KTW Systems LP
Case number(s)
Decision date
DecisionConsent granted
Section 16(1)(b)(i)(D)
Decision makerToitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand
Decision date3 November 2023
Pathway(s)Sensitive land - Residential land development (one off)
InvestmentAcquisition of freehold interests in approximately 0.0769 hectares located at 7 Palmerston Road, Birkenhead, Auckland. 
ApplicantKTW Systems LP 
United States of America 100%
VendorCarl O'Shea, Belinda O'Shea and Emily O'Shea
New Zealand 100%

The Applicant is a limited partnership and 100% owned by Mathew Ocko who is the sole limited partner. There are no intermediary entities or other parties who hold an interest in the Applicant.

The relevant business is the land neighbouring at 5 Palmerston Road, Birkenhead, Auckland which is a luxury short-term accommodation.

The Land is residential land that will be used for the purpose of providing staff accommodation for the relevant business.

Consent was granted as the Applicant has met the investor test criterion and the investment is likely to result in an incidental residential use outcome.

More informationWilly Sussman 
Belly Gully