NZ Forestry Partnership LP
Case number(s)
Decision date
DecisionConsent Granted
Section 12(1)(a) Overseas Investment Act 2005
Decision makerToitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand
Decision date21 November 2024
PathwaySensitive land – special forestry (one-off)
InvestmentAcquisition of freehold interest in two separate properties totalling approximately 582 hectares of land in Taranaki and Wanganui known as Moki and Gilbert Forests
Applicant(s)NZ Forestry Partnership LP
United Kingdom 100%
Vendor(s)Kingheim Limited
New Zealand 100% 

The Applicant is ultimately owned by a United Kingdom family.

The land to be acquired is approximately 582 hectares currently used for forestry purposes. The total productive area of the land is approximately 404 hectares of predominantly redwoods and pinus radiata. The Applicant plans to continue using the land for rotational commercial forestry.

Consent was granted as the Applicant has met the investor test criterion and the special forestry test criteria.

More informationSam Nelson
Lane Neave
PO Box 13-149