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Cabinet papers and minutes

Improved satellite based positioning to grow an innovative, safe and efficient New Zealand

Budget 2019 set aside funding to support the development of a regional satellite-based augmentation system (SBAS) to significantly improve GPS accuracy. Nearly $2m ($1.992m) will be used to support LINZ to work with its Australian counterpart, Geoscience Australia to investigate ways to deliver SBAS following a two-year trial.

This document, ‘Proposal to authorise joint Ministers to draw down the tagged contingency: Improved satellite based positioning to grow an innovative, safe and efficient New Zealand’, supported the development of the project and the process for joint Ministers (the Minister of Finance, Minister for Land Information and Minister of Transport) to release further funds.

LINZ is now working closely with Geoscience Australia to jointly develop specifications and undertake initial procurement processes. Once a preferred supplier for delivering SBAS has been identified, approval to release further funding will be sought to implement a regional SBAS.

In the meantime, material has been redacted from this paper in order not to prejudice the development of the procurement process which, by its nature, is competitive and commercially sensitive.

Further information about the SBAS project can be found here: Satellite-based augmentation system