Decision number | 200810001 |
Application number | 200710090/200821669 |
Date | 9 January 2008 |
Offeror/applicant | Holcim (New Zealand) Limited |
Ultimate applicant beneficial ownership | Switzerland - 60 percent United Kingdom - 20 percent United States of America - 10 percent Various - 10 percent |
Beneficial overseas ownership | |
- Asset current | 0 percent |
- Asset proposed | 100 percent |
- Share current | N/A |
- Share proposed | N/A |
Offeree(s)/seller(s) | Harvey (Neil John & Elizabeth Anne) of New Zealand |
Business activities | Agriculture - Casual Grazing Mining - Other Mining |
Details of land involved | 20 hectares of freehold situated at 265 Airedale Road, Weston, North Otago being part CT 196047 (Otago Registry). |
Regions involved | Otago |
Total consideration | $251,100 (including GST) |
Consent sought | To acquire an interest in land which, either alone or together with any associated land of that type, is or includes non-urban land and exceeds 5 hectares in area. |
Rationale | The application has been approved as it met the criteria. The Overseas Investment Office is satisfied that the individuals with control of the Applicant collectively have business experience and acumen relevant to the overseas investment, and that the Applicant has demonstrated financial commitment towards the overseas investment. The Overseas Investment Office is further satisfied that each individual that exercises control over the Applicant is of good character and is not an individual of the kind referred to in section 7(1) of the Immigration Act 1987. Background to the Investment: Holcim's Westport cement works is presently operating at capacity and cannot meet current domestic demand, and it also has a limited economic life. Holcim has actively investigated its future alternatives, including a range of upgrade alternatives for the Westport plant, importing cement either to supplement the Westport operation or to replace domestic manufactured cement with imported cement and a new cement plant at Weston, Waitaki district, North Otago. Rationale for the Investment: The land is a key element of the Weston limestone/siltstone and tuff quarries, which are an integral component of Holcim's proposed new cement plant. Holcim intends that a stormwater settling pond will be constructed on the land where a natural watercourse is situated and the only area of suitable size for a dam to be constructed in the vicinity of these quarries. The purpose of the stormwater settling pond is to ensure that any sediments in the water run-off from the quarry are collected and settled during time of rain, instead of flowing onto neighbouring land. The establishment of a new cement works, quarries and associated infrastructure in the Waitaki district is likely to result in the following benefits:
Contact | Tim Barclay Anthony Harper PO Box 2646 CHRISTCHURCH 8140 |