Berry New Zealand Bidco
Case number(s)
Decision date
Decision Consent granted
Section 13(1)(a) Overseas Investment Act 2005
Decision Maker Overseas Investment Office
Decision Date 8 April 2022
Pathway(s) Significant business assets only
National Interest assessment
Investment 100% of the shares in Kiwiplan Packaging Systems NZ
Consideration Over $100,000,000 (exact amount uncertain)
Applicant Berry New Zealand Bidco
USA (61.13%);
Cayman Islands (7.21%);
China (6.44%);
Canada (4.02%);
Singapore (3.37%);
Luxembourg (2.82%);
Germany (2.23%);
Various (12.78%)
Vendor Signode Switzerland GmbH
USA (100%)

The Applicant is seeking consent to acquire 100% of the shares in Kiwiplan Packaging Systems NZ (Target) and its wholly-owned subsidiary Kiwiplan NZ.

The Applicant is ultimately majority-owned by funds managed by TA Associates, a global growth private equity firm based in Boston, USA that is focused on sectors within the technology, healthcare, financial, consumer, and business services industries.

The Target is part of the Kiwiplan Group of companies that operates a business of developing, marketing, licensing, distributing, selling, supporting, maintaining, and providing manufacturing execution systems and related order management, inventory management, and data analytics software for paper-based packaging manufacturers.

The Target and its subsidiary undertake all software programming, testing of source code, write all technical documentation (including user manuals, release notes, and associated documents), and also provide technical support for customer issues that cannot be resolved by the support team in the other Kiwiplan Group offices.

The Applicant has satisfied the OIO that the investor test has been met.

The Minister of Finance has decided that the investment is not contrary to New Zealand national interests.

More information

Simon Vannini
Simpson Grierson (Auckland)
Private Bag 92518 
Auckland 1141