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Land registration, Landonline
  • UniPrint options may result in incomplete printed products
  • Landonline aspatial data now available from the LINZ Data Service
  • Dealings affecting leasehold estates
  • Review of the Rules for Cadastral Survey
  • An easier way to submit geodetic mark information

UniPrint options may result in incomplete printed products

Some users experience intermittent errors when printing Landonline search products. When previewed, the product may displays in its entirety but when printed some details may disappear, for example e.g. the Registrar’s seal or some other text may not print. This only seems to occur when UniPrint’s Preview option is active. It is, so we strongly recommended that customers change their UniPrint Preview settings to either

  • Preview with Acrobat®Reader or 
  • No Preview.

The steps to change these settings are:

  1. Right click on the UniPrint icon which displays in the notification area of the Windows Taskbar (normally located at bottom right of your computer screen)
  2. Select the Settings option to display the UniPrint Client Settings screen
  3. Select either ‘No Preview’ or ‘Preview with Acrobat® Reader’ under the listed ‘Previewing’ options
  4. Save the changes before closing the screen.

This issue has been added to the Known Issues section, and our Landonline Developers are looking at longer term options to address this fault.

Landonline aspatial data now available from the LINZ Data

The LINZ Data Service (LDS) provides free and easy access to LINZ land and seabed data. 

This includes the entire core Landonline spatial dataset of survey plan reference, survey observation, boundary mark, survey control mark, adjustments parcel and parcel owner information. 

Following a recent enhancement, you can now use LDS to access aspatial datasets. The first aspatial dataset we have released is the LINZ 
Authoritative Streets and Places (ASP) dataset. This dataset includes 15 small tables of official place and street name information used to produce the Index of Streets and Places. 

The LDS aspatial feature is designed in such a way that enables you to easily preview the table metadata and data before download, download the tables in a variety of useful formats, and much more. 

The release of the ASP dataset is the rst step in an ongoing strategy to provide aspatial data via LDS. A cut down, easy to digest version of the aspatial tables currently available in the Bulk Data Extract will be provided next. In response to customer demand, we’re also looking into prioritising the release of the Title Memorial data.

Dealings affecting leasehold estates

When a dealing is created affecting a leasehold estate, Message 28432 displays at the point the Computer Interest Register (CIR) reference(s) for that leasehold estate is entered in the Enter Titles screen, and that screen is saved and closed.

This is a warning message only and displays regardless of the instrument type(s) in the dealing. 

The purpose of the message is to prevent dealings being registered against expired leasehold estates. If a leasehold estate has expired, you should not be completing any transactions against the lease or leasehold title. Generally, the only transaction allowed against an expired lease is a lease in renewal or in substitution. 

The message gives the conveyancer the opportunity to check the term of the lease to ensure the term is still current and that you are not incorrectly transacting against an expired lease or leasehold title. 

The message will display again when the dealing is submitted. 


  • It is still possible to register against an expired estate. The message is a warning only and does not stop registration. The onus is on the conveyancer to not proceed with the dealing if the leasehold estate has expired.
  • Life Estate Titles do not trigger this message, but do automatically cause a dealing to step down to Lodge for checking by LINZ.

When creating the dealing, the fee simple title should only be included when the lease instrument is being affected eg variation of lease, surrender of lease. If you are affecting the leasehold estate only (eg mortgaging the leasehold estate), the Computer Interest Register should be the only title reference affected by the dealing.

Review of the Rules for Cadastral Survey 

The expert committee set up to advise the Surveyor-General on the review of the Rules for Cadastral Survey has considered the submissions received on the draft proposed Rules of 28 May 2012 

The Surveyor-General has considered the committee’s advice and recommendations and has provisionally accepted a number of changes to the draft Rules. The major differences between the draft rules of 28 May 2012 and the revised draft Rules are:

  • the removal of the proposal to require all the polygons of a multi-polygon parcel to be dealt with as part of the survey,
  • the removal of the proposal to require the identification and inclusion of existing movable marginal strips,
  • change to enable boundaries of parcels over 100 ha to be accepted and not include the related boundary information in the CSD (the line work would still be required),
  • change to enable class A boundaries of parcels less than 0.4 ha to be defined by adoption (rather than necessarily defined by survey) where the new parcel comprises more than 90% of the existing parcel being extinguished.

The revised draft Rules are about to be consulted on with the key stakeholders in terms of s49(2) Cadastral Survey Act 2002. The Surveyor-General will further consider feedback from this consultation before finalising the changes to the Rules. 

The Rules are expected to be finalised in early October and published later that same month. Further information will be provided closer to this time. 
Don Grant Surveyor-General

An easier way to submit geodetic mark information

LINZ has now made it possible for surveyors and other users of geodetic information to submit data within the geodetic database through a new feedback form. 

The feedback form can be used to:

Request that geodetic marks in Canterbury be set to "UNPROVEN" in accordance with the Rules for Cadastral Survey (Canterbury Earthquake) 

  • Suggest changes to mark information
  • Report marks in need of physical maintenance
  • Submit comments for other users

To use this new feature, search the mark within the Geodetic database', select “User feedback/unproven status” under detailed information, and submit your information.

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