Unity Software Inc. and Unity Technologies SF
Case number(s)
Decision date
DecisionConsent granted
Section 13(1)(c) Overseas Investment Act 2005
Decision MakerOverseas Investment Office
Decision Date23 November 2021
Pathway(s)Significant business assets only
InvestmentAcquisition of certain assets of Weta Digital Limited, including Weta Digital Limited’s audio-visual effects development and management software tools, intellectual properties, goodwill, rights and claims.
Asset ValueApproximately $2,307,500,000 
ApplicantUnity Software Inc. and Unity Technologies SF
United States of America (35.33%)
Denmark (9.91%)
Various regions (54.76%) 
VendorWeta Digital Limited 
New Zealand (68.39%)
United States of America (31.61%)

Unity Software Inc. is a world leading platform for creating and operating interactive, real-time 3D content. Unity Technologies SF provides software services related to Unity’s business.

The transaction involves the acquisition by Unity Technologies SF of certain assets of Weta Digital Limited, including Weta Digital Limited’s audio-visual effects development and management software tools, intellectual properties, goodwill, rights and claims. 

Weta Digital Limited will continue to provide visual effects artist services with respect to audio-visual productions to movie, television, and other production studios, pursuant to production agreements. It will keep the following related to production activity: certain assets (production agreements, owned or leased real property, meshes, rigs, etc), liabilities, and personnel. 

The Applicants will employ and contract with approximately 275 of Weta’s existing employees and contractors who work in Weta’s ‘Digital Activities’ division. 

The Applicants have satisfied the investor test criterion.

More informationAnnie Steel
Harmos Horton Lusk Limited
Level 33, Vero Centre, 48 Shortland Street 
Auckland 1010