Crown property
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Cabinet papers and minutes

On 10 May 2021, Cabinet agreed to several amendments to the Crown Pastoral Land Reform Bill (the Bill) in response to public submissions during the select committee process.

The amendments seek to better achieve the objectives of the Bill and ensure the changes to the Crown pastoral land regulatory system can be implemented effectively.

The amendments were subsequently included in the Departmental Report prepared by Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand (LINZ). The majority of Parliament’s Environment Committee recommended the Bill be passed with the amendments proposed by LINZ.

LINZ’s Departmental Report is available on the Parliament website:

LINZ’s Departmental Report

The Bill’s progress can also be followed on the Parliament website:

Crown Pastoral Land Reform Bill

About the documents

The information being released includes the Cabinet paper, ‘Proposed amendments to Crown Pastoral Land Reform Bill’, and minutes of decisions made by the Cabinet Economic Development Committee (DEV) and Cabinet. These are available in the below section: ‘Attachments’.


The Cabinet paper includes a draft of LINZ’s Departmental Report, as considered by DEV (on 5 May 2021) and Cabinet (on 10 May 2021).


In addition, LINZ produced a series of documents to facilitate discussions on the Bill between officials and the Minister for Land Information. The documents are marked as ‘draft’ to reflect how LINZ’s advice developed over time – particularly as LINZ worked through the issues raised through the public submissions process. This advice complements the advice LINZ provided to the Environment Committee.

LINZ advice to Environment Committee | Parliament website.

Some information has been withheld in line with the Official Information Act 1982.

Previous Cabinet decisions and related advice

Advice that informed the February 2019 decision to end tenure review has already been published on our website:

High country advice (published April 2019)

Information regarding the public consultation on the 2019 discussion document, and submissions received, can also be found on our website:

Consultation on enduring stewardship of Crown pastoral land

The December 2019 Cabinet paper, minute of decision, and Regulatory Impact Statement are available on our website:

Delivering better outcomes for Crown pastoral land: Final decisions

The June 2020 Cabinet paper, Crown Pastoral Land Reform Bill: Approval for Introduction, has also been published on our website:

Crown Pastoral Land Reform Bill: Approval for Introduction

LINZ’s written advice to the Environment Committee, provided during the select committee process in early 2021, has been published on Parliament’s website:

Crown Pastoral Land Reform Bill: Submissions & advice