Change the view of titles in Land Record Search

View a list of titles in cards or tables in Land Record Search.

A land record you search for may have multiple titles. You can view titles in tables or as cards. 

Once you've found the right title you can order it for a fee.

Card view for titles

To view titles in cards select Show as cards in the Search Results panel.

Show as cards button.

You can now view the list of titles in cards.


Table view for titles

Table view is the normal setting for titles. To go back to table view select Show as table in the Search Results tab.

Show as table button.

You can now see the normal view of titles in a table.

Titles in table view.

Selecting the right title to order

Check the Title summary number, or title reference, before selecting a title to order.

If you're not sure of the right title to select go to your city council website to find the legal description of the title.

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Last updated