T&G Global Limited
Case number(s)
Decision date
DecisionConsent granted
Section 12(a) Overseas Investment Act 2005
Decision MakerOverseas Investment Office
Decision Date15 November 2021
Pathway(s)Benefit to New Zealand (Benefit to New Zealand - S&I)
InvestmentA leasehold interest in 12.9973 hectares of land located at 392 Tuki Tuki Road, Haumoana, Hawkes Bay
ConsiderationWithheld under s.9(2)(b)(ii) of the Official Information Act 1982
ApplicantT&G Global Limited
Germany (73.99%)
China, People's Republic of (19.99%)
New Zealand (5.93%)
Various (0.09%)
VendorChristopher John Moughan, Lorraine Moughan, Gerard Francis Moughan, FJ Moughan and Sons Limited
New Zealand (100%)

The Applicant is a New Zealand-incorporated grower, distributer, marketer and exporter of a variety of fresh produce including apples.

The Applicant intends for its 100% subsidiary, ENZAFruit New Zealand International Limited, to acquire a leasehold interest in land at 392 Tuki Tuki Road, Haumoana.

The Applicant intends to redevelop the land which is currently planted in older varieties of apples and areas of bare land, and will plant and grow high value Envy apples using the 2D planting system. 

We are satisfied the redevelopment of the land is likely to result in substantial and identifiable benefit to New Zealand, through increased jobs, export receipts, capital expenditure, royalties paid, and increased productivity and efficiency on the land. The Applicant has also demonstrated that it has provided benefit to New Zealand through previous investments.

More informationRachael O'Malley
Russell McVeagh (Auckland)
PO Box 8
Auckland 1140