Summer services update
Information Summer services update

Our offices and services will have reduced availability over the holiday period.  Read more about our holiday hours and services availability.

Authority and Instruction (A&I) form templates

A&I form templates approved by the New Zealand Law Society and Registrar-General of Land for e-dealing use.

These forms apply to electronic transactions from 12 November 2018.

Private Individual A&I form 

Private Corporate A&I form

Public Corporate A&I form

Revision history

  • On 29 January 2024, these forms were reformatted to mirror the A&I forms generated from New Landonline (including the insertion of the “office use only” section).  Non-substantive updates have also been made, particularly in clauses 4 and 5 and the “office use only” section. 
  • On 22 August 2023, an update was made to the privacy statement in clause 4(g) of the Private Individual A&I form to ensure it is clear to individuals that their property ownership information is included in the land register and publicly available.
  • On 13 June 2022, an update was made to the notes to the forms to record that a faxed or emailed copy of the form is acceptable.
Last updated