Instrument types

A summary of instruments that require property tax information, template instruments, image only instruments that require A&I forms, and instruments that must be lodged in paper form (by manual dealing).

Following the commencement of the Land Transfer Act 2017 most instruments became e-capable. Some instruments require a certification from the practitioner submitting them (such as court orders) but do not require an authority and instruction form from a client.

If you are looking for a particular instrument type, you can select CTRL F (CMD F on a Mac) on your keyboard to generate a Find search box for the page.

Instruments requiring property tax information

These instruments require tax information to be provided. 

If the instrument or estate you're working with isn't listed here (eg. mortgage), you won't need to provide any tax information and it won't be possible to enter tax information into Landonline. 

Electronic transfers
  • Transfer (T)
  • Transfer of Lease (TL)
  • Transfer and Merger of Lease (TMEL)
  • Transfer in exercise of Power of Sale (TPS)
  • Transfer and Grant of Easement (TE)
  • Transfer and Surrender of Easement (TSE)
Manual transfers
  • Transfer (T)
  • Transfer of Lease (TL)
  • Transfer and Merger of Lease (TMEL)
  • Transfer in exercise of Power of Sale (TPS)
  • Transfer and Grant of Easement (TE)
  • Transfer and Surrender of Easement (TSE)
  • Transfer and Merger of Mortgage (TMEM)

Find out how to enter tax details in Landonline
Read more about the property tax changes

Template Instruments

A&I or authorisation as specified by Certification of Electronic Instruments (Statutory Requirements and Retention of Evidence) Standard 2018 – LINZS20012

CBLRCancellation Building Line Restriction under Local Government Act 1974
CCONCancellation of Condition (in consent notice)
CNChange/Correction of Name
CNMGChange of Name Mortgagee
CWANOverseas Investment Act 2005 - Cancellation of Water Areas Acquisition Notice
D115Discharge of Certificate under s115 Public Works Act 1981
D221Discharge of Irrigation Charge
D28Discharge of s28(1) Certificate under Earthquake Commission Act 1993
D51Natural Hazards Insurance Act 2023 – Discharge sec 51(3)
DBONDischarge of Bond
DCCDischarge of Compensation Certificate
DCHODischarge of Charging Order
DENCDischarge of Encumbrance
DFBCDischarge of Family Benefit Charge
DLNDischarge of Lien
DMDischarge of Mortgage
DSLCDischarge of Statutory Land Charge
DTCDischarge of Tax Charge
MPMemorandum of Priority/Mortgage Priority Instrument
NCNotice of Claim
OCTNOrder for New Certificate of Title (note - no A&I required)
PBLRPartial Cancellation of Building Line Restriction
PBONPartial Discharge of Bond
PCHOPartial Discharge of Charging Order
PCONPartial Cancellation of Condition in CONO under Resource Management Act 1991
PDCCPartial Discharge of Compensation Certificate
PDMPartial Discharge of Mortgage
PDTCPartial Discharge of Tax Charge
PENCPartial Discharge of Encumbrance
PFBCPartial Discharge of Family Benefit Charge
PSLCPartial Discharge of Statutory Land Charge
PWNCPartial Withdrawal of Notice of Claim
PWXPartial Withdrawal of Caveat
RC5ARevocation of c5a under Earthquake and War Damage Regulations 1984
RC74Building Act 2004 – Notification of Redundant Entry – s74(3) & (4)
TLTransfer of Lease
TMTransfer of Mortgage
VMVariation of Mortgage
W220Withdrawal of Irrigation Notice under s220(5) Public Works Act 1981
WC18Withdrawal of Notice
WNCWithdrawal of Notice of Claim
WXWithdrawal of Caveat

Image Only Instruments Requiring Certifications on behalf of a Client (A&I required)

Lists of Image Only instruments requiring certifications given on behalf of a client (i.e. authority and instruction form required) are set out below.

Note: some Image Only instruments provide the ability to enter details of the Affected Instrument Number (AIN) they affect e.g. a Surrender of Easement affects an Easement.

A120Application for Release of Statutory Land Charge - s120(3) LTA 2017 
A185Application for Title to Access Strip under s185 Land Transfer Act 2017 
A27Application under s27 Incorporated Societies Act 1908 
A90Application under s90 Land Transfer Act 2017 
ACCApplication for Accretion 
AP17Application for Record of Title (s155, 172, or 204 LTA 2017) 
C132Cancellation/Revocation/Rescission of Licence to Occupy (s132 LTA 2017) 
C232Esplanade Strip under Resource Management Act 1991 
C240Covenant Against Transfer of Allotments under s240 Resource Management Act 1991 
C241Cancellation of Certificate under s241 Resource Management Act 1991 
C243Revocation of Conditional Easement under s243 Resource Management Act 1991 
CFENApplication to Cancel Fencing Covenant or Agreement - s21 LTA 2017, r19 LTR 2018AIN
CJFHCancellation of Joint Family Home ApplicationAIN
EGrant of Easement Without Transfer 
EEExtinguishment of Easement - s113/114/115 LTA 2017AIN
EIEasement Instrument 
JFHJoint Family Home Application 
LCOVLand Covenant under s116(1)(a) or (b) LTA 2017 
MELMerger of LeaseAIN
OLLicence to Occupy 
P241Partial Cancellation Certificate under s241 Resource Management Act 1991 
PJFHPartial Cancellation of Joint Family Home ApplicationAIN
PPProfit a Prendre 
PRLCPartial Revocation of Land Covenant (s116(1)(c) LTA 2017)AIN
PSEPartial Surrender of EasementAIN
PSLPartial Surrender of LeaseAIN
R138Urban Development Act 2020 – Removal of conservation interest – s138(4)AIN
R268Urban Development Act 2020 – Removal of resumptive memorial – s268AIN
RELLease, Re-entry of LessorAIN
RLCRevocation of Land Covenant (s116(1)(c) LTA 2017)AIN
SESurrender of Easement without TransferAIN
SLSurrender of Lease/LicenceAIN
SOLSurrender of Licence to Occupy 
SPPSurrender of Profit a PrendreAIN
T417Transfer of Certificate of Mining Rights under s417 Resource Management Act 1991 
TAGTransfer of Forestry Rights Registration Agreement 
TETransfer and Grant of Easement 
TFLTransfer of Licence under Crown Forest Assets Act 1989 
TMELTransfer and Merger of LeaseAIN
TPSTransfer in Exercise of Power of SaleAIN
TSETransfer and Surrender of EasementAIN
UAPPApplication for Deposit of Unit Title Plan 
VEVariation of EasementAIN
VENCVariation of EncumbranceAIN
VLVariation of LeaseAIN
VLCVariation of Land Covenant under s116(3) Land Transfer Act 2017AIN
VPPVariation of Profit a PrendreAIN
VWANOverseas Investment Act 2005 - Variation of Water Areas Acquisition NoticeAIN
XAPP*XAPP -  Caveat against Application for Record of Title - ss162, 174 or 187 LTA 2017 
XJFH*Caveat under s6 Joint Family Homes Act 1964 
XUTA*Caveat forbidding Subdivision of Land s195 Unit Titles Act 2010 

*Letter of instruction is sufficient – refer to Certification of Electronic Instruments (Statutory Requirements and Retention of Evidence) Standard 2018 – LINZS20012

Image Only Instruments Requiring Practitioner Certifications (no A&I required)

Lists of Image Only instruments requiring certifications given by the practitioner (i.e. authority and instruction form not required) are set out below.

CHOCharging Order/Rating Order
CNOConsolidation Order (Māori Land Court)
COCourt Order
COCPCourt Order under the Criminal Proceeds (Recovery) Act 2009
CRVRetirement Village Act 2003 - Notification of Cancellation of a Retirement Village – s23
DODetermination Order (Māori Land Court)
EXCOExclusion Order (Māori Land Court)
EXOExchange Order (Māori Land Court)
FOCPForfeiture Order under the Criminal Proceeds (Recovery) Act 2009
INCOInclusion Order (Māori Land Court)
M143Application under s143 LTA 2017 MLC
MGNGazette Notice MLC
MLCOMāori Land Court Order
MOCTOrder New Title MLC
NRVRetirement Village Act 2003 - Notification of Registration of a Retirement Village – s22
POPartition Order
ROCPRestraining Order under the Criminal Proceeds (Recovery) Act 2009
SLCStatutory Land Charge
SOSuccession Order
TOTrustee Order (Māori Land Court)
VO Vesting Order (Māori Land Court)
VRVRetirement Village Act 2003 Notification of Change to a Retirement Village – s21

Image Only Instruments to be signed by parties (no A&I required)

A10Application under s10 Irrigation Scheme Act 1990 
A136Ngati Awa Claims Settlement Act 2005 - Application - s136 
A143Application under s143 Land Transfer Act 2017AIN
A25Application under s25(1) or (2) State Owned Enterprises Act 1986 
A32Racing Industry Act 2020 – Application under s32 
A60Application under Section 60 New Plymouth District Council (Waitara Lands) Act 2018 
A8Application under s8 Housing Assets Transfer Act 1993 
A9Application to Transfer Land under Health Reforms (Transitional Provisions) 
ANTAppointment of New Trustees 
APOLApplication - (other legislation)1* 
ASPAgreement for Sale and Purchase 
BONBond under Local Government Act 1974 or Resource Management Act 1991 
C51Natural Hazards Insurance Act 2023 Certificate sec 51(2) 
C107Certificate under s107 Public Works Act 1981 
C111Notice under s111 Reserves Act 1977 
C113Certificate of Alteration under s113 Land Act 1948 
C115Certificate under s115 Public Works Act 1981 
C116Certificate under s116 Land Act 1948 
C117Certificate under s117 Public Works Act 1981 
C120Certificate under s120(3) Public Works Act 1981 
C177Unit Titles Act 2010 – Reassessment of Ownership Interest on Cancellation of Plan – s177(7) 
C18Notice of Desire under s18 Public Works Act 1981 
C216Unit Titles Act 2010 – Certificate by Body Corporate – s216(1) 
C220Irrigation Notice under Public Works Act 1981 
C221Certificate of Charge under Public Works Act 1981 
C223Certificate of Approval of Subdivision under Resource Management Act 1991 
C224Certificate as to Conditions under s224 Resource Management Act 1991 
C226Certificate on Survey Plan or Copy under s226 Resource Management Act 1991 
C23Notice under Section 23 Public Works Act 1981 
C234Cancellation of Esplanade Strip under Resource Management Act 1991 
C245Reclamation Certificate under s245 Resource Management Act 1991 
C25ACovenant against Transfer of Allotments - s25A(2)(b) NZ Railways Corporation
Restructuring Act 1990
C28Certificate under s28(1) Earthquake Commission Act 1993 
C316Order Vesting State Highway under Local Government Act 1974 
C32Unit Titles Act 2010 – Certificate by TA – Deposit of Unit Plan/Redevelopment Plan – s32(2)(a) & 65 
C346Certificate pursuant to Section 346 Local Government Act 1974 - Limited Access Road 
C348Certificate under Section 348 Local Government Act 1974 
C349Special Order Declaring a Public Road under s349 Local Government Act 1974 
C352Certificate under s352 Local Government Act 1974 
C354Certificate under s354 Local Government Act 1974 (Construction of Cellar) 
C417Certificate Specifying Mining Rights under s417 Resource Management Act 1991 
C43Certificate under s43 Transit New Zealand Act 1989 
C461Certificate under Section 461 Local Government Act 1974 - Private Drain 
C462Certificate under Section 462 Local Government Act 1974 - Public Drain 
C464Certificate under s464 Ngai Tahu Claims Settlement Act 1998 
C474Certificate under s474(1)(b) Ngai Tahu Claims Settlement Act 1998 
C65Unit Titles Act 2010 – Certificate by Body Corporate – s65(4) 
C73Building Act 2004 - Notification of Condition  - s73(1)( c ) & 73(3) 
C77Building Act 2004 - Certificate Imposing Condition - s77(4) 
C8ECertificate under s8(e) Treaty of Waitangi Act 1975 
C91Notice under Section 91 Transit New Zealand Act 1989 
C93Notice under s93 Transit New Zealand Act 1989 
C94CNotice under s94 Transit New Zealand Act 1989 
C98Certificate pursuant to s98 of the Ngai Tahu Claims Settlement Act 1998 
CADDUnit Titles Act 2010 – Change of Address of Body Corporate – s205 
CCCompensation Certificate 
CCRClimate Change Response Act 2002 - Notice of status under s195(2) 
CCRCClimate Change Response Act 2002 - Cancellation of Notice of status under s195(3) 
CCRPClimate Change Response Act 2002 - Partial cancellation of notice of status under s195(3) 
CEXPUnit Titles Act 2010 – Certificate of Expiry of Lease – s166(3) 
CFLCrown Forestry Licence 
CHCECancellation of Housing Corporation Easement Certificate 
CONOConsent under s221(4)(a) Resource Management Act 1991 
COVCovenant (All types except Land covenants) 
CPAECancellation of Public Access Easement Certificate under Crown Forest Assets Act 1989 
CRULUnit Titles Act 2010 – Notice/Change of Rules – s105 & 106 
CUTPCancellation of Unit Title Plan 
CW13Certificate under s13 Waikato Raupatu Claims Settlement Act 1995 
CW14Certificate under s14 Waikato Raupatu Claims Settlement Act 1995 
DPLDeferred Payment Licence 
FDPLForfeiture of Deferred Payment Licence 
FMPSustainable Forest Management Plan under s67k Forests Act 1949 
GNGazette Notice/Order in Council/Proclamation 
HCECHousing Corporation Easement Certificate 
LCLease (Crown) 
MCAPApplication  - Māori Claims Settlement 
N10Notice of Protected Land under s10(6) Summit Road (Canterbury) Protection Act 2001 
N187Unit Titles Act 2010 – Notice of Application to High Court to Cancel Unit Plan – s165(2)(b) & 187(2) 
N195Unit Titles Act 2010 – Notice of intention to convert existing scheme into unit titles – s195(1) 
N21Racing Industry Act 2020 – Notice under s21(1) 
N38Notice of Expiry of Middle Line Proclamation – s38AIN
N59Notice under Section 59(1) or (7) New Plymouth District Council (Waitara Lands) Act 2018 
N61Notice of Acceptance of Proposal under s61 Crown Pastoral Land Act 1998 
N74Unit Titles Act 2010 - Notice of Application to Court to Settle Scheme under s74(5) 
N83Notice of Access Rights under Crown Minerals Act 1991 
NAPNew/Change of Appellation 
NOUIUnit Titles Act 2010 – Notice of Utility Interests – s39(2) 
NPROUnit Titles Act 2010 – Notice that Application to Cancel is not Proceeding – s187(4) 
OINTUnit Titles Act 2010 – Assessment of ownership interests – s32(2)(b) & (3)(b) 
PAEPublic Access Easement Certificate under Crown Forest Assets Act 1989 
PCOVPartial Discharge/Surrender/Revocation/Cancellation/Expiry of Covenant (All types except Land Covenants)AIN
PDPLPartial Surrender of Deferred Payment Licence 
PHCEPartial Cancellation of Housing Corporation Easement Certificate 
PLPastoral Lease/Licence 
PMIPPartial Surrender Mining/Exploration/Prospecting/Coal Permit 
PR55Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act 2011 - Proclamation under s55  
R21Racing Industry Act 2020 – Removal of Notice under s21 
R461Release of Private Drain Certificate 
R55Application under s55(7) New Plymouth District Council (Waitara Lands) Act 2018 
RASPRescission/Revocation of Agreement for Sale and Purchase 
RC83Building Act 2004 - Certificate Approving Removal of Entry - s83(3)AIN
RCLRenewal of Crown Lease 
RCOVRevocation of a Covenant (All types except Land Covenants)AIN
REOUUnit Titles Act 2010 - Notice of Reassessment of Ownership & Utility Interests – s42 
REOWUnit Titles Act 2010 –Reassessment of Ownership Interests – s67(1)(b) & 69(3) 
RFLRescission of Licence under Crown Forest Assets Act 1989 
RFRRight of First Refusal Certificate - Māori Claims Settlement 
RLRenewable Lease 
RMIPRevocation of Mining/Prospecting/Exploration Permit under Crown Minerals Act 1991 
RRSMCertificate - Removal of Resumption Memorial/or Right of First Refusal - Māori Claims Settlement 
SDPLSurrender of Deferred Payment Licence 
SFPSustainable Forest Management Permit 
SMIPSurrender Mining/Prospecting/Exploration Permit under Crown Minerals Act 1991 
SMLSurrender of Mining Licence 
SP64Substantive Proposal & Approved Plan under s64 Crown Pastoral Land Act 1998 
SRStopped Road 
V221Variation Consent Notice Condition under s221(5) Resource Management Act 1991AIN
V234Variation of Esplanade Strip under Resource Management Act 1991 
V51Natural Hazards Insurance Act 2023 – Variation sec 51(5) 
VBONVariation of Bond 
VFLVariation of Licence under Crown Forest Assets Act 1989 
VCOVVariation of CovenantAIN
VMILVariation of Mining Licence 
W103Greater Christchurch Regeneration Act 2016 - Withdrawal of Notice of Intention - s103(4)AIN
W23Public Works Act 1981 – Withdrawal of Notice under s23AIN
WANOverseas Investment Act 2005 - Water Areas Acquisition Notice 

1* The APOL instrument should not be used unless confirmed by Toitū Te Whenua LINZ that this is the appropriate instrument for your purpose. Please contact us by Request through Landonline (Titles request type Information) or by emailing before lodging an instrument using this code

Paper lodgement instruments

The table below sets out the instruments that are required to be lodged manually in paper form (paper lodgement).

A86 Application for Ownership of Minerals under Crown Minerals Act 1991
AG Agreement (All Types)
BCA Crown Pastoral Land Act 1998 - Advice of Base Carrying Capacity s23I(7)
C25A Covenant against Transfer of Allotments - s25A(2)(b) NZ Railways Corporation Restructuring Act 1990
DISCDisclaimer of Easement under Section 168 Land Transfer Act 1952
DMMDischarge Mortgage of a Mortgage
EMILExpiry of Mining/Prospecting/Exploration Licence
FAPForm Approval
MEMMerger of Mortgage
MMMortgage of a Mortgage
MVMMortgage Varying Mortgage
MUMMemorandum under s209 Land Transfer Act 2017
PAPower of Attorney
P25APartial Cancellation of Covenant - s25A(9) NZ Railways Corporation Restructuring Act 1990
P417Partial Release of Certificate Specifying Mining Rights under s417 Resource Management Act 1991
PRAGPartial Release of Agreement (All Types)
PSAGPartial Surrender of Forestry Agreement
PSMLPartial Surrender of Mining Licence
R25ACancellation of Covenant - s25A(9) NZ Railways Corporation Restructuring Act 1990
R306Release of Completion Certificate - Local Government Act 1974
R417Release of Certificate Specifying Mining Rights under s417 Resource Management Act 1991
RAGRescission/Revocation of Agreement (All Types)
RPARevocation of Power of Attorney
S220Direction pursuant to s220A Te Ture Whenua Maori Act 1993
SAGSurrender of Forestry Agreement
TMEMTransfer and Merger of Mortgage
VAGVariation of an Agreement
YECDeed of Easement
YRCVDeed of Revocation of a Covenant

Instrument codes and lodgement fees

Links to information on instrument codes and lodgement fees are provided below:

Last updated