6229 results

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  • Requisitions and rejections

    A dealing may be requisitioned or rejected under the authority of section 37 Land Transfer Act 2017. Find out more about requisitions and rejections and the reasons they might happen.
    • Land registration
    • Landonline
  • Pre-validation failure

    Landonline runs business rules to check your dealing before you submit it (pre-validation). Some pre-validation failures will prevent you from submitting the dealing but others will not.
    • Landonline
    • Land registration
  • Capturing Reinstated Marks

    This process defines what a reinstated mark is and how to capture it in Landonline.
    • Survey
    • Landonline
  • Parcel Label - moving the Parcel Label in Plan Generation

    Landonline attempts to place parcel labels within the greatest area of clear space in the parcel. While most often successful, there are instances where the parcel label will require moving into a better location for clarity.
    • Survey
    • Landonline
  • Requesting image files

    When seeking images from Landonline (for example, survey plans or titles), you can search the image you want and view it on screen, or you can use the Request Product List function.
    • Landonline
  • Registration under the Building Act 2004

    The majority of the Building Act 2004 came into force on 31 March 2005, repealing the Building Act 1991.
    • Land registration
  • LandXML formatting eases the exchange of data

    Surveyors – how much time do you spend typing data into Landonline?
    • Survey
    • Landonline
  • Memorandum of Priority – things to remember

    This page sets out the requirements for a mortgage priority instrument (also known as a Memorandum of Priority) (MP) lodged by e-dealing.
    • Land registration
  • C - Change account related settings for a user

    System Managers can change the users' branch office and their default user access type.
    • Landonline
  • Change a user's privileges

    System Managers can allocate or remove user privileges.
    • Landonline
  • Prepare a caveat

    How to prepare a caveat.
    • Landonline
    • Land registration
  • Preparing an A&I form

    How to complete an Authority and Instruction (A&I) form in Landonline or as a printed form.
    • Landonline
    • Land registration
  • Prepare a partial discharge as to part of a title

    This example uses a Partial Discharge as to part of the title to demonstrate the steps.
    • Landonline
    • Land registration
  • Create an e-dealing for a new title

    How to create a dealing for a new title.
    • Landonline
    • Land registration
  • LandXML information and reference documents

    Landonline allows for the extraction and importing of survey data using LandXML file format.
    • Survey
    • Landonline
  • Changeset filtering

    How to add a spatial or attribute filter to your changeset request to refine the changeset records that are returned.
    • Data
  • Using LDS XYZ services in Leaflet

    A step-by-step guide to setting up a Leaflet map using LDS XYZ tiles.
    • Data
  • LDS web map tile service specifications

    Parameters of the LINZ Data Service web map tile services and how to use these services in web, mobile and GIS applications.
    • Data
  • Using LDS changesets with FME

    In May 2013, LDS Manager Jeremy Palmer spoke at the FME World Tour in Auckland. He demonstrated using LDS web services changesets in FME to replicate parcel data from LDS into a database.
    • Data
  • Building relationships for Esri File Geodatabase

    Tools and step-by-step instructions to merge LINZ Data Service (LDS) layers and tables into one Esri File Geodatabase, and create relationships within the database.
    • Data
  • Versions and version support

    The LINZ Data Service provides three Open Geospatial Consortium compliant web services. Find out which web service versions we provide and the versions supported by some of the most commonly used GIS apps.
    • Data
  • Using LDS WFS in QGIS

    A step-by-step guide to connecting to LDS Web Feature Services (WFS) in QGIS.
    • Data
  • Prepare a transmission: Determination of life estate or lease for life on death of life tenant/lessee

    How to prepare a transmission on determination of a life estate or lease for life on death of a life tenant / lessee.
    • Land registration
  • Memorandum of Priority – preparation and signing

    Clarification on issues related to preparing and signing of Memorandum of Priority instruments.
    • Landonline
    • Land registration
  • Implied rights of way under section 168 Land Transfer Act 1952

    This article addresses statutory rights of way created by section 168 of the Land Transfer Act 1952 and the effect of the repeal of the Act.
    • Land registration
  • Same day back-to-back settlement

    How to enter the submitting firm details for back-to-back settlement.
    • Landonline
    • Land registration
  • Keep your Digital certificate secure

    Digital Certificate (DC) security is vital both for practitioners and for LINZ to safeguard the integrity of Landonline transactions.
    • Landonline
  • Downsize your messages in Landonline

    When was the last time you spring cleaned your 'My Messages' space?
    • Landonline
  • Joint mortgages

    What to do when you have joint mortgagees in your dealing.
    • Landonline
  • Mortgagee sale transfers

    Guidance on mortgagee sale process.
    • Land registration
  • Updating your profile

    Your user profile in Landonline determines which information can be viewed, and how it can be accessed from within Landonline. It's important to keep your profile up to date.
    • Landonline
  • Signing the TA Certificate

    When surveyors present a manual survey plan to Territorial Authorities (TAs), a TA Approval signature is added to a copy of the plan to signify that the TA has certified the certifications on the plan.
    • Survey
    • Landonline