Fletcher Residential Limited
Case number(s)
Decision date
Notification Section 23A Overseas Investment Act 2005
Schedule 4(2) – Residential land – standing consent
Notification number 3 (of 12)
Decision Date 5 August 2020
Investment An overseas investment in residential-only sensitive land, being the Applicant's acquisition of a freehold interest in approximately 0.4977 hectares of land at 349 College Road, Stonefields, Auckland.
Consideration Withheld under s9(2)(b)(ii) of the Official Information Act
Applicant Fletcher Residential Limited
New Zealand Public (21.8%)
Australian Public (54.4%)
Various overseas persons (23.8%)
Vendor Templeton Stonefields Limited

The Applicant was granted a standing consent based on the Increased Housing/Non-Residential Use tests on 18 April 2019. This permits the Applicant to acquire up to 200ha of residential (but not otherwise sensitive) land in up to 12 transactions by 1 May 2022.

This is the third acquisition of land under the standing consent.

The Applicant intends to subdivide and develop the land, for the purpose of constructing a total of 28 new residential houses.

Under the standing consent the Applicant must increase the number of dwellings on the land, or undertake development works to support, and must divest all interests in the sensitive land within 10 years. 
More information Gregory Allen
Simpson Grierson (Auckland)
Private Bag 92518