Attention Dealings users
Landonline icon Attention Dealings users

As of 24 September Certify & Sign, Release and Submit (CSRS) functionality is switched off in Legacy Landonline

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About post-registration searches

What is attached to your email with a post-registration search in New Landonline.

About post-registration search

The Post-registration search section lists the affected titles and instruments from the dealing you’re submitting. 

You can request searches for all, some, or no titles in the dealing, as well as instruments. 

Any post-registration searches you request are emailed to the user who submitted the dealing. The notice gets emailed to the Primary Contact responsible for submitting the dealing. 

What's in your email

Orders will be attached to your email with the subject line:

Post Registration Search, client reference and dealing number.

You can customise your email subject line when ordering searches.

Māori Land report

You'll receive a Māori Land Report attached to the email if the requested title search is flagged as potential Māori land.

Unit titles and diagrams

You'll receive a Supplementary Record Sheet if you request a unit title and diagram.

Protected titles

You can't get post-registration searches for protected titles.

Attachment size limits

The limit for email attachments is 4.6 MB. 

If you have ordered multiple search copies that exceed 4.6 MB your email will contain a link to download these copies instead.

You have 14 days to download your search copies before the link expires.

Last updated