6228 results

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  • Benefits to the natural environment

    Find out about making a claim under the benefits to the natural environment factor.
    • Overseas investment
  • Crown recognition document prepared in accordance with section 115 Ngā Rohe Moana o Ngā Hapū o Ngāti Porou Act 2019

    This document specifies the details of the recognition of customary marine title under the Ngā Rohe Moana o Ngā Hāpū o Ngāti Porou (Recognition of Customary Marine Title) Order 2020 and includes contact details for the management arrangement representing…
    • Māori and iwi
  • Farm land benefit test

    Find out about the farm land benefit test and when and how it is applied.
    • Overseas investment
  • Drafting a Reserves and Other Lands Disposal Consolidation Bill

    Cabinet approval to issue instructions to the Parliamentary Counsel Office for the drafting of a Reserves and Other Lands Disposal Consolidation Bill
    • Crown property
  • Proposed amendments to Crown Pastoral Land Reform Bill

    On 10 May 2021, Cabinet agreed to several amendments to the Crown Pastoral Land Reform Bill (the Bill) in response to public submissions during the select committee process.
    • Crown property
  • Crown Property statistics, 2020/21

    Information about the size, value and use of land that our Crown Property team is responsible for.
    • Crown property
  • Overseas investment fees and penalties framework

    Find out how the Overseas Investment Office fee schedule is structured.
    • Overseas investment
  • New fee structure for the Overseas Investment regime

    Cabinet approval of new fees for the overseas investment regime, following public consultation and consideration of feedback.
    • Overseas investment
  • Overseas Investment Office decision statistics, 2020/21

    The following information shows applications approved or declined for the sale of Sensitive Land, Significant Business Assets and Fishing Quota in New Zealand to overseas persons in the financial year 2020/21. It does not necessarily indicate that a sale…
    • Overseas investment
  • STEP progress updates about modernising Landonline

    Quarterly updates to joint Ministers on the progress of the STEP programme.
    • Landonline
  • Cabinet paper on proposed restructuring of LINZ's property area

    This OIA response provides the 1997 Cabinet paper and Cabinet minute under which the accreditation system for Accredited Agents or Accredited Suppliers for acquiring or disposing of land under the Public Works Act 1981.
    • Crown property
  • Investing in fishing quota

    Find out about investing in New Zealand’s fishing quota.
    • Overseas investment
  • Vendor Information Form

    Find out if you need to provide a Vendor Information Form when selling to an overseas person.
    • Overseas investment
  • Customary Marine Title Order: Area of Mataahu to Pōkurakura Point (first area)

    Recognition of customary marine title pursuant to section 111 of Ngā Rohe Moana o Ngā Hapū o Ngāti Porou Act 2019
    • Māori and iwi
  • Customary Marine Title Order: Area of Rāhuimānuka to Mataahu

    Recognition of customary marine title pursuant to section 111 of Ngā Rohe Moana o Ngā Hapū o Ngāti Porou Act 2019
    • Māori and iwi
  • Customary Marine Title Order: Area of Waipapa Stream to Te Wharenaonao Point (first area)

    Recognition of customary marine title pursuant to section 111 of Ngā Rohe Moana o Ngā Hapū o Ngāti Porou Act 2019
    • Māori and iwi
  • Meeting the investor test

    Find out what the investor test is, who needs to meet it and how it is assessed.
    • Overseas investment
  • Southland

    Our pest and weed control work in Southland.
    • Crown property
  • West Coast

    Our pest and weed control work on the West Coast.
    • Crown property
  • Ngaa Rauru Kiitahi claims settlement right of first refusal

    Learn about the key aspects of the Ngaa Rauru Kiitahi claims settlement right of first refusal (RFR).
    • Crown property
    • Māori and iwi
  • Ngāti Whātua o Kaipara claims settlement right of first refusal

    Learn about the key aspects of the Ngāti Whātua o Kaipara claims settlement right of first refusal (RFR). Note: this is a guide only and agencies must comply with the requirements of the deed of settlement, legislation and any relevant LINZ standards.
    • Crown property
    • Māori and iwi
  • Geospatial data types

    High-level spatial data concepts and considerations when recording spatial data in a New Zealand context.
    • Data
  • Rocket Lab Case Study

    New Zealand rockets into the space age on the back of overseas investment.
    • Overseas investment
  • Crown Pastoral Land Reform Bill: Approval for Introduction

    On Monday 6 July 2020, Cabinet agreed that the Crown Pastoral Land Reform Bill can be introduced to Parliament.
    • Crown property
  • Attributing LINZ Basemaps data

    Find out about the data sources used in LINZ Basemaps APIs and how to attribute them in your web map.
    • Data
  • How to use LINZ Basemaps APIs

    LINZ Basemaps APIs allow you to programmatically access LINZ map tile services to integrate into your mobile, web or GIS app. This documentation provides an overview of our map tile APIs and how to use them.
    • Data
  • LINZ Basemaps documentation

    This page provides technical documentation and specifications to help you start building with LINZ Basemaps APIs.
    • Data
  • Get started with LINZ Basemaps

    The LINZ Basemaps API lets you build your own New Zealand-centric maps for mobile, web and GIS apps. This page describes our APIs and what you need to do to use them successfully.
    • Data
  • National interest assessment

    Find out how the government assesses certain overseas investments to ensure New Zealand’s national interest is protected.
    • Overseas investment
  • COVID-19 enforcement policy

    Find out how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the way we enforce compliance with the overseas investment rules.
    • Overseas investment
  • Modernising Landonline – progress update November 2019

    This Cabinet paper provides an update on progress of the Survey and Title Enhancement Programme since Cabinet approval of a Programme Business Case in October 2018.
    • Landonline
  • Pacific nautical charts - changes to country prefix and numbering

    A schedule of upcoming changes to Pacific nautical charts
    • Marine information