Place naming
Last updated

What was proposed?

The proposal was to alter the official place name Franz Josef/Waiau to Franz Joseph / Waiau for the village adjacent to State Highway 6, approximately 98km southwest of Hokitika.

See the related proposal for Franz Joseph Glacier / Kā Roimata-o-Hinehukatere


No change to the current official dual name.

The Minister for Land Information rejected the proposal on 27 June 2024. The official dual name of the village remains as Franz Josef/Waiau (official by section 269 and Schedule 96 of the Ngāi Tahu Claims Settlement Act 1998).


The Board considered this proposal report at its hui on 26 April 2023 and declined the proposal.

The Board considered this proposal report at its hui on 3 October 2023. The proposal was notified for one month so that the public could make submissions supporting or objecting to the name.

The Board considered this submission report at its hui on 30 April 2024. Because the Board didn’t agree with the objecting submissions received, it requested the Minister for Land Information to make the final determination.


8 November 2023 - Proposal to correct spelling of Franz Josef town and glacier names

23 July 2024 - Place naming decision: Franz Josef