Summer services update
Information Summer services update

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Published date
Land registration, Landonline, Survey

In this edition:

Reminder: consultation on fees and charges for survey and property title services closes this Friday 7 June

Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) opened consultation on 29 April on proposals to increase fees charged for survey and property title services.

A discussion document setting out proposals and options is available on the Survey and Title Fees Review consultation page.

We welcome your feedback.

Submissions can be made either by email to feesreview@linz.govt or through our online form on the consultation page.

Use of NZVD2016 Mandatory

Surveyors are reminded that New Zealand Vertical Datum (NZVD2016) will be the only official vertical datum that can be used in cadastral surveys datasets lodged from 1 July 2024.

Use of the 13 local vertical datums will no longer be accepted, except for existing unit title developments.

New Landonline - Survey: Upcoming features webinar

Over the last year we’ve built new functionality in the New Landonline – Survey application, which is nearly ready to share with you.
Join this free webinar for a demonstration of the new features that will be available in the New Landonline app from July 2024.

When: Friday 21 June 12pm – 1pm

We will update you on:

  • what new functionality is coming and when
  • how to use New Landonline to sign and submit and access My Messages
  • using the new Spatial Search and Land XML Extraction in Web Search.

There will also be a Q&A, so bring your questions along.

Register here for the webinar

New Landonline - Change to Request manual copy

You can now use the Requests app to obtain a copy of a document (often referred to as ‘request manual copy’) via the ‘Create new request’ button.

All your requests can now be accessed in the Requests dashboard. To view the dashboard, click on the 9 dots at the top left of the screen and select the App Switcher

To make a request, click on the ‘Create new request’ button in the Requests app, select ‘Request Copy’ from the drop-down list, and then click ‘Next’ at the bottom of the screen.

Request Copy selected in the Request type field, as described in the accompanying text

This takes you to the more familiar ‘Request copy’ screen and you can complete the request as you usually would.

Example of the Create Request screen

You can still request a copy of a document from the Web Search homepage – the link will take you to the Requests app.

Forgot your Landonline password? Got MFA? Reset it in New Landonline

With the introduction of multi-factor authentication (MFA) for New Landonline, you will now be able to reset your Landonline password from the New Landonline login screen.
You’ll find the ‘Forgotten your password? Reset it here.’ link under the login button. Follow the onscreen prompts to reset your password.

To use this functionality, you will need to have MFA in place and a registered authentication email. If your firm is not yet onboarded to MFA, continue to reach out to our customer support team for password resets.

For more information see:

New Landonline Dealings: First transmissions release

You can now prepare and register transmissions by ‘Survivorship’ or ‘Executor/Administrator.’ This is the first release of transmissions, with more transmission types coming in the next few months.
You may have noticed extra fields on the prepare transmission screen. We’ve combined ‘All of title,’ ‘Share/Interest’ and ‘Complex/Exception’ modes from Legacy Landonline into the New Landonline ‘Title’ mode.

For now, you’ll need to return to Legacy Landonline to:

  • prepare a transmission which is not by survivorship or to an executor/administrator
  • use ‘change due to pending dealing’
  • attach an image
  • prepare a transmission for a lessee, mortgagee, encumbrancee or other type of interest.

For more information see What’s new in Dealings

May Customer Day: Update

Our quarterly customer day was held in May with our committee members joining us face-to-face in Wellington.

There was a lot to cover:

The Land Titles Sub-committee discussed our progress on priority feedback items such as the layout of the certify and sign pages and dealing lock behaviour. They also gave feedback on plans to fully migrate certify and sign, release and submit activity to New Landonline later this year.

The Survey Working Group gave feedback on the proposed Digital Visualisation consultation, and the Spatial Search functionality soon to be released in Web Search.

Presenter standing in front of screen, leading a discussion with a group

Coming together in a joint session, we discussed multi-factor authentication and the fees and charges review.

Results from a user survey in March/April were shared. A key finding was that 91% of respondents have the same or greater level of productivity when comparing Legacy to New Landonline, with the majority of respondents noting New Landonline is faster, easier to use and easier for new staff to learn. These are very positive results given we are still in migration mode and in the learning phase of a new system.

The time together is invaluable in helping us hear directly from those using the system and working in the industry. Thank you to the committee/working group members who take time out from their busy lives to help us to deliver productivity gains for all, and importantly support a best-in-class Survey and Title Regulatory System.

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