Land titles instrument codes and lodgement fees H-Z

This page shows the instrument codes and fees for lodging a land title. Select a letter to view codes beginning with that letter (H - Z)

Survey and title fees are changing on 3 February 2025. See details on the changes: Survey and title fees

H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z   


All fee are GST inclusive

Health Reforms (Transitional Provisions) Act 1993

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
A9Application to transfer ownership18090

Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Act 2014

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
COVHeritage covenant18090
PCOVPartial surrender/revocation/recession/cancellation/expiry of18090
RCOVRemoval of covenant18090
VCOVVariation of covenant18090

Historic Places Act 1993

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
COVHeritage covenant18090
PCOVPartial surrender/revocation/recession/cancellation/expiry of18090
RCOVRemoval of covenant18090
VCOVVariation of covenant18090

Housing Act 1955

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
HCECCertificate (pipeline, party wall, right of way)22
CHCECancellation - Housing Corp Easement Certificate22
PHCEPartial cancellation - Housing Corp Easement Certificate22

Incorporated Societies Act 1808

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
A27Application under S2718090

Irrigation under Public Works 1981

See Public Works Act 1981

Joint Family Homes Act 1964

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
JFHApplication to register land
(ie: ordinary, additional land, portability)
+ advertising fee (where required)


CJFHCancellation by application18090
PJFHPartial cancellation by application
Notice under s10(3)(a) JFH Act
XJFHCaveat (includes notice to registered owner)186 (includes $6 notice fee)96 (includes $6 notice fee)
WXWithdrawal of caveat18090

Land Act 1948

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
C113Certificate of alteration under s11318090
C116Freeholding certificate under s116
+ new record of title to issue
DPLDeferred Payment Licence18090
PLPastoral Lease/Licence18090
RLRenewable Lease18090

Land Covenants

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
LCOVLand Covenant under s116(1)(a) or (b) Land Transfer Act 201718090
PRCLPartial Revocation of Land Covenant under Commerce Act 198618090
PRLCPartial Revocation of Land Covenant under s116(1)(c) LTA 201718090
RCLCRevocation of Land Covenant under Commerce Act 198618090
RLCRevocation of Land Covenant under s116(1)(c) LTA 201718090
VCLCVariation of Land Covenant under Commerce Act 198618090
VLCVariation of Land Covenant under s116(1)(c) LTA 201718090

Land Transfer Act 2017

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
A120Application for Release of Statutory Land Charge - s120(3) Land Transfer Act 201718090
A143Application to lapse caveat - s143 LTA2017 (plus notice served to caveator)180
M143Application to lapse caveat - s143 LTA2017 MLCNo feeNo fee
A185Application for Title to Access Strip – s185 LTA 201718090
A90Application under s90 LTA 201718090

Application for Record of Title - ss155, 172 or 204 LTA 2017




+ for each notice required to be sent
+for each issue of each new title









EEExtinguishment of Easement – s113/114/115 LTA 201718090
C132Cancellation/Revocation/Rescission of Licence to Occupy – s132 LTA 201718090
CFENApplication to cancel fencing covenant or agreement s21 LTA 201718090
LCOVLand Covenant under s116(1)(a) or (b) Land Transfer Act 201718090
PRLCPartial Revocation of Land Covenant under s116(1)(c) LTA 201718090
RLCRevocation of Land Covenant under s116(1)(c) LTA 201718090
VLCVariation of Land Covenant under s116(1)(c) LTA 201718090

Leases (of fee-simple or leasehold land)

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
+ fee for the issue of a record of title
VLVariation/extension of18090
PLPastoral (Crown)18090
SLSurrender of18090
TLTransfer of18090
+ advertising (where required)
PSLPartial Surrender of18090
MELMerger of18090
TMELTransfer and merger of18090

Leases (Crown)

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
LCLease (Crown)18090
SLSurrender of18090
PSLPartial Surrender of18090
PLPastoral Lease/Licence18090
RLRenewable Lease18090
RCLRenewal of Crown Lease18090
BCABase Carrying Capacity Advice180 

Legal Services Act 2000

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
SLCStatutory Land Charge18090
DSLCDischarge of Statutory Land Charge18090
PSLCPartial discharge of SLC18090
A120Application for Release of Statutory Land Charge - s120(3) Land Transfer Act 201718090


CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
PLPastoral Licence18090
SLSurrender of18090
DPLDeferred Payment Licence18090
FDPLForfeiture of DPL18090
PDPLPartial Surrender of DPL18090
SDPLSurrender of DPL18090
EMILExpiry of MIL (Mining/Prospecting/Exploration Licence)Nil 

Licence to Occupy

+ fee for issue of a record of title





SOLSurrender of OLNilNil
C132Cancellation/Revocation/Rescission of Licence to Occupy – s132 LTA 201718090
VFLVariation of FL18090
TFLTransfer of FL18090
RFLRescission of FLNil 

Life Estates

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
+ issue of new Record of Title
TSMTransmission to remainderman
+ issue of new Record of Title

Local Government Act 1974

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
BONBond - s304 & 30818090
DBONDischarge of Bond18090
C305Approval of Subdivision - s305 (lodged after plan)18090
C316Special Order Vesting18090
C349Special Order Declaring a Public Road - s34918090
CBLRCancellation/revocation of BLR - s32718090
SRStopping of Road - s342
+ issue of new record of title
C346Limited Access Road - s346H18090
C348Certificate - s348 (NB. Only if separately registered)18090
C352Note conditions - s35218090
C354Construction of cellar - s35418090
C461Private drain - s46118090
R461Cancellation of C46118090
C462Public drain - s46118090
ASPAgreement for sale & purchase - s57518090
RASPRevocation of ASPNilNil
R306Release of completion certificate s306180 

Local Government (Rating) Act 2002

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
CHOCharging Order18090
DCHODischarge of Charging Order18090
SLCStatutory Land Charge18090
DSLCDischarge of Statutory Land Charge18090
PSLCPartial discharge of SLC18090
A120Application for Release of Statutory Land Charge - s120(3) Land Transfer Act 201718090

Māori Land Court Orders

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
CNOConsolidation orderNilNil
DODetermination orderNilNil
EXOExchange orderNilNil
EXCOExclusion orderNilNil
INCOInclusion orderNilNil
POPartition orderNilNil
SOSuccession orderNilNil
TOTrustee orderNilNil
VOVesting orderNilNil
CHOCharging orderNilNil
MLCOMiscellaneous ordersNilNil


CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement

Memorandum – s209 Land Transfer Act 2017


Form Fee  



CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
EMILExpiry of MILNil 
SMLSurrender of MILNilNil
VMILVariation of MILNilNil
PMIPPartial surrender of MIPNilNil
RMIPRevocation of MIP180Nil
SMIPSurrender of MIPNilNil
N83Notice of Access Rights - Crown Minerals Act18090
A86Application for ownership of minerals - Crown Minerals Act180 
C417Certificate specifying mining rights - Resource Management Act18090
T417Transfer of C41718090

Mortgages (for Discharges see Discharges of, for Variations see Variations of)

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
MMortgage to Disabled Persons Community Welfare ActNil 
MMMortgage of mortgage180 
MUMMemorandum - s209 Land Transfer Act 2017
Form Fee
MVMMortgage varying mortgage180 
TMTransfer of18090
MEMMerger of (without transfer)180 

Mortgage Priority Instrument

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
MPMortgage Priority Instrument18090


CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
CNChange/correction of18090
CNMGChange of name of mortgagee18090

Natural Hazards Insurance Act 2023

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
C51Natural Hazards Insurance Act 2023 Certificate sec 51(2)NilNil
D51Natural Hazards Insurance Act 2023 – Discharge sec 51(3)NilNil
V51Natural Hazards Insurance Act 2023 – Variation sec 51(5)NilNil

New Plymouth District Council (Waitara Lands) Act 2018

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
A60Application under s6018090
N59Notice under s5918090
R55Application under s5518090

Ngāti Awa Claims Settlement Act 2005

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
A136Application under s13618090
 + new record of title to issue (where required)145145

Ngāi Tahu Claims Settlement Act 1998

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
C474Certificate under s474 (1) (b) Ngāi Tahu Claims Settlement Act 199818090
C464Certificate under s464 Ngāi Tahu Claims Settlement Act 199818090
C98Certificate pursuant to s98 of the Ngāi Tahu Claims Settlement Act 199818090

Notices of Claim

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
A143Application to lapse NC under s143 LTA2017
(plus notice served to claimant)
COVesting Order (under Property (Relationships) Act 1976)18090
NCUnder Property (Relationships) Act 1976
(plus notice to registered owner)
WNCWithdrawal of Notice of Claim18090
PWNCPartial withdrawal of Notice of Claim18090


CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
 Serving notice under various Acts (excluding Retirement Villages Act 2003)66
 Serving notice under s21(4) Retirement Villages Act 200355


CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
 See Māori Land Court Orders
See Court Orders
OCTNFor new certificates (records) of title
+ for each new title to issue

Overseas Investment Act 2005

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
WANWater Areas Acquisition Notice18090
VWANVariation of Water Areas Acquisition Notice18090
CWANCancellation of Water Areas Acquisition Notice18090


Documents which are discharged or withdrawn can usually be partially discharged or withdrawn. The prefix "P" is usually added before the code for the discharge or withdrawal ie: PDM, PWX. Refer to the parent heading ie: Mortgage, Caveat etc.


CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
RMIPRevocation of MIP18090
SMIPSurrender of MIPNilNil

Powers of Attorney

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
PAPower of attorney180 
RPARevocation of Power of Attorney180 

Port Nicholson Block (Taranaki Whanui ki Te Upoko o Te Ika) Claims Settlement Act 2009

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
RFRRight of First Refusal Certificate – Māori Claims Settlement18090


CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
PROCProclamation (see also Gazette Notices)NilNil

Protection of Personal and Property Rights Act 1988

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
COCourt orders18090
PAPower of Attorney180 
RPARevocation of PA180 

Profits à Prendre

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
PPProfit à Prendre18090
VPPVariation of18090
SPPSurrender of18090

Public Works Act 1981

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
C18Desire to Acquire - s18NilNil
WC18Withdrawal/discharge of C18NilNil
CCCompensation Certificate - s19NilNil
DCCDischarge of CCNilNil
C23Notice of Intention to Take - s23NilNil
W23Withdrawal of Notice under C23NilNil
GNMiddle Line Proclamation - s36NilNil
TTransfer of Land not required for Public Work being amalgamated with existing record of title - s42(6)NilNil
OCTNIssue of Record of Title - s47
+ new record of title to issue
GNProclamation and all Gazette NoticesNilNil
N38Notice of Expiry under s38(2)NilNil
SLCStatutory Land Charge - s73, 74 or 107(4)18090
DSLCDischarge of SLC - s73, 74 or 107(4)18090
PSLCPartial discharge of SLC - s73, 74 or 107(4)18090
A120Application for Release of Statutory Land Charge - s120(3) Land Transfer Act 201718090
C107Certificate grant in exchange - s107(8) No fee for new record of titleNilNil
C107Certificate to issue a title - s107(8a)NilNil
C107Encumbrances - s107(9a) and (16)NilNil
C115Certificate of consent for roading - s115NilNil
D115Discharge of Certificate under s115 Public Works Act 1981NilNil
C117Certificate of new appellation for stopped road - s117NilNil
C120Encumbrances - s120(3)
Issue of record of title - s120(3)
C220Irrigation NoticeNilNil
W220Withdrawal of irrigation notice - s220(5)NilNil
C221Irrigation ChargeNilNil
D221Irrigation DischargeNilNil

New Zealand Railways Corporation Restructuring Act 1990

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
C25ACovenant against Transfer of Allotments - s25A(2)(b) NZ Railways Corporation Restructuring Act 1990180 
R25ACancellation of Covenant - s25A(9) NZ Railways Corporation Restructuring Act 1990180 
P25APartial Cancellation of Covenant - s25A(9) NZ Railways Corporation Restructuring Act 1990180 

Racing Industry Act 2020

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
N21Racing Industry Act 2020 – Notice under s21(1)18090
R21Racing Industry Act 2020 – Removal of Notice under s2118090
A32Racing Industry Act 2020 – Application under s3218090


CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
CHORating Charge - Rating Powers Act18090
DCHODischarge/Cancellation of CHO18090
SLCPostponement of rates - Local Government (Rating) Act 200218090
DSLCDischarge of SLCNilNil
PSLCPartial discharge of SLCNilNil
A120Application for Release of Statutory Land Charge - s120(3) Land Transfer Act 201718090
TTransfer - Local Government (Rating) Act 200218090


CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
C243Certificate under Resource Management Act18090

Record of Title (Issue of New)

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
OCTNAll titles eg: fee simple, leasehold, composite, stratum145145


CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement

Reserves Act 1977

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
C111Certificate under s111NilNil

Resource Management Act 1991

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
BONBond under s108(1)(b)18090
DBONCancellation or Expiry of BON18090
VBONVariation of BON18090
COVCovenant under s108(2)(d)18090
RCOVCancellation or Expiry of COV18090
VCOVVariation of COV18090
CONOConsent Notice18090
CCONCancellation of condition in CONO18090
PCONPartial cancellation of condition in CONO18090
V221Variation of conditions in CONO18090
C223Approval of subdivision (after plan deposit)18090
C224Certificate as to conditions18090
C226Certificate on survey plan or copy s22618090
C232Certificate as to esplanade strip18090
C234Cancellation of Esplanade Strip under Resource Management Act 199118090
V234Variation of Esplanade Strip under Resource Management Act 199118090
C240Covenant against transfer of allotments18090
C241Cancellation of condition under s24118090
C243Revocation of conditional easement18090
C245Reclamation certificate18090
SLCStatutory Land Charge s315(3)18090
DSLCDischarge of statutory land charge18090
PSLCPartial discharge of statutory land charge18090
A120Application for Release of Statutory Land Charge - s120(3) Land Transfer Act 201718090
GNGazette Notice under s355NilNil
P417Partial Release of Certificate under Section 417 Resource Management Act 1991180 
R417Release of Certificate under Section 417 Resource Management Act 1991180 
C417Certificate specifying mining rights18090
T417Transfer of C41718090
P241Partial cancellation certificate under s24118090

Retirement Villages Act 2003

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
NRVRetirement Villages Act 2003 - Notification of Registration of a Retirement Village – s22176176
 + Notice fee under s21(4) per notice55
VRVRetirement Villages Act 2003 - Notification of Change to a Retirement Village – s22176176
 + Notice fee under s21(4) per notice55
CRVRetirement Villages Act 2003 - Notification of Cancellation of a Retirement Village – s23176176


CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
C132Cancellation/Revocation/Rescission of Licence to Occupy – s132 LTA 201718090
RPAof Power of Attorney180 
RMIPof permit - Crown Minerals Act18090
RASPof ASP - Māori Housing Amendment Act18090
RCOVof a Covenant18090
RAGof Agreement (electricity, forestry, irrigation etc)
(see respective sections for fees)
PRAGPartial revocation of Agreement
(see respective sections for fees)
PRLCPartial Revocation of Land Covenant under s116(1)(c) LTA 201718090
RLCRevocation of Land Covenant under s116(1)(c) LTA 201718090


CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
SRStopped Road (s342 Local Govt Act)
+ new title fee

Soil Conservation and Rivers Control Act 1941

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
AGLand Improvement AgreementNil 
RAGDischarge/Revocation/Rescission of AGNil 
VAGVariation of AGNil 
PRAGPartial release of AGNil 

State Owned Enterprises Act 1986

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
A25Application under s25(1) or (2)18090

Statutory Land Charges

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
C220Irrigation notice - Public Works Act 1981NilNil
C221Irrigation charge - Public Works Act 1981NilNil
A120Application for Release of Statutory Land Charge - s120(3) Land Transfer Act 201718090
DSLCDischarge ofVariesVaries
PSLCPartial discharge ofVariesVaries
SLCBiosecurity Act 1993 (Sec 129)18090
SLCElectricity Act 1968NilNil
SLCEstate and Gift Duties Act 1968NilNil
SLCFamily Benefits (Home Ownership) Act 1964NilNil
SLCFarm Ownership Savings Act 1974NilNil
SLCHome Ownership Savings Act 1974NilNil
SLCLegal Services Act 2000 s32180*90*
SLCLocal Government (Rating) Act 2002180**90**
SLCLocal Government Act 1974180**90**
SLCPublic Works Act 1981- s.73, s74 or s107(4)18090
SLCunder s96 Rating Act 1967 - s96NilNil
SLCResource Management Act 199118090
SLCRural Housing Act 193918090
SLCSoil Conservation and River Control Act 1941NilNil
SLCSection 125 Social Security Act 1964 - s12518090
SLCMāori Housing Act 193518090
SLCLegal Aid Act 1969180*90*
SLCProceeds of Crime Act 199118090
SLCTax Administration Act 1994NilNil
PTCPartial discharge of TCNilNil
*Fee should be included as part of the charge so that registration may be affected at the standard rate.  
**Unless specifically exempted.  

Summit Road (Canterbury) Protection Act 2001

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
N10Notice of Protected Land under s10(6) Summit Road (Canterbury) Protection Act 2001NilNil


CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
PDPLPartial - of Deferred Payment Licence18090
SDPLof Deferred Payment Licence18090
SLof Lease18090
SEof Easement (without Transferring land)18090
PSEPartial - of easement18090
TSEof Easement (with Transfer) (2 operations)360180
SOLof Licence to Occupy18090
SPPof Profit à Prendre18090
PMIPPartial - of Mining PermitNilNil
SMIPof Mining PermitNilNil
PSMLPartial - of Mining LicenceNil 
SMLof Mining LicenceNilNil

Treaty Claims Settlements

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
RFRRight of First Refusal Certificate - Maori Claims Settlement18090
RRSMRemoval of Resumption Memorial18090
TTransfer of Settlement Properties18090
MCAPApplications for: the creation of Computer Registers; vestings18090
 + the new record of title to issue (where required)145145


CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
TMELand merger of Lease18090
TMof mortgage18090
TEand grant of easement (2 operations)360180
EGrant of easement18090
TPSin exercise of power of sale18090
SESurrendering easement (only)18090
TSEand surrender of easement (2 operations)360180
T417of C417 mining right - s417 Resource Mgnt Act 199118090
TAGof Forestry Rights Registration Agreement18090

Transit New Zealand Act 1989

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
C43Certificate - s43 Transit New Zealand Act18090
C91Certificate - s91 Transit NZ Act18090
C93Certificate notifying conditions18090
C94CCopy of declaration gazetted18090


CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
TSMTransmission – survivorship18090
TSMTransmission – to executor or administrator18090
TSMTransmission – bona vacantia under s77 Administration Act 196918090
TSMTransmission – bona vacantia under s324 Companies Act 199318090
TSMTransmission – bona vacantia under s337 Companies Act 195590N/A
TSMTransmission – amalgamation under Part 13 Companies Act 199318090
TSMTransmission – Official Assigneee under the Insolvency Act 196718090
TSMTransmission – Official Assigneee under the Insolvency Act 200618090
TSMLife estate
+ issue of new record of title
TSMTransmission – s113E Building Societies Act 196518090
TSMTransmission – s34 Building Societies Act 196518090
TSMTransmission – Joint Family Homes Act 196418090
TSMTransmission – Simultaneous Deaths Act 195818090
TSMTransmission – Survivorship under s72 Property Law Act 200718090
TSMTrustee change – District Grand Lodges and District Grand Royal Arch Chapters of English Freemasons of New Zealand Trustees Act 197618090
TSMTrustee change – Grand Lodge of Freemasons of New Zealand Trustees Act 190318090
TSMTrustee change – Provincial Grand Lodge of New Zealand (Irish Constitution) Trustees Act 194618090

Treaty of Waitangi Act 1975

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
C8ECertificate under section 8ENilNil

Unit Titles Act 2010

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
NOUIUnit Titles Act 2010 – Notice of Utility Interests – s39(2)18090
REOUUnit Titles Act 2010 – Notice of Reassessment of Ownership & Utility Interests – s4218090
OINTUnit Titles Act 2010 – Assessment of ownership interests – s32(2)(b) & (3)(b)18090
C177Unit Titles Act 2010 – Reassessment of Ownership Interest on Cancellation of Plan – s177(7)18090
CADDUnit Titles Act 2010 – Change of Address of Body Corporate – s20518090
N187Unit Titles Act 2010 – Notice of Application to the High Court to Cancel Unit Plan – s165(2)(b) & 187(2)18090
NPROUnit Titles Act 2010 – Notice that Application to Cancel is not Proceeding – s187(4)18090
N195Unit Titles Act 2010 – Notice of intention to convert existing scheme into unit titles – s195(1)18090
C32Unit Titles Act 2010 – Certificate by TA – Deposit of Unit Plan/Redevelopment Plan – s32(2)(a) & 6518090
CEXPUnit Titles Act 2010 – Certificate of Expiry of Lease – s166(3)18090
C216Unit Titles Act 2010 – Certificate by Body Corporate – s216(1)18090
REOWUnit Titles Act 2010 – Reassessment of Ownership Interests – s67(1)(b) & 69(3)18090
CRULUnit Titles Act 2010 – Notice/Change of Rules18090
C65Unit Titles Act 2010 - Certificate by Body Corporate - s65(4)18090
N74Unit Titles Act 2010 - Notice of Application to Court to Settle Scheme under s74(5)18090
UAPPApplication to deposit18090
 + Issue of each stratum title145145
 + Supplementary record sheetNilNil
CUTPCancellation of unit title plan18090
 + Issue of new title (per title) if applicable145145
XUTACaveat forbidding Subdivision of Land - s195 Unit Titles Act 2010186 (includes $6 notice fee)96 (includes $6 notice fee)

Urban Development Act 2020

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
R138Removal of conservation interest under s138(4) Urban Development Act 202018090
R268Removal of resumptive memorial under s268 Urban Development Act 202018090

Variations of

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
VMMortgage Disabled Persons Community Welfare Act 1975NilNil
V221Conditions in CONO - Resource Management Act 199118090
VCLCVariation of Land Covenant under Commerce Act 198618090
VLCVariation of Land Covenant under s116(3) Land Transfer Act 201718090

Waikato Raupatu Claims Settlement Act 1995

CodeDetailManualAuto-registration or e-lodgement
CW13Certificate under s13NilNil
CW14Certificate under s14NilNil


See sections relating to the principal registration

Last updated