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Place naming

Consultation has opened on a proposal to change the name of National Park village to Waimarino, as well as a related proposal to change the name of its railway station, National Park Station, to Waimarino Railway Station.

The two proposals were made to Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa New Zealand Geographic Board by mana whenua, Uenuku / Te Korowai o Wainuiārua.

Waimarino is the original Māori name for this place,” says Board Secretary Wendy Shaw.

“It refers to the calm waters pooling on the plains as they come down from the maunga.”

Waimarino Station opened in 1908 and the “Town of Waimarino” was surveyed for the village around the station in 1910.

In 1926, after mail for Waimarino County (in Raetihi) and Waimarino County (in Taumarunui) was sent to Waimarino village, the Railways Minister agreed to change the name of the station to National Park Station and the name of the village followed suit. Unsuccessful attempts were made to restore the original Māori name in the 1950s and 1960s.

The Board considered its function to encourage the use of original Māori names and the potential for confusion with other national parks when deciding to consult on the proposals.

It also noted support from the community, including Ruapehu District Council, Ōwhango-National Park Community Board and some residents.

The Board now wants to hear what people think before final decisions are made.

The Board encourages everyone with an interest to have their say. Submissions on the proposal can be made in the following ways:

  • Online at Consultations
  • By emailing
  • In writing by posting a letter to
    Secretary of the New Zealand Geographic Board
    c/o Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand
    PO Box 5501
    Wellington 6145.

Consultation closes 8 February 2024.

About Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa

Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa New Zealand Geographic Board is an independent statutory body. The Board is supported and administered by Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand.

Anyone may propose a name for a geographic feature or place. The Board uses naming guidelines and standards and follows international good practice to help it to make informed, robust and enduring decisions.

The Board recognises the importance of pronunciation in te reo, and macrons support both pronunciation and meaning. Therefore, the Board follows the orthographic conventions of Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori (Māori Language Commission).

If the Board doesn't agree with a proposal, it may consult on a different proposal considered to be more appropriate.

The Board consults with relevant agencies, local communities, councils, stakeholders and iwi. It researches all proposals and encourages original Māori place names.

Official place names must be used in all official documents like road signs, maps, websites, databases and publications for tourists.

Anyone can make a submission on proposed place names, either online or by emailing, or by mailing directly to the Board’s Secretary. Official and recorded place names can be searched in the New Zealand Gazetteer.

Board media contact

Ph:  027 566 5251


Kua tīmata te whakapā haere mō te tono kia panonitia te ingoa o National Park kia Waimarino

Kua tuwhera te whakapāpātanga mō te tono kia panonitia te ingoa o te kāinga o National Park kia Waimarino, me tētahi atu tono kia panonitia te ingoa o te teihana rerewē, a National Park Station, kia Waimarino Railway Station. 

I tae ake ngā tono e rua nei ki a Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa i te mana whenua o Uenuku / Te Korowai o Wainuiārua. 

Hei tā te Hēkeretari o te Poari, a Wendy Shaw, “Ko Waimarino te ingoa Māori taketake ake o te wāhi nei.” 

“E kōrero ana mō ngā wai marino ka hārotoroto mai ki te mānia i te rerenga iho i te maunga.” 

I tuwhera te Waimarino Station i te tau 1907 me te rūrihia o te “Taone o Waimarino” mō te kāinga tūtata ki te teihana i te 1910. 

I te 1926, i te ngaronga o tētahi pēke mēra, ka whakaae te Minita Rerewē kia panonitia te ingoa o te teihana kia National Park Station, ka whai ko te panonihia o te ingoa o te kāinga tonu. Kāore i tutuki te hiahia kia whakahokia te ingoa taketake ake i ngā tau 1950 me ngā tau 1960.

I whakaarohia ake e te Poari tāna kawenga ki te whakahau kia whakahokia ake te ingoa Māori taketake, me te tūpono whakararuhia o ētahi atu papa rāhui o te motu ina tahuri ki te whakapā haere mō ngā tono.   

I mōhiotia anō te tautokohia e te hapori, tae atu ki te Ruapehu District Council, te Ōwhango-National Park Community Board me ētahi o te hunga rarau.  

Kua hiahia rongo te Poari i ngā whakaaro o te iwi i mua i ngā whakatau whakamutunga. 

E whakahau ana te Poari i te katoa e whai pānga ana kia whakaputa i ō rātou whakaaro. Ka taea te tāpae whakaaro mai ki ngā huarahi e whai ake nei: 

  • Tuihono i Consultations 
  • Te tuku īmēra ki 
  • Te tuhi me te pōhi reta ki te Hēkeretari o te Poari o Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa c/o Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand
    PO Box 5501
    Te Whanga-nui-a-Tara 6145.
    Ka kati te whakapāpā haere ā te 8 o Huitanguru 2024.

Mō Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa

He rōpū motuhake ā-ture a Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa. E tautokohia ana, e whakahaeretia ana te Poari e Toitū Te Whenua Aotearoa.

E āhei ana te tangata noa ki te tono ingoa mō tētahi ingoa mō tētahi tārainga matawhenua, tētahi wāhi rānei. Whai ai te Poari i ētahi aratohu taunaha, ētahi paerewa, me ngā tikanga mahi papai o te ao kia whakatau ai ia i runga i te mātau e pakari ai, e mauroa ai āna whakatau. 

E mōhio ana te Poari ki te hiranga o te whakahua i te reo, ka tautoko hoki te tohutō i te whakahuatanga me te tikanga o te kupu. Nō reira ka whai te Poari i ngā tikanga tuhi a Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori.

Ki te kore te Poari e whakaae ki tētahi tono, e pai ana tana whakapāpā haere mō tētahi atu tono e whakaaro ana ia ka hāngai ake. 

Ka whakapā atu te Poari ki ngā umanga e hāngai ana, ki ngā hapori o te hau kāinga, ki ngā kaunihera, ki te hunga whai pānga me te iwi. Ka rangahaua e ia ngā tono katoa me tana tautoko i te ingoa wāhi Māori ake. 

Me mātua whakamahi te ingoa wāhi mana i ngā tuhinga mana katoa pērā i te tohu huarahi, te mahere, te paetukutuku, te putunga raraunga me ngā tuhinga mā te tūruhi. 

E āhei ana te tangata noa ki te tuku whakaaro mai mō te ingoa kua tonoa, me tuku mai ā-tuihonome īmēra mai rānei ki, me tuku reta tika mai rānei ki te Hēkeretari a te Poari.  

Ka taea te toro ngā kōrero mō te ingoa mana me te ingoa kua takoto i te New Zealand Gazetteer.

Kaiwhakapā pāho Poari

Waea:  027 566 5251