6228 results

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  • Mount Row, Arthur’s Pass National Park

    The First World War through place names. Mount Row, Arthur’s Pass National Park.
    • Place naming
  • Arethusa Pool, Lake Wanaka

    The First World War through place names. Arethusa Pool, Lake Wanaka.
    • Place naming
  • Mount French, South Main Divide

    The First World War through place names. Mount French, South Main Divide.
    • Place naming
  • Ataturk Memorial, Wellington

    The First World War through place names. Ataturk Memorial, Wellington.
    • Place naming
  • New Zealand’s First World War place names

    Behind New Zealand’s First World War place names.
    • Place naming
  • Performance Improvement Framework Reviews

    The Performance Improvement Framework reviews agencies’ fitness-for-purpose now and in the future.
    • Corporate
  • PositioNZ - Post Processing Service (PositioNZ-PP)

    The Toitū Te Whenua PositioNZ Post Processing Service (PositioNZ-PP) is a free, automated service that processes global navigation satellite system (GNSS) data to accurately determine the coordinates of a static point.
    • Geodetic
  • Road, address and places data

    Access road, address and places data through the LINZ Data Service.
    • Data
  • Our approach and strategy

    The effective use of land-based assets and other natural resources is a fundamental driver of Māori and iwi development.
    • Māori and iwi
  • Place name consultation

    Have your say on proposed names within New Zealand.
    • Place naming
  • Requests

    Information about Requests in Landonline, the Request Types that are available and how they should be used.
    • Survey
    • Landonline
  • Compensation

    If you have a claim which falls within the guarantee of title provisions of the Land Transfer Act 2017 you may be entitled to claim compensation from the Crown.
    • Land registration
  • Discretionary exemptions

    Find out about the discretion to grant an exemption from the need for consent or from the definition of overseas person, associate or associated land.
    • Overseas investment
  • Canterbury earthquakes

    Information relating to the Canterbury earthquakes for cadastral surveyors, property professionals and property owners in the Canterbury region
    • Survey
  • View an original land record

    How to view a land record in its original paper form.
    • Land registration
  • Deeds, deed registers and deed indexes

    The deeds system was the main way property ownership was recorded in New Zealand before the land titles system. There is a very small area of land remaining in the deeds system.
    • Land registration
  • Record of title - current

    You can search for and, for $6, buy a record of title in our Land Record Search tool. Records of title (previously called certificates of title or computer registers) prove the ownership of land and the rights and restrictions that apply to the land.
    • Land registration
  • Geodetic specifications and guidelines

    Find specifications, templates and guidelines for submitting geodetic data to Toitū Te Whenua.
    • Geodetic
  • Getting started with LDS

    How to search for, customise and obtain New Zealand land and seabed data from the LINZ Data Service.
    • Data
  • User guides and resources

    Download user guides for legacy Landonline, or take a look at the other resources on our site, where you'll find helpful information on dealings, survey lodgement, and searching in Landonline.
    • Landonline
  • Pricing for user setup and digital certificates

    An outline of the costs for user setup and digital certificates.
    • Landonline
  • Add a user or change your details

    Landonline housekeeping, including forms and how to reset your password, change details for your Landonline account or an individual user.
    • Landonline
  • TA e-certification

    Territorial authority e-certification lets territorial authorities log on to Landonline, locate an e-survey, and certify it.
    • Survey
    • Landonline
  • Before signing up

    Landonline's Territorial Authority (TA) e-certification application allows TAs to certify cadastral survey plans online. This is an integral part of the cadastral survey process. When your TA is ready to get started with TA e-certification, there are…
    • Survey
  • Land registration forms

    Download approved forms, statutory declaration forms for transmission instruments, and other land registration forms.
    • Land registration
  • Certify and sign

    When a practitioner certifies and signs an electronic instrument for registration via Landonline, they are responsible for the certifications they give for the purposes of section 27 of the Land Transfer Act 2017.
    • Land registration
    • Landonline
  • TA e-certification questions and answers

    Common questions and answers regarding Territorial Authorities registering for and using Landonline.
    • Survey
    • Landonline
  • Exception requests

    Exception processing is when a surveyor requests that LINZ checks Landonline for conflicts which are outside the surveyor's control. A surveyor can request exception processing for their e-survey at any stage prior to submit, or while the dataset is on…
    • Survey
  • Audit and quality assurance

    LINZ conducts survey audits to provide reasonable assurance to licensed cadastral surveyors (LCSs), their firms and the Surveyor-General that they are complying with the Cadastral Survey Rules 2021 (the Rules), the Cadastral Survey Act 2002 and other…
    • Survey
  • Toitū Te Whenua web guidelines on linking to other organisations

    You can ask us to add a link from our website to yours if it would be helpful to linz.govt.nz users.
  • Who needs consent to invest

    Find out if you need to apply for consent before investing in sensitive land, significant business assets or fishing quota in New Zealand.
    • Overseas investment
  • Farm land

    Find out what farm land is, and how it might affect your application for consent.
    • Overseas investment