Cadastral Survey Dataset (CSD) lodgement fees calculator

The tool on this page has been created to help calculate CSD lodgement fees.

How to calculate CSD lodgement fees

  1. Select CSD number (optional).
  2. Select survey type.
  3. Select plan type, e.g. LT, SO, or ML, when applicable.
  4. Select base fee quantity - always = 1.
  5. Select quantity for the number of parcels.
  6. Deposit fee will auto-populate, when applicable.
  7. The total plan fees will auto-populate.
  8. Click “Info on fees” on the Unit CSD calculator for each applicable variation for staged unit developments, redevelopments and substituted unit datasets. 

Fees calculator

These fees were updated on 3 February 2025. All fees are GST inclusive. 

For current fees see Current CSD fees