Nuhaka River Rock Ltd
Case number(s)
Decision date
DecisionConsent Granted
Section 12(1)(a) Overseas Investment Act 2005
Decision makerToitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand
Decision date22 November 2024
PathwaySensitive land – special forestry (one-off)
InvestmentAcquisition of approximately 523 hectares of freehold land at Maraenui Road, Northern Hawkes Bay (River Rock Forest)
ApplicantNuhaka River Rock Ltd
Switzerland 100%
VendorWilliam Menzies Buddo
New Zealand 100%

The Applicant is a newly incorporated New Zealand company wholly owned by Supernova AG (Supernova), a Swiss based corporation which owns real estate and consulting companies in Switzerland.  Supernova, through its subsidiaries, has a number of investments in New Zealand including forestry.

The Applicant is acquiring approximately 523 hectares of freehold land for commercial rotational forestry purposes. The total productive forest area is approximately 402 hectares (of which approximately 273 hectares is held under a forestry right), which is already used for forestry (predominantly pinus radiata). The Applicant intends to harvest the crop of trees once matured, and replant following harvest.

Consent was granted as the Applicant has met the investor test criterion and the special forestry test criteria. 

More informationOliver Thomas Roth
Alltree AG
5000 Aarau