Landonline urgent messages and known issues

Further information related to current Landonline alerts, and documentation of currently known issues.

Urgent messages for Landonline customers

This section contains urgent messages and descriptions of issues that have a high customer impact.

For a full list of known issues see Production issues for New Landonline applications or Production issues for Legacy Landonline.

SQL Error-284 when trying to submit a dealing

December 2022

If your dealing contains a transfer and the dealing fails to submit, check the Instruments & Roles page as the transfer instrument might have both roles (transferor and transferee) set to be both responsible for fees. Make the necessary correction and submit your dealing again. 

Signing Error Message 30520

January 2023

If you get the error Message 30250, you need to upgrade to the recently released version of Digisign.


Screenshot of Landonline error message.



To upgrade:

See Software downloads, Step 5) Digisign.

An unidentified error has occurred during signing

January 2023

If you get the error “Predefined Message, an unidentified error has occurred in signing”, you need to upgrade to the recently released version of Digisign OR repair Digisign


Screenshot of Landonline error message.



To resolve, please use the Digisign Repair Tool. See Software downloads, Step 8) Digisign Repair Tool for the download and instructions.

Production issues for New Landonline applications

Production issues are issues actively being monitored until we have a resolution.

New Landonline applications include Web Search, Dealings, Survey, Notice to Mortgagee, Notice of Change, and Request Product List.

Production issues for New Landonline applications.

Production issues for Legacy Landonline

Production issues are issues actively being monitored until we have a resolution.

Our Legacy Landonline application is also known as Landonline Workspace and includes e-dealing, e-survey, e-search, and TA e-certification.

Production issues for Legacy Landonline.

Other known issues for New and Legacy Landonline

Enhancement requests considered for the longer term backlog for New Landonline applications and known issues in Legacy Landonline that will be addressed in the new applications.

Other known issues for New and Legacy Landonline.

Last updated