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Place naming

Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa New Zealand Geographic Board has announced the official name Maungatūtū for a hill 10km south of Tauranga.

The announcement follows public consultation between November 2021 and February 2022.  After considering submissions, the Board put its recommendation to Land Information Minister Damien O’Connor, and he agreed with it.

“I’m pleased that we have this opportunity to restore the original Māori name for the maunga,” Minister O’Connor said.

Map showing location of Maungatūtū in the Bay of Plenty

The name Mount Misery has never been official but is believed to have come into local use around a century ago, as locals struggled with poor farming conditions. Board Chairperson Anselm Haanen says that the change addresses challenges arising from multiple places with the same name.

“Despite the negative connotations, Mount Misery is a surprisingly common name,” says Mr Haanen.

“There are 21 other Mount Miserys in Aotearoa New Zealand – including one that is only 60 kilometres away at Morrinsville. Removing this duplication helps remove potential confusion and makes it easier to identify a site – particularly for emergency services.”

The maunga is an extinct volcanic cone, marking the rohe of several iwi and hapū from Tauranga Moana. Mr Haanen says the Board actively encourages the use of original Māori names, especially when there is support from mana whenua.

Mr Haanen noted that Maungatūtū is referred to in multiple Treaty settlements.

Ngāi Te Ahi and Ngāti Hē are kaitiaki and mana whenua of the maunga – and both used the name Maungatūtū. Ultimately the Board recognised the whanaungatanga between the iwi and hapū groups with interests in the maunga and recommended Maungatūtū as the most appropriate name.”

About Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa

  • Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa New Zealand Geographic Board is an independent statutory body. The Board is supported and administered by Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand.
  • Anyone may propose a name for a geographic feature or place. We use naming guidelines, standards, policies and international good practice for standardised, consistent, and accurate naming, to help us make robust and enduring decisions.
  • The Board recognises the importance of pronunciation in te reo, and macrons support both pronunciation and meaning. Therefore, the Board follows the orthographic conventions created by Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori (The Māori Language Commission) 
  • We consult with relevant agencies, local communities, stakeholders, and iwi. We research all proposals and encourage the use of original Māori names.
  • Once official, place names must be used in all official documents, like road signs, maps, websites, and databases.
  • Information about official and recorded place names is available in the New Zealand Gazetteer.

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Kua mana te panonihia o Mount Misery ki Tauranga kia Maungatūtū

29 o Mahuru 2022

Kua pānuihia e Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa ko Maungatūtū te ingoa mana mō tētahi maunga 10km ki te tonga o Tauranga.

Ka whai ake te pānuitanga i te whakapāpātanga tūmatanui o waenga i te Whiringa-ā-rangi 2021 me te Huitanguru 2022.  Whai i muri iho i te wānangahia o ngā tāpaenga, ka tukua e te Poari tana tūtohunga ki a Minita Damien O’Connor, Minita mō Toitū Te Whenua, ka whakaaetia e ia.

Hei tā Minita O’Connor, “E waingōhia ana i te whai huarahi e whakahokia ake ai te ingoa Māori taketake mō te maunga.”

Map showing location of Maungatūtū in the Bay of Plenty

Kīhai i mana te ingoa o Mount Misery heke iho i ngā tau, engari e whakapono ana koinei te ingoa i whakamahia i te rautau ki mua, i te oke nui a te hau kāinga ki ngā mahi ahuwhenua. I kī ake te Toihau o te Poari a Anselm Haanen, ka whakatikaina e te panonitanga ngā wero i ara ake i te rite anō o te ingoa o ētahi atu wāhi maha.

Hei tā Mr Haanen, “Ahakoa tōna wairua pōuri, mīharo ana te rangona tonuhia o te ingoa o Mount Misery.”

“E 21 ngā Mount Misery kei Aotearoa – pērā i tētahi e 60 kiromita te tawhiti atu i Morrinsville. Ka āwhina te unu atu i te tāruatanga nei i te tūpono noho pōkaikaha, ka whakamāmā ake hoki i te tautuhi i te wāhi – ina koa mō te ratonga whawhati tata.” 

He puia korehāhā te maunga, he paenga rohe nō ētahi iwi maha o Tauranga Moana. I kī ake a Mr Haanen e āta whakahau ana te Poari kia whakamahia ngā ingoa Māori taketake ake, ina tautokohia e te mana whenua. 

E mōhio ana a Mr Haanen mō te kōrerohia o Maungatūtū i ētahi whakataunga Tiriti maha.  

“Ko Ngāi Te Ahi me Ngāti Hē ngā kaitiaki me te mana whenua o te maunga – e whakamahia tahitia ana e rāua te ingoa o Maungatūtū. E mārama ana te Poari ki te whanaungatanga i waenga i ngā iwi me ngā rōpū hapū e whai pānga ana ki te maunga, ka tūtohu ko  Maungatūtū te ingoa e tino hāngai ana.” 


Mō Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa

  • He rōpū motuhake ā-ture a Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa. E tautokohia ana, e whakahaeretia ana mātou e Toitū Te Whenua.
  • E āhei ana te tangata noa ki te tono ingoa mō tētahi tārainga matawhenua, tētahi wāhi rānei. Ka whai mātou i ētahi aratohu taunaha, ētahi paerewa, me ngā tikanga mahi papai o te ao mō te aro whānui, te auau, me te tino tika o te taunahatanga e kaha ai, e mauroa ai tā mātou i whakatau ai.
  • E mōhio ana te Poari ki te hiranga o te whakahua i te reo, ka tautoko hoki te tohutō i te whakahuatanga me te tikanga o te kupu. Nō reira, ka whai te Poari i ngā tikanga tuhi i hangaia e Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori.
  • Ka whakapāpā mātou ki ngā umanga e hāngai ana, ki ngā hapori o te hau kāinga, ki te hunga whai pānga me ngā iwi. Ka rangahaua e mātou ngā tono katoa, ka whakahau anō kia whakamahia ko te ingoa Māori taketake ake.
  • Kia whakamanahia te ingoa wāhi, me mātua whakamahi i ngā tuhinga mana katoa pērā i te tohu huarahi, te mahere, te paetukutuku me te putunga raraunga. 
  • E wātea ana ngā kōrero mō te ingoa mana me te ingoa kua takoto mai i te New Zealand Gazetteer.


Pātai Pāpaho

Īmēra: waea rānei: 027 566 5251