Orica New Zealand Limited
Case number(s)
Decision date
Decision number 200620012
Application number 200610111
Date 21 July 2006
Offeror/applicant Orica New Zealand Limited
Ultimate applicant beneficial ownership 77 percent - Australia, Australian Public
9 percent - United Kingdom, United Kingdom Public
8 percent - Various, Various overseas persons
6 percent - United States of America, United States Public
Beneficial overseas ownership
- Asset current0 percent
- Asset proposed100 percent
- Share currentN/A
- Share proposedN/A
Offeree(s)/seller(s) Ridge Road Quarry Limited
100 percent - New Zealand, Blackmore (Alan Coombes)
Business activities Transport & Storage - Storage
Details of land involved 11.4112 hectares of freehold situated at Ridge Road, Bombay, Auckland being CT 230153 (North Auckland Registry).
Regions involved South Auckland
Total consideration $984,375 inclusive of GST
Consent Sought To acquire an interest in land which, either alone or together with any associated land of that type, is or includes non-urban land and exceeds 5 hectares in area.
Rationale The application has been approved as it met the criteria.

The ultimate parent company of Orica New Zealand Limited is Orica Limited a publicly owned company listed on the Australian Stock Exchange.

The principal business activities of Orica New Zealand Limited (Orica NZ) are the manufacture, storage, sale and distribution of industrial chemicals and explosives, synthetic resins, plastics, polythene films and packaging, dyestuffs, paints, adhesives, sealants, car care products and garden products. Orica NZ is divided into three divisions being Orica Mining Services, Orica Chemicals and Orica Consumer Products.

Orica NZ's New Zealand mining services are currently located at Waitawa Bay near Clevedon. The Waitawa Bay site was sold in September 2004 to the Auckland Regional Council who propose to turn the Waitawa site into a regional park. Orica NZ is currently leasing the Waitawa site. Orica NZ proposes to relocate its Waitawa operations to the subject land.

The proposal is likely to result in the following benefits: (a) increased efficiencies and enhanced domestic services.
Contact Mark Crosbie
Bell Gully
P O Box 4199