti o Greville Harbour / Wharariki
Moerakikāika nō Kāi Tahu, te kāika o ētahi rakatira maha i te hinganga o te Pā o Kaiapoikāika kei runga o Moeraki Peninsula
Moerangihe roto e rongonui ana mō te tunaLake Moeraki
Moerepohe ingoa tupunapā kei Moerepo Island
Mohuamō te manu ngahere nō konei ake he wā tōna i huhua aiGolden Bay / Mohua
Mōkihinuii taunahatia ki tētahi mōkihi nui i hangaia ki te kahikatea hei whakawhiti i te awaMōkihinui River
Mokinuimotu tītī kei te uru o RakiuraMokinui / Big Moggy Island
Motuarahe motu kei te ‘ara’ wakaMotuara Island
Motuareronuihe motu rite ki te arero te āhua, mō te ‘rere tiu rānei o te kapua’Motuareronui / Adele Island
Motuarikitipuna o runga o te waka o AraiteuruMotuariki Island
Motuekahe ingoa pērā i a Aorere me Tākaka i whakawhitingia mai i ētahi moutere i HawaikiMotueka River
Motunaumotu o te of nau (pātītī mate kāwei a Cook)Motunau Island
Motupikohe awa kōpikopiko rere taratahiMotupiko River
Motupiuhe motu kei Te Ara-a-KiwaDog Island
Motupōhuehe uru rākau, he moutere rānei te motu, he tipu totoro te pōhueThe Bluff / Motupōhue
Moturaue kōrero ana mō te maha (rau) o ngā motu kei te rotoLake Manapouri
Moturoate motu roaMoturoa / Rabbit Island
Moutere‘he moutere’, ko tōna kōrero ake mō te kokoru kē i te tahatikaMoutere River
Muaupokohe koutu i hangaia e by TūterakiwhānoaOtago Peninsula
Murihikuhe ingoa whānui te kōrerohia i Poronīhia mō te pito whakatetonga o te moutereSouthland
Muriwaimahinga kai mō te tuna, te īnaka, te kēkēwai (kōura wai māori) me te manuCoopers Lagoon / Muriwai
Nokomaitētahi wāhanga o te ara tawhito atu i Murihiku ki te tuawhenua o Te WaipounamuNokomai River
Noti Raurekai taunahatia ki te wahine o Kāti Wairaki ki a Raureka i kite tuatahi i te nonoti tio neiBrowning Pass / Noti Raureka
Noti Taramakauhe nonoti mō te ikiiki pounamu atu i Te Tai Poutini ki Kaiapoi Pā, e mōhiotia ana anō ko Te RakamaunikuraHarper Pass
Nukumaniakāinga mahinga kai mō te weka, te kiore, te kākāpō me te tutuBlack Range
Ngā Pākihi-a-Māniarauheamānia o te pātītī pīrataHanmer Plain
Ngā Whatukaiponuka ‘whitihorotia’ e ngā karu o Te Wheke-o-Muturangi i makaia e Kupe ki te moana i konei i te patunga o te wheke nui. He tikanga, he kawa tonu mō te whakahipa haumaru i ngā motu tapu neiThe Brothers
Ngākawaui taunahatia ki te kawau (manu)Ngākawau River
Ōaroingoa atu i te wahapū ki te pūruatanga tuatahipito whakararo o te Oaro River
Ōhanuihe kūrae pōhatuhatu kei te tonga o RakitumaWindsor Point
Ōhauhe roto i keria e Rākaihautū tipuna o WaitahaLake Ōhau
Ōhekeiai taunahatia ki a Hekeia rangatira o MurihikuLongwood Range
Ōhekiahe awa ka rere ki Te Whaka-a-Te-WeraFreshwater River
Ohikaroroatipuna o runga i te waka o AraiteuruMount Watkin / Hikaroroa
Ōhinatarahe awa kei te tonga o te HurunuiBlythe River
Ōhinemahutakāinga o te tupuna a HinemahutaŌhinemahuta River
Ōhinetaketakete pā tuatahi o Poutini Ngāi Tahupā kei te pūruatanga o te Ahaura River me te Grey River / Māwheranui
Ōhinetamateate ingoa o tētahi wahine o te kitenga tuatahi o te nonotiŌhinetamatea River / Saltwater Creek
Ōhonuhe awa hiranga mō te pounamu me te kōuraGreenstone River / Hokonui
Ōhonuhe pae maunga kei waenga Taramakau me KōtukuwhakaokaHohonu Range
Ōkahuhe pā, he tauranga waka nō neheJackson Bay / Okahu
Ōkaihaehe motu tūtata ki te wahapū o te KaikaraeGreen Island
Ōkākātētahi o ētahi ngaru nui e toru nā rātou i tahuri ai te waka o Takitimu i Te Waewae BayHump Ridge
Ōkanakāore e mōhiotia anaOkana River
Ōkarihe pūroto, he kāika kei te tonga o Tauranga BayŌkari Lagoon
Ōkāritohe pā, he wānanga nō Ngāti Wairangipā kei te pito ki te tonga o Ōkārito Lagoon
Ōkāritoingoa tipuna e kōrero ana mō te kārito o te raupōŌkārito Lagoon
Ōkaruruhe whanga kei te tahatika rāwhiti o Te Pātaka-o-RākaihautūGoughs Bay
Ōkiwimō tētahi tipuna a Kiwikāinga kei te upoko o Ōkiwi Bay
Okopakokāore e mōhiotia anamānia kei waenga o te Rakaia River me te Selwyn River / Waikirikiri
Ōkūkūkāinga mahinga kai mō te kāuru (paiaka o te tī), te aruhe, te tutu, te tuna, te kākā me te wekaŌkūkū River
Ōmakōara tawhito kei waenga o Te Manahuna me HāweaLindis Pass
Ōmakōkāinga mahinga kai mō te tunaLindis River
Ōmanuihe nonoti kei te raki o Te Ana-auOmanui / McKinnon Pass
Ōmāramakāinga mahinga kai, te papa anō o tētahi me te papa tohe whenua nui. Ko Te Ao Mārama anō te ingoakāinga kei te raki o Omarama (wāhi)
Ōmāuii taunahatia ki te kaihōpara Māori tino rongonui ki a MāuiŌmāui Island
Ōmāwherohiwi kei te pito rāwhiti o Te Waewae BayPahia Hill
Ōmihihe pā ahurei i whakatūria e Kāti Māmoe kei Omihi Stream
Ōnaukue ai ki te kōrero e tohu ana i te pito whakamutunga o te kūiti moanaŌnauku Bay
Ōnawehe pā nō Ngāi Tahu kei te upoko o Akaroa kei Onawe (kōutu), Akaroa Harbour
Onetahuahe tahua one, he matatāhunaFarewell Spit
Onikikote oni o te upoko o te rākau whawhaiPort Hardy
Ōnukukāinga nō Ngāi Tārewa kei Akaroakāinga i The Kaik (wāhi)
Ōpakiakāinga mahinga kai mō te tunaLake Middleton
Ōpāwahokāinga mahinga kai rongonui mō te ika, te raurēkau me te manu wai māoriHeathcote River
Ōpēhiaingoa tahi o te koi me Nicholson HarbourSouth Cape / Whiore
Ōpihiara tawhito ki Te Manahuna he kāinga mahinga kai nō Kāti HuirapaŌpihi River
Ōpōreakāinga mahinga kai mō te tuna, te kōareare (aka o te raupō ka kainga) me te manu wai māoriLake Pearson
Ōpōreaitikāinga mahinga kai mō te tuna, te kōareare (aka o te raupō ka kainga) me te manu wai māoriLake Grasmere
Ōpūahakāinga mahinga kai mō te tuna me te tarameaOpuha River
Ōpukungā pari kei Green BeachŌpuku Cliff
Ōraemō te tupuna a RaeRai River
Ōrahoriute raho ka rere i te riu o te wakaCape Stephens
Ōrakakāinga o Ngāi Tahu kei Ōrakakāinga kei Colac Bay / Ōraka
Ōrarikāinga mahinga kai mō te tunaOrari River
Orarikipā i whakatūria e Te Ruahikihiki, rangatira o Ngāi Tahu i runga i te taunahapā kei Taumutu (wāhi)
Ōrauara tawhito i waenga o Whakatipu Waimāori me WānakaCardrona River
Ōrauwhanga kei te taha tonga o MuaupokoSandfly Bay
Ōraumoahaere mai ai te tupuna a Raumoa ki konei mō te kaimoanapā kei Ōraumoa / Fighting Bay
Ōrautahihe one onepū kei te tahatika ki te raki o RakiuraSmoky Beach
Ōretite ara tawhito me te awa ka whakawhiti i ngā mānia o Murihiku ki te tahatikaŌreti River
Orikākāe kōrero ana mō te mutu kākāOrikaka or Mackley River
Ōrokotētahi o ētahi ngaru nui e toru nā rātou i tahuri ai te waka o Takitimu i Te Waewae BayHeale Ridge
Ōronokopae maunga kei te tonga o HokakuraOronoko Range
Ōrorekāinga mahinga kai mō te tuna me te īnakaOrore Point
Ōruawairuakāore e mōhiotia anaBlumine Island / Ōruawairua
Ōtaaokāinga mahinga kai mō te tuna me te wekaDobson River
Ōtaetaehe wāhi i tōia mai ai te waka ki uta kia amohia ake i te whenuawahi ngahere o mua i te takiwā ki Otaitai Bush (wāhi)
Ōtaiakāinga mahinga kai mō te aruhe, te kāuru (paiaka o te tī) me te tunaOtaio River
Ōtākarokāinga mahinga kai rongonui mō te ika, te raurēkau me te manu wai māoriAvon River / Ōtakaro
Ōtākouingoa o nehe mō te hongere ki te rāwhiti o te Otago Harbourhongere ki te rāwhiti (taha tonga) o te Otago Harbour
Ōtakutētahi awa kei RakiuraMurray River
Ōtamatakoukāinga mahinga kai mō te weka, te tuna, me te tutuOtematata River
Ōtānenuikāinga mahinga kai mō te kāuru (paiaka o te tī), te aruhe, te kākāpō, te weka, te tunaWilkin River
Ōtāparai taunahatia ki a Tāpara tipuna o Waitaha tipunaLake Gunn
Ōtarakūrae kei te tahatika o MurihikuWaipapa Point
Ōtārewate ingoa anō o tētahi ngahere nui e toe nei ko te Seaward Downs Scenic Reserve anakeOtepuni Creek
Otauirate wai kutakuta, he pā nō RangitāneOtauira Pā, kei te upoko o Waikutakuta / Robin Hood Bay
Ōtautahii taunahatia ki Tautahi, tama a Huikaikāinga nohoanga, kāinga mahinga kai kei te Avon River / Ōtakaro
Ōtautaumō te wāhi i tukuna ai tētahi kohaŌtautau Stream
Ōteakei taunahatia ki tētahi rākauOtiake River
Ōtehakekautawa o te TaramakauOtehake River
Ōtepotiwāhi ki tētahi tauraka wakatauraka waka, kāinga kei Dunedin te wāhi i tūtaki ai te Toitū (awa) ki te tapatai ake
Ōteraumakako te ingoa anō o tētahi ngahere nui e toe nei ko te Edendale Scenic Reserve anakeOteramika Creek
Ōtewaotētahi o ētahi ngaru nui e toru nā rātou i tahuri ai te waka o Takitimu i Te Waewae BayForest Hill
Ōtewhakārikikāinga mahinga kai mō te kāuru (paiaka o te tī), te aruhe, te kākāpō, te weka, te tunaMinaret Burn
Ōtiraara tawhito kei waenga o te Taramakau me te WaimakaririŌtira River
Ōtoatahikautawa matua o te AwaruaLandsborough River
Ōtuawhitikāore e mōhiotia anaBoundary Creek
Ōtūmatuahe wāhanga nō te ara tawhito atu i te Waiau ki Te Ana-auWhitestone River
Ōtūparāoapaei maunga kei MurihikuUmbrella Mountains
Ōtūrotokāinga mahinga kai mō te weka, te aruhe me te kāuru (paiaka o te tī)Lake Heron
Ōturui taunahatia ki tētahi tipuna o WaitahaDiamond Lake
Ōtūwharekaikāinga mahinga kai mō te tuna me te pāreraMaori Lakes
Ōuekāore e mōhiotia anakāinga kei te New River Estuary
Ouetokāinga mahinga kai mō te kiore me te koreke (manu wharengaro)mānia kei waenga o te Rakaia River me te Wakanui Creek
Ōuruhiai taunahatia ki a Uruhia, tētahi tama a Tūrākautahikāinga kei Ouruhia (wāhi)
Ōwikāore e mōhiotia anatakiwā ki te whakapū o te Mataura River
Ōwhioi taunahatia ki te whio (manu wai māori)wāhi o Blue Spur (wāhi)
Pāhaukautawa o te HurunuiPahau River
Pāhautānepā pōhatu mahi kiripaka o nehe mō te pounamuwāhi o Pahautane (wāhi)
Pākawaui nōhia i mua e Ngāi Tara, e Tūmatakōkiri me Ngāti Apa. I te 1828 ka nōhia e Ngāti Tama mō tētahi wāpā kei te Pākawau Inlet
Panauwāhi o tētahi pā tawhitoLong Lookout Point
Papahauahe papa ka pūhia tonuhia e te haupae maunga kei waenga o te Buller River me te Mōkihinui River
Papakihe whārikiHope River
Papapounamui taunahatia ki ētahi papa pounamu nui i te whangaPoison Bay
Papataraētahi toka kei te tahatika i waenga o Tahutahi me ŌkahuSeal Rocks
Papateae mōhiotia ana anō ko Te Kauati-a-Tamatea mō te hika ahi a Tamatea i te moutereGreen Island
Parakārehuhe ingoa tipunaThe Peninsula
Parakiorei taunahatia ki te tipuna ki a ParakioreCameron Mountains
Paramatahe hiwi tuaka nui kei te one ki te tonga o HokitikaBold Head
Paratītahie kōrero ana mō te ‘aronga o te oranga’ i te tohia o ngā tamariki ariki i konei i mua i te tāpaea atu ki te iwiParatītahi Tarns
Parikawakawahe pari kawakawapari kei te Washdyke Stream ki te raki o te wahapū o te Waiau Toa / Clarence River
Paringawāhi o te pā o Poutini Ngāi TahuParinga River
Pariroate pari roaGore Bay
Parororangite rangi paroroMount Stokes
Pāteaingoa onamata nō Rai’atea i Poronīhia ki te RāwhitiDoubtful Sound / Patea
Pātearoakāinga mahinga kai mō te weka me te tikumuRock And Pillar Range
Pāterekūrae kei te tahatika ki te uru o RakiuraSouth Red Head Point
Pātītītipuna o runga i te waka o AraiteuruPātītī Point
Pāuarekate reka o te pāuaAbbey Rocks
Pawakatakakāore e mōhiotia anapuke e 634m te tiketike kei te upoko o te Redan Stream e mōhiotia ana ko Slopedown Hill
Peketāhe pā i whakatūria e Ngāti Māmoe e titiro iho ana ki te wahapū o te Kahutara River
Pikikirungahe hokinga mahara ki te kōrero mō te taniwha a Ngārarahuarau. I te mautanga me te tahuna ki te ahi ka pahū, ka titi ōna unahi ki ngā pukePikikirunga / Canaan Downs
Pikinoapae maunga kei waenga o Upokororo me Te Ana-auEarl Mountains
Pikirakatahimaunga kei Kā Tiritiri-o-te-moanaMount Earnslaw / Pikirakatahi
Pikomamakumotu tītī kei te rāwhiti o RakiuraNorth Island me Womens Island tahi
Pīnohiate whakamahi pīnohi mō te kōhatu wera. Papa o Hīkapu, tētahi riri i whakaekea ai a Ngāti Kuia e Ngāti Toa, e Ngāti Rārua me Te Āti Awapā kei Paradise Bay
Piopiotahite tai matapari nui whakamutunga i hangaia e TūterakiwhānoaMilford Sound / Piopiotahi
Pirekamō te kakara ka puta i te tunutunua o te paiaka o te pipi (he momo huruwhenua)Peraki Bay
Piripāuai taunahatia ki te huhua o te pāua e kapi ana i ngā toka papatahiSpy Glass Point / Piripāua
Piripiri-o-Huatakihe tipu nā te tipuna a HuatakiPiripiri
Piri-tūtae-putaputai taunahatia ki te riri i waenga i a Ngāi Tūhaitara me Ngāti KurīConway River
Poatirite taumata tiketike katoa o KaimataMount Charles / Poatiri
Pōhatuhe whanga kei te tahatika ki te rāwhiti o Te Pātaka-o-RākaihautūPōhatu / Flea Bay
Pōhaturoaara tawhito atu i Māwheranui ki te tuawhenua o Te WaipounamuUpper Grey River
Pokohiwitahirangatira o te waka o Araiteuru. E mōhiotia ana anō ko PākihiwitahiHorse Range
Porangirangipā o Poutini Ngāi Tahu i Maitahipā kei Bruce Bay
Potikōhuate hopuni me ngā ana i te haerenga atu i Māwhera ki KawatiriFox River
Potiritiriroto kei te pito whakatetonga o Te Rua-o-Te-MokoLake Poteriteri
Pouerua-hāpuae kōrero ana mō te hāpuaSaltwater Lagoon
Pouerua-tāhunae kōrero ana mō te tāhunaPoerua River
Poukirikirikei te ara wairua o ngā mate o Ngāti Apa e hoki haere ana ki HawaikiPoukirikiri / Travers Saddle
Poumāhakae kōrero ana pea mō ngā ‘pou ka titia ki ngā parenga o te awa ki te hopu pārera’Pomahaka River
Pounaweahe awa ka rere atu ki te KurameaCatlins River
Pourangahaute wāhi i tū ai ‘te pou rangahau’Pourangahau / Mount Robert
Poutamai taunahatia ki tētahi tipuna o Ngāi TahuPoutama Island
Puahirihe awa ka rere ki te pito whakarunga o Whakatipu WaimāoriRees River
Puārikāinga nohoanga, kāinga mahinga kai mō te mahi kai i Ōtākaro me ōna wairepokāinga nohoanga kei te Avon River / Ōtakaro, takiwā ki Victoria Square
Puārihe pā, he kāinga nō Ngāti Huikai kei Koukouraratapā kei Puari (wāhi)
Puhikererūānō ko te kapua e taipua ana i te maunga me he puhi kererū, te ingoa anō o tētahi tupunaMount Furneaux
Puhipuhikautawa o te HāpukuPuhi Puhi River
Puhipuhi-takiwaimaunga kei PiopiotahiMount Pembroke
Puhiwaerokoi kei te tahatika ki te tonga o RakiuraSouth West Cape / Puhiwaero
Pukaherekate tauranga waka tārereCoal Island
Pūkakihe roto i keria e Rākaihautū tipuna o WaitahaLake Pukaki
Pukekoikoipuke koikoi, e kōrero ana anō mō tētahi momo tao tino pai mō te whakaharatauPukekoikoi Hill
Pukekurai taunahatia ki ētahi toka whero e tūtata mai anaDean Hill
Pukekurapā whakahirahira kei runga o Taiaroa Head kei runga o Taiaroa Head
Pukenuipuke nuiAnchor Island
Pukeonei kawea ake he one ki tōna tihi hei tahu ahi whakapuaPukeone / Mount Campbell
Pukepōuripuke pōuriCalm Peak
Pukerakie kōrero ana mō te pukeMount Dick
Pukeurihe wāhi tapu i reira e tākina ana ngā karakia mō te haere i tētahi takiwā ki tētahipuke iti kei Pukeuri (wāhi)
Pukewekaingoa wāhi auau te puta i RakiuraPort Adventure
Punatahukāinga mahinga kai mō te tuna me te wekakāinga mahinga kai kei Lake Pukaki
Punatarakaokāinga mahinga kai mō te tuna me te īnakaBuchanans Creek
Pūpongaētahi pā e rua o Tūmatakōkiri, he pā tūwatawata tētahi, he kāinga noho tētahipā kei te takiwā ki Pūponga (wāhi)
Pūrākaunuihe hāpua, he kāinga mahinga kai mō te tuna, te kōareare (aka o te raupō ka kainga) me te kōrarihe hāpua o mua i te wahapū o te Hinds River
Pūrākaunuihe tūpāpaku e pūkai mai ana pērā i te pū rākauPūrākaunui Bay
Puramāhoihe pā nō Ngāi Tara, nō Ngāti Apapā kei Puramāhoi (wāhi)
Pureoratipuna o runga i te waka o AraiteuruPareora River
Pūtātarapā kei te tahatika ki te raki o RakiuraPutatara Point
Putauhinumotu tītī kei te tonga-mā-uru o RakiuraPutauhina Island
Pūteawhatiiatipuna o runga i te waka o AraiteuruBig Hill Range
Rakahurikāinga mahinga kai mō te īnaka, te tuna me te mātaitaiAshley River / Rakahuri
Rakaimaunga tohu whenua kei muri o MahitahiMount Hooker
Rakaiaingoa atu i te tahatika ki te komititanga tuatahiRakaia River
Rakaia-wai-kīkāinga mahinga kai mō te weka, te kākāpō, te aruhe, me te kāuru (paiaka o te tī)pito whakarunga o te Rakaia River ki te pūau i te Mathias River
Rakaia-wai-pākihiara tawhito ka hono i te Mathias Pass ki te RakaiaMathias River
Rākauroate nui o te ngahere o tētahi momo rākau rāneiRākauroa / Torrent Bay
Rākautarakāinga me te kōawa ki ngā tahatika o Kaikōurakāinga kei Rakautara (wāhi)
Rakawahakurakoutu kei te tonga o PukewekaRakawahakura
Rakeāhuahe puke kei runga o RakiuraMount Rakeahua
Rakiroatētahi atua me ōna tāina ko rātou nei ngā tihi tiketike katoa o Kā Tiritiri-o-te-moanaMount Dampier
Rakitumate tai matapari kei te pito whakatetonga rawa i Te Rua-o-Te-MokoRakituma / Preservation Inlet
Rakiurae kīia ana tōna kōrero ko ‘ngā rangi ura’, ko ōna ingoa kē, a Te Puka-a-Māui me Te Puka-a-Aoraki, e kī ana he puka kē te moutereStewart Island / Rakiura
Rangitahite roto kei ngā hikuwai o WaiautoaLake Tennyson
Rangitataara tawhito me te kāinga mahinga kai mō te ika me te raurēkauRangitata River
Rangitoto-ki-te-Tongate rangi toto (whero), he ingoa nō Hawaiki, nō muri ka āpitihia atu te ‘ki te tonga’Rangitoto ki te Tonga / D’Urville Island
Rarotokahe motu hiranga, he whenua pīrere, he wāhi okioki, he tohu whakatere wakaRarotoka Island
Rīpapapā nō Taununu i tōia atu ki roto ki te Toheriri Kai Huāngapā kei runga o Ripapa Island
Riuwakai taunahatia e Huiterangiora ki te riu e maea ake ai te awa i te poho o te whenua pērā i te wai ka hōpua mai ki te riu o te wakaRiuwaka River
Rotoitihe roto itiLake Rotoiti
Rotokurae kōrero ana mō tētahi roto whero i te upoko o te whangaRotokura / Cable Bay
Rotomaninituae kōrero ana mō ngā wairua o ngā mate a Ngāti Apa e kaukau ana e kauhoe ana i te hukarere, i te raumati, i roto i te maunga o ManiniaroRotomaninitua / Lake Angelus
Roto-nui-a-Whatuhe roto i keria e Rākaihautū tipuna o WaitahaLake Tuakitoto
Rotopōhueroame te pōhue roa te āhuaRotopōhueroa / Lake Constance
Rotoroaroto roaLake Rotoroa
Ruakanakanai keria he rua, he whakaparu mō te hopu kanakana i te hekenga ā-taukāinga kei Gibsons Creek, parenga mauī o te Wairau River
Ruakanakanae pā ana ki te kāinga koinei anō te ingoaRuakanakana Creek
Ruapuketētahi o ētahi wāhi e toru i hainatia ai e Ngāi Tahu te Te Tiriti o WaitangiRuapuke Island
Tahakopahe awa kei ngā tahatika o MurihikuTahakopa River
Tāhunahe tāhuna, he matatāhunawāhi kei Glenorchy (wāhi)
Tāhunahe tāhuna, he matatāhunakāika kei ngā paenga wai o Queenstown
Tahutahii taunahatia ki te tipuna a Tahutahi, he awa mahi pounamu anōCascade River
Taiaritai matapari kei Te Rua-o-Te-MokoTaiari / Chalky Inlet
Taiariwāhi hiranga mō te mahika kai ki a Kāi Tahu o te roheTaieri River
Taiparirikii taunahatia ki a Taipaririki nāna nei i whakairo te kūiti moanaDeep Cove
Taiporoporoi taunahatia ki a Taiporoporo i oma i tētahi riri i Te HokiauauTaiporoporo / Charles Sound
Taitetimui taunahatia ki a Taitetimu i oma i tētahi riri i Te HokiauauTaitetimu / Caswell Sound
Takahangate wāhi i kainga ai e te rangatira o Ngāti Kurī, e Marukaitātea, ngā kai o te pōhā tapu o Tohuraumati e riro mai ai te mana whenua o Kaikōurapā kei runga pari e titiro iho ana ki Kaikōura
Tākakahe ingoa i heria mai i Hawaiki, e kōrero ana anō mō te tākaka (rarauhe)Tākaka River
Takamanahe roto iti kei te uru o TakapōLake Alexandrina
Takapōkāinga mahinga kai mō te tuna me te wekakāinga mahinga kai kei te pito whakatetonga o Lake Tekapo
Takapōte roto i keria e Rākaihautū tipuna o Waitaha tipunaLake Tekapo
Takapōtakakāore e mōhiotia anaTakapōtaka / Attempt Hill
Takapourewae kōrero ana mō te pourewarewa (papa whawhai)Stephens Island / Takapourewa
Takatakate ingoa o te pā me te mouterepā kei runga o Refuge Island / Takataka
Take Kārarapā me te kāinga mahinga kai mō te tuna me te weka kei te pito whakatetonga o Lake Wānaka
Takerehakakāore e mōhiotia anakāinga kei Kingston (wāhi)
Taki-a-Marutipuna o runga i te waka o AraiteuruTaki-a-Maru / Fish Reef
Takitimui taunahatia ki te waka o Takitimu i tahuri i Te Waewae BayTakitimu Mountains
Tamateatai matapari kei Te Rua-o-Te-MokoTamatea / Dusky Sound
Tapuaenukupae maunga kei Ōtākou ki te UruBlue Mountains
Tapuae-o-Uenukute taumata tiketike rawa ki te tuawhenua o te Pae Maunga o KaikōuraTapuae-o-Uenuku
Tapuae-o-Uenukupae maunga i kohia ai te tikumuTapuae-o-Uenuku / Hector Mountains
Tarahaka Whakatipunonoti o WhakatipuHarris Saddle / Tarahaka Whakatipu
Tarahaoatipuna o runga i te waka o Araiteuru, tāne a HuatekerekereMount Peel
Tarahau-kapitie kōrero ana mō tētahi tihi tiketike e anga atu ana ki te hauWest Dome
Tarakaipāingoa o tētahi tupuna o nehe i ū mai i runga i te waka tapu o Te AwateaTarakaipā Island
Tara-māhitihitihe puke kei MurihikuMid Dome
Taramakaupā nō Poutini Ngāi Tahu mō te kauoro pounamupā kei te parenga mauī o te wahapū o te Taramakau River
Taramakauara tawhito atu i Te Tai Poutini kei Kaiapoi, he awa pounamu anōTaramakau River
Taramatahe pā ōnamata nō Rapuwai me Kāti Māmoepā kei te wahapū o te Rakaia River
Tarameahe ingoa ōnamata ko te taonga te tikangaHowells Point / Taramea
Tara-o-Tamate tara (koinga) o te tekateka a Tama AhuaTara Tama
Tauhinukāinga mahinga kai mō te tuna, te aruhe, te kiore me te pākurakāinga mahinga kai kei te raki o Lake Ellesmere / Te Waihora
Taumakīhe motu kei te taha tonga o te wahapū o te AwaruaTaumaka Island
Taumoanahe koutu tūtata ki TamateaFive Fingers Peninsula
Taumutu‘mutunga o tētahi tau (taukahiwi)’ he ‘whenua taukahiwi teitei’ rāneikāinga, he pā kei te one ki te tonga-mā-uru o Lake Ellesmere / Te Waihora
Taupōhe kāinga, he pā ōnamata i Te Waipounamu, he whenua pīrere nō te maha, i pāhuatia e Ngāti Toa c.1825pā kei te kūititanga o Taupō Point
Taurangahe ūnga waka, he papa kāinga anōTauranga Bay
Tautukuhe koutu kei waenga o Makatī me TahakopaTautuku Peninsula
Tawerakāinga mahinga kai mō te kāuru (paiaka o te tī), te kiore, te aruhe me te papaī (karamea)Mount Thomas
Tāwhiriraupōwhāriki mō te hika ahiLake Paringa
Tāwhirirautipuke kei MurihikuCentre Hill
Tawhitiwhiti-roroupoko ki te tonga o RakitumaPuysegur Point
Te Ahi Wekate tunua o te wekaPrices Harbour
Te Ahi-a-Mahuikate ahi a MahuikaFranklin Mountains
Te Ahi-Kai-Kōura-a-Tama-ki-Te-Rakingā ahi i kai kōura ai a Tama-ki-Te-Rakite takiwā whānui huri noa i Kaikōura
Te Ahu Pātikitipuna o runga i te waka o AraiteuruMount Herbert / Te Ahu Patiki
Te Aka Tārewaingoa tahi o te pae maunga me te kōawapae maunga kei waenga o Lake Benmore me te mārua o te Hakataramea River
Te Akaakakāinga mahinga kai mō te tuna me te kanakanaSaltwater Creek
Te Akeroakāore e mōhiotia anaWangaloa Creek
Te Ana-auhe roto i keria e Rākaihautū tipuna o WaitahaLake Te Anau
Te Ana-a-Waite wai e rere ana i te anaTengawai River
Te Anamāhangaētahi whanga e rua, te ūnga atu o Te Huataki i ārahi atu i a Rangitāne ki te takiwāTe Anamāhanga / Port Gore
Te Ara-a-Kiwate ara a Kiwa, e kīia ana anō ko Te Ara-a-KewaFoveaux Strait
Te Ara-ruahine-waie kī ana kia ‘arahina atu mātou i te tuawhenua ki Te Tai-o-Aorere’, e kōrero ana mō te whakatapu i te whakamoea o ngā hapū e haere ai i runga i te haumaru i te paitakiwā ki te pūau o te Motueka River Right Branch me Maitland Creek
Te Aumiti - Te Aumiro-o-te-Kawau-a-Torute au horomi i a Te Kawau-o-Toru, i taunahatia e Kupe i te toremitanga o te kawau kaitiaki a tana tamāhineTe Aumiti / French Pass
Te Au-nui-pihapiha-kanakanae rongonui ana mō te nui o te kanakanaMataura Falls
Te Awa Aruhemō te aruheHopkins River
Te Awa Kōkōmukakāinga mahinga kai mō te tuna me te pātikikāinga mahinga kai kei te raki o te wahapū o te Waitaki River
Te Awa Whakamaukāinga mahinga kai mō te aruhe me te manuTasman River
Te Awa Whakatipute awa o WhakatipuDart River / Te Awa Whakatipu
Te Awa-a-Takatamirakautawa o te TakapōCass River
Te Awamāeroeroe kōrero ana mō te māeroero (he atua)Lochy River
Te Awamakararakāinga mahinga kai mō te weka, te kākāpō, te kāuru (paiaka o te tī), te aruhe me te tunaYoung River
Te Awamakokāinga mahinga kai mō te aruhe me te tunaAwamoko Stream
Te Awa-o-Tūte whanga i hangaia e TūterakiwhānoaTe Awa-o-Tū / Thompson Sound
Te Awaurekāinga mahinga kai mō te tuna me te wekaJollie River
Te Hakapupukāinga mahinga kai mō te tuna, te pātiki me te īnakaPleasant River
Te Hakapūreireikūrae kei te uru o Te Waewae BaySand Hill Point
Te Hāpuae kōrero ana mō te tai matapari rite ki te hāpua nunui te āhuaTe Hāpua / Sutherland Sound
Te Hāpua Waikawate wai kawaLake Lyndon
Te Hoierete hoiere (hoihere), te ingoa o te waka ko Matuahautere tōna rangatira i kawe mai i a Ngāti Kuia ki te takiwāPelorus Sound / Te Hoiere
Te Hoierete hoiere (hoihere), te ingoa o te waka ko Matuahautere tōna rangatira i kawe mai i a Ngāti Kuia ki te takiwāTe Hoiere / Pelorus River
Te Hōkaikūrae kei te pito whakateraki o Te HokiauauAwarua Point
Te Hokiauaui taunahatia ki tētahi tipuna o Waitaha me Kāti HāweaBig Bay
Te Horate hora whānui, he pā nō Ngāti Kuiapā kei te take Tūtūmāpou Hill, tauaro ki Canvastown
Te Horomaunga kei RakitumaTreble Mountain
Te Horokōauo ngā maunga katoa o Aotearoa me Te Waipounamu tuarua ana tōna tiketikeMount Tasman
Te Hororātākāinga mahinga kai mō te kāuru (paiaka o te tī), te aruhe me te tunaHororata River
Te Houhouhe tai matapari kei waenga o Hāwea me TaitetimuTe Houhou / George Sound
Te Ihutaihe kāinga mahinga kai hiranga mō te tuna, te manu wai māori me te mātaitaiEstuary of the Heathcote and Avon Rivers / Ihutai
Te Iwi-o-Pāteate iwi o PāteaCommand Peak
Te Kai-a-te-atuakāinga o Kāti Hāteatea i te Waihaokāinga kei te wahapū o te Waihao River
Te Kaihīnakingā hue me ngā tahā o te waka o AraiteuruMoeraki Boulders / Kaihinaki
Te Kāika-o-Nihote kāika o NihoLooking Glass Bay
Te Kākahu-o-Tamateate kākahu o TamateaChalky Island
Te Karoroi taunahatia ki te karoroWillsher Bay
Te Kauparenuite kauparenga (wawaenga) nunui, e kōrero ana mō ngā rū i hangaia ai te Rotoiti, nāwai ka tāraia ko te awaTe Kauparenui / Gowan River
Te Kiekietipuna o runga i te waka o te AraiteuruMount Somers
Te Kirikirimō te kirikirikāinga kei Frankton (wāhi)
Te Kōhaii taunahatia ki te kōwhaiMary Burn
Te Kohurautipuna o runga i te waka o AraiteuruKurow Hill / Te Kohurau
Te Koko-a-Kupete koko i tīkakuhia mai e KupeTe Koko-o-Kupe / Cloudy Bay
Te Kopi-o-Ōpihiara tawhito atu i Arowhenua ki Te ManahunaBurkes Pass
Te Kōwhaikāinga tawhito i Te Ana-aukāinga kei te raki o Te Anau
Te Kurī-a-Kōpūwaite kurī a KōpūwaiStuart Mountains
Te Makatipuakāinga mahinga kai mō te weka, te tuna me te tutuOtamatapaio River
Te Mamakumō te momo huruwhenua, he pā nō Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō me Tūmatakōkiripā kei te take o te Kina Peninsula ki te raki-mā-rāwhiti o Tasman (wāhi)
Te Manahunakāinga mahinga kai rongonui o te iwi mō te weka me te tunaMackenzie Basin
Te Manahunaara tawhito atu i Arowhenua ki Te ManahunaMackenzie Pass / Manahuna
Te Māruate mārua, pā matua o Ngāti Kōata tae noa ki te c.1848 kei Kidnap Point
Te Mataute matau a Māui, e kōrero ana mō te whanga katoa, ko te wāhanga ānau ko MatauSeparation Point / Te Matau
Te Māwherataka-o-kā-kuwhā-o-Tūterakiwhānoaka whakaroahia ake ki ngā kūwhā o Tūterakiwhānoaāputa kei te matuaiwi i tētahi taha, i tētahi taha o te Grey River / Māwheranui
Te Mikote miko (rito) o te nīkauPerpendicular Point
Te Mimi-o-Moki-parawakaingoa e pā ana ki a Moki, tama a TūāhuririOmihi Stream
Te Mimi-o-Tūterakiwhānoae kōrero ana mō Tūterakiwhānoa i waihanga i ngā tai matapari o Te Rua-o-Te-Mokote tahatika o te Fiordland, tae atu ki nga tai matapari
Te Moana-nui-a-Kiwate moana nui a KiwaSouth Pacific Ocean
Te Moana-o-Nohoruate roto (moana) o NohoruaLake Ada
Te Moana-o-Raukawai āraia e te hunga whakawhiti i te moana nei ō rātou karu ki te raukawa, te rau o te kawakawa kia kore ai e kite i ngā motu tapu o Ngā Whatukaiponu kei tūpono oho a Te WhekeCook Strait
Te Moana-tāpokopoko-a-Tāwhakite moana ki te tongaSouthern Ocean
Te Moeka-o-Tuawete moenga o TuaweFox Glacier / Te Moeka o Tuawe
Te Motuwekawāhi motu (mōriroriro) o te wekapā kei Havelock
Te Ōmamai taunahatia ki te tipuna ki a Te ŌmamaMount Solitary
Te Oneroate one roaMason Bay
Te Paekāikāinga mahinga kai mō te weka, te kākāpō, te kea, te aruhe me te kāuru (paiaka o te tī)kāinga mahinga kai kei te taha o te Makarora River i Makarora (wāhi)
Te Pākekahe whenua kua pākeka (tītōhea) i ngā mahi ahuwhenuaMaud Island ko Te Hoiere rānei
Te Papahe kupu whakamārama, te papa hoki o ētahi pā ōnamata e ruapari kei ngā tahatika i Tasman (wāhi) ki Moutere Bluff
Te Papanuihe pae maunga kei Central OtagoLammermoor Range
Te Papanui-o-Tūte papa nui o TūterakiwhānoaMount Clerke
Te Papapunitētahi wāhanga o te ara tawhito i waenga o Murihiku me te KawarauNevis River
Te Paparoae pātata ana te papa o te riri whakamtunga o waenga i a Ngāti Wairangi me Ngāi TahuPaparoa Range
Te Parinui-o-Whitipaenga whakateraki o te takiwā ki a Ngāi Tahu i te tahatika rāwhitiWhite Bluffs / Te Parinui o Whiti
Te Paruparungā wai paruparuForsyth Island / Te Paruparu
Te Paruparupuahatanga o KaparatehauTe Paruparu
Te Paruparu-a-Te-Kauniakāinga mahinga kai mō te manu wai māoriGreat Moss Swamp
Te Pātaka-o-Rākaihautūte pātaka o RākaihautūBanks Peninsula
Te Poho-o-Kuiakāore e mōhiotia anaCullen Point
Te Poho-o-Rakitāmaumaunga tūtata ki ŌmāramaMount Saint Cuthbert
Te Poho-o-Taireamotu tītī kei te tahatika tonga-mā-uru o RakiuraBig Island
Te Pohotārewatai matapari kei te tonga rawa o Te Ana-auSouth Fiord
Te Pou-a-Taikinote pou te tohu rānei a TaikinoAlligator Head
Te Puaitahahe tai matapari iti kei te raki o TamateaTe Puaitaha / Breaksea Sound
Te Puhi-a-noapae maunga i Te Ana-auMurchison Mountains
Te Puhituiai taunahatia ki a Te Puhituia tipuna wahine o Ngāi Tahutētahi o ngā Llawrenny Peaks
Te Puna-a-Marutauraka waka me te kāinga hoki o Te Huruhuru rangatira o Ngāi Tahukāinga kei ngā parenga katau o te Waitaki River
Te Punawai Pāpā tawhito o Ngāti Kōata i taunahatia ki te puna wai tauaro ki Haulashore Island
Te Rātai matapari kei Te Rua-o-Te-MokoTe Rā / Dagg Sound
Te Rae-o-Te-Kōhakai te whakahipatanga a Hinerongo o Ngāti Māmoe i konei i te mauhanga ōna i a Ngāti Kurī, ka karanga ia ki te mātārae neiCape Campbell
Te Raka-a-Hineateawāhi o ētahi riri maha, ko te whakamutunga i waenga i a Taoka me Te Werapā kei Kātiki Point
Te Rakihuitahihe ingoa tipunaMount Longsight
Te Rangiwhaitirikāinga mahinga kai mō te tuna me te īnakakāinga mahinga kai ki te raki o te wahapū o te Waitaki River
Te Rāpaki-o-Te Rakiwhakaputate rāpaki o Te RakiwhakaputaTe Rāpaki-o-Te Rakiwhakaputa (wāhi)
Te Rauhe puke kei te pito whakateraki o Te Ana-auFoliage Hill
Te Raupae maunga kei MurihikuGarvie Mountains
Te Rereka-o-Māuite rerenga o MāuiTe Rereka-o-Māui
Te Riu-o-Te-Aika-Kawakāinga mahinga kai mō te pātiki me te mātaitaiBrooklands Lagoon
Te Ruahikihikikāinga mahinga kai mō te tunaLake Selfe
Te Ruahinemātārae ki te rāwhiti o AkaroaTe Ruahine Point
Te Ruakanakanakāinga o Te Rākaitauheke rangatira o Ngāti KurīLake Elterwater
Te Rua-o-Te-Mokoe rua ngā whakamārama, ko tētahi ka kōrero mō te hanganga o Te Rua-o-te-Moko, ko tētahi mō ngā rua i keria e Tamatea ki te mahi wai ngārahu mō te tā mōkoFiordland
Te Ruataniwhatipuna o runga i te waka o AraiteuruBen Ohau
Te Ruatūpāpakutipuna o runga i te waka o AraiteuruMount Royal
Te Tai Poutinite tahatika o Poutiningā tahatika o Westland
Te Tai-o-Aorerengā tai rereTasman Bay / Te Tai-o-Aorere
Te Tai-o-Araiteurute tahatika o te waka o te Araiteurute tahatika o Ōtākou
Te Tai-o-Mahaanuite tahatika o Mahaanui (te waka o Māui)te tahatika o Canterbury
Te Tai-o-Marokurate tahatika o Marokurate tahatika o Kaikōura
Te Tai-o-Rehuate moana o Rehua (te whetū hoki o Rehua)Tasman Sea
Te Taitapute moana tapu te tai tapu rāneitahatika atu i Kahurangi Point ki Farewell Spit
Te Taonui-a-Kupete tao nui a KupeCape Jackson
Te Tara-o-Te-Maramai ōna wā o te tau ka whai te aranga ake o te marama i ngā auroro o te maungaTe Tara-o-Te-Marama / Mount Freeth
Te Tari-a-Te-Kaumirate pae maunga o Te KaumiraThe Hunters Hills
Te Tari-o-Mauka-Atuate pae maunga o Mauka AtuaBen Ohau Range
Te Taumanu-o-Te-Waka-a-Māuite wāhi i hīia ake ai e Māui Te Ika-a-MāuiKaikōura Peninsula
Te Timu-o-te-ure-o-Te-Kahakūrae kei te tahatika whakateraki o RakiuraSaddle Point
Te Umu Kahae rua ngā whakamārama ka kōrerohia mō ngā ‘ripo i te awa’ me te ‘umu nui mō te tunu kāuru (paiaka o te tī)’Temuka River
Te Upoko-o-Rākaitauhekekāinga o Ngāi Tahu i te taha o te Pūroto i Waimātaitai o muakāinga kei Māori Park i Timaru
Te Upoko-o-Taepupito whakateraki o Te OneroaMason Head
Te Upoko-o-Tahumatāi taunahatia ki a Tahumatā tipuna o Ngāi Tahu i noho, i pakanga i Te Matau-a-Māuimaunga e 525m te teitei kei te uru-mā-raki o Little River (wāhi)
Te Waewaei taunahatia ki te rangatira o te tonga i noho ki te whangaTe Waewae Bay
Te Wāhitauāi taunahatia ki te taua i mate ki te ū mai ki te motuBench Island
Te Wai-a-Kohekāinga mahinga kai mō te wekaIrishman Creek
Te Waihorate hora o te wai, e mōhiotia ana anō ko Te Kete-Ika-a-RākaihautūLake Ellesmere / Te Waihora
Te Waikākahii taunahatia ki te kākahiWaikakahi Stream
Te Waikoropupūte wai koropupū, kāinga o te kaitiaki a Huriawa māna nei e ariari ai ngā waiTe Waikoropupū River
Te Wai-o-Hinetūte wai o HinetūLake Wilmot
Te Waipounamungā wai o te pounamuTe Waipounamu or South Island
Te Waitunai taunahatia ki ngā tunaWest Cape
Te Wehengate wehenga o ētahi awa e ruaFox River me te Cook River / Weheka i raro mai o tō rāua pūau
Te Wehi-a-Te-Werate wehi a Te Werapā kei The Neck (kūititanga)
Te Whakaaro-o-Rurui taunahatia ki a Te Kōhaka-o-Ruru i āwhina i a Tūterakiwhānoa ki te tārai i ngā tai matapari o Te Rua-o-Te-MokoMount Talbot
Te Whaka-a-Te-Werate whanga o Te WeraPaterson Inlet / Whaka a Te Wera
Te Whaka-a-timurakite whanga o TimurakiGates Harbour
Te Whanganuite hora whānui (o te wai)Big Lagoon
Te Whanganuite hora whānui (o te wai)Te Whanganui / Port Underwood
Tekimokamaunga kei KōtukuwhakaokaMount Te Kinga
Terewhatakautawa o te ArawhataJackson River
Tiāmotu tītī kei waho atu o te tahatika ki te rāwhiti o RakiuraTia Island / Entrance
Tihakahe momo kete, whāriki rāneiPig Island
Tīmarutauraka waka mō te mōkihi he kāinga mahinga kai anō mō te tuna me te wekaTīmaru River
Timutimumātārae ki te uru o AkaroaTimutimu Head
Tioripāteaara tawhito atu i Te Tai Poutini ki WānakaHaast Pass / Tioripatea
Titiroae kōrero ana mō te mata roa mā o te maunga e rite nei ki te makatiti kōhatu mō te tua rākauMount Titiroa
Tititaramō te tītīTititira Head
Tititeai taunahatia ki tētahi tipuna o WaitahaMount Aspiring / Tititea
Tokangawhātoka ngawhā, he tohu paenga mā Ngāti Tama me Te AtiawaTokangawhā / Split Apple Rock
Tokatākūrae kei te pito whakateraki o ngā CatlinsNugget Point
Tokomairarohe awa kei Te Tai-o-AraiteuruTokomairaro River
Tokomarui taunahatia ki tētahi tihi maunga i Hawaiki, e kōrero ana mō te toko o tētahi maru e whakamarumaru ana i te WairauTokomaru / Mount Robertson
Tongahe wāhanga noa pea te Tonga o tētahi ingoa taketake roa akeTonga Island
Tōtarahe awa kei waenga o Hokitika me MikonuiTōtara River
Tōtarakōawa kei te tonga o ŌkariTōtara River
Tōtara Kaimakatipuna o runga i te waka o AraiteuruBenmore Range
Tōtaranuite nui te maha rānei o te tōtaraQueen Charlotte Sound / Tōtaranui
Tuahiwite hiwi ki tua, i taunahatia ki te hiwi kei waenga o Kaiapoi me RangioraTuahiwi (wāhi)
Tuapekakautawa o te Mata-auTuapeka River
Tuhirakikō a Rākaihautū i keria ai ngā roto o Te WaipounamuBossu
Tūhuai taunahatia ki tērā o ngā Tūhua kei Te Moana-a-ToitehuatahiTūhua
Tunaheketakakāinga mahinga kai mō te tunate roto me ngā wairepo o mua i te Taieri River i te rāwhiti o Waipiata (wāhi)
Tuparu-tūtaewhanga kei te tahatika ki te uru o RakiuraEasy Harbour
Turihukakāinga mahinga kai mō te tuna, te raupō me te wekakāinga mahinga kai kei Dingle Lake, Lake Hāwea
Turimokomokokūrae kei te tonga o MakatīThe Brothers Point
Tūtaekawetowetohe awa kei RakiuraLords River / Tūtaekawetoweto
Tūtaekurīkautawa o te AhauraTūtaekurī River
Tūtokoi taunahatia ki a Tūtoko rangatira o Ngāi TahuMount Tūtoko
Tūtūmāpouhe tūtū i te māpou, e kōrero ana mō te nui o te kererū e kai ana i te maungaTūtūmāpou Hill
Tuturaupae maunga kei waenga o Moturau me ManokīwaiHunter Mountains
Tuturaukāinga o Ngāi Tahu kei te MatauraTuturau (wāhi)
Tūwairuai taunahatia ki tētahi tipuna o WaitahaHyperia
Tūwatakūrae kei te tahatika ki te raki o Mata-auCoal Point
Tūwharewharehe whare kei runga parenga teiteiMahināpua Creek / Tūwharewhare
Upokororoi taunahatia ki te upokororo o Aotearoa kua wharengaro, he ika iti he ika tōhihiEglinton River
Upokotauiae mōhiotia ana anō ko HāweaHunter River
Wahapakotamāhine a Kārito, tuahine o MāpourikiLake Wahapo
Waianakaruakāinga mahinga kai mō te tuna, te kanakana, te īnaka me te aruheWaianakarua River
Waiāniwaniwate wāhi i herea ai te waka o TaireaTen Mile Creek / Waianiwaniwa
Waiāniwaniwakāinga mahinga kai mō te tuna, te pipiki (momo ika), te weka me te koreke (kua wharengaro)Waianiwaniwa River
Waiarekakāinga mahinga kai mō te tuna, te īnaka me te māunuWaiareka Creek
Waiariarii taunahatia ki te ariari o te waiHook River
Waiaute au kahaWaiau River
Waiaute au kahaWaiho River
Waiau Uwhaawa e kaha ana te au (uwha)Waiau Uwha River
Waiautoaawa e kaha ana te au (toa)Waiau Toa / Clarence River
Waihaoi taunahatia ki te hao (momo tuna)Waihao River
Waiharakekekōawa o te harakekeFlaxbourne River
Waiharakekekōawa o te harakekeLill Burn
Waihemokāinga whakahirahira i te wahapū o te Waihemokāinga kei te parenga matau o te wahapū o Waihemo / Shag River
Waihemokāinga mahinga kai mō te tuna, te īnaka, te pātiki, te raupō me te aruheWaihemo / Shag River
Waihīkāinga mahinga kai mō te tunaWaihī River
Waihopaite awa ka rere i ngā mānia o MurihikuWaihopai River
Waihōpaite tangi pai o te wairere te kōawa kirikiri rāneiWaihōpai River
Waihorate wai ka horaLake Waihola
Waiitikōawa itiWai-iti River
Waikākahipā i whakatūria e Tūtekawapā kei te tapa rāwhiti o Lake Ellesmere / Te Waihora
Waikākahii taunahatia ki te kākahiWaikaka Stream
Waikārapimō tētahi raupapa ahuriri, kārapi mō te hopu ika me te manuWaikārapi Lagoon
Waikawawai kawa, he pā nō Te Ātiawapā kei Waikawa (wāhi)
Waikēkēwaii taunahatia ki te kēkēwai (kōura wai māori)Waikekewai Creek
Waikirikirimō te kirikiriSelwyn River / Waikirikiri
Waikirikirimō te kirikiriWaikerikeri Creek
Waikōaui taunahatia ki te kōauWaikōau River
Waikoikoikautawa o te PoumāhakaWaikoikoi Creek
Waikōtukui taunahatia ki te kōtukuSeaforth River
Waikōuaitikāinga mahinga kai mō te tuna, te īnaka, te pātiki me te mātaitaiWaikouaiti River
Waikūkūpai taunahatia ki te kūkūpa (kererū)Waikūkūpa River
Waikutakutawāhi o te kutakuta, he kāinga nunui, he mahinga hoki. E pā kē ana pea ki tētahi tārainga matawhenua i te whangakāinga e titiro iho ana ki Waikutakuta / Robin Hood Bay
Waimāi taunahatia ki ngā pākeho mā i te whaiawaWaima River
Waimakaririwai makaririWaimakariri River
Waimangaroaawa kei te raki o KawatiriWaimangaroa River
Waimatematee kōrero ana mō te rere matemate o te awaWaimate Creek
Waimatukute awa ka rere i ngā Mānia o MurihikuWaimatuku Stream
Waimaunuhongere o te manu whakamāunuBroughton Arm
Waimehate pā o Tūmatakōkiri me āna mahinga whānui, i whakaekea e Ngāti Toa i ngā tau 1820he pā, he kāinga ka rere i ētahi papa maha i te taha whakararo o te Waimea River, ko te papa matua kei Appleby School
Waimehawaimeha (makiha)Waimea River
Waimehai taunahatia ki a Waimeha i Te Waewae Bay te wāhi i tahuri ai te waka o TakitimuWaimea Stream
Waimumukautawa o te MatauraWaimumu Stream
Wainauawhanga kei te tahatika ki te uru o RakiuraDoughboy Bay
Wainonomō te wai mātahetahe, e kōrero ana mō te huhua o te puna i te pūrotoWainono Lagoon
Waionekōawa kei te oneAwarua River
Waipapapā nō Ngāti Māmoe i pāhorotia e Ngāti Kurīpā kei te tonga o te wahapū o Waiau Toa / Clarence River
Waipapawai papatahiSlope Point
Waiparaawa kei te raki o KōwaiWaipara River
Waipārerapūroto o te pāreraWaituna Lagoon
Waipōurikāinga mahinga kai mō te tuna me te manu wai māoriLake Waipori
Wairaukōawa mahaWairau River
Wairaurahirika rere i te Hauroko ki te moanaWairaurāhiri River
Wairewahe roto rongonui mō te tuna i kokorahotia e Makō rangatira o Kāti KurīLake Forsyth / Wairewa
Wairoahe wai roa te rerererenga o te Waiau River i waenga o Lake Te Anau me Lake Manapouri
Wairoahe kōawa roaWairoa River
Wairua-ā-pōkāinga mahinga kai mō te wekaRough Ridge
Waitahaawa pātata ki AwaruaWaita River
Waitahai taunahatia ki tētahi tangata i tau atu ki reiraWaitaha River
Waitāhunakautawa o te Mata-auWaitāhuna River
Waitakerehe awa e hōhonu ana tōna takereWaitakere or Nile River
Waitakiawa aporei o Kāi Tahu whānui, he rite tonu te kīia ko Kā Roimata-o-AorakiWaitaki River
Waitangikāinga o Taetae rangatira o Ngāi Tahupā kei te wahapū o te Waitangitāhuna River
Waitangitāhunae tangi ana ki te wai mānaWaitangitāhuna River
Waitarakaoi whakatū hōpuni ngā whānau o Arowhenua i konei haere he tau ki te mahi tunaWashdyke Lagoon
Waitāwhiriara tawhito atu i Noti Raureka ki te Awa o RakaiaWilberforce River
Waitetekāinga mahinga kai mō te aruhe, te kāuru (paiaka o te tī), te harakeke me te tunaWaitati River
Waitohikautawa o te HurunuiWaitohi River
Waitohiwāhi i pākia ai te pakihiwi katau o te toa ki te peka karamū kua toua ki te awa ki te tohi i a rātouWaitohi River
Waitotoi taunahatia ki tētahi tipunaWaiatoto River
Waitūika toru wā e noho whenua pīrere ana, inā noa nei i a Tūmatakōkiripā kei te taha rāwhiti o Titirangi Bay
Waitunai taunahatia ki te tunaWaituna Bay
Waitunai taunahatia ki te tunaWaituna Creek
Waitutuawa kei te pito whakatetonga o Te Rua-o-Te-MokoWaitutu River
Waiwaiatahe kōawa ka rere ki te MoturauIris Burn
Waiwhakaatahe wai ka whakaataLake Hayes
Waiwhioawa o te whioIrwell River
Wānakatā te tonga kupu mō te wānangaLake Wānaka
Wāwāhi Wakaingoa o te roto me tētahi motu i Whakatipu WaimāoriLake Alabaster / Wāwāhi Waka
Wāwāhi Wakaingoa o te motu me Lake AlabasterPigeon Island / Wāwāhi Waka
Weheruawhanga kei Te Ana-auMiddle Fiord
Whakaaripae maunga tūtata ki Whakatipu WaimāoriRichardson Mountains
Whakakeaawa ka rere ki te HāweaDingle Burn
Whakamāramae mārama ana te kitea atu, e mārama pū ana rānei ngā kōrero mōnaWakamarama Range
Whakamarinowai marino e hora mai anaWakamarina River
Whakamatauroto i keria e Rākaihautū tipuna o WaitahaLake Coleridge
Whakamoakāinga ōnamata o Te Ruahikihiki i mua i te noho rarau ki TaumutuWhakamoa Bay
Whakanuikāinga nohoanga tuatahi he wai māori i te ara tawhito ki te tonga o Rakaiakāinga nohoanga kei te wahapū o Wakanui Creek
Whakanuikāinga mahinga kai mō te kiore, te manu, te aruhe me te waharoa (momo ika)Wakanui Creek
Whakanuii taunahatia ki tētahi tangataWanganui River
Whakaomamaunga kei MurihikuShip Cone / Ōtaupiri
Whakapapakurapae maunga kei MurihikuTaringatura Hills
Whakapoaiawa kei te raki o AwaruaWhakapohai River
Whakapoāite tangi a te kiwi uwhaHeaphy River
Whakapuakawhanga o puaka, pā o Ngāti Kuia i pāhuatia e Ngāti Toa me ōna haumi i te 1833Delaware Bay
Whakarariwhanga kei te tahatika ki te rāwhiti o Te Pātaka-o-RākaihautūLavericks Bay
Whakaraupōwhanga raupōLyttelton Harbour / Whakaraupō
Whakarimuwhanga kei te tahatika ki te rāwhiti o Te Pātaka-o-RākaihautūFishermans Bay
Whakaroawhanga roaLittle Akaloa Bay
Whakatipukāinga mahinga kai mō te tuna me te wekaTwizel River
Whakatipu WaimāoriWhakatipu wai māoriLake Wakatipu
Whakatipu Waitaitētahi o ngā kāinga nui katoa o Ngāi Tahu i te rohekāinga kei Martins Bay
Whakatipu Waitaiingoa o te roto me Martins BayLake McKerrow / Whakatipu Waitai
Whakatipu WaitaiWhakatipu wai taiMartins Bay
Whakatipu-ka-tukuara tawhito atu i Whakatipu Waimāori ki Whakatipu WaitaiHollyford River / Whakatipu Kā Tuka
Whakatoetoei taunahatia ki te tipuna ki a ToetoeToitoi Bay
Whakatōreawhanga o te tōreaAkatore Creek
Whakatūte toko ake kia tūwāhi whānui o te taone nui o Nelson
Whanganuiawa pātata ki Kakara TarameaLittle Wanganui River
Whanganuingā wai hora whānuiWhanganui Inlet
Whangapekako te whanga he wai e hora mai ana, ko te peka he manga o te awaWangapeka River
Whangaraewhanga anganga rā, he ingoa nō HawaikiCroisilles Harbour
Wharanuihe momo harakeketaha takutai i Wharanui (wāhi)
Whararikimō te momo harakekeGreville Harbour / Wharariki
Whareakeakepā me te kāinga mahinga kai kei te rāwhiti o Pūrākaunuipā kei te one o Whareakeake
Whareāteakāore e mōhiotia anaWhareātea Bay
Wharehungawhare kua hinga, i konei a Ngāti Ira e tūtaki ana ki a Cook, nō muri iho ki a Bellingshausenpā i te upoko o Wharehunga Bay
Wharekōte whanga tuatahi ki te tonga o PiopiotahiTransit Beach
Wharepapae kīia ana he tupuna, te hononga taha tuku iho, taha wairua ki te ao tūroaWharepapa / Arthur Range
Whataroahe whata roaWhataroa River
Whenua Houkāinga nō nehe, he pekanga hiranga ki te hunga haere ki te mahi tītī i ngā Motu TītīCodfish Island / Whenua Hou
Whimiahoaawa ka rere atu i Kā Tiritiri-o-te-moana ki TakapōGodley River
Whiringahaupā nō nehepā kei te takiwā ki Tuamarina (wāhi)
Whitiaka-te-rā‘te whitianga o te rā’, i taunahatia e Tamatea i a rātou ko tana tira haere e noho puni ana i koneihe wāhi e pātata ana ki View Hill

Rēkoku | Wharekauri (Chatham Islands)

IngoaKōreroIngoa o nāianei whakamārama rānei
Ahurute hone moanaAhuru (Eastern Reef)
Hakepako te hā te hau rānei te tikanga o ha engari kāore e mōhiotia ana te horopaki. He wāhi karakia hirangaHakepa
Hāpūpūhe uru kōpi/karaka hiranga, he kāinga, he urupā Moriori he papa rākau momoriHāpūpū
Hemokawako te matekai, te hauaitu, te aha atu te tikanga o te hemo engari kāore e mōhiotia ana te horopakiMount Diffenbach (Hemokawa)
Hokorereoro | Rangatiraharuru ana te tini whāioio manu tai i te rerenga | kāore e mōhiotia anaSouth East Island (Rangatira)
Kaimātaotaopā o Ngāti Tama i whakapaea e Ngāti Mutunga i te 1840pā kei te parenga matau i te wahapū o te Nairn River
Kaingaroa | Rātākāinga o Ngāti Tama | kāinga MorioriKaingaroa
Kekerionemō te kēkē, e kōrero ana pea mō te āhua o te motuLong Beach
Kohanga-ta-ra | Ko Whakahewakāore e mōhiotia anaTe Whakahewa / The Horns
Manaueahe tipuna a Mana engari kāore e mōhiotia ana te horopakiManauea (one)
Māngere | Maung’ Rēkāore e mōhiotia ana | maunga rāMangere Island
Matawhenuae kōrero ana mō te āhua o te mata o te whenuate tapatai ki te rāwhiti kei te raki o te Hikurangi Channel
Momoe-a-Toawāhi okioki, wāhi moe rānei a te toa, i te rerenga a te toa, a Tchoro ki te rua pehu i muri o tana patu i tētahi kia matete kūrae ki te tonga-mā-uru o Cape Young
Motchu Hara | Motuharamotu uaua, e kōrero ana pea mō ngā haerenga ki te patu manu | kāore e mōhiotia anaMotuhara (Bertier or the Forty Fours)
Motchu Hopo | Motuhopemotu o te toroa | kāore e mōhiotia anaStar Keys (Motuhope)
Motuhinahinamotu o te hina, e kōrero ana pea mō te kekeno mō tērā momo rānei o te hau kāinga, te māhoeMotuhinahina Island
Ōhinepapae kōrero ana mō tētahi tipuna, he pā pōhatu mō te taputapu pōhatupapa kei te tonga-mā-uru o Waitangi tauaro ki Heaphy Shoal
Ōnouahe ingoa tipunate whanga i Flower Pot (Onoua) (wāhi)
Orokongawhakakoinga toki, he wāhi i oro taputapu pōhatu te MorioriGlory Bay
Ouenga | Owengahe ingoa tipuna | kāore e mōhiotia anakāinga kei Owenga (wāhi)
Panahe ingoa tipunaPana / Blind Jims Creek
Pohautate anga whakatetongaOcean Bay
Pūhinai taunahatia ki te rite ōna ki te kanohi kekeno ina titiro kōtaha atuPuhina
Rakitchu | Rangitūtahimō tētahi o te whānau ariki | whenua tuatahi ka kitea ina ahu atu i te uru-mā-rakiThe Sisters (Rangitatahi)
Rangiauriae kōrero tonu ana pea mō tētahi ingoa ōnamata nō Poronīhia ki te Rāwhiti, e rite ana ki a Rai-aotea te pūtakenga mai. Tērā anō pea ko te ingoa o tētahi waka nunui i tōia me ētahi atu waka ki muri o Rodney ki te hanga pūtere i te 1835Rangiauria Point
Rangiauria | Rangihauteingoa o te kūrae i te tonga-mā-uru koia anō te ingoa o te motu | rangi pūkohuPitt Island (Rangiauria)
Rangihokopoie kōrero ana mō te āhua o te pōkare o te waiRangihokopoi / Western Reef
Rangiwheaohe ingoa tipuna peaThe Castle (Rangiwheau)
Rēkohu | Wharekaurirā pūkohu | he ingoa tupuna ko te ingoa o tētahi pā ōnamata i te raki o Taranaki, ngā mea e rua rāneiChatham Island
Rēkohu | Wharekaurirā pūkohu | he ingoa tupuna ko te ingoa rānei o tētahi pā ōnamata i te raki oChatham Islands
Rongomaiongohe tupuna MorioriFrench Reef
Ta Upoko-o-Rangimenete upoko o RangimeneTa Upoko-o-Rangimene Reef
Takapute pukutakiwā ki Takapu (wāhi)
Tapuaenukungā tapuae o NukuLittle Mangere Island (Tapuaenuku) The Fort
Tapuaki-o-Hiti | Tupuangite tauranga o Hiti | i ngaro te kāinga o konei i te tai āniwhaniwha i te 1868Cape Pattisson
Tapuika'te ika tapu', te wāhi i paea ai te waka Moriori a Rangihouatakiwā ki Tapuika (wāhi)
Tarakoikoia | Tcharakokāore e mōhiotia ana | e koikoi anaThe Pyramid (Tarakoikoia)
Te Awapātikite awa (hongere) mahi pātikiHikurangi Channel
Te Kiatoko te pūhaehae te tikanga o te kiato, he wairua tūhonohono hoki tōna, engari kāore e mōhiotia ana te horopakiCattle Point
Te Rangakiorete haere hono a te kioreTe Rangakiore Islands
Te Rangi Taumaewahe ingoa tipunaNorth-East Reef (Terangi-taumaewa)
Te Whangate whangaTe Whanga Lagoon
Tei Kohuru | Whangaroahe whanga haumaru, he āio | he whanga hōhonu, te wāhi i heke mai ai a Ngāti Tama me Kekerewai i te Lord Rodney i te Tīhema 1835Port Hutt (Whangaroa Harbour)
Tok’ Karoro | Tokakarorowāhi o te karoroPoint Munning
Tokotoko-o-Utangaroate tokotoko o Utangaroa, tētahi o te kauhoe o te waka Moriori a RangimataCape Young
Tupourangae kōrero ana mō te tūpou, engari kāore e mōhiotia ana te horopakiCape Fournier
Waikanaepā no Ngāti Mutungapā kei te takiwā ki Port Hutt o ēnei rā (wāhi)
Waikokopuwai o te kōkopu (ika wai māori)Canister Cove (Waikokopu)
Waimihiate wahi mihia, e kōrero ana mō te komititanga o ngā wai e rua i tēnei tahatikaWaimihia / Point Alison
Waipāuae whakaponohia ana ko te wāhi tawhito katoa tēnei i rarau ai te noho a te tangata ki koneiWaipāua (wāhi)
Waitangi | Waitekingā wai tangi | kāinga o ngā tūpuna a Tapeneke rāua ko Taponikāinga kei Waitangi (wāhi)
Waituae kōrero ana mō te mahi nui ki te horoi mai i te kino i te iho o te kōpi/karaka, ka kōpirotia/pūmāhutiaWairua
Waiwerae kōrero ana mō te wai wera engari kāore e mōhiotia ana te horopakiPoint Gap
Whenuahaute hau o te whenuaWhenuahau