The following information shows applications approved or declined for the sale of Sensitive Land, Significant Business Assets and Fishing Quota in New Zealand to overseas persons in the financial year 2020/21. It does not necessarily indicate that a sale has taken place or will take place.
Number of applications granted or declined by pathway
The table below shows total number of applications* approved or declined during financial year 2020/21 from various pathways**
Pathway |
Number of approved applications |
Number of declined applications |
Benefit to New Zealand |
35 |
4 |
Exemption |
9 |
0 |
Fishing quota |
1 |
1 |
Forestry - One-off purchase |
32 |
0 |
Forestry - Standing consent |
4 |
0 |
Intention to reside |
1 |
0 |
One home to live in |
178 |
0 |
Residential land development - One-off purchase |
8 |
0 |
Residential land development - Standing consent |
2 |
0 |
Significant business assets only |
32 |
0 |
Variation |
46 |
1 |
Grand Total |
348 |
6 |
* This does not include withdrawn applications.
** For further information see the 'Our investment pathways' section of the website
Number and land area of approved sensitive land applications by pathway
The table below shows the total number of sensitive land applications, including total land area approved by the Overseas Investment Office (OIO) during financial year 2020/21 (that can be disclosed).
Pathway |
Number of approved applications |
Total Gross Land Area (in hectares) |
Total Net Land Area (in hectares) |
Benefit to New Zealand |
35 |
1,541 |
956 |
Forestry |
32 |
38,579 |
15381 |
Intention to reside |
1 |
111 |
0 |
Residential land development |
8 |
5 |
3 |
Grand Total |
76 |
40,236 |
16,341 |
Net hectares
"Net hectares" represents the total land area proposed to be transferred into overseas ownership under consents approved during the relevant period.
For example, if a New Zealander sells 10 hectares to someone from overseas, the whole 10 hectares is shown. However, if the seller is a company that is 50% New Zealand owned and 50% overseas owned, then only five hectares will show in that column. Five hectares represents the "net" change in the overseas ownership of New Zealand land.
Gross hectares
“Gross hectares” represents the total land area proposed to be acquired under consents approved. The figure includes land that is:
- proposed to be acquired under the consent by an overseas person from an existing overseas person. For example, if an entity (being an overseas person) acquires 10 hectares from an existing overseas person the full 10 hectares is shown; and
- proposed to be acquired under the consent by New Zealand interests as well as overseas interests (for example, under a New Zealand/Australian joint venture). For example, if a company (being an overseas person) that is 50% New Zealand owned and 50% overseas owned acquires 10 hectares, the full 10 hectares is shown; and
- land that is owned by an entity where an overseas person acquire an interest in the entity. For example, if an overseas person acquires 10% of the shares in a company, and that company owns 10 hectares of land, the full 10 hectares is shown.
Top 10 industries for which applications are approved
The table below shows the top 10 industries for which the OIO approved applications for the financial year 2020-21 (that can be disclosed).
Industries |
Number of approved applications |
Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing |
46 |
Non-Industry Use |
13 |
Manufacturing |
10 |
Accommodation and Food Services |
6 |
Financial and Insurance Services |
4 |
Mining |
3 |
Construction |
3 |
Information Media and Telecommunications |
3 |
Historic |
2 |
Health Care and Social Assistance |
2 |
Transport, Postal and Warehousing |
2 |
Administrative and Support Services |
2 |
Professional, Scientific and Technical Services |
2 |
Top 10 New Zealand regions where applications were approved
The table below shows the top 10 New Zealand regions for which OIO approved applications for the financial year 2020-21 (that can be disclosed).
New Zealand Regions |
Number of approved applications * |
Auckland Council |
28 |
Marlborough District |
7 |
Southland District |
6 |
Hastings District |
6 |
Waikato District |
5 |
Christchurch City |
5 |
Gisborne District |
4 |
Central Hawke's Bay District |
3 |
Wairoa District |
2 |
Waitomo District |
2 |
Western Bay of Plenty District |
2 |
Whangarei District |
2 |
* This does not include One Home to Live in applications.
Top 10 Countries from which applications were received
The table below shows the top 10 Countries from which applications approved by the OIO were received during the financial year 2020/21 (that can be disclosed).
Country |
Number of approved applications * |
United States of America |
29 |
Australia |
21 |
People’s Republic of China |
13 |
United Kingdom |
12 |
Germany |
11 |
Japan |
7 |
Singapore |
6 |
Canada |
6 |
Switzerland |
5 |
Austria |
5 |
* This does not include One Home to Live in applications.
More information
Overseas Investment Office
Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand
Ph: 04 462 4490
Email: oio