Before you set up multi-factor authentication (MFA) you'll need to register a secure email address only you can access. This email address is where you'll receive notifications of security changes to your Landonline account.
More about authentication email addresses:
Register an authentication email address for New Landonline
Before you set up your phone
Before you set up your phone for MFA make sure:
- your phone is at least 80% charged and beside you
- your phone has cellular service
- your phone automatically updates times and dates.
Before you set up your phone, tablet or landline, make sure you have a name to call it when you register it. This is to identify which device receives the one-time codes.
Set your phone to automatically update
For MFA to work, your phone must be set to automatically update dates and times.
For an Android phone:
Go to Settings>General Management>Date and time>Automatic Date and Time
For an IOS phone (Apple):
Go to Settings>General>Date and time>Set Automatically
If you take longer than 30 minutes to log in, your session will time out and you’ll need to restart the process.