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Land registration, Landonline

Tēnā koe,

Modernising Landonline is entering a busy period of releasing new functionality and transitioning off Legacy.  

This edition of Landwrap is a bumper issue. We suggest focussing on the sections relevant to your work via the heading links below.  

For those who prefer to watch and listen we’ve scheduled a series of webinars on: 

  • Digitally Visualised Survey Plans 
  • New Landonline Dealings – Covering the basics \
  • Dealings Certify and Sign, Release and Submit (CSRS) in New Landonline

In this edition

Engagement on Digitally Visualised Survey Plans

On 8 August 2024 LINZ launched a request for feedback on our proposal to modernise the way you view and use survey plans. We’re inviting feedback from all Landonline users (solicitors, surveyors, territorial authorities, search only users) on the proposal to replace the current plans with a digitally visualised version.

The website has all the details about the proposal, and the digitally visualised survey plan prototype which demonstrates how the proposal could work.

Digitally visualised survey plans
The prototype

Give it a go – people tell us it’s much easier to understand the proposal once you’ve seen it in action.

We’re also holding a webinar to explain the proposal and demonstrate the prototype:  

Digitally Visualised Survey Plan webinar 
12 pm, Wednesday 21 August 
Register for the webinar 
Your feedback is welcome either through your professional organisation or by email to 

Simplify Web Search with map and layer settings

Feedback recently from customers highlighted that with additional functionality now available in Web Search it’s made things a bit complicated for some users.

To make Web Search simpler and easier, you can now choose and save the layer and map settings you prefer.

screenshot showing how to save a layer in Landonline

Once you have chosen your preferred layers with the Layer Control panel, you can open the Current tab at the top of the layer panel and select Save as default view to save your layer settings. These settings will be in place every time you log in.

Note: You can also disable the Appellation and Area if you don’t need them by unselecting the icons on their left.

Screenshot show layer settings in Landonline

These above map settings save automatically when you change them: 

  • clustering system
  • declutter street address 
  • auto-locate 
  • show numerical map scale.

Your map settings stay the same each time you log into Web Search, unless you change them again.

For more information see:
Simplify Web Search with map and layer settings 

Search by Road Name is Now Available in Web Search

By choosing the “Address” filter in the search field, you can now search Road Name or Street Address (even without a house number). If your road name or street address does not appear in the search list, you will also need to add a town, suburb, or city name to refine the search.

The result will be displayed spatially.

Screenshot showing how to search by road names in Landonline

For more information see:
What’s New in Web Search

New Landonline – Survey Sign and Submit

The ability to Sign and submit, view my messages and extract XML survey data was released to Surveyors in New Landonline in July.

We are pleased to report that since then, around 75% of surveys submitted in Landonline have been through the new application.  

If you haven’t yet used the new Sign and submit functionality, we encourage you to when lodging your next cadastral survey dataset.  

For more information see:
What's new in Survey

Coming up

From October 2024, we are planning to switch off the following functionality in Legacy:

  • Sign and submit 
  • Notices/My messages 
  • Requests 

Once switched off, this functionality will only be available in New Landonline.  

You will still need to return to Legacy Landonline to complete Plan Generation, update your contact information via My details and perform System maintenance functions.

Coming soon - Grant TA Certification in New Landonline

We are nearing the end of the build of the TA Certification application in New Landonline.  The application is for approving plans of subdivisions under the Resource Management Act 1991.  

We expect this to be available to all TA users from mid-October.  This will give you plenty of time to get familiar with the new application before we decommission the current (Legacy) Landonline in March 2025.  

Our next step is to conduct a pilot with a range of District and City Councils from across the country, who will rigorously test the functionality before we make it available to you.

You can expect to hear more about what you need to do in September.

If you require further information, please contact us at 

Whakatōhea Claims Settlement Act 2024 Registration Guideline 2024

The Registrar-General of Land has published the Whakatōhea Claims Settlement Act 2024 Registration Guideline 2024 – LINZ OP G 01307.

The guideline covers the Whakatōhea Claims Settlement Act 2024. It contains detailed information about that settlement and is designed to be read with the Treaty Claims Settlement Acts General Guideline 2018 – LINZG20786.

The provisions of the Act took effect on the settlement date, 1 August 2024.

The guideline is primarily for Toitū Te Whenua employees with delegated authority to exercise registration functions under the Land Transfer Act 2017 and covers registration requirements and memorial formats.

Whakatōhea Claims Settlement Act 2024 Registration Guideline 2024 – LINZ OP G 01307 

New instruments under the Natural Hazards Insurance Act 2023

The Natural Hazards Insurance Act 2023 came into effect on 1 July 2024.  The Act replaces the Earthquake Commission Act 1993.

Section 51 of the Act requires certificates to be lodged and registered on relevant records of title if the Toka Tū Ake - Natural Hazards Commission cancels building or land cover under section 49 or limits its liability for future damage under section 50. The Commission must lodge notices to discharge previously registered certificates if it reinstates cover or full liability.  Regulations 11A and 11B respectively of the Natural Hazards Insurance Regulations 2024 set out the requirements for certificates (or amendments) and discharge notices lodged by the Commission.

These certificates and notices replace equivalent instruments under section 28 of the repealed EQC Act.

They will be recorded on records of title with the following memorials:

  • “[certificate identifier] Certificate under Section 51 Natural Hazards Insurance Act 2023 - [date and time]” 
  • “[certificate identifier] Variation of Certificate [identifier of varied certificate] - [date and time]”
  • ”[notice identifier]” Discharge of Certificate [identifier of discharged certificate] - [date and time]” 

The following instrument types have been added to Landonline: 

  • Natural Hazards Insurance Act 2023 – Certificate sec 51(2) – instrument code “C51”.
  • Natural Hazards Insurance Act 2023 – Discharge sec 51(3)– instrument code “D51”.
  • Natural Hazards Insurance Act 2023 – Variation sec 51(5) – instrument code “V51”.

Information about the Act can be found at:
Natural Hazards Insurance Act | Natural Hazards Commission Toka Tū Ake

Coming soon: Switch off Certify and Sign, Release and Submit for dealings in Legacy Landonline

In September 2024, certify & sign, release and submit actions will be switched off for Dealings users in Legacy Landonline.

Once switched off, these actions need to be undertaken in New Landonline for all dealings.

You’ll still be able to set up and prepare dealings in Legacy before finalising them in New Landonline.

Landonline screenshot showing unavailable Legacy actions

Now is a great time to get familiar with New Landonline - Dealings before these actions are no longer available in Legacy.  You are already able to certify & sign, release and submit most dealing types in New Landonline.  The last piece of functionality enabling sign and submit of image only and OCTN instruments is due to be released in August.  

For help getting started see: 
Transitioning to New Landonline – Dealings  

We’re also hosting some free webinars in early September:

New Landonline Dealings – Covering the basics

Date: Tuesday 3 September
Time: 12pm - 1pm
If you’re not familiar with New Landonline yet and want a demonstration of the new end-to-end dealings process, this is the webinar for you.
Register for the New Landonline Dealings webinar

Certify and Sign, Release and Submit (CSRS) in New Landonline

Date: Wednesday 11 September
Time: 12pm - 12:30pm 
If you’re not familiar with using New Landonline and just want a demo of Certify and Sign, Release and Submit features, this is the webinar for you.  
Register for the CSRS webinar

Before we switch off functionality in Legacy Landonline, we want to pilot with a cross section of our customer base by turning off these actions in the legacy system. This will help us to gather feedback and validate that there are no issues before making the change for everyone. If you’re interested in participating, email

New Landonline Dealings: new functionality releases

All transmission types now available

At the end of May we released the first iteration of transmissions by ‘Survivorship’ or ‘Executor/Administrator.’ You can now prepare and register any transmission type from the Dealings app.  

However, you’ll need to return to Legacy Landonline to:

  • use ‘change due to pending dealing’ 
  • prepare a transmission for a lessee, mortgagee, encumbrancee or other type of interest. 

For more information see:
What’s new in Dealings

Upcoming releases

In August we’re planning to release the following functionality into the Dealings app: 

  • Prepare and register Image only instruments. 
  • Attach an image a templated instrument, such as a mortgage. 
  • Add LT plans to a dealing. 

Image only instruments / Attach image

Gone are the days of attaching TIFFs. In New Landonline all attachments will be PDF only. This will help with overall image quality, which should benefit our users across the board.  

The overall file size limit will be 20mb per instrument.  

If attachments are added in New Landonline they won’t be able to be previewed or certified and signed in Legacy Landonline. However, attachments added in Legacy Landonline are compatible and can be processed in New Landonline.  

This release will also mean all instruments can be signed and submitted from New Landonline. 

Add LT plan

You’ll be able to add survey plans which are to deposit upon registration of your dealing. For example, adding a plan which defines new easement areas you are registering in respect of.

Keep an eye on our What’s new in Dealings page for more information:
What’s new in Dealings

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