Agright New Zealand OpCo 1 Limited
Case number(s)
Decision date
DecisionConsent granted
Section 12(1)(a) Overseas Investment Act 2005
Decision makerToitū Te Whenua LINZ
Decision date25 May 2024
Pathway(s)Sensitive land - Farm land benefit test
InvestmentAcquisition of freehold interests in approximately 239.3983 hectares of land located at 484 Pukahu Road, Paeroa and 780 and 874 Wani Road, Paeroa.
ApplicantAgright New Zealand OpCo 1 Limited
Australia 49%
New Zealand 29%
Canada 10%
Luxembourg 8%
Various 4%

Hare Bros. Limited (as Vendor of 780 Wani Road, Paeroa)
New Zealand 100%

Jennifer Mary Parker as trustee of JM Parker Trust (as Vendor of 874 Wani Road, Paeroa) 
New Zealand 100%

Hugh James Schenkel (as Vendor of 484 Pukahu Road, Paeroa)
New Zealand 100%


The Applicant is part of a poultry grower group operating in New Zealand and Australia

The Applicant wishes to acquire three adjacent dairy farms in the Hauraki District in order to convert approximately 35 hectares of land into a broiler chicken farm. The Applicant will on-sell the remaining land on arms-length terms.

The main benefits to New Zealand are likely to include: capital spending on development, increased productivity and revenue, greater reliability in the supply of primary products, additional jobs, downstream benefits to the local economy and advancing the Government’s policy on renewable energy (through the installation of solar arrays).

Consent was granted as the Applicants have met the investor test criterion and the investment is likely to benefit New Zealand.

More informationAnna Crosbie
Russell McVeagh
PO Box 8 Auckland 1140