Summer services update
Information Summer services update

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Decision Type
Discretionary pastoral activity
Published date

For this decision summary:

  • LINZ received the application before 17 November 2022
  • accordingly, the decision was made under the Crown Pastoral Land Act 1998 excluding the amendments taking effect on 17 November 2022.

Lease name(s)



What the decision relates to

Disturb soil

Duration of consent

10 years with maintenance rights

Reasons for decision

The Commissioner of Crown Lands has determined the soil disturbance requested will make it easier to use the land concerned for farming purposes and that any impacts on inherent values as a result of the activities is negligible. The conditions imposed on the consent will mitigate the identified risks associated with the activities.

Conditions of decision

Consent is granted to disturb soil, subject to the following conditions:

  1. The consent is limited to soil disturbance associated with the following: 
    • Demolition of an existing hut within the area shown outlined in red and labelled ‘Hut’;
    • Formation of a new State Highway 8 main entrance within the area shown outlined in red and labelled ‘Entrance’; and 
    • Construction of timber cattleyards suitable for up to 70 cattle within the area shown outlined in red and labelled ‘Cattleyards’.
  2. Soil may only be disturbed for the construction of cattleyards if a personal stock exemption has been granted to the lessee by the Commissioner of Crown Lands to run cattle on Mt Thomas Block.
  3. There is to be no soil disturbance within 20m of Pass Burn.
  4. Cattleyards are to be sited for maximum screening by existing vegetation from State Highway 8.
  5. Soil disturbance is to be kept to the minimum required for each activity.
  6. All materials from the hut are to be removed from the site and disposed of responsibly.
  7. In the event that future fencing is proposed for a laneway and/or paddock subdivision, as it relates to an access track from State Highway 8 into the existing Mt Thomas tracking network; sufficient plans are to be supplied to the Commissioner of Crown Lands for approval, prior to any works commencing. This may include a field inspection at the discretion of Toitū Te Whenua LINZ.
  8. Any area where imported fill is used is to be monitored for weeds, and control undertaken if required.
  9. Disturbed soil is to be re-seeded with a certified weed and impurities-free permanent pasture mix as soon as possible after completion of the activities.
  10. Any contractor machinery and vehicles are to be steam cleaned prior to entry to the lease to minimise the possibility of weed infestation.
  11. Any fuel and oil storage facilities are to be sited to eliminate the possibility of a leak or spill into any waterways.
  12. The lessee is responsible for ensuring any contractor operates under the conditions of this consent.

The Crown Pastoral Land Act 1998 provides that permission to undertake the activity may still be needed under other enactments.