NZ Buildings prototype
Aotearoa Property Data Network - December webinar - NZ Buildings prototype-20241203_013347-Meeting Recording
December 3, 2024, 12:02AM
1h 31m 15s
Ben Reilly started transcription
Ben Reilly 0:10
Kia ora koutou everybody. Welcome to today's webinar hosted by Aotearoa Property Data Network and LINZ on the New Zealand Buildings prototype and I will just start with an opening karakia.
Tīmata tatou. Whāia te mātauranga
kia mārama, kia tupu,
kia tiaki ngā whenua,
ngā moana, ngā arawai
Kia whai take ngā mahi katoa
Aroha atu aroha mai,
tātou i a tātou
Toi te kupu
Toi te mana
Toitū te whenua
Haumi ē, hui ē, tāiki ē!
We pursue knowledge for understanding, developing and caring for the lands, bodies of water and waterways. We seek purpose and all that we do.
Let us show respect for each other. Hold fast to our language, hold fast to our spiritual strength, sustain the land, gather and go forward together.
Right. So on to the agenda today, we've got a couple of presentations to start with. In the first half of today's webinar and then in the second-half, we're moving to a panel discussion. So to start with, we'll have Eddie Hebert from MBIE and Susan Shaw from LINZ talking about the problem that is trying to be solved by this new NZ buildings prototype data set and then Josh from EMBOP and Caleb from NHC National and Natural Hazards Commission will be talking about some applications at a local scale on the ground in emergency, but then also in the big picture, more systemically.
And then all the presentation presenters will join us.
For the panel in the second-half.
And as I move to some housekeeping, so in the audience you are able to turn on your cameras and microphones today and we encourage spoken or written questions today, we're going to do things a little differently because we have the panel, we're not going to have this. The questions as we usually do after each presentation, we're just going to save it all for the panel discussion and Q&A in the second-half.
In the meantime, as questions do come to you.
Feel free to pop them in the chat so you don't forget and I'll be monitoring that and we can come back to them in due course or during that panel segment. Do feel free to hit the right hand button and we can we can queue you up to ask a question off the panel or or one of the panel.
In course.
And just a note that the webinar is being recorded today and it'll be shared with our full mailing list and everyone who's attended today or registered to attend after the after the webinar.
So into our first presentation and we'll have Eddie Hebert the lead building, Emergency Management MBIE up first talking about the problem.
Over to you, Eddie.
Eddie Hebert 3:32
Thanks Ben.
How's that?
Ben Reilly 3:37
That's looking great.
Eddie Hebert 3:39
Right. OK. So as Ben mentioned.
What is the problem we are trying to solve so.
Just a little bit of background.
Is my. Here we go.
So MBIE is one of several agencies with legal obligations, roles and responsibilities for building management and emergencies.
When there's an event, it's critical that the TAs can quickly mobilise.
To protect lives, buildings, public thoroughfares and critical infrastructure, TAs or CDEM Controllers have responsibility for leading the response and our role at MBIE is to process. The designations, monitor, provide guidance and deploy resources in support.
So just a bit of legal background under which we operate and most importantly is.
Subpart 133BQ of the Building Act and it sets out the methodology for post event assessments. So this gives us the the mandate to.
To capture that information.
The other ones are all relevant, but I'll just let you guys read those.
yourselves. So in 2023.
Around 10,000 RBAs were carried out - Rapid Building Assessments.
Building inspectors are often brought in from other regions to carry out these just due to the the lack of local resource.
In the past, this has often been done manually.
So there's there's quite a bit of data.
To to capture, upload, store, analyse.
A lot of this information is already collected by councils in the district valuation role, the DVR, and it's held by Toitu Te Whenua as a national data set and publishing DVR data and pre populating the RBA forms will save time and improve data accuracy, so that's the key point.
So as part of the work we were doing, we came up with this slide and it's just a who, what, when, where, why.
So the what we're asking for NZ building data outlines attributed with DVR data.
Link it to the property address.
When Susan asked me to be a part of this work.
My response was why not? I think.
Most other countries in the Western world, this sort of work is has been around for for quite a while and I think given the size of New Zealand.
Having a data set like this is.
Overdue, long overdue. So the why to aid New Zealand's emergency and but specifically from an MBIE Building Emergency Management.
Perspective it's to aid New Zealand's Emergency Management system and its effectiveness in preparing, responding and recovering to events.
As this information is critical to inform rapid building assessments, critical to prioritise and informed deployment based on characteristics that are more prone to damage from impact critical for recovery.
Information and critical for reduction.
So where this is ideally gonna be hosted, either you know on a LINZ system, local government, arcGIS online or.
Central government organisation such as MBIE. When? or yeah.
Reporting on LINZ key data improvement plan by June 2025.
We can do that. Hey, Susan.
How? how will it be shared? LINZ arcGIS online rest service?
Who? The the great and powerful Susan Shaw, who deserves a lot of credit for her perseverance in getting this work over the line.
Eddie Hebert 10:23
OK, so this slide is just.
Basically, the potential costs of well, I mean, Cyclone Gabrielle, you look at the the cost in billions, Canterbury earthquakes, same again. So if this data can help us even shave off.
You know, or help us prepare.
You know, it could potentially save potentially save billions of dollars.
For events like AF8 or a Hikorangi event.
So this is just the an example of the paper form. I stole these from Susan.
So these are the the key data sets. This is the digital version in Survey123 and some more DVR data and.
What it looks like in the the forms.
And again the same, but in the survey123.
And that.
Takes me to the ends of my presentation.
And yeah, feel free to get in touch with the team.
We've managed to shorten our e-mail.
To bem@mbie.govt.nz so thank you very much.
Stop sharing over to Susan.
Susan Shaw 12:12
Thanks, Eddie. Well done with that technical issue in the middle, they did well. It's always tricky and I'm glad my camera was off because you're making me blush there. But it's real easy to be passionate about this work having been involved in a few responses and feeling pretty amateur. It's great to be here trying to make a difference. So I'm Susan Shaw, senior geospatial specialist at Toitu Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand.
And it's great to have the opportunity to be able to share with you the work that we're doing with MBIE and others.
To try and support you to help you be able to manage your rapid building assessment data a little better.
What do we know?
We know that LINZ holds parcel and title and more recently building outline data, and we know that councils hold address and district valuation role data that they share with LINZ so that we can pull that together into a collated national data set and a lot of the work that I've been doing at LINZ is going to each of the 67.
TAs individually and asking them to provide additional data sets so that we can improve our national address data.
And then we went back and asked different people in each of the 67 Tas as different teams if they would share their district valuation role data with us so that we could pull it together in a national data set. So a lot of a lot of phone calls, a lot of perseverance, lots of phone a friend, if you're on the DIMA slack channel. You know, I've did a regular call outs to get your help by.
Encouraging your local TA to share their data by telling them how important it is for Emergency Management. So as of June last year.
We got all the TAs signed up for for improving their address data and their district valuation model data. Awesome. So we had all this data. What could we do with it?
So as Ed has already alluded to, I got very excited when I saw the new MBIE Rapid building assessment form because if we start looking through it, TA Yep tick, we can pull that out of NZ addresses. We've got some response information here. We can't do much there, building name.
We can feed in NZ addresses there too other ID. Well we could use building ID that will be a good one to tie in there too.
We do hold a bit of information about owner, but it's not necessarily the usual occupants and don't know if that's going to work or not. And there's privacy issues. But then what I really appreciated is all that data in the DVR that could.
Ideally pre populate at some point, but at least inform that building inspector who's.
Then from out of the district, who's in the rain, likely standing in mud, possibly having aftershocks. Really stressful situation. So rather than standing in front of the building, going well, how old is this? What's the construction age? If they could look at the year built from the DVR and see it was built in the 50s, it's really easy for them to choose option B for construction.
Age on the rapid building assessment form, and that's true for footprint. We've got building floor area building type. We've got property types, so commercial office.
Commercial office and structure type we can see from wall instruction is concrete, so it's not a perfect match.
But yeah, just just I think it could really help again in that really stressful situation while you're trying to decipher what's going on.
And two really important things happened in the last 12 to 18 months or so. First was that that we got all the TAs signed up to share in their district valuation model data 2nd.
MBIE agreed to join the key data improvement programme as a lead agency, so that was a real strong signal to LINZ that MBIE were taking this seriously and they wanted to work with us to to make a difference and then around this time last year, the Natural Hazards Commission, or as it was known, then the Earthquake Commission ran a workshop on building and on creating a national building register.
And so we took both of those.
As a real Yep, we should go forward and start on this work within LINZ.
And so I started looking at what came out of that workshop, the EQC ran, and it was like, oh, this all the data's here, but actually it's spread across 24 different data sources. And when I went through the metadata and the data dictionaries associated with each of those, there was six different reference documents that that were quoted. So while the information was there for you to pick up and use potentially.
Just having the capacity, just having that headspace.
To be able to understand how to bring that together and we could see was a real blocker to being able to go forward. So what could we do about that?
Well, as a good agile organisation, we started with a user story and this is Karen at Nelson City Council. Who's doing awesome work with rapid build and assessments locally. And so for Karen as a GIS analyst, managing rapid building assessment, inspections, data during an emergency.
I want to be able to assign a rapid building assessment for every building. So how could we go about that? If we pull together all those multiple data sets we bring in, build and outline and we bring in the address, the property information, the title and the district valuation wall data, we should be able to achieve something. Drumroll please. This is what it currently looks like. So.
I always think this is the most one of the most exciting things. Just because a lot of you have been asking about it for a long time.
Is what this means is that a building now has an address, so in this example we've got 186 Shirley Rd.
We then pull together lots of those really good ID's so you can link with other national datasets and your own data sets too, so we've got the more recent unit of property ID the more old school traditional parcel ID. We've got a Council's valuation reference, legal description, title, title type.
And then we get into that really rich district valuation role data. So we can see that 186 Shirley Rd is residential. It was built in the 50s, it was good condition and it's about 120 metres squared. So that that was really exciting just to see the data about like that and to be honest, I have been really focused on being able to click on a building and find information out about that building.
But then when the data got built, I got really excited about the information that was getting.
Generated at a national level. So if we just look at one of those attributes in turn. So if we start by looking at the planning zone, suddenly we could draw up all the buildings and mark them up by, symbolise them by planning zone. So you imagine if you're in a response, you can see where all the residential areas are because they're in that zone. You could maybe prioritise sending your land search and rescue team out to the residential areas first.
You can see all the industrial areas, so you may send out a crew that's got specialised equipment.
And breathing apparatus to go and look in those industrial areas. I mean it's all a bit of an assumption and a proxy and it's not going to be perfect, but it's possibly more intelligence than you have now available when something happens. So that was planning zone. I then had a look at the building condition and so this map in the middle.
Is we've just put a filter on so that we can only see the buildings that are of a fair condition. So again, in an earthquake you might use this to prioritise what we're going to go and assess the buildings that are a fair condition first because the chances are they're the ones that are most at risk.
And then thirdly, what I got excited about too is during COVID LINZ identified hospitals and schools, and our building outlines data set and we haven't been in a position to maintain that data since.
But all that data is sitting in the district valuation role, so we need to do some work to check just, you know, what is that match. It's not a direct 100% match between the two data sets, but lots of really good information. It's another example of the really good information that's in there.
But that's not the end of the story. We did some customer workshops and showed the data and talked about what we might would do with it and what came out of that is and I'm using Josh as an example here, but we've got some really good feedback from lots of people, actually the RBA isn't assigned just to a building, but it's also assigned to every address.
And not only that, the data must be easy to use for field assessments, and so it needs to be easy to use in a mobile app.
So taking that forward, we've come up with two we've looked at a bunch of options and that's still a work in progress. But right now, as of today, we've got two different options that we want to share with you about how we present this data. And I think Ben's going to share a poll with you at some point to get your feedback on that.
So the first one is option 2.
And that is we'll have the data set. We'll have all the building IDS, and if there's been a one to many join to those 24 other data sets will concatenate all the unique records.
Into one field. So what do I mean by that? So here's a just a really simple example. So you've got building ID 1234, maybe that's a cross lease or something and there's two.
Addresses associated with that one building at 1 Beach Road and 2 Beach Road. And so we'll just concatenate the to address IDS and we'll concatenate the two addresses. So that's neat in that you can see all the information that's associated. You could search for it, but you can't for example use the address ID, then to join off to another data set. And that's the same for parcels and unit of property ID and so on.
So we've built option 2 for New Zealand that we're still ironing out the creases on that, but that is available for New Zealand and we're also interested in getting your feedback on option, what we call an option 6.
And there what we're proposing is that.
For every unique address, that's where there's multiple addresses. For one building, we're going to have a distinct record. So each record in the data set will be building and address ID. All the unique combinations of building and address ID. So you might have a school campus that has lots of buildings, but just one address. So building ID will be different but the address ID will be repeated or you might have a big apartment block where you've just got one building and multiple addresses and so again that the building idea will be repeated.
For each individual address. So here's our example again where 1 Beach Road and two Beach Rd are two separate two separate records in this option six data set so that data is available for you to take a look at too, but we've only got sample data for Christchurch and Tauranga at the moment while we seek your feedback on that.
And so the purpose of today is to share with you how you can go in and access the data. So here's the link if you want to request data. If you don't manage to get this QR code, you can just e-mail us at properties@linz.govt.nz and you can register to access this data.
Now the district valuation role data is only available for government organisations, that's the sharing agreement that we've got with the majority of territorial of local councils is that we will restrict access to only government organisations. So just be mindful of that. Yeah. And thanks Ben. Put up the poll which is your preference right now, concatenating all the unique records or duplicating the building polygons for multiple addresses or have you got a better idea in which case we'd, we'd love to hear from you.
Cool. Thank you.
Ben Reilly 25:45
Thank you very much, Susan and Eddie. Those were two fantastic presentations that are really well laid out that problem and what we're doing about it with some good partners.
That poll is just taking along 23 responses so far, and it's leaning heavily towards option 6, duplicating the building polygons for multiple addresses, but we'll just leave that live and monitor the chat as well.
Oh, another vote in the chat for option 6.
Can we have both? That's one or the other.
One or the other requests.
So without much further ado on that, I will just move. We'll keep that poll life as I said, but we'll just move to the second presentation set of presentations today and we have got Josh Bougen from MBOP Emergency Management, Bay of Plenty and Caleb Dunn, principal advisor, risk reduction resilience at the Natural Hazards Commission. Josh, when you're ready, there we go.
Joshua Bougen 26:56
Perfect. Thank you, Ben. You're just checking, you can see my slide. OK.
Ben Reilly 26:59
Yep, that's good looking great.
Joshua Bougen 27:01
Fantastic. It's always technical difficulties, so I'm glad it was someone else, not me this time.
Ben Reilly 27:05
We can tidy them up in post and it's good.
Joshua Bougen 27:07
Yeah. Perfect bin. Awesome. Hey. Yeah. So thank you for having me, LINZ . My name's Josh. I'm the geospatial specialist.
With Emergency Management, Bay of Plenty, which is the civil defence Emergency Management Group Office for the Bay of Plenty Civil Defence group.
I was asked to give a bit of an on the ground perspective, which I will try my best to do. Drawing on sort of experiences in my role as well as deployment earlier this year, so probably a good question to answer.
Because recognising we're not all civil defence people in the call is who The Bay of Plenty saw defence group actually is. And this is it. It's all of the territorial and local authorities within the Bay of Plenty. Civil defence group regions. So that includes the Regional Council plus the territorial authorities. And then for us with our offshore islands as also the Minister of Local Government, who is the territorial authority for those offshore islands.
So that's who we are as the civil defence and I'm in the group office for them.
But why do we care about buildings and location? And really the reason for that is because location is everything in a response from the very first catalyst event, whether that be an earthquake like this shaking layers map on the left through to actually coordinating the response and moving real world assets around, and helping the impacted people to actually communicating with the public and our response partners.
So location.
Everything in response, it's really critical to what we do as a civil defence Emergency Management.
And one of the ways we get all of this information through field assessments, as Susan so eloquently put it in her earlier presentation and under our director's guideline, which is that one of the guiding guidelines for how we do impact assessments, there's three phases, the first of which is the wide area assessment, wide area impact assessment, the 2nd is the rapid impact assessment assessment.
And the third phase of those assessments are the specialised detailed assessments, which contains the surveys that civil defence Emergency Management groups sort of maintain and create and give out or provide to the assessors when there's a response, so those building assessors come in and they might get some printed building assessment forms or a survey123 at the stage that's created by the group. So that's sort of going to be the focus there.
And as you can imagine, building assessment, it's all about buildings and welfare needs assessments. It's about the people, but everyone lives in a home, which is a building, so really critical for that.
Now into the actual overview. I've got kind of that format out of the way. The overview of this presentation, it's going to be really a case study of how these field assessments are done and how they can be done with the new data set.
What I should probably adjust in this slide though is put some red blobs over there and say that actually at the moment there's 67 different TLA's or more. Are there? Each with their own sort of way of doing things. There's the director's guideline.
On impact assessments. But it is just a guideline. There's awesome resources like the ones we saw Eddie provide. But while we can all strive to use those things and there isn't necessarily that the mandate to adopt one way of doing things, which potentially is a bit of a hole. However, this presentation, it's how Emergency Management Bay of Plenty has solved this field assessment problem and.
How MBOP can do it with this new data set? So thanks LINZ for the new data set and allowing me to ramble on a little bit, so I'll sort of frame this discussion around this nearly perfect or nearly on time method that we took to get the field assessment done. And I'm going to focus on really the bases that are important to address and buildings. So I'm not going to dive too deep into this assessment or the background for how we developed it, but really nothing outrageous. We wanted something that was simple to build and maintain. We wanted everything in it to be efficient, so we didn't want it to be slow, but we also wanted it to be well integrated and functional on any device we wanted it to be always reliable. So really ready for our worst day or worst day might be probably on a different scale.
And we wanted to be really practical. We wanted to keep the end user front of mind so that whoever's using it, it makes sense.
So simple to build in, out and maintain nothing outrageous. I mean, we didn't want any new datasets that we had to build or maintain or host and share and get around. So the perfect thing for us to use in this first instance was the LINZ NZ addresses layer. What that means is we could just grab it and really simply integrate it into an out-of-the-box solution being survey123.
So pulling that arcGIS online item into the survey. Perfect, we started off with the.
In the rapid building assessment template, which was awesome, and then we just tweaked a little bit to fit our local nuance a little bit better. So that's awesome.
It isn't necessarily worst day ready, because if we're referencing that online data set and we have that worst day where there's no reception.
It's a bit of an issue trying to link that up to the survey, so the approach we took is this in a simplified form which is.
Creating a script that pushes that LINZ NZ addresses layer into a CSV hosted in arcGIS online and then splits it to a different territorial authorities so it's well integrated and it's efficient. And then those get attached to the survey123 or linked to it. So when you download the survey123 on your phone, you get those six different address CSVs with it which we've found works really well actually, and it works really well at keeping the end user front of mind.
It was a practical solution for us, so as you can see the phone screen record is offline and when you get to the address search it's really simple. Our assessor just types in the address that they see on the, on the letterbox. If there is one, there's no need to remember a property title or some miscellaneous ID.
You just type the address in the correct address appears and just like that you get the address that works offline. It makes sense and from the use testing that we've been doing.
It's been working really well.
But the question is then, what does that actually look like back in the office and in the Emergency Operations Centre or Coordination Centre? Who are trying to get that information to MBIE or whoever needs it?
It looks a bit like this, and you can probably see from that picture hopefully that that NZ addresses layer there's points not on buildings, or there's two points and it's all a bit random, which is a bit of an issue when we're trying to specifically talk about buildings, especially for the building assessment. So while it works really well in the survey.
We do have, I guess, a bit of an issue coming back to the office where you know that nearly perfect acronym works really well, but kind of forgetting those next steps so.
That's what we've done. That's what we've got. How is it going to get better with the new data set? So what are we going to do with it?
Well, hopefully it's as simple as just getting rid of the new, popping in or getting rid of the old popping in the new and we can keep all of our systems working. Keep it offline.
Capable and keep the end user still searching for an address. Exciting times. So we move from these random points to actual polygons on top of the buildings that make it way easier for us to do our job in a response.
On this next slide, here I've just taken the table or part of the schema that's attached to one of those building outlines and what it allows us to do is, as I've written there, gain more insights more quickly.
Whether that be recognising there's asbestos or other hazardous material from the building type so we can get PPE to certain neighbourhood blocks and potentially looking at the valuation records and starting to play around with the value of impacted dwellings and the condition as we saw with Susan's presentation, the use or the zone.
We can get into prioritise our assessments or prioritise.
You know, rubbish pickups or whatever that might be.
And of course, maybe a little bit more automation in there as well. So it gives us those lightbulb moments.
And for us in Emergency Management, it really helps with that efficient transition to recovery and I've put the little one of many definitions of recovery there just to, I guess, remind us, remind me why we're doing this and it's ultimately for our communities and it's for the people who have been impacted.
So recovery, which is what this new data set will make it more efficient to reach, is the process of holistically empowering communities to redevelop a sense of place, belonging and meaning in their everydays, which is the ideal. And of course this data set can be used throughout all those phases through the phase one phase two and phase three assessments. So that at every point during the response.
You’re referencing the same bit of data, which would be awesome.
And it helps us to all be speaking the same language in a response and help us effectively use our resources. So exciting times. And this is my kind of last slide because you know it's a simplified version of Aotearoa. But really we've got 16 civil defence Emergency Management groups in the country, but we're all a part of this common, Aotearoa system.
So I guess for us to have this awesome data set that's almost been purpose built.
It's great news, so thank you LINZ. And that's the end of my presentation. I think I hand over to you now, Caleb.
Caleb Dunne 38:03
Perfect. Thanks Josh. That was great.
Let's see if I get this one right.
Should be seeing that right? So yeah, thanks, Josh. Also. Thanks, Eddie and Susan. Kia ora koutou everyone, ko Caleb Dunne ahau. Ben mentioned I'm a principal advisor at the National Hazards Commission.
My I guess position on today's webinar and my interest in building data comes from my background as a structural engineer and also now my position with the Natural Hazards Commission trying to improve the resilience of the built environment.
And broadly speaking, I'd, I'd say I generally adhere to this idea that you can't improve something until you've measured it, which is sort of a twist on a pervasive business saying. And so this idea of improving the built environment, I feel there needs to necessarily be some degree of measuring its current state. And I envision that happening via a national building database.
So I've actually shared this idea on this webinar series back in March. Ben was very kind to have me on. So just to reiterate a bit of the background and the premise here, this underlying idea is that there's a there's property and building data out there just exists in so many different places or formats or levels of accuracy. And so we're instead aiming to create a single consistent data set that's useful by.
Multiple stakeholders, multiple agencies.
And I see this roughly split into two pieces of work, starting with what's already out there and then moving on to gap filling and capturing new information. And we want this data set to be sort of beneficial to a range of different agencies and stakeholders, and including attributes that are of interest to many parties. And I guess depending on the degree to which that data might already exist. So Susan mentioned, we held a workshop last year with several different agencies and researchers and insurers and government agencies et cetera to try and just get on the same page and what everyone might want out of this. So this has been going on for a bit.
And we've since been in quite close touch with Susan since then, trying to get moving. So this is a bit of an update, but mostly sort of the future vision of where it's going.
So Ben has asked me back this month to kind of expand this future vision. Eddie, Susan and Josh have done a great job outlining the progress so far in these serious steps that have been taken and how it's can be used and maybe the near term or the medium term and you know really applicable on the ground I get to come in and wave my hands and sort of cover where we're going into this aspirational future which is fun for me so I'll start sort of I think where we are I think the logical starting point for any national building dataset is going to be with what LINZ has.
Given the great work it's already done, you know the building outlines are sort of foundational to building data in New Zealand and then the way the imagery processing falls into that as well.
And the work we've really heard today is a great example of improving on what's already out there.
This next sort of attribute I think is really important of being publicly accessible. The Natural Hazards Commission does have a building portfolio it uses for our own in-house loss modelling function, it has certain characteristics for buildings pulled from various sources and we get that from core logic. But the idea of this new national building data set is to be useful to multiple agencies and therefore kind of generally publicly accessible or open.
There are operational benefits to being publicly accessible and open, of course, probably for a lot of the audience. People on the webinar today and I also think that means it will have ripple effects and feedback loops through things like the Natural Hazards Commission connections into the research community. So I'd be really excited to give, say, a bunch of engineering researchers access to this kind of data set and then just let them loose and see what kind of insights and trends they pull out of it to help improve New Zealand buildings.
And admittedly, that admittedly a caveat here around, you know publicly or accessible, openly accessible data does come with concerns around privacy and personal information. We're talking about people's homes or businesses and availability of information can absolutely drive changes to property, pricing or insurance. So that's definitely something to balance as we progress.
This next idea of consistent crudeness, it's maybe a concern with any kind of data collation exercise. This idea that how do you resolve and integrate different data sources that have captured different building attributes? They might have different or varying geographic extents.
Different reliability. Different recency of data so on and so forth. So we'll definitely need to be developing really robust data schema data dictionaries. It's going to be a big part of this.
I think we are trying to start broad here, especially with LINZ and the NZ building outlines, data set and decide going back to the idea of national coverage.
And ideally we develop this database sort of from the ground up and adding further attributes and capturing them with national coverage as much as possible, rather than sort of netting in really high definition but disjointed pockets of building data, for example, some of our affiliated engineering researchers have been working with Wellington City Council to develop a Wellington building inventory. This has entailed.
People really familiar with interpreting, building and construction drawings going in, manually extracting and recording really specific and detailed building information for buildings over 5 storeys tall in Wellington.
And that building inventory is great. It's really valuable for Wellington City Council purposes and it might even represent the kind of building attributes that a national building data set would eventually include. But I think in the meantime, I don't think it makes sense to just say copy/paste this really, really high definition, Wellington building inventory and stitch it into the New Zealand Building outlines layer without sort of reconciling the varying attributes and different sources of attribute data, so it's another question we have in the future.
Building fragilities is really where the Natural Hazards Commission sees the most interest in the idea of a national building database, especially as it pertains to our own loss modelling capabilities and our event readiness capacity. So we are looking for information or to capture the kinds of information that best represents how resilient a building is to natural hazards. Those are things like its construction material or its year of construction, and which is a proxy for the building standard.
And those were in the snapshots of the RBA form that was shown earlier.
But even things like being able to put an indicator flag on a residential building that we find have older unreinforced brick chimneys, which are notorious for causing damage in earthquakes.
And so with this kind of information, we can start identifying and visualising certain trends. For example, if you just take building age, which is a proxy for, you know, building code and standard, and if you just lay that out across the country, you can probably get some high level takeaways.
Like in Christchurch, I would expect to see more newer buildings following the major rebuild over the last decade, and so then I would expect that these buildings are more robust and better designed. But then oops, sorry I'm jumping.
Fragilities. But then if we say see a lot of older buildings in Wellington where I live, where there are older buildings, or Napier, where you're in higher seismic hazard areas, you know, what do you, what do you need? What does that mean? What do you need to do about it?
So pulling in and being able to use this kind of information would be a huge insight for natural hazard. The Natural Hazards Commission, and I think generally hazard risk management in New Zealand.
So this next one of frequent updates, it's again maybe an easy one to envision. So it's probably a concern for any data project. The goal here is to, yes, right now pull in a lot of data and make it a useful, you know, cohesive data set. But then there's also this question of how do we make sure that it's relevant and enduring into the future.
And I do have this note this comment here that it's somewhere between aspirational and naive, but I'd I personally envision a separate piece of work, maybe in the future, to digitise the building consent application system so that we're capturing building attributes at the consent application stage.
And this way we're getting building attributes they’re immediately tied to a property and associated to that property, and it also captures things like renovations or additions or demolitions that things like aerial imagery or satellite scans maybe don't capture or have more trouble picking out.
And finally.
Even though this is in the context of a presentation around, you know, aspirational future vision of a national building database, I'm still leaving this idea of a fully functioning operational digital twin of New Zealand's built environment as a dashed outline of an idea.
You know, I think it would complete this little skyline that we're building here very nicely, but I think it's still quite a ways off. We're not quite sure how to pull that all together just yet. We've already heard some examples today where building information does get operationalized, but I think there's a there's a risk there of pulling in maybe really specific or individual building attributes or based on static data sets. So or sometimes you have to build one off customised dashboards in the moment, so getting to real time information, being able to visualise and project and model changes and actively updating it is still a ways off, but I've included it here because I think it's valuable to lay it out as this future vision of what the building database could be and sort of what a data rich and enabled built environments could look like.
So this is all the nice long term you know would like to haves to compliment an area on the ground impacts that we heard about in the first half. Obviously a big piece of work, some big hairy questions to tackle in the what and especially in the how. But I really think the opportunities are there and between LINZ and some other interested motivated partners, I think it's a legitimate and worthwhile out of taking. So that is me with that I will pass back to Ben.
And he I think he can take us into the panel discussion.
Ben Reilly 48:48
Thank you, Caleb. And we'll just.
Invite the other presenters to pop their cameras on.
Yeah. Steve Harris National Digital building consents. How hard could that be? We're greatly encouraged at LINZ when we look at the likes of State of Victoria and NSW in Australia and they've managed to digitise their at least their resource, the subdivision planning process and bring on board many more councils than we have in New Zealand. So that might be a couple of examples to borrow from.
But future dotted line plans? Well, not even plans at this point.
Yes. So our panel welcome back Susan and Eddie and Josh from just before and thank you all for your presentations laying out the different stages of and applications of what we're doing just a quick bit of feedback in the Q&A. Phil, Peter Woods says excellent, been waiting for 14 years for this nut to be cracked.
Thanks to all involved and with a question. Is this an example of a Federated data model?
I'll pitch that to Susan.
Susan Shaw 50:06
All right. I just have a dicky tab. I've just tried to share the link. If you want to register, act to access the data. But I'm quite typed it. Right, Steve, I think you were. You were me. Coffee. Next time you're in Nelson. Yes. We're not calling them Federated. We call them derived data sets. Basically, it builds on all the huge amount of work that the property squad has done at LINZ long before I turned up.
To create this connected property data framework that laid the foundation to be able to then build these derived data sets.
And NZ buildings. Is an example of that the hybrid property boundaries is another example too.
Ben Reilly 50:46
And that kind of seques into a couple of other the second part of Paige's question and another question I'll say.
Susan Shaw 50:54
I knew it wasn't Steve. Sorry, Peter.
Ben Reilly 50:56
Via Peter on the same band. Who? So how is the maintenance? How's the starter set going to be maintained? Who? Where does it sit? Who does it owns it in terms of that derived that derived set? Is it with LINZ?
Susan Shaw 50:57
The data sits with the each of the 67 Tasmania and there's a piece of legislation that says that they have to share their information that they've used to strike a rate with LINZ, with the valuer general and the valuer general has been assessing that data to make sure it's been consistent. The rate in rates reply consistently across the country.
Ben Reilly 51:13
Susan Shaw 51:32
This is then taken that another step forward. Well, well. Can we collate it into a national data set so?
I don't until we're going to really use the data, just how accurate that is. I mean it, we do know that there's quite a range of resource across the 67 TAs about what's available to them. And I'm sure that is reflected in the quality of the data. But I'm really sure that by using it and highlighting the importance of keeping that up to date that will help. But what state it's in now.
Susan Shaw 52:08
I don't. I've got no way to measure that at the moment.
And Caleb's told us we need to measure it before we can improve it. So we perhaps should find a way to do that.
Ben Reilly 52:21
Yep, absolutely. And Carl has just asked, is one of the sources being used?
The STATS NZ Statistical location register.
Susan Shaw 52:35
We certainly have a fantastic link with stats. Given that Mike Judd who was in the property team and was the driving force of the connected Property data framework, is now seconded to Stats and so we met with them quite recently to hear about the work that they're doing that that would certainly be the goal to learn from what stats are doing, I know it's always that it seems to be tricky for stats to share their data.
But I'm sure we could work our way through that, but we're going ahead with this version of NZ buildings at this point. But yep, super keen to work with stats in the future and spot on Carl that that is what that would make it even better, right? If we could pull that data in for sure.
Ben Reilly 53:29
Thanks Susan. I've got a question for Caleb. So this data set has potential uses across all the 4Rs of Emergency Management reduction, resilience readiness recovery. So far today, we've heard mainly about response and recovery.
Could you sketch out the reduction or? Or maybe the mitigation effects that this data might have set us up for?
When we look ahead to future events.
Caleb Dunne 54:01
Yeah, I would love to. Thanks for the question. I think this data set will be going really long way to sort of identifying what is called the low hanging fruit for risk reduction. I use the example say putting flags on properties with Rick chimneys. We know those cause a lot of damage in earthquakes, they fall into the building, they take out a lot, they completely fall apart et cetera so.
We already know brick chimneys caused a lot of damage. We know how to mitigate that. We just don't necessarily know where they all are. Like if you if you take the bus home in Wellington like I do, we can spot them all on your way home. But you don't know where they all are in the country.
So one it's locating it and figuring out what what's your actual exposure and the high hazard. For example, Wellington High Hazard areas.
And even if it's not driving something, say like to compare it to the earthquake prone building system for example, and it would be with an eye towards risk reduction, even if this data doesn't drive something like a mandatory retrofit scheme, it can still give people the information to sort of ask more questions and understand what they have. And then what that means for them, what that means for the risk and ask what they can do about it as well.
Ben Reilly 55:21
And Josh, how will this data help MBOP and other organisations out in regions work proactively on a similar vein to improve resilience and readiness for emergencies.
Joshua Bougen 55:37
Yeah, big, big question, Ben and I probably can't speak for all of the regions, but like for us and some of our, I guess reduction readiness projects such as our Tsunami ready programme where we're having a look at what's within our tsunami evacuation zone. Obviously data is king and kind of the more as I said in my presentation, the more insights we can get from that data the better we can adapt and look at things such as Caleb's suggesting with taking actions, but also potentially even more on the ground where it becomes a tool and participatory mapping processes with community response teams where they can have this data set and contribute more to it locally where they can identify, you know those houses that are particularly vulnerable in their community and then that can be used in their local response plans and planning.
Ben Reilly 56:32
Nice and you, you highlighted in your presentation you highlighted that address points aren't necessarily always on buildings, but it's you know NZ addresses is the most available, most easiest available data set we have at the moment, but just wasn't designed with this building-centric purpose in mind.
What I might pitch to Susan from a LINZ point of view where.
That's a bit of a question we've been talking about internally as how do we improve or continue to improve data addresses data set, do we?
Look at putting multiple points on a property for different like the entrance of a property versus where the building is, what have you and so especially on, you know rural properties where a building might be kilometres away from the access point.
What? How? How, how might be sort of start to grapple with that problem?
Susan Shaw 57:32
But so on a positive note, we've just published recently. We've updated guidance for TA sharing address updates with LINZ and one of the recommendations unbelievably for the first time is to really clarify that our preferences to have the address point located directly over the main dwelling. So that will be a great start.
That document also said that if you wanted to supply your address updates as an arcGIS rest service that that LINZ is able to take that well. Then you send in spreadsheets or how shape files. However you share your data with us now. So congratulations to Gisborne, who's the most recent local authority who's sharing their data? Whether it with us in that way.
This very week.
Internal database addressing database is getting an upgrade and this is the first step towards being able to enable councils to come. This isn't happening on this upgrade. I'm going to get throttled if I give that impression. It is the first step towards us working towards you been able to come in and be able to edit the data directly online so that there is that one source of truth and your editing your own data. And then the only other thing to say I think is that fact that.
B2ecause of the connected property data framework data, that's work that's work that's been done that's created that Property Foundation.
And within have the ability to create different types of addresses. So rather than just like throwing on loads of points for all sorts of different options, you could have an address type that is entrance way that's down at the start of the driveway of a long rural property. You could have address type that's main dwelling, but we don't have the capability to do that, but that's certainly.
What we're aiming for in the long term.
Ben Reilly 59:44
Nice. Thanks Susan.
Josh, you back to you. You've been doing a lot of testing of this prototype.
What tips and tricks have you picked up that we might be able to share with other agencies who are approaching this data for the first time?
When it is published?
Joshua Bougen 1:00:07
Yeah, with I think to that like put that response lens on things and the more familiar people are with that data set in, in peacetime or in in business as usual, the easier it's going to be to pick it up and pop it where you need it to go during a response.
Or when your decision maker, the controller person in charge is asking questions, you're kind of comfortable enough to answer them when they're in relation to that data set.
But I think the other side of that is what we can do in peacetime other than just get familiar with the data set, is stay connected to LINZ like obviously you've given us all the opportunity to provide some feedback here and have a vote on what data set and what that should look like. So just staying engaged with that because it's a pretty cool opportunity.
Ben Reilly 1:01:01
Nice and sticking with you because this might be a question better for sort of local agencies, Emergency Management agencies. So we're talking about NZ buildings and risks to buildings on the surrounding property being is there a way to flag those separately and combine them with this so example? If there's a slope that might be, you know, erosion or slide prone or?
A risk of flooding does that does that layer up on top of this data set or be sort of an attribute included in the data set in future at a local level maybe.
What? How do you see that?
Joshua Bougen 1:01:38
Yeah, that's a that's a really good question. Ben that they're all good questions. My goodness. Question award, I think being at the group level like I definitely have a bit of a disconnect unfortunately between the local councils doing the risk mapping and all of that work. And although I might get that product and do something with it, not actually doing that initial analysis, but I can definitely picture.
A world in the future, as Caleb alluded to, where we do have this authorative building data set that's potentially got its risks to that dwelling or building. Kind of pre identified. Is it in the tsunami evacuation zone? Is it within a floodplain? Is it in a landslide? Run out zone?
If there is a whole bunch of landslide induced or rainfall induced landslides, we can just symbolise those dwellings or those properties or those buildings and start kind of getting the ball rolling earlier pre-emptively for them.
Ben Reilly 1:02:42
Awesome. I'm going to pivot slightly now. I'm conscious of living Eddie out. Eddie, you alluded to other problems.
Beyond the record building assessments that this data set will help solve, could you maybe expand on a couple more of those where we add value? Well, this data set would add value in other in other ways.
Eddie Hebert 1:03:08
Yeah, I mean it's.
You know, working for the building regulator, it's hard not to see a lot of problems being solved, particularly.
You know where dwellings are even located nationally.
And if they're, you know, if there is like there is work being done to create a central.
One building consenting system.
In the in the distant future, then it would make sense to.
To use that.
National data set to inform those and, and you can also, I mean you can start planning managing a national building stock.
Like I said before, New Zealand is a is a relatively small country. We need to understand our existing building stock so that we can plan.
What? What buildings work for the future?
What are the most resilient buildings?
What are the least resilient buildings?
Who? Who are we going to?
You know who? Yeah. Anyways, I'll. I'll leave it there. But I think you know, just use your imagination. The possibilities are pretty much endless.
Ben Reilly 1:04:47
And Susan in in developing this app, were there any other functions that had to be kept in the backlog that would have been really nice to include in this prototype and maybe we might see in a published data set or?
Are sort of in the pipeline for future improvements.
Susan Shaw 1:05:09
And so two things I'd talked to there, really, I think 1 answers Karen's question. So we're just beginning some work.
Both with fire and emergency, who have already done the work and with Natural Hazards, Commission again to look at, can we add a height to the buildings now that we have a beautiful national DEM and DSM available, thanks to the fabulous PGF funding.
And local Council funding to create those national LIDAR data set, so height will be the next thing that we'd want to look at adding. That's not guaranteed it'll happen, but that's where we're starting work on that. Just to look at the possibilities.
Yes, I won't say any more.
And I the big thing for me on the backlog is the fact that this data is not available CCby. So we've just seen there that I can't give access to Carol Carolina.
Carolina and Budavin from Eagle and Steve from Woods because you don't have a .govt e-mail which is crazy right? So.
But the reason for that is councils do sell. Some councils do sell their district valuation world data and generate a revenue from it. And so we've deliberately excluded all the financial information.
From the DVR in NZ Building, so that's like land value annual value, capital value improvements value we haven't taken. We've taken all the other fields from DVR, but nothing where it's got a financial piece of information because we think that's where the real value is, pardon the pun in revenue generation for Council. So we hope.
That that will make it easier for TAs to agree to open the data.
But yeah, I think that if we can show the data and demonstrate it, that will help that conversation to see if we can go round that hoop again and talk to all 67 TAs and see if there would be.
Would consider opening up the data for this purpose.
Or for the for this data set.
Ben Reilly 1:07:37
Awesome and so.
Eddie. Susan, we've got suggestions that floor height above ground would be really helpful building height.
Where might we start to? I mean, how available is that data to pull into a data set like this? I guess building heights we could maybe infer from LIDAR modelling is there above ground heights in DVR or would that be another source? Yeah. How easy is that to do?
Susan Shaw 1:08:08
Yeah, yeah. So the obvious thing is we can take the compare the DEM and DSM and generate a height and then it's one what height you know. Do you want the highest point of the roof? Do you want the average height? Do you want the lowest, you know, so that that's going to be a conversation in itself.
But then any information?
Like the.
Floor height is not available so.
The only option we've got there is the valuation rules are considered for being reviewed, and if that's really important to you, it could be that we're able to influence what information becomes part of the rating information and it may be that we could add that in there. But I yeah, I've no idea if I'm making, if I'm making promises I shouldn't be making there.
Ben Reilly 1:09:11
It's good to see that from Kirsten, that Kaina Ora at least are working on slowly building up that information for their properties.
Do we have a definition of what is a building at LINZ?
Susan Shaw 1:09:32
You'd need Mike Judd here to answer that question.
Look, it's, we know it's pretty crude, right? The building outlines, it's not the footprint. We know it doesn't do anything like split buildings like I'd saw Steve share their Canterbury maps there where I think unit titles across leases have been split already. You know we don't do that in our building outlines, it's yeah, lots of potential for improving that.
Ben Reilly 1:09:36
So Eddie, Susan's already alluded to it a bit with the current restrictions on this and the good reason for them, but maybe.
So at the moment, to be clear, it's not the status, it's not going to be available as a open CC by 4.0. It will be restricted to local and central government users only.
What case can be made?
For opening up this data.
Beyond government, perhaps with some safeguards in place.
Where we can't still open up the full DVR and maybe open up something like these derived or this another derived datasets. What case can you make there?
Eddie Hebert 1:10:56
I'll make the only case that needs to be made if you if you're, if you pay tax.
It's your data by rights.
So I think.
You know, taxpayers should be entitled to their data.
I think that's.
Pretty much it, you could argue.
Yeah. I mean, there's a, there's a lot of different cases that come to mind, but I think that's the most important, important one.
Yeah, I could see, you know, real estate insurance.
Emergency services, whether they're private or otherwise. Yeah, I'll just leave it at that. I think.
We should, we should be doing our best as public servants to.
Give the taxpayers value for money because taxes seem to keep going up and I'm not sure if the services are always going up as quickly.
Ben Reilly 1:12:22
Caleb Eddie mentioned usefulness for finance and insurance that beyond the immediate.
Sort of case or the use case for Hazards Commission, and maybe thinking back to that webinar at the start of the year where we did have some contributors from.
Finance and the insurance industry. What? What? What sort of broader systemic uses or benefits are you seeing or would you see?
And maybe it's through information made available by natural hazard Commission, rather than the drive data set themselves, but.
We're working with those partner insurers. But yeah. What, what? How do you see that benefit flowing across sort of systemically?
Caleb Dunne 1:13:10
Yeah. Great question. It definitely I think even to zoom out from this specific webinar and discussion around buildings data it, it plugs into a wider conversation, just hazards data and anything that sort of effects the property in general.
Better information on, say, hazard, modelling obviously going to affect insurance, property, financial interest, et cetera with the building data for specifically.
I see it like again sort of way down the road.
I envision this future state of New Zealand, where insurers are able to they have the confidence in each individual property in building that they're ensuring and they're confident in the information they have about it, that they can actually get to the point of true risk based pricing and seriously granular insurance pricing, because right now it's still very much like, well, most buildings are like this and then they smear it like Wellington buildings, they smear it across New Zealand. They take some off in buildings and they smear it across Southland or something.
But so we're still ways off from real risk-based pricing, which I'll add the Natural Hazards Commission doesn't do. But in private insurers, I think getting more information and better quality information, better confidence in the information we have will go away a long way to actually. I mean it'll I think it'll help some people. It'll raise some harder conversations for other people that might have been having their risk subsidised by other people up till now.
Or it. But then I think if you do run into those harder conversations, then you have to think, OK, well, what are the steps I can take to make my property more insurable? Do I need to fix it up somehow? Do I need to tie it to the foundations? So I think it's better information will lead to more questions and more conversations, but to the improvement of New Zealand.
Ben Reilly 1:15:01
Awesome. Thank you.
Eddie, there's a question about building warrant fitness, am I right? Are MBIE leading that work or any work that's ongoing to put together putting a fitness scheme?
Eddie Hebert 1:15:18
We are involved.
With the BS, but I that's very tangential.
I wouldn't have any details I could find out if there's a specific question.
Ben Reilly 1:15:39
In the Q&A, Peter would.
Eddie Hebert 1:15:42
Oh, sorry, I'm in the chat.
Ben Reilly 1:15:44
Yes, sorry. Yeah there is a Q&A function as well where there's some questions popping in as well as the chat so.
Just might, I guess just asking that there might be pointing out that there might be more information just in a future building of WOF building, warrant of fitness scheme or data from that scheme that might help us.
Ben Reilly 1:16:09
Susan, there's some questions about building outlines as well.
And I guess the the currency of those which is not always up-to-the-minute.
It does. There is a process that, you know from aerial imagery and then deriving the outlines from those.
We know that I guess councils are also doing some Councils are doing their own outlines too and.
There's potentially some duplication happening there. What?
What do you think we might do in future, or are you aware of?
Conversations that LINZ ay have, it was starting to think about internally in terms of future.
Coordination across, you know, councils like we do with aerial imagery, but in that building outline space specifically as well.
Susan Shaw 1:17:04
Yeah, I mean, here at LINZ, we've been given a real clear steer that we need to improve the accuracy, not the accuracy, but how often, how quickly we make the building outlines available once the imagery has been captured and then the outlines have been captured and so we're looking at different ways that we can approach that to help speed that up.
In an ideal world.
We would capture our imagery and our LiDAR and our building outlines all at the same time. And so that all that information aligns, but that obviously is a serious amount of budget. So it's kind of a little bit how we used to do it or partly how we used to do it in Nelson City and I thought everybody did it that way and then remembered it's a very small council area wise. So a lot easier to do.
The good news from the LiDAR team here at LINZ is that.
They've just put out a tender to capture LiDAR for a really large part of a missing gap in that national cover in the Horizons area. Working with the local iwi then the Council, which is a fabulous collaboration. And so we're going to look at is there an opportunity there to capture both at the same time as the LiDAR to capture imagery and build an outlines and just.
Have a case study to see what that looks like and what the implications are. So I mean that will be the ideal.
But we know that that's a significant.
Investment and yeah, what can we do in future to make that better? That's very public servant, woolly words. Oh, God, sorry.
Ben Reilly 1:18:59
And I'll stick with you, Susan. So, so this data set was born out of work with connecting property data, as we've talked about that data, that DVR, data sharing from councils, we've mentioned the NZ property ID and some other parts of that work. And it sits within work that you are, you know have a have a big hand in and have recently been recognised for in that key data.
Improvement space. You've got a gong there.
Susan Shaw 1:19:28
Thank you, Benjamin.
Ben Reilly 1:19:29
Well earned. And So what I mean for each of those what?
For the connecting property data, first there was a question about in the chat earlier about the different the reference tables that have been published recently and does this replace or sit beside those?
Susan Shaw 1:19:43
Oh yeah.
Ben Reilly 1:19:47
So maybe just a sketch out of the work going across that space, but then?
In the second part, the key improvement as well what? What else have you got up your sleeves?
Susan Shaw 1:20:00
So the question about the reference tables is basically because of the good work the property squad has done to create those reference tables. That's what is allowed us to create those derived datasets so.
We are taking this particular use case and creating this really.
Normalised simplified data set. That's just bunging in data. We're in the best that we can to make it really accessible for as many users as possible, but we totally appreciate that many of you will want to be able to.
Keep those joins back to addresses back to titles, back to properties, and so you'll still use those reference tables. So we're using the reference tables to build this derived data set. You'll use them if you want to go in directly to the data and build your own relationship well, reuse those relationships that exist so we're all building off the same information so that they won't go away and they're being used in this data.
I feel like we've actually talked to a lot of what we want to do with the connected property space already, especially around opening this state of CC by.
Ben Reilly 1:21:20
Yeah, fair.
Susan Shaw 1:21:21
Just a quick update on key data, because I love talking about that too. And number one for LINZ, is this work we're on the ends of buildings prototype data, so it's great that that's happening and the number one key data improvement overall is on roads.
So we've been doing lots in the background. We've used the survey results from all the road control authorities earlier this year.
To share back both with the NZTA and local authority road efficiency group, we have more recently engaged with the operations arm NZTA. I'm really trying to find a way to get traction to bring together that national and local road view, so real positive meetings again.
And we take comfort that the work that NZTA are doing on their assets data management system.
That is building a national open roads data set similar to the connected property data framework will create that foundation that we then will be able to record road status against that.
NZTA said all the right things about.
Including the definition of road status.
And the symbology and which is used as part of the actual asset data management standard, and they're also talking about projects where they look at how roading contractors work with the local authorities because that because that's the real powerhouse of being able to gather that information, I think so. So nothing, nothing to report really, but we're still trying really hard and we're having lots of positive conversations, so.
I feel like everybody wants to make it happen. It's just been this way for such a long time. It's harder to make that shift.
But it it's got to happen at some point for sure.
Ben Reilly 1:23:24
Awesome. And with five minutes remaining final one for you, Susan, final question for today.
Where to from here for NZ buildings and I guess as a second part of that, I guess, what, how long do we think it will take?
To actually, you know, get a have had a testable case once it's published, so a bit of a timeline from here, but then also how long do we think it would take it would take to really give it a good test.
Susan Shaw 1:23:58
Yep. So we have a goal of publishing it.
By June, whether it'll still be a pilot then or not, I don't know. I'm hoping not to be a pilot. That will be my aim, but, but also it's been really interesting just to work with. I have to do a big shout out to my colleague Ying Ting, who's helping me with all the great database stuff and the team at Datacom who are working with us, you know, just the managing the joins and the different permutations as we look at the status.
Over a national data set like it's, you know.
Option 6 doesn't just double option two. It's a massive data set all of a sudden, so really appreciate the work they're doing, so we're aiming to get it out by June and it's great to see some of you request to access the data now, so we just encourage you all to go in and take a look at the data and we will run another customer workshop I think and then we will make a decision and then we'll send out a survey more broadly just to get people's take, that seemed to work really well for the suburbs and localities, data when we restructured that so.
Yeah. So that will happen in the new year.
Ben Reilly 1:25:17
That's awesome.
Susan Shaw 1:25:17
Have a play with the data in the meantime because now's the time to give us your feedback really, while we're still. Yes, still in prototype.
Ben Reilly 1:25:26
Yep, and where can just a reminder where can people send their feedback.
Susan Shaw 1:25:33
That's a really good question. They can send it to properties@linz.govt.nz but we will form or they can send it direct to me too, but we will form up sort of a more formalised way of giving feedback in the new year. But yeah, we'd love to hear from you for sure. Thanks for that, Ben. I'd just missing that key point.
Ben Reilly 1:25:56
No problem. Yeah. So I think stay posted everyone for news as we test the prototype, roll it out into a first published thing and then look to improve it from there. So I'm just going to move to some closing remarks after thanking everyone on my after thanking our presenters today and panellists.
Thank you, Susan, Josh, Eddie, and Caleb, you've each really presented really fantastic presentations today and done a great job answering some thorny questions at times.
And so just to close with some remarks to close out the presentation of the webinar and the year for Aotearoa property data network, we do need to give a massive thank you to all 67 councils who have agreed to share their DVR data with us and.
As you picked up from discussion earlier, there is an ongoing conversation about what that will look like going into the future.
As it served its immediate purpose and we now look to sort of build value more value out of that and perhaps strike some new.
Agreements across those councils.
To make further things possible, but thank you to all those councils, we really do appreciate that you share that data with us.
If you want to watch back the March webinar where Caleb put in his first appearance earlier this year, all of our resources are.
Hosted to the LINZ website on the property data network page and there's a link there to view those recordings.
Or if you want to see some webinars from a I guess, sister webinar series we have Nga Poutama Matawhenua Practical Maori GIS mapping and again another series of webinars on our website.
And you can join that mailing list too if you if you feel that way inclined.
Our end of year survey is now live.
Just seeking some feedback for the year and how we might change things up a bit next year. What you know, seeking to have just really nail down what you value and coming to these webinars that we put on through the year.
And I need to thank my organising or our organising committee from across the moutu we've got, Helen, Kirsten, Sam, Tracy, Tara, Michael and Anya, thank you very much. We have been catching up monthly and have a good brains trust there to help generate ideas for content to host of these webinars. Thank you guys very much.
And with that, I will just.
Susan Shaw 1:29:13
Thank you to you too, Ben. Like you did a great job, MC-ing us there. And you do that over a whole broad range of topics throughout the year. And you know, I know how much energy it takes to create one workshop on one webinar and you've you it's. It's obviously really well used because it's super well attended. A so good on you and thank you.
Ben Reilly 1:29:36
Thanks Susan.
Cool. I will just move to close with the closing karakia - Tīmata tātou.
Kua ea te kaupapa
Ka rea ngā hua
Ka rere ngā arawai
Kua mau te mātauranga
Hei arahina ngā mahi o
Toitū Te Whenua
Kia tau te rangimārie
Ki runga i a tātou katoa
Haumi ē, hui ē, tāiki ē! Our work has come to a satisfactory conclusion. The fruit is growing. The waterways continue to flow.
We now have the knowledge to lead and drive the work of Toitū Te Whenua may peace settle upon all of us and all of you gather and go forward together. Thank you very much everyone for bearing with us through an hour and a half. I hope you have a really enjoyable rest of your day. And as I said at the top, we'll make the recording unavailable as soon as we can as well.
Got a good day.
Susan Shaw 1:30:39
Thank you.
NZ Buildings prototype is a new national dataset that combines property and building information in a single place for the first time. Toitū Te Whenua LINZ and key agencies involved hosted this special webinar to share what we're doing and hear feedback.
The dataset takes a derived or federated approach, combining data from LINZ, all 67 territorial authorities, and the Natural Hazards Commission. For LINZ, it represents the latest and most ambitious attempt in a new approach to publishing ‘analysis ready’ data, rather than individual, very specific datasets that require a lot of work to produce useful intelligence and insights from.
Spotlight on Northern regions
This month APDN turned our focus to land information projects in two of Aotearoa’s northernmost regions – Northland and the Bay of Plenty. Northland Regional Council is implementing a new land use classification database built by Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research, which will provide a rich array of information for decision making from regional to property level. Bay of Plenty Regional Council and WSP have trialled biophysical risk mapping of a river catchment, aiming to understand the natural levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, sediment, and E-coli, filling a critical knowledge gap for sustainable farm and environmental management.
- LINZ property data news and updates
- Northland Regional Council + Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research presenting on Land Use layers created for Northland
- Bay of Plenty Regional Council + WSP presentation on Biophysical Risk Mapping
Peeking behind the property data curtain
In September APDN peaked behind the property data curtain to highlight some of the deeper aspects of property data in Aotearoa. Starting with a new longitudinal survey of NZ’s housing trends, followed by mapping Māori Rights of First Refusal over land and property, unpacking the essentials of what title memorials are and how they work. We finished with the amazing story of how measuring the pulses of quasars from across the galaxy helps ensure the accuracy of location information and property data right here in Aotearoa.
- Urban Advisory – NZ’s Housing Survey
- Kāinga Ora & GBS – title memorials and Rights of First Refusal
- LINZ – memorials 101
- LINZ – From Quasars to Property Data
Innovations in digital mapping
This month APDN is spotlighting two innovations in digital mapping. Wellington City Council’s Underground Asset Register is a groundbreaking new tool for mapping the huge amount of infrastructure and oddities under our feet in Aotearoa’s built environments. As part of the Modernising Landonline programme, LINZ are thinking about the digital future of cadastral surveying, and built a prototype tool to demonstrate how digitally visualised survey plans could look, work, and unlock productivity with a digital-first approach.
- LINZ news and updates; on addressing, Suburbs and Localities, historic property and sales data
- LINZ and Environment Southland Connected Property Data
- Wellington City Council and the release of their Underground Asset Register into live beta pilot
- LINZ running a demo of Digitally Visualised Survey Plans and associated Plan Viewer tool prototype
Natural perils to property
This webinar focused on the rapidly evolving area of Natural Perils to Property and the implications for property valuations, finance, and insurance industries.
It included presentations from:
- Caleb Dunne, Principal Advisor Risk Reduction and Resilience from EQC Toka Tū Ake - talking about growing their data capabilities, including the development of a national building dataset.
- Emma Vitz, Actuarial Consultant from Finity Consulting - speaking about the impact of riverine and coastal flood on the insurance sector in New Zealand.
Also included is a panel discussion featuring:
- David Grubb – Head of Banking and Valuation Risk at Valocity
- Jeremy Palmer – Location Information Technology Lead at Toitū Te Whenua LINZ
Spotlight on local councils using property data
In this webinar we shared Toitū Te Whenua news and updates, and showcased two local councils who are improving processes and outcomes with property data – Upper Hutt City Council and Whanganui District Council. Presented by Ben Reilly, Hoa Kotui Hononga / Relationship Partner - Sector Engagement, Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand.
Common operating tools for Emergency Management
Note: The captions on this video are auto-generated by YouTube. Edited captions and transcripts will be added as soon as they are available.
In this webinar from 6 December 2023, two common operating tools for emergency management are demonstrated. The first is Toitū Te Whenua LINZ’s Common Operational Data for Emergency Management (CODEM) data portal, presented by Rob Deakin - Matanga Tatai Wahi Matamua / Principal Geospatial Specialist at LINZ. The second demo is of FENZ’s Common Operations Portal (COP), presented by Phil Woods – Geospatial Products Analytics Manager at FENZ. The demos are followed by Q+A.
LINZ news and project updates
Note: The captions on this video are auto-generated by YouTube. Edited captions and transcripts will be added as soon as they are available
In this webinar from 27 November 2023, Toitū Te Whenua LINZ shares news and updates starting with various property data products:
- NZ Suburbs and Localities layer change requests and updates
- Property Boundary dataset being released shortly
- A new property-to-address link table
- and Property Owners data service changes
The webinar then features two LINZ projects:
- Digital Parcel Improvement (DPI) – providing an introduction and overview to this project, which aims to improve the spatial representation of the state highway network by upgrading the original digitised (pseudo) vectors to full survey vectors.
- Ratings Valuation Rules Review – providing a project update and timeline for public consultation in 2024, before implementation of new rules in 2025.
Addressing lightning talks
Michael Brownie, WCC
I was going to briefly describe what an address is. Although some of that's already being covered. There's some things that I thought I wouldn't try cover up. Just this would just take far too long.
So I will mention what I have excluded, little bit about the legislation. And then three examples of actual addresses that were assigned in Wellington and then happy to answer any questions.
I think there's nothing like practical examples to try and understand the different issues. So that's already been covered. I'll mention some things that I've excluded from the presentation.
Briefly mention the legislation and then explain three actual examples of how we've done it and then hopefully some questions and answers.
The address is a unique way of identifying a property.
The key thing is that by giving it a number or a combination of numbers or letters together with a street name, you should be able to uniquely identify a property.
The most important thing for us here is to understand what we mean by property.
And we regard what is separately occupied as the property.
So we're not assigning address exclusively to lots, or valuation references, or anything else.
Our primary aim is to understand what is separately occupied and then make sure that they can have an address.
So if it's a rented property, a separate dwelling, it could be a shop, anything like that. You should be able to allocate an address to it so it can be uniquely identified, so emergency services can find it.
And we think that's the primary reason for an address, so that emergency services and visitors can find someone or find a property. They don't need to know where the internal property boundaries are, and those sorts of things, but they do need to be able to tell how to find the property. I'll come back to this idea of separately occupied.
I mention exclusions and we could speak at length about how we determine what the road name is going to be. There's a lot of issues in that, so it's probably better to concentrate on just the address and not the road name, but happy to answer questions or talk about it on another occasion.
The other very important topic is life cycling, and for the purposes of this, I’m just talking about current addresses.
But it's important that if someone says they want to know about - are they talking about the current 10 King Street or the proposed new one that's going to be there as soon as the subdivision is completed? Or one of many different properties that have had their address in the past?
And if you don't understand that idea of life cycles you could come up with the wrong answers. So it's important to understand that an address is a life cycle because it can relate to different things over time.
Legislation. Let’s mention that, the Local Government Act, the thing that's different to us, to many councils, is that we have a bylaw that makes it mandatory that everyone must display the assigned address, the council allocated address must be displayed at your property.
It's actually a criminal offense to not comply with the bylaw.
So it's it's quite serious. We haven't had to prosecute anyone yet, but we have occasionally had to remind people that they aren't displaying the address. Usually that’s in the cases where someone is there's confusion, people are having trouble finding things and we hear about it and we say, look, you need to be displaying your address.
If they don't, we remind them that it must be done, the bylaw requires it. And so very helpful to have that backup. And particularly when there's arguments between people about what address to show and we determine which one it should be and demand that they do display their address. The bylaw goes into sizes and all sorts of things, but it's this important.
There are three examples, I thought I’d start with a relatively simple but common example.
This is a single parcel of land, a single lot. There's one record of title for the whole area outlined in blue. It's all one rating unit, but there are three dwellings on it.
So we have assigned three addresses, one to each of those dwellings and because that's where the occupancy is, that relates to the dwellings, it doesn't relate to the the parcel or the valuation or something else. That's, what it actually looks like.
And fronting forward this two front doors to the two separate dwellings. And then there’s another dwelling around the back. And one of the dwelling right on the corner has a back door that actually goes out to another street to the terrace. We could have assigned an alternative address to that if they needed one for the back door. But at the moment we haven't. But the idea of occupancy is our primary concern.
The second example is a warehouse in Wellington, Bunnings Warehouse. It's a large building, it's all open plan through the whole thing. One main entrance and there's also a car park. We regard that whole complex as a single business, the public emergency services will all regard this as one thing.
So we have assigned one address to that whole building, the whole property. If there was an entrance on another street, then that would have been given an alternate address. But there isn't in this particular case. But taking that one large property, this is what it's actually like, in reality.
We have said everything is all number LINZ have got nine separate lots that underlie the building. There are actually nine separate freehold Records of Title.
One of the titles is actually owned by Bunnings and the other eight are all leased by Bunnings.
There's actually three separate owners involved and no two adjoining properties are in the same ownership. Every adjoining properties in a different ownership to the others.
So according to the valuation regulations, each lot needs, each record of title needs to be a separate rating unit, but we still see it, people see it as one big property.
So we've allocated 24. That means that all of the rating units are identified as 24. They all have the same address, but they each have their own legal descriptions. So you can distinguish between them by their legal description for their title reference number.
But the address, they all have the same address because it's all the same property, the same occupied area.
The next example I wanted to provide is just the one across the road from us here. It's 126 The Terrace. This building has 80 separate rating units and some addresses. It was mentioned just before, and is 80 rating units on 13 floors. One ground floor unit has actually got two parts to it, part of it is a shop and parts of dwelling, all used as one occupancy. But we've had to split into two divisions for rating purposes so that the rates are calculated separately for the for the parts and typically, an individual unit in that complex would have an address like Unit 9A 126 The Terrace or 9A/126 The Terrace.
The actual number 126 is not an assigned address and all of the other addresses the official addresses. And the addresses were modelled the way we'd like to see it. There will be cases where you should be able to say this is a default that represents the whole block and then have all the sub addresses associated to it. but there's no way that we know in the current models and that's allowed. In this particular case, you've also got LINZ showing all of the 80addresses scattered all over the place. They're not in any particular position, they're not readable and we prefer to have address structure so that 126 shows and the other ones don't show but that you could get to that information because it was associated to the parent one.
And I think there’s scope to improve the modelling but it needs to be done consistently throughout the country. The idea of being a one parent address. So the number 126 is displayed outside. You don't see outside all of the 80 individual parts, but just the 126 And and that helps identify where it is. Another thing that we think has got scope for improvement is the way when we do allocate addresses, they actually end up on the LINZ maps and we have had a few cases where LINZ don't like the addresses we've allocated and choose not to show them.
And that leads to all sorts of problems for the people that have bought the properties and tried to get networks tied up and everything else. Sometimes this can take over a year before it's eventually resolved, and that's just unacceptable for the customers. And personally, I think if a council allocates an address and does it in a responsible way and follows the right standards, it should automatically be accepted. If LINZ thinks we've made a mistake, we’d like to know about it and we'll talk about it, but not just choose not to show it. And because it isn't the way and LINZ would like to see it and happy to answer any questions.
Yeah, Michael, thanks for that.
I think I'm just in the interests of time. We will skip questions on this segment, but if you do have any, feel free to pop them in the chat, will record them and get answers back to you after, offline.
And maybe it sounds like there’s a bit of scope for them. Maybe a follow up with the LINZ addressing team. You've raised some points there.
So absolutely.
My email address is on the presentation too. I'm happy to do. Anyone wants to contact me later.
You've made some really interesting points there.
Such good examples that Bunnings one, this one was a bit special. And I think in that case it was all in two ownerships, everything except one piece and one ownership. But relatively recently, the owner decided to sell off every second one to a different associated company, probably for tax or finance reasons or something. But the rules say they then become separate rating units.
All right. Well, thanks again, Michael.
I will now cue up ATI from NZ Post.
Atinisi Umutaua, NZ Post
My name is Ati and I am from New Zealand Post.
I'll just quickly go through this very quickly. So I'm just going to introduce who we are, what we do, the sources of addressing data that we get from, the format of the addressing data and the uses of the addressing data. So, quickly who we are.
Who we are, Address data services group, and that comprises of the addressing support team, which are basically our data entry people. There's only two of them. The addressing specialists which I am part of, and we've got the location services, data specialist who is in charge of integration of producing data in the backend, and he handles all of our technical issues and that's Thomas. I hope Thomas is, I'm pretty sure Thomas is here. Okay. So what we do, we maintain, validate, analyse and cleanse addressing data for mail sortation into properties. We also create address data products tailor made for to suit individual needs for external clients such as PAF. The GeoPAF and I'll go through that at a later stage. Okay. So the addressing sources, primarily we rely on the urban and rural network delivery branches. So they usually, say there’s a new house on their own, so they think through updates through to the address support team who insert an internal impaired system.
And from there it gets some migrated to each level, different systems within our network.
We also have requests from our CourierPost fleets and our service delivery manager on behalf of their customers.
So their customers will probably come to them and say, Hey, where's my address that's missing? So we go back into our systems and we investigate and we query LINZ and also the Council and if it's postal valid, we edit and if not, we escalate it. Not just to LINZ, to all councils, just to find out what the correct valid address is. We also get requests from our customer call center, from the external public, like Joe Blogs will come in and say, Hey, where is my address, can you please activate this? And that's how we also get through addresses.
So these three points, these are known as postal addresses. So postal addresses means that our network delivery deliver to those property addresses. We also get the address data sources from Land Information NZ (LINZ).
So these are physical addresses, quite often there are new addresses that have come through.
So we usually, they usually come through by way of a data feed every two weeks in which Thomas, who is our Location Services specialist, will integrate them into our systems, and they will remain there as physical addresses. We also get addresses from Territorial Authorities, physical addresses, again, potentially new addresses in the system, and also government agencies like we also manage the Ministry of Health ISM database, which they come through and ask on behalf of the DHBs, whereabouts, the patient addresses that are not currently in the system and we will validate and correct and we will also communicate with LINZ and councils. So these three points are called physical addresses. Physical addresses are addresses that we do not deliver to but are potentially new addresses coming through. We also get requests from mailhouse customers.
So quite often a big mailhouse customer will say, we’ve done a big mail campaign, but we've got all these return RTS letters.
We want to know why so we will escalate and find out if these addresses are valid, enter them into the system or just query them, escalate them if they're not. And also, we've got a tool called Suggest Address where the general public can go online and say to us, this is an address that's missing. Can you please get it for us? It comes straight through us.
And we also communicate with LINZ and council and just to see if these are valid addresses and those two points, they’re all postal addresses. So they'll be potentially activated into our system
for mail delivery and courier delivery. So the format of the address. So we adhere to the Australian NZ address standards guidelines published by LINZ. So it's either an address line format, so it's going to can you see that? Yes. So address line formats the addresses appear in address lines. So for example, 33 Conclusion Street address line one, Ascot park, address line 2,which is the suburb and then you've got your town city and the postcode address line 3. Okay. And also the address format also appears and addressing elements parsed out for our address products. Can you see that in separate lines?
And all the address elements have been parsed up for customers. We sync, this is called the PAF and we send it through every quarter for customers to cleanse their database according to what is active within the quarter. So all of these PAF addresses are active according to our network delivery. Okay.
The address types, we've got an urban address. So urban addresses are again, addresses that are located in high, densely populated areas, towns and cities, such as this example. But we've also got the rural addresses. I'll just type in an example.
Rural addresses, generally they are located out in remote areas, and they actually have an RD number here. This RD number denotes the round of the rural driver, and it's also accompanied by mail town instead of town/city. So sometimes the town, city, mail town are the same. Others times they are different. And it's because a mail town is basically a hub of where each of the rural mail is sorted up from and delivered to the rural drivers who will then go through to the routes and deliver to the rural properties If you’ve noticed, there are two different versions of the rural address. So we get a lot of this all the time. A lot of people say why have two versions of the rural address?
And it's because one of them, the physical address is the actual valid address from council and LINZ whereas this one, it's a postal address and has our postal data to deliver rural delivery mail items.
So that's why we have two different versions of the same rural address. But if you notice, if we click on the physical address it will go to: this needs a rural delivery number. And the correct postal address RD number. So postcodes actually determine whether or not an address is rural or urban. So I'm not going to go through the whole thing because it's quite complex. But essentially the third digit of a postcode if it’s 0,1,2,3, it’s in an urban zone. If it's a rural address or rural postcode, if the third digit is 7, 8 or 9, it's rural. And this is to help out with these sortation machines.
It's embedded into auto-sort plans. This is why this is. I've gone through the categories of address like physical address and postal address and finally, the uses of addressing data.
Again, it populates round management systems for our network delivery teams to maintain for mail sort delivery and courier. It assists with the automation machines such as for mail courier items, it populates various address APIs for all internal and online platforms such as e-Ship or YouShop, redirections, it also helps out with billing, publish addressing information on to the APF for validation of postal / physical addresses, which is what you've just seen, the address postcode finder.
And it's also used to create the addressing products such as the PAF, GeoPAF, which is an enhancement of the postal addresses file, the PNF which is an it's a postal network file, it’s to do with postcodes polygons. NZAD is another popular NZ Post product, and we also offer addressing cleaning services according to our postal delivery.
So if a customer wants to send through the database and say, can you please cleanse this with all postal delivery? that's what we'll do, at a cost. And of course some address validation services such as RealMe and Ministry of Health. They also use our data for address validation. And as brought up before, there are challenges, there are delays and we are working through them.
Yeah, it is quite difficult at times because sometimes the delivery branches forget to, you know, send us the updated information or delivery branch just say one version of the address council has another version of address and LINZ have another vision altogether. So there's a lot of confusion, but we are working through at the moment.
So that's about it. Sorry, guys, Any questions?
Thanks, Ati. There are a couple of questions in the chat I just had.
Olivia: I cannot see the need for the rural format since we already have rapid numbers, road names and localities. Yeah, and Kim's up. He got his hand up. Did you want to say something on top of that? Kim? Yes, because the postcode is unique for each rural delivery, so we know which rural delivery it is. So in the town we don't say what our delivery route is for our letters. So I do not see why we have to do that anymore with rural ones, because you're not allowed to use the town the farm name anymore for privacy reasons. So you've got to have a rapid number anyway, so we could standardise the whole New Zealand address system by eliminating rural addresses and you could still use it just the same. You don't have to have post towns which confuse everybody. You've got the locality of where the address is, and you've got the post code which defines the rural delivery route.
I agree, I agree.
But it takes time and money to actually change our dataset like that. And yeah, it's a big change, big change, but we are looking at it at the moment, but it is a big change if we wait to go through that route, which I'm pretty sure we will and yeah, I do understand, I do understand.
I can see it's a policy change, but it's well overdue. Yes, yes.
Agreed, Agreed. Thanks, Kim.
And Mark Coburn has just got a question here.
And this is one I've heard a situation about recently as well, How does NZ Post update an area from rural to urban? We have a subdivision that will have up to 400 new houses, over a stage development, but this is currently a rural delivery area, Council rezoned the land to general residential about 20 years ago. So just wanted to know what the process is to change from rural delivery to urban delivery. And in the case I heard about recently up in north of Auckland, the developer found that there wouldn't be mail delivery to the individual properties that they were quite like in the stage going to have to put like a P.O. Box hut at the main road like a large subdivision.
Because they couldn't get mail delivery to the door of all the new houses and subdivision. So yeah, that's an interesting question there from Mark. Yep. Very interesting. I'm sorry,
What determines rural and urban zones for delivery? It's the rural network delivery and the SDMs within the urban area who service that area, and they determine whether or not an address is or an area is rural. And I think it does depend on whether or not there is a health and safety issue. So if a postie cannot actually walk and deliver to an address with no footpath and there's like a speed limit, with no footpath and there's like a speed limit, apparently I think that is classed as or deemed as rural.
But yes, they are the ones that come up with the, the actual zoning of the rural and urban zones are we only do what they tell us to do. okay.
And we willI think there is a couple more questions, but we'll just wrap that up therefor NZ Post today.
Thanks Ati again for your presentation and I'll we'll get back to those questions later on.
But in the interest of time and it's got to be super quick. Sam, Sorry - time has crunched up, but I'll pass you over to Sam from Kainga Ora. Kia ora, Ben, thank you for that. No worries, I figured I might have reduced time.
Sam Keast, Kāinga Ora
So we'll go for something short and straight,
Kia ora everybody,
ko Sam Keast toku ingoa, I work for Kāinga Ora, And I'm here to talk to you about what happens
when we get the addresses wrong. So you've heard a little bit before about kind of what happens behind the scenes when we actually try to define addresses. And I'm going to of talk to you a bit more from a customer perspective of that. So a couple of other types of issues. We see the impact they have on people and then I’ll talk about some potential solutions, but that's very much open for discussion. There are smarter people in the room. So one of the types of issues we see is where we have an address point and the same property has a different physical address versus the postal address. And typically a different number and the same issue also occurs when we get a difference between what the council has put as an address versus what LINZ has put as an address. And we’ve covered a bit already, and here is an example of that. All these addresses are completely fictional by the way.
We get one type of issue where the incorrect road suffix is recorded in our system, it's more of like a data entry type issue. But for example, we've got Green Street, recorded in our system that may actually be Green Boulevard in the official existing database. We’ve got another issue where the corner addresses can sometimes have different both numbers and street names, but there's still referring to the same property. So that for example, we’ve got 41 Sum Street and those got 1 Millencollin Road they are both talking about the same property.
I got one more which is perhaps one more unique to newer developments, where Kāinga Ora are building new houses often kind of assign random, not random, but unofficial addresses to particular locations. And then when they are formally built, the council is assigning different address names to the particular buildings. But our system is still out of sync. We haven't updated that.
So you end up with something where it looks like that to start with and then officially becomes that, and things are sort of out of sync. A similar situation we encounter is where a particular address point isn't formally recorded. So you've got multiple dwellings sitting on one particular address, but the back property isn't a formal address, it's sort of popped under the bigger property. See that?
And like to say Mariah's in Northland where they've got housing on the same address, but there's only one address point for that location.
And lastly, as far as issues go, as multiple addresses are represented, spatially with one point and this is a pain in the butt to try and work out where, how many points are thereon that particular property, what being represented by that one property that's very quick woven through what the types of issues we see are.
But the key thing I want to impress on people is that it's not just a data problem. All these types of issues have real impact on people's livelihoods.
Say, for example, tenancy agreements. If we go into an area that no longer a legal point, them all of that kind of goes out the window. I'm kind of putting up post boxes on these sites that we build, and if we're putting them in the wrong number of the address on the post box, then all of a sudden the postal address becomes an issue and people aren’t receiving the mail intended for them. The electoral commission if what people think is their address is not the court and electoral commission, then they can't receive voting papers. And that impact the ability to vote, mail being delivered to the wrong address is a common thing anyway.
But it's a reflection of those types of issues. And then we've got maintenance or utilities.
Is if are sending people over to a a lighting fixture in someone's house, we want those contractors to turn up to the right property. Conversely, if we send someone to demolish a house. We definitely want to send them to the right property and as already covered emergency services, if we're sending people to an address, we want them to be going to the right address in some these, I think, reflective of both Kāinga Ora data entry issues and, you know, sort of disconnect between postal addressing and physical addressing, and we communicate to our tenants with a particular address format, but that's inconsistent. And so we're not consistently talking to people about the physical address. So they sign a piece of paper saying they live on 41, some street, and then all of the and so, well, I’ve been told 41 street it is my address. Why can't I find it in my electoral commission? I'm sending all of my mail to this address, why isn't being delivered? So it's all coming off that.
As far as existing solutions go, when we uncover these types of issues, we generally notify Toitū Te Whenua, their addressing team, so his team, and we're just trying to uncover what is the correct address for that location. And it's a mix of going I assume you guys go through and what caused it, to figure out what's happening there. But we get a very clear response back and we adjust our system to fix that. But some of the potential solutions that we could do is only use one particular address format when we are talking with staff and tenants and generically the entire public, so that we're all talking the same language to people who are not experts in addressing.
There is a question on my side about if there is a need for physical and postal address to be different now that the same location. So I don't know if that's a valid thing now, and then yeah is there a better way that we can think about addressing I hear Kim and Nathan talk about postcodes and the ones of the UK addressing system. Maybe that's something that New Zealand should be looking at too.
That's all I have for you. That's my slides.
So I'm just leaving some ideas on things that we could do to change our addressing.
If you liked any of that, you can flick me a message. Otherwise it’s back to you Ben. Also happy to take questions. But it is past time.
Yeah. Brilliant. Thank you. Thank you, Sam.
There are still a good number people on the line. A couple have ducked away to next meetings. But if you are happy to stay on a bit and you got a question, feel free to fire it through. I haven't seen any come through in the chat specifically for you yet. Sam - works for me, you’ve raised some interesting questions yourself and reflected conversations we’ve already had.
Peter Inwood: A recent development of 13 units has a single physical accessI-64, Waverly Street.
Six of the letterboxes have been installed along Gladstone Road, which doesn't seem logical.
Yeah, that doesn't seem logical at all. That if I recall, currently Peter is located in Nelson or Tasman.
What we're doing for addressing the area, simply following what council's doing and then coming off that. But again, we're building development, assigning them in theory, the name they will be in.
Sometimes that process doesn’t work as expected. I don't know exactly what's happening with the letterboxes though.
It is pretty, pretty absurd. That's an interesting one. Kim would like to see private roads identified. These are road names on right of ways that have been made to add addresses.
I don't know if that's directed specifically at Kāinga Ora, just a general wish, general wishlist there.
Peters followed up. We allocated the address points at each unit and the letterboxes separate.
And so after this, maybe they're just in the wrong place. A weird one for sure.
I'll look at it in our system, see what's happening. But yeah, it's pretty like I say, absurd and yeah, assuming it is, it's a KO development. That's why Peter’s bringing it up. Well,I think we'll wrap it up there, everyone. Thank you very much for dialing in.
I will just close with our closing Karakia.
Kua ea te kaupapa, Ka rea ngā hua, Ka rea ngā hua
Ka rere ngā arawai
Kua mau te mātauranga Hei arahina ngā mahi o Toitū Te Whenua
Kia tau te rangimārie, Ki runga i a tātou katoa Haumi ē, hui ē, tāiki ē!
Our work has come to a satisfactory conclusion. The fruit is growing, the waterways continue to flow. We now have the knowledge to lead and drive the work of Toitū Te Whenua to finish may peace settle upon all of us, gather and go forward together.
Thank you, everyone.
In this webinar from 22 November 2023, Toitū Te Whenua LINZ are joined by external guest presenters from Wellington City Council, NZ Post, and Kāinga Ora to give a series of lightning talks on the topic of addressing. In order of appearance:
- Michael Brownie - Team Leader Land, Customer & Property Information at Wellington City Council, talking about how Council handles addresses + examples of common issues
- Atinisi Umutua – Address Specialist at NZ Post, talking about creation and management of mailing addresses
- Sam Keast – Business Intelligence Specialist at Kāinga Ora, talking about mismatching address data and mailboxes with some real world examples
Demo session on LINZ Data Service APIs
[Ben Reilly, Relationship Partner - Sector Engagement]
Kia ora everybody. Welcome to this How-To session today and thanks for joining us and welcome to everyone who's any new participants in the Aotearoa Property Data Network. And to any repeat customers, welcome as well. So today, as you will have seen on the registration, we've got a How-To session about the using APIs from the LINZ Data Service. And it's going to be presented by James O'Brien here from our Open Data and Reuse team.
And yeah, can we just in terms of the running of the meeting today, can we just hold off questions until the end and then there'll be time allowed for some Q&A at the at the back end of the session. Otherwise I will do a run through Karakia and then we'll press on.
Whāia te mātauranga,
kia mārama, kia tupu, kia tiaki ngā whenua, ngā moana, ngā arawai
Kia whai take ngā mahi katoa Aroha atu aroha mai, tātou i a tātou
Toi te kupu, Toi te mana, Toitū te whenua. Haumi ē, hui ē, tāiki ē!
And that's just to say that we pursue knowledge for understanding, developing and caring for the lands, bodies of water and waterways, seek purpose in all that we do.
Let us show respect for each other. Hold fast to our language, hold fast to our spiritual strength, sustain the land, gather and go forward together. And with that, I will stop presenting and hand over to James.
Thanks, Ben. Hi, everyone. I'm James O'Brien. I'm on the Open data and reuse team. So the most common thing that we manage that people are aware of would be the LINZ Data Service, but we also have a lot of interaction internally with mapping, data analysis, that sort of thing. So normally with these kinds of demos, we've got quite a lot more time and usually face to face.
So going over things a little bit differently today instead of going through like the PowerPoint presentation and stuff, there's just not enough time. So we're just going to rip into a pseudo live demo of some of the more common things we get asked about the API services that are provided through the LINZ Data Service. So bear with me if we're covering some stuff that you might be super familiar with and if it's anything that's either a little bit beyond you, we're always available for any questions through our inbox and we'll provide contact details for that at the end and probably when we send out the meeting recording.
So yeah, I've also got my team is in the chat today so I'll be leaning on them if we need any Q&A support. On that, if you could just hold any questions to the end and we'll have about 10 minutes at the end to run through anything. We're also going to be diving, sort of skimming over the top of some of the stuff and more like showing you some of the potential.
But to really dive deep into what needs a bit of time and effort that we won't get through in 25 minutes. So, yeah, I'll share my screen, we'll get into it.
So first of all we have the sort of the assumption that everyone's already familiar with the LINZ Data Service and type of work that we do. But just briefly, it's a data portal is about 1600 layers or so.
Okay. So I go to browse, should tell me, ok about 2700, short by a thousand, but really 2700 layers in there. And a lot of it has to do with the property data set. So then Landonline, our aerial imagery, elevation models, Hydrographic, Topographic data and the Gazetteer, that sort of thing. So we're sort of skimming over quite a few different layers today just to get a bit of a broad idea of it.
But I thought we’ll go on first, kick off just with a basic overview of what you get out of the box when you're looking at API use. So go say the Property Titles layers, a common one that very, very high use. So you can see will admin behind the screens that you it's quite a high use layer.
It's also a high-volume layer where there's a lot of content inside it. So on the Services and APIs tab, you can see this, this four options here. So broadly the WFS, if you're not familiar, this is effectively streaming data directly from our service and to yours. Quite commonly, there’s applications like QGIS for this kind of web service, it's a little less common for AGOL.
We'll get to that in a minute. With ArcGIS online or Arc Pro there’s services for that is kind quite a different service.
WFS Changeset, this is, if you haven't come across them before a way to keep downloaded datasets up to date without having to download the entirety of a dataset. So, this is I think 2.3 million objects in this dataset.
It gets updated at least once a week. You don't want to have to download 2.3 million features every week. So if you are managing through a download service changesets are absolutely for you. And again, we'll get to that a lot more detail later. Spatial Query: it's kind of like a little buffer zone you can output and the CS-W this is of these two here common across the vectors on the raster datasets it's the CS-W is catalog services so effectively metadata for the whole site and that's going to be common across the as well.
We're going to more or less ignore these two today but if you want to know more about them again, you can come and talk to us afterwards. So yeah, will just quickly duck into the rasters as well and then we'll come back here and take a look at how to use these sorts of in practice in here as well.
You've also got this other sort of window here which is showing you a quick view for all of the API keys that you currently have set up for any of the work you do with API, you need an API key that's kind of your little token that lets you access the service and you can access them through here.
So all the ones that I have set up going to be listed here, it's easy to create them. You just hit create. If you feel like 99% of the work you do, data access only is absolutely appropriate, and you just give it a name click add and you get a key and then it's gone. So I'm going to delete that.
So you guys can't steal my API key. It hides them automatically. And if you're using the manual ones, you've got to save them once they open up because they'll never reveal them again once you've acted on it. But you can for the basic ones, expand them out so that just quickly into the API stuff. So once you've set up an API key, it's going to automatically populate.
You don't have to go and add these and any point if you're taking it out of the UI. So it'll just give you a list here of all the ones that you've got and it'll edit it where it says API token. So if I just jump over to a raster layer. So if we're looking at the Wellington urban aerials again Spatial Query API and the Catalog Services, they're always there.
But the standard thing, the alternative to WFS with feature services is Web Map Tile Services, WMTS. Now these are kind of like a pre-rendered sort of caged way to distribute data. It's substantially faster in terms of immediate access than download the datasets you, you just get sort of small subsets. You get small subsets of the the data as you're sort of zooming in and out and it won't return more than you need at any given time.
So you can be quite efficient with how it's being distributed. Every raster layer. So the aerial imagery, the elevation models of the DMS, the DSMs have a WMTS feed attached. And if you have been around the block for a while, these took well superseded Web Map Services of the WMS services that we used to provide. So they're totally gone.
You won't find them on LINZ Data service anymore. Yeah. So as a part of this we've also got another application that was released a little while ago called Basemaps. And this here is kind of like a stitched together version of all the variable imagery for national coverage into a single sort of backdrop-based map. And it's very responsive as you zoom into areas and the rendering is as incredibly fast.
What it'll do is if you notice the colours changing as you zoom in and out, it's going to pick whatever the best available data is at that scale at that time and display it for you. So again, this is used, you can plug it into your system and away you go. This sort of image screen here is kind of like a preview window.
This is not downloadable in any way through the Basemaps website, but all the data that is on the Basemaps website you can get from the LINZ Data Service. So this Wellington dataset is feeding into the Basemaps service and again will show how to hook it up and access that on through ArcPro and QGIS in just a little bit.
So that's very broadly that's the out of the box services that you get. We'll load them up and see what happens. So I put that up. People from councils here, so probably a mix of QGIS and ArcPro and I'm not sure what most people here are using so I'll try and show both. Start with ArcPro.
So this is the Basemaps service loaded it. To connect it up it's pretty straightforward. You go to the Basemaps website down the right here, you've got all the different options. I grabbed the WMTS NZTM2000Quad, just hit it, it'll generate an API key for you automatically. This expires every 90 days. If you're needing something that's more permanent, you can contact us and we can give you a permanent API key.
But we track the ones that are 90 day expired. Just this there's no sort of system throttling happening. If we go back to here, the connections and the server WMTS server, you copy and paste that in there. You hit okay and it'll show up for us. I won't do it twice. It just shows up in your list.
So that's it, that's how simple it is to add the Basemaps in there and then you don't have to worry about keeping your imagery up to date. This is kept up to date as we get new imagery coming in through the LINZ Data Service, it gets added into the service and plugged in. This can also be opened on ArcGIS online if you're using webmaps as an alternative to the many, many other basemaps that are produced on them.
So that's in ArcPro, in QGIS that's more or less the same thing, different way to get there, but you got to add WMS or WMTS layer and then I've got one already loaded on here, but if you were to go on there, give it a name, add, connect, grab one of these different flavours for different reasons.
This is a little bit beyond me, but I've been told that this one's probably the more efficient that these were doing, you added it in. And I've just added twice. But it's a bit of transparency on it. There it is. So that loads in and again, very fast, very responsive. So we'd usually recommend Basemaps for any kind of backdrop imagery rather than going through it manually adding all the ones from the LINZ Data service.
But there are a couple of drawbacks. Firstly, it's what like - everything is there. You're not filtering this. It's just it's kind of complete. There are ways to do that, but it starts to get a little bit like under the hood, like you're starting to get into the more programming side of things and it's faster to go and get your own at that point.
But again, for like 99% of use cases, it doesn't matter if you got the whole thing in there, the performance that you're going to get won't make a big difference. So yeah, so that's the sort of where the Basemaps are coming from. With the individual WMT is coming from the LINZ Data service, if I jump back to there for a minute, to get it, it's exactly the same. Once you've got an API in there, you can just sort of copy it to the clipboard, jump back into a service, layer, new, URL, and there you go. We’ll grab it and 2193 series because that's where our project crs is in.
If I turn that one off, you can see you can load that on straight away as well. And if you're noticing, if you saw the performance difference before the rendering and this the first time around, it takes longer. That's just not a sufficient - Basemaps is not specifically designed for this purpose - but it is still very, very quick.
So you also can pull through the metadata in the information tab and this will come through ArcPro as well. So it's very basically loading a WMTS is sort of ripping through it. The other one is the vector version. That's WFTS with feature service. So if I go to the inset property titles and I will show this one only in QGIS and I’ll do an alternative in ArcPro, it's exactly the same process.
We just select the API we want to use, save it, head over to here and I’ve already connected it here. But again, you just copy and paste it and give it a name, click on it and click add. Now this is going to something really interesting. It's not going to be highly performative. If I zoom out so we try and get the entirety of the country,
This is going to be shockingly slow. Why would I show that? It seems like a bad thing to do. We've got an alternative to this. The speed at which this is happening is because it's trying to load in millions and millions of records. And as you can see, it doesn't happen particularly fast. Now you can wait, be patient, save it, export it, do it manually.
That's fine. But it's it's kind of rare. I'd say that most people would need the entire country titles data usually let's say it wouldn't for council you the specific area you want to know what's an error or something. You're wanting to be able to sort of nail down a particular area. So a lot of the time you'll find that you'll default to downloading because it's easy to draw a box proper or separate it to the territorial agency that you're looking at.
And that's fine. You know, if that's how you want to manage it, it's wise that you can keep that data up to date. But we use a thing called spatial filtering or attribute filtering on the WFS calls. If you wanted to still string that data in or to generate downloads or CSVs or whatever you want to do, we'll go into that in a little bit.
I just wanted to show you the, you know, you can plug it in on the smaller data sets. If you're doing say to reload, you can remove that. If you're doing this on, say, a small dataset like territorial authorities, that's going to take a second to download to stream your dumps, find it quick, but on the larger ones, it can become quite a bottleneck. If you're using something like ArcPro they use the ris services. So this is the same layer and I will say that for the use of ArcPro this is this is quite efficient, still taking time but they will pop in in a second. To add these and sort of connect up to the in this case, it's coming up through my catalogue. You can add these three services, but this is just where I pulled it from.
If you got it locally, it's just coming from this one here. You can see the pathway there which you type which isn't particularly helpful. Your service item. Now it's not enjoying this loading anyway. You can see how it works. It's still massive. So not the greatest thing in the world, but it does load more efficiently as a as a service in ArcPro.
And now with the web feature services, this won't load at all. If I try to connect this in from the LINZ data service to here, this kind of in-built policy reasons, I guess why history doesn't play nicely with the ODC operations there. It does have the functionality in there to add them in and just I've never made it work.
So yeah, you do kind of get, get a bit, a bit stuck with the WFS one there, but it does load in rs services quite nicely. We don't have comprehensive services for every products. There's additional costs and overheads and everything with hosting open data on two separate platforms. But if you want any further questions on that, it's just come and have a chat with us afterwards.
So those are the basics, the basic way to connect the data. You just sort of go in there, you copy the layered WFTS and all their capabilities and copy and paste it onto your chosen application and, and it loads, but you can get a little bit more specific than that.
So let's say, for example, you don't want all of the dataset, or you're using download services, but you're exceeding the LDS download limit. LDS has a 15 gigabyte download limit for example. You can use APIs for things other than just streaming data. You're not limited by it. You can kind of bypass the UI in LDS in quite a few ways, which can be quite handy, particularly in process automation.
If you're keeping things concurrently up to date, you don't want to have to go in there every time and hit the download button. One of the big ones. If you're downloading a tile area now find - I think it's the Taranaki - this one. Yeah, that's right. Yeah. If I add this file to a map, I’ll get rid of this one and let’s zoom too.
So it's quite a big area. This is quite a dense dataset. We extend the crop out for the whole area. We go to go export it. All right, so it's almost 30 gigabytes. So it's double the minimum size, the maximum size requirements for exports in LDS. Your options here are basically to change the crop so that you’re getting less data, make multiple downloads and stitch it together or pay for a courier service, which, you know, is never a thing you want to do on an open data platform.
So you can use the APIs to sort of break this down into more manageable chunks. Now, all of the raster services that we release, they're broken down to tiles, quite small ones, but they're a regular grid. So if you know what your tile list is, you can set up the download to specifically crop 50 and 50, but also because they're always coming out in tiles, it doesn't really matter if you have one download or 20, you're still getting 30,000 Gtiffs coming out of it that you think got to manage so you can break it up with exactly the same kind of data output.
So to do so, you kind of need to build a query around your APIs. This is an example of use. This is a platform called Postman. It lets you create post, get requests, but you can do some python SQL whatever your chosen platformers. But this is kind of a way we structured it. So you sort of connect up to the export url to find the tiles that you want.
In this case, we've just gone for three, in the headers, it's got all of my API key, which I won't expose here because one of the admin ones, the language doing it in this case we're doing it in json what this is going to do is send a request to the export service and LDS and bundle up data for download without you having to go through the utility.
So hit send. Give it a minute. Right. We get this little output. So what does that mean? It's just a rundown of everything that I just asked it to do. Most of it doesn't need to worry about too much state stamps to store the metadata about it. But if you go back to here, it's just created a download.
So it's done that without me having to actually go on to the export utility, which means you can set this up to run dramatically. And if I had download, it's going to get it as normal. What this won't do is automatically download it, but you can expose the download stream if you want to also automate that files to and copy the link address.
So here we go. I stood in here. This format is the same for every export that we do, that looks like I did Services API and then exports. And then there's a little ID here. This ID is kind of like a job ID that you've generated and this gets exposed in Postman when you generate that that export. So if I go back into here, you can see the first thing is an ID the copy and paste that head back into here and see that the two numbers match.
So you can then grab the stream loaded on through in your browser at go and it'll start a download so you can run that whole process without touching the data service UI, which can be quite handy if you're handling large volumes or doing regular downloads of data for particularly rasters with the vector datasets that we have polygons.
The way I would recommend doing that is through our changeset service so that here we go back to the property titles and into the services. This is WFTS changeset. A changeset is a way of getting instructions on how to update data that you already have rather than downloading an entire fresh dataset.
So when you create a changeset it'll give you a list of all the history tabs. You select the range that you're interested in. Say that your dataset was last downloaded on the 4th of August will own everything from 4th of August 22nd of September, and you'll get some instructions on how to update your data set with these numbers involved.
So it's a lot less than 2.3 million. So working through that, it'll take a while to download and package up, but we can skip ahead to what it looks like on the output. So this is PJ admin. If I grab this here and it go, this is a changeset. So most of the data looks pretty similar to what you'd get in the actual table, but then you'll also have a table in here telling you what to do with that.
These will be update, delete or insert update as changing an existing record. Delete is getting rid of one and then you record and then you've, you know, SQL whatever you prefer to update data with, you apply the instructions in this case, replace the ID here with the rest of the content. As a rule of thumb, don't ever open up data in Excel.
You never know what's going to happen. As an example of why not? This the topo 50 contours changeset can take a little bit longer, even though it's only returning ten. And the reason for that is the extreme geometry. This will break if you try to open this as an Excel spreadsheet that exceeds the maximum capacity for for this element.
So yeah, cvs are fine but into a database, basically all directly into a GIS application inside of GIS you can't do it of these in as well. These lines here are all CSV files, the non shaped files or geopackages or anything else. So it's really quickly the the changeset service. We use changesets internally to keep data up to date that we provide to other staff for analytic purposes.
And mainly that's the property data sets so that property titles are something. We use windows scheduled processes just every week run a batch command that reruns the process, scans LDS, pulls down the data and applies it. So again, if you're looking for more information on how to do that, please ask to us afterwards. So the whole thing as well, we had a few questions at the ESRI conference around spatial and attribute filtering.
So quickly go through that and then I think we'll grab some questions. Sorry, I'm just sprinting through this. This is normally quite a long presentation, but I'm just trying to keep up so the if I open up here, so these are kind of these what get requests look like and this can be a bit gibberish if you don't know what you're looking for, but basically you plug them into a URL and they get to return certain values based on what you've asked it to do.
So in this case, I've got a few of these pre-loaded. Let's say we want to grab every I give you some of the examples that have come from the documentation page that we've that we've got. If you want to grab and hold over here so that I'm kind of hiding some code just from page you xml here we go.
All right. So this is operating on the roads dataset. Start it right here, this copy and paste it. I'll show what looks like for you, actually explain it. Some of the get request. So you are using a sort of a standard query language inside the the URL string to export information about layers or the data service itself. And if you're not adding any additional commands into those, this can be exported complex email format.
So this is simply giving us a list of all of the field names and the roads dataset. So we've got the name, highway number identifiers, line numbers, status and service. So if you say you're doing work on, you want to know what's every road in the country that's a middle surface. We can export data using these requests by filtering on these values, for example.
And there's tons of ways you can do it. That's sort of one way of it. And I'll share a documentation page. We list at all the different, different ways you can do this by locks drop or radius around a point, that sort of thing. And so if I jump over to QGIS just this is the same one.
So who we connect here with the data service put in an API key. We say what the services WFS it's got a version number, gives it a request. We want to get the features and then we add filters. So this case, it's at and we're going to go for the names of the layers.
So this is the name of the layer. So it's like 50329. These are available at the data service. And then what the filters are. So in this case, we're looking for old services that are middle, middle and I want to output it as a CSV you head into and it'll just start a download. So the value of doing these, anything that's based on a string means you can plug it under code and have it sort of push out of the browsers and automatically download remember doing it manually here, but you don't have to.
That's kind of the key. And then once we've got it, you download it. Now I'm going to skip ahead the data extraction process and show you what that looks like coming out. I turn that on and zoom to the layer. Hopefully you'll spot a problem with the data pretty pretty quickly. So this is exporting everything we just asked to do.
This is every middle surface road in New Zealand. If you're eagle eyed, you may notice that it's sideways. This is what they call it axis flipping. So depending on the software you're using, the different versions handle that coordinate transformations differently. So if I turn this on and zoom out, you'll see it's that's flipped the coordinates. So this other one is the same thing, but I've adjusted the version number basically, and I'll give you instructions on that.
I point this out because if you follow the instructions directly from our website, it's going to flip it. If you're using something like QGIS 3.x whereas it might not do it if you're using another replication. If it does, that's actually flipping. It's easy to correct. Just follow the instructions. So this is pulled in here. If I open up here, you can see no matter how I water the surface, it's only going to give me the middle surfaces.
So it's a 27 221 middle roads in New Zealand, which is a lot more than I would have thought. But there you go, not everything's sealed. The other one you can do is, as we pointed out before, we tried to load on the titles table and it loaded everything and it took quite a long time. You don't have to do that.
So similar to what we've done there, we've created a filter we can filter on we go this one here. So it's the same thing. We're going to hit the data service, put in a API key so it's obvious what the service's version number and that's one or two is going to do it. That's what determines the axis flipping, get the features, what's the layer name and then filter.
In this case we're going to say we want the title number and we want a specific title number. So I've gone and grabbed quite a large one and I'm not putting into the CSV that could be a Json or any other format you want. But in this case, CSV what that's going to do is output a single record.
So that's the same data set that we've gone and modified this WFS feed to be specific to one record because all the data are still contained in there. So you can sort of get rid of it before it hits your service. And then the rendering is substantially faster. It turns on and off. You can stack these up as well, give it a range.
So in this case I’ve grabbed Kapiti Island as well, so you can add them in again, quite a simple thing to do. I go back to my query, the one below, you just give it a range and I grabbed two of them so you can stack as many of these as you want, as will fit in the URL. Stacking URLs can have limited capacity, so it's not an excellent thing.
If you need like 2000 of them. But if you just got a few that you're interested in, you can quickly check on them. And these are quite handy because if you're doing these commands quite frequently, you can kind of just keep it handy to swap them in and out. Yeah. The other thing is doesn't have to be CSV.
So if I go back to here, this is exactly the same thing, just exported in the window so I can go in and see information about it. This is everything to do with that particular layer just in the browser. So if you just after information or really really quickly, you don’t actually need the special service there it is all exposed will also give you the geometries.
Again, example of why this doesn't play well in Excel. You don't want to open this. You scroll down and the second one. So they just have to go back to back. So all the information that you need about it so is like Kapiti island. So if you're on the LINZ Data Service and you hit the help button under LDS guides, the documentation is actually pretty good here.
These are all under the web services and mapped tiles services sections, but if you open them up, they'll give you examples of how to use this. The different ways they can be used, different applications that are commonly used and versions, that sort of thing. And that's the special filtering out. I actually thought it would just be doing special filtering as well, just kind of running out of time.
That's based on geometry. So if tried to filter by, you know, the Auckland area or something, it’s kind of a handy, Yeah, So I will beat your hands up.
Sorry James I was just going to throw the questions from there. Thank you very much for sprinting through all of that. And I think we'll say if anyone's particularly interested in particular aspects of that, more than having to do follow up sessions in greater depth.
But yeah, while we've still I'm just conscious of time, do we still have any do we have any pressing questions, fire away? Nothing come through the chat?
So we do have the LINZ Data Service at linz.govt.nz email address so that the stuff that y eah so I appreciate I've just sort of done filtered sprint through that just kind of like a two hour presentation.
They will come from fairly common questions that we've gotten from people and industry over the last couple of years. So if you do have some more questions around them, please let us know if we've pretty, pretty good tackling them. The other thing as well if anything you want to know that we haven’t rip through just in, please shout out.
We're pretty responsive in our inbox and happy to get on the phone and talk. Well, if you want to go more in depth.
fantastic at on this just a bit of feedback that's come through, Max says just wanted to say that that was a great overview of the APIS. It would have been super helpful a couple of months ago when I was integrating with.
I apologize for the timing there, Max, but better late than never, I'd say. But yeah, if you do have any other questions with that you're doing in future, as James has said, the team is really responsive and happy to help and anyone else as well on the call. Yeah, thanks everyone for dialing in today. Thanks again to James for ripping through that at lightning speed at about a quarter of the time you usually get.
And yeah, if you do want to let us know if something in particular is of further interest, just sing out and we can set up keep it open sessions and yeah, otherwise thanks again and have a great one and we'll share the recording afterwards as well. Thank you.
In this webinar from 29 September 2023, James O’Brien from Toitū Te Whenua LINZ’s Open Data and Reuse Team gives a demo of API tools available in the LINZ Data Service, based on frequently asked questions received by the team.
[Ben Reilly begins the meeting]
Right we might kick it off there. Good morning everyone and welcome to the fifth webinar since we started the Aotearoa Property Data Network last year, it's great to have you all here.
I will be chairing today and we've got the brilliant Deb and Lisa helping run things in the LINZ office and a group of presenters today that I think you'll really enjoy. So I'll just kick things off with the opening karakia.
Whāia te mātauranga
kia mārama, kia tupu,
kia tiaki ngā whenua,
ngā moana, ngā arawai
Kia whai take ngā mahi katoa
Aroha atu aroha mai,
tātou i a tātou
Toi te kupu
Toi te mana
Toitū te whenua
Haumi ē, hui ē, tāiki ē!
… and that is just to say in English that we,
Pursue knowledge for
understanding, developing
and caring for the lands,
bodies of water and waterways
Seek purpose in all that we do
Let us show respect
for each other
Hold fast to our language
Hold fast to our spiritual strength
Sustain the land
Gather and go forward together
Right, just to run through the agenda. Updates to start with, as usual a variety of colleagues here. Then I will be talking to an innovation initiative that we are currently exploring, called Joined-up Land Development.
Then we have got Zeniff from the Māori Land Court doing a live demo of their new and much anticipated Pātaka Whenua that has just launched.
And then we have got in the second half a round of Emergency Management-themed lightning talks, with Auckland Council, GNS, Manaaki Whenua, and Toitū Te Whenua each contributing. So, yeah, a great agenda there.
So to crack straight into the LINZ news and updates, I'll talk to Notice of Change to start with. We are stoked that we've got all 67 territorial authorities now signed up for the Notice of Change, with Dunedin City Council now being onboarded, or in the process of being onboarded.
That completes the national coverage, which is really exciting, and we can now really start to think about our next steps there. In terms of uptake, we're seeing solicitors’ uptake figures of north of 80 percent, which is also really positive in terms of processing those Notices of Change.
And some new enhancements coming through as well, through the Modernising Landonline programme, we can now - or solicitors can now make amendments to information after the initial Notice of Change. So they can make corrections or keep editing after the initial registration has gone through, so that's really helpful for them, and to make sure that we get good information - good quality information - through the rest of the property information system. So yeah really good.
And now Connected Property Data. So we have got a Hybrid layer, restricted access - I'll pass over to Mike Judd, our Senior Business Architect in the Property Information Team to talk to this one, Mike fire away.
[Mike Judd begins presenting]
Good morning everyone. Connected Property Data, a couple of updates. Let's start with the Hybrid layer. So the Hybrid layer is effectively what we're calling the best view of a property that we can deliver at the moment, and it's effectively our Unit of Property layer in-filled where there are gaps with titles from the Property Titles layer, and where there are still gaps in-filled with parcel data.
So in one layer you'll always be able to click somewhere and get the best possible information on a property boundary that we can give you. The development work on that is now finished, so we're just waiting to dot a few i’s and cross a few t's, and then it will be available on the LDS, at the moment with a government - central or local government - access restriction on it.
However, we are looking at actions to possibly make those boundary data sets more available in the future, so keep an eye on some updates on that coming up, maybe in the next - in the next meeting. But at this stage Hybrid layer should be available very shortly for central and local government use.
Other updates to NZ Properties Data available on the LDS for central and local government use - we've added what we're calling a parent-child table to the set of tables that basically links together properties, where they are related to each other. So for instance where you have an apartment - unit-titled apartments - and they're all in the same development, we can link them together using this new parent-child concept.
Another instance we've used it is where we've got pest releases, part of which is Crown Lease and part of which is Freehold, we can use this parent-child to bring those two different land - areas of land – together.
So there's an update - there's a new table - and it should be available now on NZ Properties. Another change we've made to NZ Properties recently is we have changed the unique identifier for our Unit of Property table. Previously it was just a sequential number starting at one, we've now changed that and it's a Universally Unique Identifier. Do we've introduced a UUID for that Unit of Property table, and again that should be available now. And one more update from the Connect Property Data Team - that is a new release of the Property Data Management Framework release 1.2 that was put live on our website in May.
A whole host of minor changes to that, a lot of changes to make the text more consistent, update all the diagrams so they're more aligned with best practice, some more examples were added. But the big change was the introduction of a lot of material from the Property Spine Project we did last year with Stats NZ, which talked about how we would incorporate dwellings into a property spine.
So a lot of the lessons we learned from that project have been incorporated into the PDMF, and that's now all available on our website, and we're now thinking about release 1.3. Ben that was it, did I miss anything?
Brilliant, no, I think you covered it all nicely there, Mike, thank you very much. Cheers.
And next we have Susan, our Senior Resilience Advisor talking to Suburbs and Localities dataset.
[Susan begins her presentation]
Thank you Ben, another project that Mike's been heavily involved in and it's a real pleasure to tell you that Suburbs and Localities has now been formally published on the LINZ Data Service. I - four or five years ago - I never thought we'd see this day, so it's awesome to see that it's finally out there!
So it's on the new-look LDS, which Vic is going to tell you a bit more about in a moment, and it's also available as an ArcGIS REST Service.
Do you want to flick me on, Ben, is that gonna work? Cool.
So just for those of you who are interested, I think we just talked to last time - Trent mentioned it might be a possibility - but we've had great support from Stats New Zealand and we have been able to launch with a population estimate. We are working on that number of decimal places because that doesn't really work as a population count, does it. But the population's in there, we really appreciate that Stats are going to maintain this going forward. It's relatively old data at the moment, it's 2018, but basically it's a placeholder so we can put the new census data in there once it becomes available from Stats. Thank you, Ben.
The other - and so basically our customers told us two things when we took responsibility for the data. They wanted a more simplified data structure and they wanted to make it easier to request a change. So there's some documentation around how to make that change, and I'll just take a look at that in a moment, but - I just want to go to the next slide, Ben.
So that if you remember nothing else from this morning, it's the following key dates. So we're looking to take down the pilot layer Suburbs and Localities in the middle of August, so that's bit so the new Suburbs and Localities replaces the pilot. And we're also at the same time - just to try and help with their communications - we're looking to take down NZ Street Address.
So if you've not adopted NZ Addresses already and, well, communications will be going out shortly to remind you that that will come down in the middle of August, now, Wednesday the 16th of August.
And then to give people - we always try and give people around six months to do a transition - and so we're taking down FENZ’s NZ Localities, which is still a well-used dataset. We're taking that down in November later this year, so I just want to take a moment - just to take you through that in a little bit more detail.
So we've got the data on LDS and we've got this page on the LINZ website, and if you scroll down there's a Data Dictionary, there's information about how to make a change request, and then there's the principles, requirements, and rules that govern that change request - and a big ‘thank you’ to Michael Brownie and the team at Wellington City Council for helping us with that.
And so basically you can either put a change request in just by emailing addresses@LINZ, or if you're a TA you can request restricted access to this change request form. So if you thought the Chatham Islands really could do with a new locality you'd just get access to this form and you could put in a new name and say that it's a locality. If you can spell and then you could submit that, and then that gets considered by the team. And so two ways requests can come in, via email or via the app, either way that information will go back to the Territorial Authority or to the New Zealand Geographic Board, and if that - that change will either proceed or be declined at that point.
And I just wanted to introduce this concept of minor and major changes. So if it's a minor change, it's just a simple realignment to a parcel boundary for example and then that will just get processed and it will go into the data. But if it's a major change, so it's a significant boundary realignment or it's a new name, then that will go to a review panel and that team will meet every - three times a year - and so their first meeting will be in November. So just wanted to share that with you, and that's all from me, thank you.
Brilliant, thanks Susan, I will just share from my end again - if it wants to do it - there we go. And so that was all for Suburbs and Localities, and now we have Victoria Lindsay, Manager Open Data and Reuse talking to the LINZ Data Service.
[Victoria Lindsay begins presenting]
You may well have seen late, late last - last month - the LINZ Data Service rolled over to the, the new Koordinates user interface. So we were the one of the participating agencies that use the Koordinates platform. We were the - the last one to do so - so you probably were really familiar - likely to be familiar already - with some of the new, sort of, features and functions and ways of working that that interface presented.
So, we're pretty happy to be on this new interface. It's been a long a long time coming. It's been about nine years since the last major update so I recognize that there may be a bit of a hump - with getting used to things. But the good thing is that there is lots of things that you'll still recognise, and some of the things are still quite similar. But there are some new and different things that hopefully you'll get some benefit out of as well.
So some of the key things that you might enjoy, that if you haven't already sort of had a look around and found them. There's the ability to favourite data sets so you can, there's a - in the slide there - there's a star on the right so you can favourite them and sort of curate a list of the datasets that you can always go back to.
Some other things that are different, too, the ability to create multiple map views, which are like snapshots of different layers that you have added at a time and they can sort of - they’re persistent as well in a session so you can come back to them. So a little bit of some - getting into more of that, sort of, customisation space. The other thing that you may see that's a bit different is the export process. So that integrates - that's more integrated now, and there's a couple of ways to export things. So it sort of provides a bit of flexibility in the ways that you want to grab your data, and also at that step the API’s are integrated there as well. So it actually surfaces our API’s much more than they used to be, especially the ability to use the changeset, so hopefully we'll get more customers making use of those services.
So we've had lots of feedback coming in over the last few weeks and if you have some more please send it in. There's some tweaks that are being made still, this is not sort of set in stone, so if there's something that you want to let us know about - good or bad - then do that, that would be awesome.
The other thing of course that the new UI will support is the publishing of terrestrial point cloud data. So that's in that sort of final testing stages at the moment, and this is part of our drive towards consolidating some of the channels so it's making it easier for you to get our data, providing it through LDS to this single interface.
So that will enable you to export the data in layers and less formats, as well as some GIS formats, and in the future there will also be ability to do Point Cloud streaming. Another thing that will be part of that rollout is a progression towards a 3D map viewer as well, so you can actually visualise and get the best out of the, sort of, view of that data actually in the interface, too.
So there's some pretty cool stuff coming, and, yeah, and coming in – within the next - within about the next quarter.
So that's the good stuff from us, so yeah, again, just another call out if you do have some feedback, send it, we’d love to hear it, thank you. And you've got a poll running.
Thanks Victoria, yeah well there's a poll that's gone up that says “how are you feeling today”, I think, if I'm seeing what everyone else is seeing, and it's supposed to be asking how people rated the data service’s new UI, so I'm not sure what's happened there!
We’re feeling great!
[Victoria, laughing]
Yeah good! That’s awesome!
We’ll just assume everyone loves the new user interface, as well, because it does look fantastic.
Okay thanks again, Victoria, and now if it works we'll hand over to Zeniff from the Te Kooti Whenua Māori to give us a live demo of Pātaka Whenua.
[Zeniff Haika begins presenting]
Thank you very much for inviting me to speak to this forum. Some months ago, oh was it last year perhaps, I think I shared sort of ‘where the Māori Land Court was heading’ in terms of its technology, etc., and its way of working. And recently the Māori Land Court rolled out Pātaka Whenua, which is the information system that we use in the court, and its intention is also to replace Māori Landonline, which some of you may be familiar with.
What I’m intending to do today is run through a bit of a live demonstration of what Pātaka Whenua is and what you can do in Pātaka. So I'll quickly share my screen, and you'll probably see a little website. So the easiest way to access Pātaka Whenua, I think, is via the Māori Land Court website.
So if you just throw into the search bar ‘www.maorilandcourt.govt.nz’ it will bring you to this page here. You'll see that there’s some messages at the top, as you do with technology there's often issues that come up and so some of those are being worked through by our teams that are involved with that particular piece of mahi.
But this is the website page and it's all about connecting whānau to the whenua – Te tuhonotanga o te tangata ki tōna whenua - and in here what you can find is pretty much everything you need to know about the Māori Land Court – Te Kooti Whenua Māori.
What I will do today, however, is we'll go straight into Pātaka Whenua to see what that looks like. Now to get in there you can either go straight there via these links at the top, creating an account or logging into Pātaka if you have an account, or scrolling down - after we get messages from various people - you can also access it via the link down the bottom here.
So we'll click into there and hopefully something comes up – cool. This is the landing page for Pātaka Whenua. So in here what you can see is you can either - you can register as a registered user, what that enables you to do as a registered user is, if you submit an application, you can then track the progress of your application through the various processes that it goes through in court, and these are the types of applications that you can file via Pātaka Whenua [referring to screen].
Of course you don't need to create a login, you can also submit your application as a guest user, and as part of that you would enter your email address, and then any correspondence that comes from the court will be sent to that address. So you would still be able to keep in touch with your case manager, if that's something that you want to do, or even contact someone at the court to make an inquiry, or anything like that.
But what we will do today is simply look at some of the Search features that are in Pātaka Whenua. And so if we click on there ['Seach' button], these [referring to screen] are some of the search functions that you can search or use via the customer portal.
So you can search for any Blocks.
Documents are there but at the moment we're just going through a bit of a process, we need to update our Māori Land Court rules to make these more accessible to everyone via the portal. Access to the court record is governed by Māori Land Court rules so we're just making some tweaks there, but the intention is for - in terms of documents - things like Court Orders and Court Minutes will be readily available here, via the portal. And so you can view some of those documents, once we get the green light for that to happen.
Management Structures are any land trusts or family trusts that are owners in land or hold land for administration purposes.
And then of course Ownership is where you can search for an owner in Māori land, and any ownerships that they hold across the country will come up there.
There's also the Block Map there, which if you're familiar with Māori Landonline it's very, very similar to that, where you can sort of zoom in and find your blocks and everything. I will state though sometimes depending on your browser it may take a little while to load all of the details in that.
Let’s just zoom in and see what shows up. So yeah similar to Māori Landonline, if it's of the status Māori Freehold Land, it will be sort of highlighted like that in grey and what forth. And then once the page loads proper, you can click on one of these and then go directly to that block from this page as well. So similar to a lot of the other online features that you get with this type of technology.
Let's go into the Block search and - if I'm going a bit too fast, call out and I can slow down, or happy to take any pātai that you might have as well. When searching for a block, most of us would use either the block name or the legal description. If you know the block ID number, so that's a Māori Land Court reference, you can enter it in there or if you want to search by a district in the Māori Land Court, you can also search there. If you have the LINZ title reference you can also search via that reference. So if I just type in one block and then we can have a look at what that looks like.
So Rotoiti 15 is one of our blocks in the Waiariki district. And so, this is what we call the Block 360. Everything to do with the block is displayed here. The block ID number for future reference if you want to search for this block via that reference. Any alternate names if there is any. The total number of shares area details. Anything to do with the land effectively. And we also get the block shape in there of all the various blocks in Rotoiti 15 here, which is the block that we were looking at.
As we scroll down the page, this is probably some of the info that may be of benefit to some of you on the call, in terms of land administrators. So that's where a block is administrated by what we call an Ahu Whenua trust, or a Land Administration Trust, they are the Registered Proprietors on the title, should you need to engage with any of the owners there. In here it shows who the trust is, and then you should be able to click on there, which then takes you to that particular trust and lists the current responsible Trustees of that particular trust. So that is information is there as well.
You can scroll down to the ownerships. So you can see who are all of the owners in this land and how many shares they hold, and the ownership type, whether they’re a tenant in common or any other type of owner. And this is a new one that came about as part of the amendment to the Act in 2021, where the Court can also grant certain entitlements and rights to individuals, and so these people here have been granted a right to any income that's generated from that land, which is to be paid to those particular individuals.
So in here what I did want to show is what we refer to as our Memorial schedules. From a data perspective this may be of some benefit to some, where if the court grants ... [pauses due to background noise] ... If the court makes an order such as for granting sites of occupation to various whanau members then we would record that in the memorial schedule, and so, if you're interested in data such as dwellings on Māori land we would record that in the Memorial schedules for each of the blocks. We have had some requests from various organisations for some of that data so we can also extract that data from the database to provide it in such a way that would be of more friendly - user-friendly - for those data purposes.
So that is what information shows up in Pātaka Whenua for a block of course we have our LINZ details - our parcel ID references and the LINZ title references. Every month we - well - I think it's, no sorry, every couple of weeks a couple of us from the Māori Land Court engages with a couple of our colleagues from Toitū Te Whenua to look at this type of data, to ensure that it aligns. You may be aware that often changes are made either via the Court or via Toitū Te Whenua. And so when those changes occur we need to ensure that the data in both of the Registries aligns, and so we have those discussions with Neil and others in LINZ, to work that out and make sure that the information that surfaces is correct in both Web Search and Pātaka Whenua.
Let me close out of here [referring to screen]. In terms of searching via a LINZ title it's just as simple as adding the number, and then pressing Search. Well I say it's just as simple but maybe it's not – oh - I need to remove that first, as you do. And here we go. Clicks into there. And then again, this is a block up in the Far North, Takou block. There was some recent surveys done for a Little Takou Island, which those of you who may be interested - whoops - is where the Mata Waka sort of landed as it travelled North from the Tauranga area.
So, yeah, and if I click in here - I think here, yep - we get a bit of information around licenses to occupy dwellings, etc., that are located on this land. I think there's probably about 20-odd dwellings on this land but it is captured via the Memorial schedule following the granting of orders or licenses to various shareholders in the land.
If searching for a Management Structure, it's simply adding the name of the trust. So we can even go for one of these [selecting from a dropdown list under the ‘Organisation name’ field], and then it searches, and then it pulls up the 360 and it shows you who the trustees are of that particular trust.
Same thing with the ownership, enter an owner's name in there [the 'Owner name' field]. And then what it will do is simply bring up all of the ownerships that this person holds and then you can click into there to go into better detail as to what those ownerships hold. So in terms of what's available in Pātaka Whenua, all of the Court record effectively is available, although we haven't yet released the documents, but that will be coming up and so you will be able to access that. In the meantime what we're advising all users is, should you wish to do a document, to submit an inquiry and then we can email that document to you. So, yeah this is Pātaka Whenua.
[Deb McDonald]
Kia ora Zeniff, we’ve got a few question, which have come up in the chat. One of the questions from Michelle is, “just wondering if there's a way to download the data as a GIS layer, please?”
Yeah that's - we had many requests for that type of data! That is something that we are working through with the data team from the ministry as well. So we're sim- we're understanding where the data sits in the database and then what we need to extract to provide that. I know we used to provide it. The last sort of shapefile I think was from 2017, and I know that there has been an interest in getting an update of that dataset, so that is something that we are working on at the moment. It's not downloadable from Pātaka Whenua itself but it is something that we are aware there is an interest in, and so we are working towards making that more available to people who request it.
Kia ora, thank you, Zeniff, the next question is from Fraser, and he's asking “how often are the boundaries and or the attributes of the features updated?”
Boundaries are usually updated as a result of a Court application for either a partition or something of similar nature to that. Sometimes what the Court can do is if a boundary is incorrect, the Court can make an order to realign that boundary, but then there'll be survey plans and what forth produced as a result of that. And so that will go through the process of being updated in the cadastre and then carried over to Māori Land Online. So, not often do the boundaries, etc., change, because they're not a very common application for partition or subdivision, but that is how they would change if they need to.
Thank you, Zeniff, the next question is from Anya who's asked, “has any work been done on the areas attributes for amalgamated blocks?”
I'm not quite sure what that’s referring to. I know there's some work going on for amalgamated blocks, but was there anything in particular? Is it the area of each of the blocks that have been amalgamated, is that what we're talking about?
If Anya’s online, would you like to ask, Anya, your question to Zeniff?
Yes sorry, it wasn't very clear. I was using the MLC 2017 dataset for analysis about areas of blocks, and there's an attribute in that dataset that actually gives you the, I think, the rounded up value for the hectares for these amalgamated plots. And it seemed quite frequently, and this was for the Far North, that a value had been put in there for what appeared to be amalgamated blocks that was maybe one of the values for the part of. So it was much smaller than it actually - the amalgamated block ended up being. So I was just trying to do analysis and I was - I realized this because of the analysis I was doing. So the amalgamated block value in the file didn't match the actual area that that block covered. Sorry long explanation.
All right, all good. There is, yeah, there is some work being done in that space, particularly around the amalgamated and the - even the aggregated blocks - where sometimes the area values are a little bit out of sync. And so as part of that what we are doing is reviewing a lot of those blocks and working with, well, we intend to work with our Territorial Authorities around updating some of the values as well, for the blocks that we use. So there is something that is being looked at, at the moment, but unfortunately I can't give a sort of a time frame as to when that will be completed. But it is something that is being looked at perhaps, Anya, if you want to email something through to me, we can easily have a look at what it is that you are looking at and then ensure that it is correct.
Thank you Zeniff. The next question we've got is from Kirsten and it asks, “does this data supersede the TPK Māori land blocks layer?”
I'm not sure about anything superseding anything. What the data we have is the most recent data from the Court record and it's updated recently with GIS data provided by LINZ. I think TPK do receive the data from us, so it's likely that if the data that they've received is, yeah, before this year, then it's likely that it would be superseded by this new set, because changes are made every day as a result of Court hearings, Court orders being made. So, yes, it would be.
Kia ora, thank you, Zeniff, the next question is from Chancell, who says, “forgive my ignorance but there are only six districts in the list of the block search, is this normal or will the list be updated?”
Maybe I’m looking at something else, but to me there’s seven there. But if it is wrong then yes it will be at least, but at the moment it looks to be right, but yeah.
Kia ora, thank you, I don't know if anybody else has any questions. Those are all the questions that we have in the chat at the moment, Zeniff, thank you very much indeed.
Cool, ka pai, thank you and, um, Ben you have my email address or should I pop it into the chat in case anyone wants to email a question through?
Feel free to pop it into the chat but I can also - I've got it - and I - we - can distribute it with the notes after as well, for sure.
Okay, cool, ka pai. Cool, well, no more questions then that's me!
Sweet, thanks a lot Zeniff. It was really great to see that go live after much anticipation.
Great cool I will share from my end again now
Sweet, so, I am going to be talking now about Joined Up Land Development, an innovation initiative that we are exploring here at LINZ. [Referring to screen] If it goes, cool.
So, the problem in a nutshell, resource consenting is too hard, it takes too long because it's disjointed, it is labour intensive, it lacks transparency. This leads to project congestion, additional costs, prevents evidence-based decision-making, and there is no visibility of development pipeline for LINZ Property Rights teams.
So, we at LINZ cannot anticipate the resourcing needs that we need in terms of receiving and approving survey plans, and then beyond that the request for title as well. So that creates a congestion for us, and we typically are at the end of that land development process and bear the brunt of any delays that have happened up to that point, and projects wanting to catch up on time. So yeah, but a problem shared across the land development sector is that there is no visibility of the development pipeline to understand what's being built and where at any given point in time.
This leads to deficits we all know about in housing and infrastructure. In the context of population growth that tends to be underestimated if anything and will continue on. Increasing complexity when we try and grapple with the full complexity of the environment for environmental management. And we have got a climate imperative as well, bearing down on us, that we need to try and mitigate and adapt to, and that doesn't help when it's difficult to get things built.
So, the goals of Joined Up Land Development would be to: integrate the land development process and all of the stakeholders involved in the process, increase transparency and promote efficiency across the land development system.
We've got some overseas examples that we're looking at. SPEAR in Victoria was launched just over 10 years ago and you can see there they have joined together the surveyors, councils, referral authorities, the land use authority. Very similar sort of environment to what we've got here in New Zealand, and a similar number of local authorities that they worked with and brought into that program as well.
And then in Singapore they've got a sort of, a couple of generations older system called CORENET that was initially built in the 90s. They've of course got an advantage being quite a small state and relatively easy to join together centrally. But yeah, definitely some lessons learned there and interestingly for them it goes a bit beyond land development into sort of property management as well, facilities maintenance, and things like that.
So why LINZ? We are the stewards of the property system, and subdivision portion of land development is fundamentally about creating new property. Any data created at this stage and any issues with that data flows right through the entire property data ecosystem and persists through the system. So we want to make sure that that is right first time as much as possible. We also have strong stakeholder networks across local councils where we work with them on various things, providing GIS, sourcing aerial imagery and making that publicly available, and LiDAR, through emergency management, through addressing, Notice of Change which we talked to earlier, and valuation as well - property valuation for rates. We also through, by dint of being LINZ, we have good working relationships with the surveyors, and the property lawyers, especially with Modernising Landonline and those professional networks that we've tapped into as a fundamental part of that programme to help drive the design and success of that build.
Regulatory roles as well. So through the Surveyor General and the Registrar- General of Land we have direct involvement in a portion of the land development process, alongside the likes of Ministry for Environment and MBIE, who are more commonly thought of as the regulators of that, of the parts of that system.
The Valuer-General as well, of course, has an interest in the outcomes in terms of quality of information that's generated for property valuation, which is critical for local councils for their rates and their and their revenue. So we want to make sure that's working well. And in terms of our strategic outcomes we have an outcome to be a trusted regulator, delivering fair and transparent regulatory systems, so definitely one area that's ripe for improvement on that front.
Because we can. Because we have IT development capability being built-up through the Modernising Landonline programme, where we currently have just over - between 120, 130 developers working in-house across 14 different squads, operating on a Scaled Agile Framework.
We'll be retaining a good portion of that capability going on, both to maintain and continue to enhance the New Landonline, but also there will be some capacity to look at other projects as well. So that is something new for government where we will have that capacity in-house to do IT development in a significant way.
And just in terms of the property system and where it sort of - its centrality to a lot of other things - I wanted to show up this slide. [Referring to screen] So yeah as you can see that that property system stewardship flows through from property into a lot of other systems. So it's sort of the hub at a lot of other fundamental and critical systems for New Zealand.
So really important that we are - we're getting that right - and an opportunity to intervene here can flow on into a lot of other a lot of other areas of our day-to-day and the running of the country. So yeah, an important role there.
So, in terms of where this fits in terms of our modern - current work at the moment, for Modernising Landonline. We are currently in the migration stage at the moment, where we have stood up the Dealings App and the Survey App, and we're onboarding, well in train, now, onboarding firms and users into those new apps.
And a significant milestone this year will be turning off survey capture in the ‘Legacy’ system. And that will be the first really big chunky bit of the old system that we turn off. So that's a really big milestone, in terms of starting to unlimber us of that needing to maintain two systems in tandem, and worry about things being backward compatible, as we as we're trying to build the new system as well. So that's really exciting, and we're currently piloting that with one firm, where we've turned off legacy capture for that firm and they're just using the new.
And then looking forward. So, you know, longer term, once we - we want to have the New Landonline, having replaced Legacy by the start of 2025, like for like, and then really look to the enhancements and new features. And so, things like closer integration with Māori Land Court, Pātaka Whenua, going fully digital with survey plans, improving - you can see there - improving the subdivision process, increasing the digital data capture, and starting to look at, you know, how we can integrate with third parties, like councils, and others as well. So a bigger ambition there, beyond just - beyond the immediate needs of Landonline, for sure.
So now we're going to - into the second half - and our round of lightning talks, from - on the theme of Emergency Management. And just to quickly run through who we've got:
- So we've got Auckland Council - Jade Rutledge talking from Auckland Council - on the work that they did behind the scenes, red and yellow stickering of properties after those flood events at the start of the year.
- We have then got Chris Massey and Gerry Blair from GNS talking to work they’re doing assessing landslip risks to property across the country.
- And then Dr Shaun Awatere who has - we can see has joined us - from Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research talking to Māori Frameworks for Recovery.
- And then Rob - our own Rob Deakin from Toitu Te Whenua - on something that he's been working on, an emergency management data portal.
Yeah, so I'll, firstly, I'll pass to Jade from Auckland Council.
[Jade Rutledge begins presenting]
Hi guys, so I'll give you a bit of my background.
So I've been at Council for seven years, worked on projects all across our property data space. So that includes our Property Information Team, Property Files and LIM’s, and - as well as our digitisation projects, which includes digitization of our legacy records as well as our RPA teams.
So I'll just share my screen. I put together a little presentation I'll send through to Ben later. Just the high level of what we did for our response to the rapid building assessments and the emergencies we faced. So, just hang on a minute [starting up screen sharing].
Okay so I've included a few slides of images in here, just because it's important to bring back the context of what we actually face [referring to displayed image]. So this is one of our West communities, I believe this is Muriwai and the large land slips we faced out there.
So just to give a bit of context to the issue. In January we - Auckland Anniversary - we had our big flooding event. This was the first time in Auckland’s history that our State of Emergency was activated. A one in 200-year event, I don't know anyone in the region that wasn't affected.
So, what was it? We were responding to that event, dealing with those situations, and then two weeks later we had Cyclone Gabriel, and then in April we had the tornado, and then back in May again we had another flooding event. So for us it's been very busy – non-stop!
When we get kicked into the emergency response, like other councils, we refer back to the survey 123 App so our inspectors can go out and do their rapid building assessments. My involvement in the time, I was looking at business improvement for our Property File and LIM's Teams, so we kind of just raised the question, “Hey, what does this emergency response mean for our Property Files and LIM’s, you know, what are our obligations in declaring all this information to our ratepayers and public customers?”
So here's some more images, you can see on the top left houses completely destroyed, property submerged, roads completely collapsed. Driving around the region at the moment there's still roads - slips - roads closed, traffic management everywhere.
So I go back - now I refer back - to the placards and what they mean. So you've got your ‘reds’ which are your significant damage. That means our homeowners or our renters can no longer live in those properties at this point in time.
Our restricted access, our yellow placards. So it could be part of the building that was damaged, part of the land that was unstable. It could also be the case that our building inspectors couldn't do a detailed assessment at the time. These assessments are only done in 20 minutes, you know, and we may have Geotechnical Engineers and Building Inspectors, but, we may need a Eng – an Electrical Engineer – or, you know, those further expertise to come in and help out. So, if that's the case we’d probably order - issue - a ‘yellow’.
And I've put ‘red’ on here, I know Ben you mentioned - I put ‘white’ on here, I know you mentioned ‘red’ and ‘yellow’, so, maybe controversial, but our response was also to ‘white’. ‘White’ was low risk, you could go back into your house and live there if you needed to, but for our responsibility we had to declare that just in case five, ten years down the track there was another issue.
So, high level, natural disaster occurs, our regulatory teams combine and start those Rapid Building Assessments within the 48 hours. I noticed that, with a lot of the assessments I saw, we also have our colleagues from the wider councils come out, or pull resources together, as one team. Data is entered into the Survey123 App as assessments are completed, and we extract the data.
[Referring to slide] So this fourth box is probably where we had the biggest pain points. During an emergency where everything's so quick, data isn't always as accurate and helpful as it can be. You know, each area in New Zealand obviously has their slight quirks. Auckland’s no different, when we have inspectors come up from other councils, they don't necessarily know the details and the way our land and our property addresses and everything work. Then you've also got the challenges of, ah, when customers’ or NZ Post addresses might be slightly different to the ones we use in our systems.
So, our team spent quite a few weeks going through every single placard, every single data, mix-matching using GIS, trying to get that as much correct as possible. In the same time we were also sending out comms to our cust- homeowners – so, that - prioritise that with our ‘reds’ first, because they were the most urgent. Then the ‘yellows’, and then obviously ‘whites’ are least prioritised. And migrating all that information onto our SAP system.
So, not all of the staff at Council will have access to Survey123. The majority of us will need it for some aspect of our job. So we mention, you've got the regulatory teams, like Compliance and the Inspectors, and they need to refer back to that just to make sure that everything's signed off and it's back to code. Then you've got our Property File, our LIM’s, you know, Property Information Teams where we need to make sure, for our LIM’s and property files everything's correct. But then you've also got the Grants Team who needed to make sure they were providing the correct grants to the right teams after the Mayoral's relief was released. And Rates, we don't want to set debt collectors out to people that have been red stickered, so they need to know that kind of stuff.
So yeah, we worked on migrating all that information into our SAP system, with notes, inspectors details, photos of the damage if there were damage. That all appears on the property file and the LIM, and then at the moment we are in the ongoing maintenance stage. So, as I mentioned before, 20-minute assessments, it's fast paced, the data isn't always correct. So we are continuously correcting that. If a homeowner disagrees with us, you know, they can come, contact us, dispute it, we'll investigate it, and if we have made the wrong call we'll remove it - wipe it from the property - and then remediate all that kind of work.
So, I thought I'd cover the legal obligations for Property File and LIM’s. There are quite a few meetings back and forwards between our departments. Obviously once something gets put on a LIM people get quite defensive, and, reluctant to come forward and own up to the damage to the property. We do have an obligation under the LGOIMA Act, to disclose any information pertaining to the history of the property that we know about.
So, what we pretty much did, was, work with our legal teams and compiled wording to add into LIM’s. So thiording doesn't give the information that may breach privacy of the details, and the homeowners, but it will pretty much just say, “hey, we on this day, this property was issued a placard.” We've also added the status of the placard, so the placard says whether it's ‘open’ or it's ‘closed’. ‘Open’ means, obviously, it's open, they need to contact us if they want to get it closed. ‘Closed’ means it's resolved, Council's pretty much got no concerns, at this point in time.
Legal advice initially for us was that, while it was at low risk in the January-February period, the longer we waited, the higher the risk became. You know, you had people that, potential homeowners who were renting their properties not being truthful for their tenants, so we had an obligation to those customers as well. When we put information up we always have the ability to correct it, so if we did by chance put something up incorrectly, we could reissue another LIM or a property file, no problem.
That being said, in this space for property files and LIM’s there are still ongoing discussions. Particularly how we are treating the occupancies of properties and the likes of flats and apartments, because those become a lot more complex. With it - do we disclose that that one property was placarded to their neighbouring property, if they're attached? So we did get some external legal advice on that, and we're just going through that process at the moment.
So on this slide I have included some examples of what we've done. I won't open them unless you guys want to, but I'll send through the slide and you guys feel free to open them. But, pretty much, I mentioned the example of the LIM’s. The Rapid Building Assessment PDF we extracted from Survey123. Our documents are named in our Council naming standard. So that includes the notice number that was given to the incident, the type of event, so you can see in the two examples we've got the ‘Flood’ and then ‘Cyclone Gabriel’. And then we've also got the Property ID that it belongs to. So that's for our tracking purposes later on down the track. And then the actual contents of the document, I've written, you can see the assessor’s details, the date of the assessment, the building location details, which includes a little GPS snapshot to show the actual location of it, photos, detail assessments, and notes and further actions that need to be required – to be done.
The ‘Lessons learned’. Lots of these! ‘What went well’. We had never met - had - anything like this happen before. We learned very quickly we could collaborate really well together. Multiple teams involved. We had our Property Information, Property Data Teams, Regulatory, Legal, ICT, our Communications Team, and most importantly our GIS Teams. Without the help of our GIS Teams and all the extracts they could get from our GIS system, this process in terms of auditing and the data quality would have taken way longer than what it does. We would still be doing it right now.
So - and we were able to make some changes to the Survey123. So particularly having predictive address searches pop up, and manually identifying Property IDs.
‘What we could improve’, or what we would like to improve on, is automating some of our - survey PDFs being migrated into our record system. So we had to rely on our external vendor to help us do that, we had thousands and thousands of documents and there was no way we could do that manually. Even with the help of our robotics, because the robotics would have had to have development as well.
Automation, creation of our ‘I.N.’ - Incidents and Notices. So that is still very manual on our regulatory staff 's behalf, so we would like to automate that. Improve data cleansing in the earlier stages. And, the biggest thing for us was removing the reliance on spreadsheets when we extracted the data. When you rely on spreadsheets, you know, everyone can take a copy of it and then you have multiple copies flying around and someone might be working on the wrong copy, and it just gets really messy, and then everyone starts questioning the integrity of the data and what's the true copy.
So ‘Where to next’, these points on this slide are just for the aspect I worked on. Obviously this is a beast of a project, there’s still ongoing discussions in regards to rates, and property valuations, and updating our flooding maps, and all that kind of stuff. But for us our key focus is ongoing training for users. Extend the Property Search Project as we have a range of ‘service’ and ‘vanity’ addresses that are not being picked up currently. Endpoint automation of emails to update our customers. Our continual of process improvement. We want the FME server to view - to flag - properties that are occupancies for everyone. And then obviously the Compliance Monitoring Teams smoothing out their processing of the actual RBA’s.
I tried to keep that short and sweet, because as I mentioned it was a beast of a project, and I could - probably could be here all day talking about information. But, I have put my contact details out this slide, so when I send the package out you guys can contact me with further questions, if you don't have any right now.
Jade, we've got a question from Simon, thank you very much for that. Simon said, “As part of the RBA, was there a capture photo of the address on the front of the property. We found that very useful in the data validation stage, to ascertain details verified with a photo of the property frontage.” And he also said, “Thanks for your presentation and learning, as it's not an easy task!”
No, so I what I'll do, is, I will open up the RBA.
I'll see if I can find it.
Sweet, so hopefully you guys can see that example of the RBA we have up. So I've just blanked out the details there, but as you can see the building location, the GPS coordinates. Now, the issue with the GPS coordinates, we found is, it's not - it's not going to pinpoint the direction. It could be - it was - it could be six meter meters off, you know, it could be the neighbouring property. So, we really had to combine all our efforts and knowledge and pull across anything, whether it was the homeowner's details, and match it to the property ID. It was a very complex process!
So sometimes we do have images of the front of the property, to help us identify them. Sometimes we don't. So there's the map I mentioned. These are the images taken. So that's part of the process we could be improving. We've got the image of the flag, obviously. These don't always… When we're given this information, the inspector may have not been able to identify the property on while they're on site. So they may have just written a park name, or, you know, a road name and not the actual number. Or they could have written the number and the road name, but, in the likes of - I can use Queen Street in Auckland - we've got like four or five of them in different areas. So, it does become very difficult to narrow those down.
But yeah, that's kind of, the general viewing of what our assessments look like. You can see the comments where it says the power – what happened - the powerpoints were within reach and they've been taped off, and further evaluation is needed.
Thanks Jade, that's fantastic, and we’ve got another question from Susan. Susan said, “Thanks for your work, Jade. Impressed you has a document naming standard and great to hear about the important role of GIS. Keen to learn more about the address-mismatch and how to improve data quality for our key data improvement work here at Toitū Te Whenua.” So Susan will contact you directly to follow that up. And then finally Katy's just said, “Fantastic presentation, well done Jade, thank you very much.” And on behalf of all of us, thank you very much, that is really really interesting!
Well thank you for having me, and as I said my inbox is always open, so don't hesitate to reach out.
Yeah, thanks very much Jade, and your mention of issues around GPS accuracy has just sparked a thought - that I should mention our SouthPAN project, where we're launching a satellite-based augmentation system over the next few years to increase the accuracy and precision of GPS. So another use case there.
Now to Manaaki Whenua’s Dr Shaun Awatere. Hi Shaun, and, yeah, talking to Māori Frameworks for Recovery, and I'll hand over to you now. Ooh, can't hear you for some reason.
[Dr Shaun Awatere]
Let’s change the microphone.
Ah, there we go.
How’s that, good?
That’s good yeah.
[Shaun starts presenting]
Kia ora tatou. He uri aho, noo Te Tairawhiti, noo Te Tairawhiti, noo Ngati Porou. Ko Shaun Awatere ahau. I'm a researcher with Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research. A lifetime ago I got it used to be a GIS spatial analyst, so it's good to be here! But today I'll be talking about the place of Māori land and property data within decision making processes, particularly within a disaster recovery. So I'm going to try and answer some of the questions that Ben provided to me.
So to start off with, you know, data sets within a context for decision making processes. Data is used to inform, yeah, various types of decision-making processes, from climate change adaptation through to disaster recovery. So understanding the context is useful for understanding how data can be used to inform those decision-making processes.
So things to note include, you know, they're from an equity position, are we acknowledging the rights and interests of Māori for decision-making processes, especially within a te Tiriti context, which implores the Crown to acknowledge their responsibilities to the principles of partnership, protection, and participation.
So what this means is that policy solutions need to be critically analysed, and also, it also means that - is the policy approach a one-size-fits all approach? Is it based on assumptions like individual property rights? Or, the fact that markets are or the - the sense that markets are the most efficient approach for solving resource allocation issues? Or, you might ask, does the policy approach consider that collective well-being encompasses not only the tangible aspects of life? Not only in the whether there's economic production going on in an area. But does the policy approach acknowledge the intangible and spiritual as well?
Just tying-in from the previous conversation. What concerns me is that if we do focus primarily on primary production, areas where there's large amounts of population, those who are more vulnerable, particularly in Te Tairawhiti, will be left off any of those analyses.
So our - if our policy approach… Yeah if that's the case, then I think our policy approach will differ from on that - from one that's primarily technocratic focused.
So another kaupapa or topic to consider is, how can the property data help inform the process for decision-making or resource allocation, rather than leading the decision-making process or resource allocation?
So if we take the - the latter approach - then technocratic solutions, often with their focus on perfect data can lead us to imperfect outcomes.
Post-Cyclone Gabriel agencies, they waited until the end, until all the data been collected on the damage to the properties before making a region-wide risk assessment to inform any buyouts or repairs to houses. And that just took too long. You know whanau were still living in those dam- flood-damaged houses, and were often told to relocate to other houses that were overcrowded anyway.
So the starting point for these types of - technocratic analysts often overlook the lived experiences of vulnerable populations. You know there's a lack of empathy towards people who are suffering from the long-winded bureaucratic processes. The data will never be perfect and therefore we need to rely on principles like equity and expert judgment, utilising the best set of data that we have available at the time to make decisions in a timely manner.
So there is a role for agencies within property data to support hapu and iwi institutions that are wanting to adapt to climate change, or that maybe wanting to think about relocating their communities from flood prone river valley areas and erosion prone areas, for example. And areas that might be impacted by sea level rise.
So support could be provided to those hapu and iwi in a number of ways, from the provision of data sets, or providing access to data sets through to basic analysis, such as overlaying the property info with flood mapping tools. Or making - making the hazard mapping portals, and all those flood tools and so on, more accessible for community-based approaches.
At the moment it’s set up for, primarily, for individual property owners, because that's the focus of the clients that the tools have been set up for. But what might be useful is for, how do you set up solutions or approaches for communities that are dealing with having to think about relocating the marae, relocating the kohanga and the urupa.
So it’d be good to think about, what are some of the - how you can as analysts think about more bespoke solutions for a community. And helping support someone who might be interested in accessing individual titles, along with parcels that are subject to Tu Tere Whenua Māori Land Act, from the Pātaka Whenua portal as well, along with parcels that might be subject to the Māori Reserves Act, so that's marae and urupa.
So you need someone who can navigate amongst all those different databases to provide useful information for - for the - the community analysts who are helping to support whanau and hapu through these difficult times, around relocation or climate change adaptation. So yeah oftentimes, during these types of Kaupapa or issues, it's left up to the community navigator or the champion to do - to do not only the property data and analysis, but that's also alongside the other workload of governance and decision making on behalf of the communities.
So it's really important that as, as GIS analysts that you provide as much support and awhi to those community navigators as possible. So you could tailor the portals to help those with the technical skills to access their data, but there still needs to be capability building processes to help people utilise and access those tools, and importantly help them understand what the data is saying.
So how do we define and map local communities, the people, the land and properties within those boundaries. As a starting point, Te Puni Kokiri’s got a great map of iwi boundaries, and I think this is a good place to kind of begin conversations with hapu and iwi about – about, yeah, how do you actually work with the data that they've got. And then in terms of Māori data, a good place to start as a conversation with hapu and iwi is through the te Kahui Raraunga website.
So te Kahui Raraunga has a report which describes the Māori data governance model that has been designed by Māori data experts for use across the Aotearoa – across the public service within Aotearoa. So the report says that Māori data is a taonga that requires culturally grounded models of protection and care, and the model provides guidance for system-wide governance of Māori data consistent with the government's responsibilities under Te Tiriti o Waitangi. So I think te Kahui Raraunga the Māori data governance model is probably a useful starting point for agencies to – to think about and explore the conversations around Māori data and the data sets that they hold.
And then one final question that Ben asked was - or statement was – Māori land and property data is often fragmented and relatively inaccessible, holding back effective te Tiriti decision-making processes. Central and local government often want to do the right thing but can’t empower communities that they don't know about.
So the question around how to empower my communities utilising property data. So once again, yeah, framing is everything. Rather than ask how Māori data can fit into the tools, the databases, the portals and so on. Rather ask how the tools can help support the processes that will empower communities to realise their aspirations. And often their aspirations are quite different from individual property owners, the aspirations are around more social well-being, cultural well-being, as well as economic well-being as well, but it's all part of that mix.
So this might mean that acknowledging that databases do have their limitations, and often that's the relationships that the institutions develop with communities that matter most. So in practice this means officials being flexible and adaptable, and I know as planners those are words that you don't like to hear! But in practice, you know, it means being flexible and adaptable, and starting points for addressing an issue will often be from different positions.
For the usual client the request would be within the framing of the remit for the database because the database has been set up to achieve their outcomes. That is that's based on a set of assumptions regarding transferability of individual property titles to support a market exchange.
However when we’re dealing with communal property, there's a different set of priorities, like intergenerational sustainability of those assets within limitations of natural ecosystems, and acknowledging that the impact of colonisation has had on the capabilities of vulnerable populations, like indigenous people.
So this means more bespoke approaches might need to be required. As an example - an example could include working with a regional mana whenua groups or standing committees similar to Toitu Tairawhiti and that's made up of the CE’s of the four iwi in te Tairawhiti - oh four iwi in te Tairawhiti – Ngaati Porou, Rongo Whakaata, Te Aitanga a Māhaki, and Ngāi Tāmanuhiri.
Toitu Tairawhiti was formalised during the COVID response and they've formed a proactive leadership group to support whanau living in te Tairawhiti, and are currently addressing the recovery effort in their rohe for responding to Cyclone Gabriel.
So the types of things that they've been doing has been providing portable temporary homes for those impacted by the flooding. So it might be good to have a conversation with a roopu like Toitu Tairawhiti to identify where the opportunities are to support their initiatives, especially around housing.
Alternatively you might be good to look at how the data that is used to support Regional Emergency Management is provided to those community organisers, especially when you have those devolved responsibilities from a command controller to each of those Bays throughout the te Tairawhiti – Tolaga Bay, Tokomaru Bay, Ruatoria.
So instead of going directly to the command controller, think about how you might be able to support those regional CDEM responses – sorry, not the regional, but the local CDEM responses or the community organisers.
So in summary. Yeah national data sets have their place and their role in resource management and disaster recovery, especially when the information is up to date and complete. However when dealing with local knowledge, particularly Māori data, you know, often it's locally specific, context-specific, incomplete, and asymmetric in form.
So that means that you have to kind of come up with the bespoke solutions for decision-making processes. And there - you ought to seek out data, that, and - and also, it's good to support approaches that will empower hapu and iwi in those decision-making processes. So kia ora, everyone, thank you for providing time for me to share this whaakaro.
Thank you, Dr Shaun, that was really, I think, quite a powerful perspective there. I see Richard Deakin’s just quickly got his hand up for a question, and we might just take that one before, with - in the interest of time, just passing over to Rob to present.
[Richard Deakin]
Sorry, no question, I was just going to applaud him.
Oh, you hit the wrong button.
Did a ‘hand up’ instead of an ‘applaud’.
Very well done, Shaun, thank you.
Okay, well thanks again, Shaun - Dr Shaun – and, yeah, we'll hand over now to Rob Deakin, Manager Resilience here at Toitu Te Whenua. Going to be talking about our Emergency Management data portal that we've been working on.
[Rob Deakin starts presenting]
Kia ora tatou. I'm hoping you can see the entry slide for a scintillating PowerPoint presentation! So yes, thanks for the opportunity, just to provide an update on some work we've been doing over the last sort of 18 months. And it's looking at how we can improve the sharing of data to support Emergency Management, so you know really useful to follow on some of the points that Jade and Chris and Shaun have just made in their presentations particularly.
And this was really born out of, I guess, on the back of the COVID response, in that we recognised, yet again, how much room for improvement there is in our ability to share data and information to support decision-making. Particularly around response and recovery, but also more generally in terms of sharing information to better support all phases of emergency management.
So, you know, typically the problems are not knowing who has what information, or how to get hold of it, and there's a whole bunch of things that don't seem to work well, and each time we get a new disaster or emergency response we tend to be reinventing the wheel.
So, as a group of agencies – Toitu Te Whenua, and National Emergency Management Agency, Police, FENZ, Defence Force, and Stats sat down in the wake of the COVID response to try and identify what improvements we could make in that space.
You know, and typically the - we've already heard that the background of this is it's - during a response particularly - it's hard to find and analyse information, you - a lot of the time you're relying on existing relationships to know who's got what and how to get hold of it, and if you don't have those relationships in the - with those organisations or individuals then you're stuffed.
It’s often unclear which data is authoritative, and because of all of these things people are duplicating effort and time, at a time where, you know, time is of the essence.
So, we recognise that one of the things we could work on as a group was to try and solve this problem of how to make this information more accessible and visible. And it's not a problem that's unique to New Zealand, it's a problem that many nations are struggling with. And we've done some work with the UN Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management over the last few years. And they have a strategic framework on the better use of geospatial information in - for services and disasters. And then this is the goal of that framework, and really it's to enable the sharing of information, to make it available for timely well-coordinated decision-making across all 4 Rs of the emergency management cycle.
So it's a complex problem, it's not one that New Zealand alone is wrestling with, and there is just so much scope for improvement. And again that was highlighted through the recent cyclone response as well. So it's just a reminder that we're not as well set up as we should be.
So 18 months ago, LINZ and NEMA put a project team together which was really to try and get to the heart of, I guess, validating some of the assumptions we thought about, that we had with the problem, and then to come up with a number of solutions that might solve problems to this. And we took a very user-centric approach to this.
So we went into a research phase, where we spoke to a number of different individuals from a whole range of organisations over a four- or five-week period. So we did a lot of interviews with sort of 24, 25, 26 people involved in different aspects of emergency management, from government to community to NGO’s, and heard their stories really about what the problems they were experiencing in trying to do the work that they're doing, and the roles that they need to fulfil during that.
We took the findings from those interviews to come up with some insights about what solutions could look like, and really to test some of the assumptions that we were making with that. And really just going back to the point that Shaun made, what we - one of the key things that we found was a lot of the solutions that have been designed in the past are really for government and local government. So, really excluding some of those community groups, those NGO’s, who need the same sort of information to organise their own responses, but who aren't well catered-for at the moment.
So, at the heart of it, the solution we've been looking at is trying to make data easier to find, to ensure that the data that is available is trusted, people know where to go to, to get hold of the information before they need it, because running around during your response is – so, you're just eating up valuable time. And solutions that make it easy for organisations, or individuals who've got valuable data, to make it easy to share. And a key part of it is it's not just standing up a piece of technology but it's really working with existing user communities to make them aware of what is available and to embed the use of some of these tools in the ways that they work.
So, we came up with a solution in five parts that we've been looking at over the last 12 months or so. Part of that is a web-based catalogue, to enable a - to provide that place to go to find out about if information does exist, and particularly geospatial information. Within that we've been looking at how you can curate data collections thematically within that catalogue, and that might be by event, or by region, or by iwi boundary, or, you know, or by ‘lifeline’-type. You know, what categories do people really want to come to from their point of interest, so they can grab that information quickly, because it relates to the problem that they're trying to solve in their particular situation.
A key thing is how do we put data sharing agreements in place before the poo hits the fan, because a lot of time is taken up trying to negotiate access during a response, and that's another waste of time. And then looking at how you can standardise data formats so that information that's collected in Northland is to the same format as that being collected in Southland, so that you can bring the things together so you can understand the larger picture by making it easy to pull those information sources together. And critically, how do we work with existing communities of practice to make them aware of the tools that are available, also to get them to iteratively help us design practical solutions to the way they want to work.
Well, so, very quickly over the last - I guess - we went into a second stage of research that the - focused circling back on - particularly on iwi and Māori user cases and data sharing agreements, with the lifelines communities, and we've looked at developing what prototype solutions might look like.
And then over the last six months we've been taking that iterative design process and rolling out an actual working prototype that's now available online. And this stage the - really the focus of the last six months of work have really been to take existing data catalogues to see how we can pull that information through into a tool.
Can we use a commercial off-the-shelf technical solution to host that catalogue? So the ArcGIS Online platform is something that LINZ and many others have access to, so what of the functionality that we've heard of, from users that they want, can be provided without the need for any sort of really expensive software design or bespoke solution design.
And particularly how can we test some of the aspects around getting metadata in and developing search functions that enable people to work through the catalogue. And, how do we engage with - and we've engaged with a bunch of users again through this design process.
Given where we are with time, I'm not going to go into a system demo or presentation, but if people want to look at what we've done I'm more than happy to set up another separate session to do that.
What I will say, is that over the next 12 months we're going to continue prototype typing the solution. And the areas we're going to focus on having tested out the technology platform and establishing that that's pretty much fit for purpose. We're going to be looking at the catalogue curation, which is the getting the that vital content in place. How does this initiative fit with other initiatives that are operating across government? Because we know there are several of those around climate data, around environmental monitoring and reporting, around property data. So where does this particular initiative fit with that - those? Because we don't want to duplicate effort.
We know that a big piece of this work, making it successful, is around the process and governance of the monitoring and use of the catalogue. We'll be continuing to go through iterative design processes with different user types. So, we're looking at particular use cases. So they might be with lifeline utilities, they might be with CDEM groups. But are there other communities that are keen to work with us over the next 12 months as we continue with this prototyping?
And if any of you are out there from organisations who are interested in sharing data and information that you have, then please let us know. If you're interested in joining the project as a tester, we'd be really interested to hear from you, so that we're in a position to get your feedback on what we're doing.
And that is pretty much it in five or so minutes! So, you know, any questions in the chat and we can follow up with them. But also if you are interested in being involved in the next phase of development, and if you do have data that you would like us to make available to others, then please get in contact, and we can – would love to work with you over the next 12 months. To see where we can get to.
Okay, thanks a lot Rob, that was really interesting and we might, yeah, that's a good thought, we might put feelers out to see if people are keen for a demo session separately?
It sounds like that'd be something good to do. And, yeah, we'll send these out with the notes obviously - this slide pack. So, if anyone else that wasn't able to attend today is interested to help, they can hopefully also get in touch.
Yeah, so, thank you everyone – well - thank you again to Rob, and thank you everyone for joining for the last couple of hours, and I know bellies are rumbling. So we will wrap up there, without much further ado. We can expect to see the slide pack and notes come out in time, and contact information for each of the presenters as well, where they're happy for that to be shared, and to get in touch. Yeah, thanks again everybody, have a great day, and we'll share the recording for this as well.
Okay, thanks guys.
[Video ends]
This webinar from 18 July 2023 consists of two parts. In the first part Toitū Te Whenua LINZ provides news and updates on various property data products, and is then joined by guest presentation from Te Kooti Whenua Māori The Māori Land Court on their newly modernised and re-launched Pātaka Whenua Māori Landonline system. The second part is a series of lighting talks on Emergency Management, from LINZ, Auckland Council, GNS, and Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research.
LINZ’s product updates cover:
- Notice of Change update on Territorial Authorities participation and solicitor uptake for this service
- Connected Property Data project updates
- NZ Suburbs and Localities data layer has been published and future planned developments
- LINZ Data Service has a new user interface (UI)
Zeniff Haika - Puna Kōrero Matua at Te Kooti Whenua Māori gives a live demo of their newly modernised and re-launched Pātaka Whenua Māori Landonline system
The emergency management lightning talks include:
- Jade Rutledge – Business Process Improvement Lead at Auckland Council, talking about red/yellow/white-stickering of properties after the Auckland flood events in early 2023
- Chris Massey – Geologist and Project Lead at GNS, talking about ongoing work mapping landslips from extreme weather events to improve property risk models
- Dr Shaun Awatere – Kaihautū Māori Research Impact Leader at Manaaki Whenua, talking about Māori frameworks for disaster recovery
- Rob Deakin – Manager Resilience at LINZ, talking about the ongoing work of building an emergency management data portal