March 2024 Topo250 release notes

This release (60) comprises selected updates to 27 Topo50 sheets in NZ and the Chatham’s, also 3 NZTopo250 sheets in NZ and the Chatham’s

Of note in this release are:

  • 250-14 Minor selected updates
  • 250-16 Minor selected updates
  • 250-31 Name updates

Details regarding the entire history of changes to Topo50.



Schema changes


Topographic Data Dictionary changes


Map SheetSheet NameNew Digitial VersionCommentsNew Version Print Date
250-14Palmerston North1.04Updates to roads, v/tracks, huts, exotic forest1.04
250-16Wellington1.03Updates to roads, v/tracks, huts, exotic forest1.03
250-31Chatham Islands1.04Updates to roads, v/tracks, huts, exotic forest1.04