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  • Mat Darling - Geospatial careers profile

    Mat Darling is a Geospatial Development Leader for Pattle Delamore Partners.
    • Geodetic
  • SBAS proposal to authorise joint Ministers to draw down the tagged contingency

    Improved satellite based positioning to grow an innovative, safe and efficient New Zealand
    • Geodetic
  • Admiralty Bay

    Cook named many places after men in the British Admiralty because they were the power and money behind his voyages.
    • Place naming
  • Mercury Bay and Whitianga

    The names of the bay and town were the cause of local tensions in the 1920s and 1930s.
    • Place naming
  • Overseas Investment system

    This system ensures that investment in sensitive assets (land and residential property, significant business assets, and fishing quota) by overseas persons benefits New Zealand. This is managed under the Overseas Investment Act 2005 (OIA) and the…
    • Corporate
  • Meretoto / Ship Cove

    Ship Cove may be an unimaginative name, but it was Cook’s favourite anchorage in New Zealand. It was officially dual named in 2014 by two Treaty of Waitangi settlements.
    • Place naming
  • Cape Kidnappers / Te Kauwae-a-Māui

    Discover the stories behind the dual name of this prominent feature in Hawke’s Bay.
    • Place naming
  • NZVD2016 information for councils

    The New Zealand Vertical Datum 2016 (NZVD2016) was introduced to replace the various local height datums used throughout the country. It enables the consistent collection and seamless exchange of heights across New Zealand. Older datums are still in use…
    • Geodetic
  • Buying lease-back units in hotels or lodges

    Find out about buying lease-back units in hotels or lodges as an investment in New Zealand.
    • Overseas investment
  • Investing in forestry and forestry rights

    Find out about investing in forestry rights or buying or leasing land to be used for forestry.
    • Overseas investment
  • Poutini - A Guardian Taniwha

    A tale from He Korero Pūrākau Mo Ngā Taunahanahatanga a Ngā Tūpuna (Place Names Of The Ancestors) - A Māori Oral History Atlas
    • Place naming
  • Exemption certificates for large residential developments

    If you are an apartment developer you can get an exemption certificate that allows an overseas person to buy an apartment as an investment without consent, before construction is complete.
    • Overseas investment
  • Determining local vertical datum (LVD) heights

    The nature of the local vertical datum (LVD) networks can lead to inconsistencies, depending on the source of the heights used. This can create challenges and is why New Zealand Vertical Datum 2016 (NZVD2016) should be used whenever possible.
    • Geodetic
  • Our kaupapa

    Our kaupapa brings together the whakataukī that inspires us, and our purpose, values and outcomes, showing how we make a difference for New Zealand.
    • Corporate
  • Frameworks of the New Zealand Geographic Board Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa

    This document outlines the policies, principles, guidelines, and practices of the New Zealand Geographic Board Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa
    • Place naming
  • Apply the adjustment using ogr2ogr

    The following process is for applying the adjustment using ogr2ogr.
    • Survey
    • Geodetic
  • Kaikoura earthquake coordinate update

    Geodetic Mark Coordinate Update - 1 December 2018.
    • Survey
    • Geodetic
  • Privacy policy for the Geodetic Marks app

    As a New Zealand government agency, Toitū Te Whenua is subject to the Privacy Act 2020. This page outlines the type and extent of information that we may gather when you interact with the LINZ Geodetic Marks application and what the information may be…
    • Geodetic
  • The National Geodetic Adjustment

    The National Geodetic Adjustment (NGA) provides a nationally consistent set of NZGD2000 coordinates and NZVD2016 heights for geodetic marks.
    • Geodetic
  • Sam Williamson - Geospatial careers profile

    Sam is a Geospatial Specialist at Fulton Hogan.
    • Geodetic
  • Relevant overseas person and individuals with control

    Find out how we identify the ‘relevant overseas person’ and the ‘individuals with control’.
    • Overseas investment
  • Land movement maps

    The maps on this page show the size of land movements in many of the urban localities affected by the earthquake
    • Survey
  • Benchmarking of Administrative and Support Services

    The Benchmarking of Administrative and Support (BASS) report provides management information that improves transparency and helps identify opportunities for improvement.
    • Corporate
  • Role profiles

    Find out about some of the roles available at Toitū Te Whenua.
    • Corporate
  • About topographic data

    General overview on topographic data.
    • Topography
  • Tristan McHardie - Geospatial careers profile

    Tristan McHardie is a GIS Administrator at Waikato Regional Council.
    • Geodetic
  • Nikora Warren Heitia - Geospatial careers profile

    Nikora Warren Heitia is a Senior Treaty Partnerships Advisor at the Department of Conservation.
    • Geodetic
  • Land transfer tax statements FAQs

    This page contains answers to common questions about what tax information is required on land transfer tax statements when buying, selling or transferring property.
    • Land registration
  • Tania Te Hira - Geospatial careers profile

    Tania is a is a Geospatial Specialist with Haanuiorangi Te Whare Tapu o Ngāpuhi.
    • Geodetic
  • Josef Beautrais - Geospatial careers profile

    Josef Beautrais is a Systems Modeller employed at AgResearch.
    • Geodetic
  • Working in New Zealand’s geospatial industry

    Our growing geospatial industry needs people to fill a critical skills shortage to ensure New Zealand Is well placed to make the best use of location information.
    • Geodetic
  • Pastoral land

    We manage around 1.2 million hectares of Crown pastoral land in the South Island high country, stretching from Marlborough to Southland, including pastoral leases.
    • Crown property