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Crown property
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Application for consent to create new firebreaks.

You need written consent to create new firebreaks on a Crown pastoral lease.

To apply for consent, complete this form.

You must provide enough information to allow the Commissioner of Crown Lands (the Commissioner) to decide on your application. To avoid delays, we recommend providing as much information as possible. We will contact you if more information is required, or if we need to seek information from other sources. If we cannot get sufficient information, your application may be declined.

At a minimum, please check you have provided:

  •   your details
  •   details about the property
  •   details about your proposed activity
  •   details about your proposed activity’s location, including a map
  •   a description of any potential effects of the proposed activity on inherent values (see the Inherent values framework)

The Commissioner may consider other matters they consider relevant to the application.

As part of processing your application, your form and supporting information may be shared with other parties. More information on this process can be found at the back of this form.

If you have any questions about what is required, email your Pastoral Specialist or

Please send your completed form and any supporting information to your Pastoral Specialist. If you do not know who your Pastoral Specialist is, send it to

You can also send it by post to:

  • Pastoral team
    Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand
    Private Bag 4721
    Christchurch 8140