Place naming

What was proposed?

The proposal was to assign a new official name to a railway station to be built on the North Island Main Trunk, between Paerata and Drury, south Auckland:

  • Paerātā Railway Station - between Paerata Road and Sim Road, north of Paerata (locality). NZTopo50-BB32 685861.


Now official

Paerātā Railway Station is assigned as an official railway station name.

Published in the New Zealand Gazette on 16 March 2023.

Other related proposals


The Board considered this proposal report at its hui on 26 July 2022. The proposals were notified for three months so that the public could make submissions supporting or objecting to them.

The Board considered this submissions report at its hui on 2 December 2022. Because the Board did not agree with the objecting submissions, it requested the Minister for Land Information to make the final determinations.


Proposed location for Paerātā Railway Station

Interactive map showing Proposed location for Paerātā Railway Station