New Zealand GIS and geospatial groups and networks

The following links and summary information for New Zealand GIS/Geospatial related groups and networks are to help people (especially young people entering the geospatial industry and people new to the country) connect with relevant groups and networks.

Please let us know any changes/additions via

Thanks to Nathan Healzewood (Patron of Emerging Spatial Professionals NZ) who provided initial material for these links and summary information.

Emerging Spatial Professionals NZ 

Emerging Spatial Professionals (ESP) is a group run by a committee of volunteers, dedicated to providing a professional networking platform for those starting their journey in the spatial industry. ESP is a community of like-minded individuals who are either beginning their careers in geospatial or are interested in exploring the field. The group offers opportunities to network, grow GIS knowledge, and participate in exciting events such as career talks, meetups, and mini-conferences.

Follow us on:
LinkedIn: Emerging Spatial Professionals N.Z.
Facebook: Emerging Spatial Professionals N.Z.
Instagram: emerging_spatial_professionals

Geospatial Capability Committee

Our vision - An Aotearoa New Zealand with the capability to reach its geospatial potential.  A variety of New Zealand Geospatial Capability material can be found at the following web page, plus posts on the Grow GIS NZ Facebook page.

Geospatial Capability Committee

Geospatial emergency management Aotearoa (GEMA)

Geospatial emergency management Aotearoa (GEMA) is a voluntary community of like-minded individuals from both the geospatial and emergency management sectors of New Zealand.  Making geospatial practitioners and technology integral to the 4 R’s of emergency management in New Zealand.

Geospatial emergency management Aotearoa (GEMA)

Geospatial Special Interest Group (Geospatial SIG)

Also known as LGGA. We are the Geospatial Special Interest Group was set up under the Te Uru Kahika Regional and Unitary Councils’ structure. This will mean some changes for the LGGA. We will create a hybrid SIG that has regional council representatives for each of our regions as all SIGs do, but we will continue to exist as the LGGA as well.  LGGA aims to bring together local government to enable geospatial collaboration, capability, and communication.

Geospatial Special Interest Group (Geospatial SIG) NZ

NZ Board of Geography Teachers

The NZ Board of Geography Teachers is a subcommittee of the New Zealand Geographical Society (NZGS).  Our vision is to:

  • Support the quality teaching and learning of Geography in New Zealand secondary schools.
  • Raise the profile of Geography for students through participation in NZBoGT Competitions and events.
  • Promote links between the secondary and tertiary sectors and wider workforce within the geography community.

The NZBGT website includes The GIS Lounge that has contact details for regional Teacher GIS Champions.

NZ Board of Geography Teachers

New Zealand Cartographic Society

Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa. Welcome Cartographers and Cartographiles! We're glad you're here. NZCS is an incorporated society open to anyone with an interest in the study, production, and use of maps. From geographers to geospatialists, and everyone in between, we love maps and our mission is to promote the development of cartography in all its forms.

New Zealand Cartographic Society

New Zealand ESRI Users Group

To continually grow and maintain a connected, vibrant and resilient Esri User Community which enriches the future of Aotearoa.

New Zealand ESRI Users Group

NZ GIS in Conservation

New Zealand GIS In Conservation (NZGiC) is a registered not-for-profit charitable organisation set up in 2012 to foster and support the use of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) by volunteer conservation groups and iwi working in conservation throughout New Zealand.

NZGiC works with not-for-profit groups who have, or plan to, set up volunteer conservation programs and projects that would benefit from the use of GIS to help collect, record, visualise (map) and share data with their volunteers and stakeholders. Many of these groups will be registered with Charities Services because, like NZGiC, they depend primarily on donations from grants agencies and volunteers to help run them.

NZ GIS in Conservation

New Zealand Geographical Society

The New Zealand Geographical Society promotes and stimulates the study of geography within Aotearoa New Zealand and seeks to communicate this research locally, nationally and globally.

New Zealand Geographical Society


Growing a successful spatial industry for New Zealand.

The emersion of spatial and digital worlds is delivering powerful solutions for business, industry and government. LocationTech works to ensure Aotearoa New Zealand is well-positioned to reap the transformative benefits of location-enabled innovation.

LocationTech is a community hosted and supported by the New Zealand IoT Alliance.

Our mission - We collaborate to advance location-enabled innovation in Aotearoa and empower its people and businesses to derive benefits from location technology.


Maptime Wellington

We organise MapTime events in Wellington, NZ, where we catch up to discuss GIS, cartography, and other related topics.

Maptime Wellington

Maptime Christchurch

We organise MapTime events in Christchurch, NZ, where we catch up to discuss GIS, cartography and OpenStreetMap.

Maptime Christchurch

OSGeo Oceania

OSGeo Oceania is a volunteer organisation devoted to growing and enabling the OpenStreetMap and Open Source Geospatial communities in Oceania.  We welcome participants of all skill levels, from hobbyists to professionals, engaged with mapping in the Oceania region.

OSGeo Oceania

Survey and Spatial NZ Tātai Whenua

We are a professional association representing members in the survey and spatial sector in New Zealand.

Our membership is diverse, including people working in land development and urban design, resource management, civil engineering surveying, positioning and measurement, cadastral surveying, hydrographic surveying and the spatial/GIS sector.

We promote growth, innovation and excellence in all facets of surveying and spatial in New Zealand - our vision is to be a globally respected organisation sustaining innovation and excellence for the benefit of our communities.

We are dedicated to preserving and developing the integrity and status of the sector in New Zealand . We do this through monitoring and maintaining the professional and ethical conduct of members in New Zealand.

Survey and Spatial NZ Tātai Whenua

Te Kāhui Manu Hokāi 

Māori GIS Association – has previously run 2-3 day Māori Geospatial hui/conferences.

Te Kāhui Manu Hokāi 

Women In Spatial and Survey (WIS+S)

Women in Spatial and Survey (WIS+S) (affiliated with Survey and Spatial New Zealand (S+SNZ)) reformed in 2011 as a means to better connect women in the spatial and survey community of Aotearoa. Since then, our aim has broadened to support wider diversity and inclusion in our industries. Our events are open to everyone who wishes to support this aim. We do this by providing events that serve as a safe space for networking, celebration, discussion and progress for women and minority communities in the spatial and survey community. WIS+S usually has a presence at many industry events, including the Survey and Spatial Conference and NZEUG conference. See you there!

Women In Spatial and Survey (WIS+S)