The Toitū Te Whenua PositioNZ real-time stream is a 24-hour service. However, some stations may become unavailable from time to time due to planned and unplanned maintenance, and weather-related issues such as snow or poor conditions for solar power generation. This page outlines how to determine the performance of the network or individual stations, and how to contact Toitū Te Whenua for additional support.
PositioNZ-RT network support
Where possible, Toitū Te Whenua provides users of the PositioNZ-RT Service with up-to-date information about the network and notification of planned maintenance. If you want to stay informed about availability, sign up to our email notifications about outages and network maintenance.
Sign up to PositioNZ newsletters and notifications
Support for the PositioNZ Real Time service is available from Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm (excluding public holidays). Send any questions, comments and general feedback to with “PositioNZ RT” in the subject line.
Performance targets
When an unscheduled outage occurs at a PositioNZ site streaming through the PositioNZ-RT Service, we aim to visit the site within 3 days to perform an equipment reset or minor repairs, with resolution within 20 business days for major repairs or site upgrades. Note that this excludes remote sites at Raoul Island, Scott Base and Whakaari / White Island.
Some sites streaming through the PositioNZ-RT Service are operated by other suppliers and are not part of the PositioNZ network owned by Toitū Te Whenua. These sites are operated with a ‘best endeavours’ policy, so may have longer maintenance and resolution times, and some sites may only be available for a short period.
Monitoring site availability
The status of streaming stations and their latencies can be checked on the network summary page: PositioNZ-RT current status
To find information about a specific station, select a mark on the map or hyperlinked station code.

Example of detailed view for Auckland from