Decision Type
Discretionary pastoral activity
Published date

For this decision summary:

  • LINZ received the application before 17 November 2022
  • accordingly, the decision was made under the Crown Pastoral Land Act 1998 excluding the amendments taking effect on 17 November 2022.

Lease name(s)



What the decision relates to

Carrying sheep, cattle, and deer

Duration of consent

Personal to Holder

Reasons for decision

The Commissioner of Crown Lands grants consent to an exemption to the stock limitation in the lease to allow the leaseholder to carry the following stock:

The personal stock exemption shall be limited to a total of 28,000 stock units to be carried year-round on the Lorne Peak Pastoral Lease when farmed in conjunction with a minimum of 262 hectares of freehold land. Within this total limitation, the following maximums apply:

  • A maximum of 16,000 stock units of sheep (including a maximum of 11,000 breeding ewes) 
  • 15,000 stock units of cattle 
    • includes a maximum of 450 beef breeding cows 
    • includes a maximum of 1,500 dairy cows for a maximum of 70 days between 1 June and 31 May each year 
  • 490 stock units of deer (maximum of 245 breeding hinds)

Conditions of decision

Consent is granted to an exemption to the stock limitation in the lease subject to the following conditions:

  1. The number of cattle, including the number of dairy cows, shall be reviewed annually. Should it be determined that cattle are having a detrimental effect on the land, the Lessee shall be required to reduce the number of cattle able to be run to a level that is deemed to be sustainable by the Commissioner of Crown Lands. 
  2. The Lorne Peak summer country, as identified on the map attached to the Notice of Decision, shall be limited to an annual maximum of 6,000 sheep (including a maximum of 6,000 MA ewes) between 10th January and 20th April, and 300 cattle (including up to 300 MA breeding cows) between 1st March and 31 May.
  3. Deer must be contained to the areas known as Diggers, Starlight and Johns Block. The blocks shall be appropriately deer fenced to contain the deer within these blocks. 
  4. Adequate levels of fertiliser must be applied to developed areas to maintain or improve soil fertility. 
  5. Any additional cattle stocked on Lorne Peak are to be confined to areas that have been improved by consented cultivation, oversowing, top-dressing, and/or irrigation.
  6. Dairy cows are to be contained to the cultivated areas defined on the map attached and shall be excluded from waterways and the areas known as the old river channels, wetlands and scarps in the Horseshoe Road, Horseshoe and Duckpond blocks including an adequate buffer zone of a minimum of 20 metres. 
  7. Cattle must be excluded from the old river channels, wetlands and scarps in the Horseshoe Road, Horseshoe and Duckpond blocks including an adequate buffer zone of a minimum of 3 metres. 
  8. A spring inspection by LINZ or its delegate may be carried out each year to ensure compliance with the above exemption and these conditions.

The Crown Pastoral Land Act 1998 provides that permission to undertake the activity may still be needed under other enactments.