Summer services update
Information Summer services update

Our offices and services will have reduced availability over the holiday period.  Read more about our holiday hours and services availability.

Overseas investment fees and penalties schedule

Find out how much it costs to apply for consent, a variation, or an exemption. This information also sets out administrative penalties for late filing of documents and for retrospective consent.

Consent fees

These fees are designed to align with the time spent on the different phases of the consent process. For some applications there is only one fee payable. For applications that involve significant assessment and monitoring of consent conditions several fees are payable.

Consent fee schedule

The following fees and charges are effective from 13 September 2021.

All amounts shown include goods and services tax (GST).

Please note that if an application is rejected, a further lodgement fee is payable if the rejected application is resubmitted. This is in accordance with Regulation 34(2) of the Overseas Investment Regulations 2005.

Significant business assets (SBA)

Application typeLodgement feeAssessment feeMonitoring compliance feeTotal fee
Significant business assets 1$13,300$22,100$3,400$38,800

Further information on SBAs


Sensitive land: Benefit to New Zealand – General benefit test (including or excluding significant business assets)

Application typeLodgement feeAssessment feeMonitoring compliance feeTotal fee
General benefit test – Standard 2$13,300$45,900$9,000$68,200
General benefit test – Complex 2$13,300$113,200$9,000$135,500

Further information on benefit to New Zealand test


Sensitive land: Benefit to New Zealand – General benefit test – Profit à prendre

Application typeLodgement feeAssessment feeMonitoring compliance feeTotal fee
Profit à prendre – Standard 3$13,300$17,300$3,000$33,600
Profit à prendre – Complex 3$13,300$42,700$3,000$59,000


Sensitive land: Benefit to New Zealand – Farm land benefit test (including or excluding significant business assets)

Application typeLodgement feeAssessment feeMonitoring compliance feeTotal fee
Farm land benefit test – Standard 4$13,300$51,700$9,000$74,000
Farm land benefit test – Complex 4$13,300$119,600$9,000$141,900

Further information on the farm land benefit test


Sensitive land: Intention to reside

Application typeLodgement feeAssessment feeMonitoring compliance feeTotal fee
Sensitive land – intention to reside 5$13,300$29,100$4,900$47,300

Further information on investing in land if you are planning to live in New Zealand


Sensitive land: Forestry

Application typeLodgement feeAssessment feeMonitoring compliance feeTotal fee
Special forestry test – one off 6$13,300$17,500$3,000$33,800
Standing consent$13,300$38,500$3,000-
Notification of a transaction under a standing consent 7---$11,200

Further information on investing in forestry


Sensitive land: One home to live in

Application typeLodgement feeAssessment feeMonitoring compliance feeTotal fee
Individual 8---$2,040
Entity (company, limited partnership or trust) 8---$5,800
Residential land that is otherwise sensitive 9-$8,100$8,800$16,900
Waiver application – failing to fulfil conditions 10---$3,400
Variation of conditions 11---$3,400

Further information on buying residential property to live in


Sensitive land: Residential land

Application typeLodgement feeAssessment feeMonitoring compliance feeTotal fee
One-off consent 12$13,300$16,800$4,900$35,000
Standing consent 13$13,300$40,700$3,500$57,500
Notification of a transaction under a standing consent 13---$16,800

Further information on investing in residential land to develop


Significant business assets (SBA) and sensitive land

Application typeLodgement feeAssessment feeMonitoring compliance feeTotal fee
SBA and special forestry test 14$13,300$27,900$4,400$45,600
SBA and residential land 14$13,300$27,900$4,400$45,600
SBA and profit à prendre – Standard 15$13,300$27,900$4,400$45,600
SBA and profit à prendre – Complex 16$13,300$67,900$4,400$85,600

Further information on SBAs

Further information on sensitive land


Sensitive land: Apartment off the plans (the increased housing test)

Application typeLodgement feeAssessment feeMonitoring compliance feeTotal fee
Apartments off the plans 17---$2,040

Further information on investing in residential land to develop


Fishing quota

Application typeLodgement feeAssessment feeMonitoring compliance feeTotal fee
Fishing quota 18$13,300$119,600$3,400$136,300

Further information on investing in fishing quota


National interest fee

This fee is additional to the pathway assessment fee. It will be payable if your application requires a national interest assessment under s20A or s20B of the Act.

Application typeFee
National interest assessment 19$83,700

Further information on national interest


Exemption fees

These only require a single payment.

Application typeFee
Exemption certificate – Large apartment 20$14,200
Discretionary exemption (s61D) 21$37,100
Exemption from farm land advertising criteria* 22$13,000
National interest – Exemption from definition of non-New Zealand government investor (s20AA) 23$25,500
Exemption – Schedule 3 (portfolio investors) or Schedule 4 (New Zealand controlled persons) 24$560 per hour spent considering the application or monitoring compliance

* This fee is additional to the pathway assessment fee. It is payable where an application for an exemption from the farm land advertising criteria is made.

Further information on exemptions


Variation fees

These only require a single payment.

Application typeFee
Variation – Time extension only 25$10,400
Variation (commitment to reside or residential land commitment to reside standing consents) 26$3,400
All other variations 27$23,000

Further information on variations


Investor test fees

These only require a single payment.

Application typeFee
Standalone investor test 28$25,500
Reassessment of investor test 29$13,000
Repeat investor discount for subsequent applications* 30$12,500

* For applications where the investor test is one of the relevant tests.

Further information on the investor test


Information and services

Information and servicesFee
For each request of provision of information or services 31$337 per hour


Administrative penalties

CategoryPenalty where the one home to live in test appliesPenalty in all other cases
Late filing of documents 32$500$500
Retrospective consent, less than $2 million 33$5,000$20,000
Retrospective consent, between $2 and $10 million 33$10,000$30,000
Retrospective consent, over $10 million 33$10,000$40,000


How to pay

Fee and penalty payments are made by direct credit. Credit card payments are only accepted for the One home to live in pathway and are made via the webform portal.

How to pay overseas investment fees and penalties


Relevant legislation



1: Overseas Investment Regulations 2005, Schedule 2, Part 3, 18 (a), (b) and (c)

2: Overseas Investment Regulations 2005, Schedule 2, Part 3, 13 (a)–(f)

3: Overseas Investment Regulations 2005, Schedule 2, Part 2, 8 (a)–(f)

4: Overseas Investment Regulations 2005, Schedule 2, Part 3, 15 (a)–(f)

5: Overseas Investment Regulations 2005, Schedule 2, Part 3, 11 (a), (b) and (c)

6: Overseas Investment Regulations 2005, Schedule 2, Part 2, 9 (a), (b) and (c)

7: Overseas Investment Regulations 2005, Schedule 2, Part 2, 10 (a)–(d)

8: Overseas Investment Regulations 2005, Schedule 2, Part 1, 1 (a) and (b)

9: Overseas Investment Regulations 2005, Schedule 2, Part 1, 2 (a), (b) and (c)

10: Overseas Investment Regulations 2005, Schedule 2, Part 2, 4

11: Overseas Investment Regulations 2005, Schedule 2, Part 6, 24

12: Overseas Investment Regulations 2005, Schedule 2, Part 1, 6 (a), (b) and (c)

13: Overseas Investment Regulations 2005, Schedule 2, Part 1, 7 (a)–(d)

14: Overseas Investment Regulations 2005, Schedule 2, Part 3, 17 (c), (d) and (e)

15: Overseas Investment Regulations 2005, Schedule 2, Part 3, 16 (c), (e) and (f)

16: Overseas Investment Regulations 2005, Schedule 2, Part 3, 16 (c), (d) and (f)

17: Overseas Investment Regulations 2005, Schedule 2, Part 1, (3)

18: Overseas Investment Regulations 2005, Schedule 2, Part 4, 20 (a), (b) and (c)

19: Overseas Investment Regulations 2005, Schedule 2, Part 5, 20 (a) and (b)

20: Overseas Investment Regulations 2005, Schedule 2, Part 1, 5

21: Overseas Investment Regulations 2005, Schedule 2, Part 6, 23

22: Overseas Investment Regulations 2005, Schedule 2, Part 7, 27

23: Overseas Investment Regulations 2005, Schedule 2, Part 6, 21

24: Overseas Investment Regulations 2005, Schedule 2, Part 6, 22

25: Overseas Investment Regulations 2005, Schedule 2, Part 6, 25

26: Overseas Investment Regulations 2005, Schedule 2, Part 6, 24

27: Overseas Investment Regulations 2005, Schedule 2, Part 6, 26

28: Overseas Investment Regulations 2005, Schedule 2, Part 7, 29

29: Overseas Investment Regulations 2005, Schedule 2, Part 7, 28 (a) and (b

30: Overseas Investment Regulations 2005, Schedule 2, Part 7, 30 (a) and (b)

31: Overseas Investment Regulations 2005, Schedule 2, Part 8, 31

32: Overseas Investment Regulations 2005, Schedule 2, Part 1, 35

33: Overseas Investment Regulations 2005, Regulations 35 and 36

Last updated