Ingka Investments Forest Assets NZ Limited and Ingka Investments Management NZ Limited
Case number(s)
Decision date
DecisionConsent granted
Section 12(1)(a) Overseas Investment Act 2005
Decision makerToitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand
Decision date1 February 2024
Pathway(s)Sensitive land – Special Forestry (one-off)
InvestmentAcquisition of 235.9273 hectares of land at Mount Marsh Forest, Route 52, Alfredton, Tararua District. 
ApplicantIngka Investments Forest Assets NZ Limited and Ingka Investments Management NZ Limited
Netherlands 100%
VendorMount Marsh LP
Germany 100%

The Applicants are two New Zealand incorporated companies who will acquire the Land, and hold a forestry right over the Land, respectively. The Applicants are owned by Ingka Investments B.V., the investment arm of Ingka Group, which is the largest franchisee of IKEA stores internationally.

The Land comprises existing forestry of approximately 145 hectares which is managed as a commercial rotational forest. Harvesting of the existing forestry is likely to be within the next three years and will be replanted. The remainder of the Land will be unplanted due to native bush and infrastructure.

Consent was granted as the Applicants met the investor test criterion and the special forestry test criteria.

More informationPavanie Edirisuriya
DLA Piper New Zealand