An aerial shot of Te Motu Kairangi (Miramar Peninsula) with Watts Peninsula in the foreground. Dave Greenberg/Shutterstock.com
Watts Peninsula is a culturally and historically significant area located near the entrance to Wellington Harbour. The land was occupied by Māori for pā, kāinga and mahinga kai, and throughout the past 160 years it has been used for coastal defence, farming and reformatory purposes.
Since 2019 Toitū Te Whenua has been undertaking ongoing hazard reduction work, maintenance and site management of the 72ha area.
Read the latest on our Watts Peninsula hazard reduction work
The site will be protected as a distinctive national destination with cultural, heritage and recreational benefits, and we are responsible for improving the area’s safety while future arrangements for the site are developed.
Together with the Department of Conservation (DOC) and Te Arawhiti, we have been working with the Port Nicholson Block Settlement Trust (PNBST) on this future public space, as it sits within the rohe of Taranaki Whānui ki Te Upoko o Te Ika (Taranaki Whānui). This includes ongoing discussions with PNBST about their aspirations for the area, and considerations of how the cultural and ecological significance of the site can be properly recognised.
Because of the hazards across the site, public access to the area is not formally authorised while our preparation work is underway.

Click to view an interactive map of Watts Peninsula
Timeline of key milestones
- 2000: The New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) determines that their landholding on Te Motu Kairangi is no longer required for defence purposes.
- 2008: Several assessments are undertaken between 2008 and 2011 as part of the process undertaken when Crown agencies are considering the disposal of land. These assessments aim to ensure that wider national interests including historic heritage are identified before the land is disposed of, and whether these interests should be protected.
- 2011: Cabinet agrees that Watts Peninsula should be protected, preserved and developed as a distinctive national destination. The Ministry for Culture and Heritage begins planning to create a reserve which will reflect the area’s historical and cultural significance to the Wellington region.
- 2014: A memorandum of understanding is signed by the Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage, the Port Nicholson Block Settlement Trust (representing Taranaki Whānui ki Te Upoko o Te Ika) and the mayor of Wellington. The memorandum sets out the relationship between the signatories, establishes the Watts Peninsula leadership and reference group, and sets out principles to guide the development of a vision for the future of the reserve.
- 2016: Cabinet agrees to transfer the land from NZDF to Toitū Te Whenua, and work begins on the process and resources required to declare Watts Peninsula a reserve under the Reserves Act 1977. Read the 2016 Cabinet Paper
- 2017: Ministers receive recommendations on remaining work required to address hazards on the Watts Peninsula site and declare the area a reserve. Read the 2017 Cabinet Paper
- 2019: Toitū Te Whenua receives funding over 4 years for property management and to undertake hazard reduction work to make the area safe for public access.
- 2020: Site hazard assessments are undertaken which help prioritise the work required to enhance safety at the site and enable public access.
- An iwi-Crown working party was established comprising the Port Nicholson Block Settlement Trust, Toitū Te Whenua, the Department of Conservation and Te Arawhiti, with the aims of working in partnership with iwi on the future of Watts Peninsula. Crown working group members commit to ensuring recognition of Māori interests in the land.
- 2021: Hazard reduction work continues, including significant procurement for site safety works and maintenance while the reserve is being developed. This includes procurement of a specialist arborist contractor to remove dangerous logs and clear dangerous trees.
- Toitū Te Whenua continues work with the Port Nicholson Block Settlement Trust on its aspirations for the site.
- 2022: A heritage values assessment was completed to ensure the cultural, archaeological, historical, architectural, technological, and aesthetic values of the site are adequately considered.
- The heritage values assessment, coupled with a detailed seismic assessment also completed in 2022, provides recommendations for long-term management to maintain the heritage structures on the site.
Work planned for 2023
- Asbestos removal, track access and stormwater improvement work on Mag Road.
- Management of other hazards across the site.
- The Crown and iwi will continue work to confirm future governance arrangements.
Disposal of surplus land at Mount Crawford
Watts Peninsula is next to the former Wellington Prison at Mount Crawford. Toitū Te Whenua is working through the disposal process for this site.