6229 results

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  • Property valuation

    Standards for the rating valuations that are used to set the annual property rates.
    Landing page
    • Property valuation
  • Cadastral survey guidelines

    Guidance on complying with the Cadastral Survey Rules 2021 (CSR 2021), related legislation, and meeting Landonline requirements for cadastral survey datasets (CSDs).
    • Survey
  • Marine geospatial information

    Data about the marine environment which helps us understand how to protect our biodiversity and ecosystems.
    • Marine information
  • Crown pastoral lease: Holbrook

    Overall progress Current stage: Not in Tenure Review Stage Status Informatio
    Crown land
    • Crown property
  • Crown pastoral lease: Grays Hills

    Overall progress Current stage: Not in Tenure Review Stage Status
    Crown land
    • Crown property
  • Crown pastoral lease: Glencoe - East Otago

    Overall progress Current Stage Not in Tenure Review   Information Gathering for Preliminar
    Crown land
    • Crown property
  • Crown pastoral lease: Gem Lake

    Overall progress Current stage: Tenure Review completed Stage Status
    Crown land
    • Crown property
  • Crown pastoral lease: Ferintosh

    Overall progress Current stage: Not in Tenure Review Stage Status
    Crown land
    • Crown property
  • Crown pastoral lease: Emerald Hills

    Overall progress Current stage: Not in Tenure Review Stage Status
    Crown land
    • Crown property
  • Crown pastoral lease: Earnslaw Station

    Overall progress Current stage: Not in Tenure Review Stage Status
    Crown land
    • Crown property
  • Crown pastoral lease: Dunstan Downs

    Overall progress Current stage: In Tenure Review Stage Status
    Crown land
    • Crown property
  • Crown pastoral lease: Craigroy

    Overall progress Current stage: Tenure Review completed Stage Status Informa
    Crown land
    • Crown property
  • Crown pastoral lease: Clent Hills

    Overall progress Current stage: Tenure Review completed Stage Status
    Crown land
    • Crown property
  • Crown pastoral lease: Chetwynd

    Overall progress Current stage: Tenure Review completed Stage Status
    Crown land
    • Crown property
  • Crown pastoral lease: Beaumont - Otago

    Overall progress Current stage: Not in Tenure Review Stage Status
    Crown land
    • Crown property
  • Protection of Māori interests in surplus Crown-owned land: information for applicants

    This booklet tells you about the Protection Mechanism, and how you may apply to have properties protected under it.
    • Crown property
  • Protection of Māori interests in surplus Crown-owned land: information for Crown agencies

    This booklet is published by the Office of Treaty Settlements (OTS) to help government departments and Crown agencies understand the process for the protection of Mäori interests in surplus Crown-owned land (the Protection Mechanism).
    • Crown property
  • A Ten Year Lagarosiphon Management Plan for Lake Wanaka: 2016-2025

    This document revisits the 2005 lagarosiphon management plan for Lake Wanaka to update contemporary knowledge on lagarosiphon and control techniques, and to outline strategic and tactical responses to combat the spread and impacts of lagarosiphon in Lake…
    • Crown property
  • Changes to Landonline account forms

    We are updating and simplifying the Landonline forms you use to manage your account. The information we collect won’t change but you’ll see minor changes to how the forms look.
    • Landonline
  • Māori Language Plan for Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa New Zealand Geographic Board

    The purpose of Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa Māori Language Plan is to be clear about the impact the Board has or can have in relation to language revitalisation.
    • Place naming
  • Search accredited suppliers

    Find accredited suppliers in your region.
    • Crown property
  • Iwi and Hapū of Te Rohe o Te Wairoa Claims Settlement Act 2018 registration guideline - LINZ OP G 1223

    This guideline has been issued by the Registrar-General of Land to ensure that applications received by Toitū Te Whenua under the Iwi and Hapū of Te Rohe o Te Wairoa Claims Settlement Act 2018 are dealt with correctly.
    • Land registration
    • Māori and iwi
  • Requisition and rejection review requests

    Information about querying a rejection, how to request a review, and the review process for e-dealings.
    • Land registration
  • Place name proposal - Pikipari Pass

    This proposal is to assign Pikipari Pass to the pass at NZTopo50-CB09 051451.
    Consultation › place name
    • Place naming
  • Hydrographic survey

    Learn about our hydrographic survey programme to map the sea floor.
    • Marine information
  • Create a dealing and prepare instruments

    The first step in an e-dealing is to create your dealing in Landonline, and add and prepare your instruments.
    • Land registration
    • Landonline
  • Toitū Te Whenua's progress towards carbon neutrality

    Response to a request from the Public Sector Carbon Neutrality Accountability Project detailing where Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand has reached in transitioning to becoming carbon neutral by 2025
    • Corporate
  • Applications to establish data centres in New Zealand

    The response to the request provided the following documents:
    • Overseas investment
  • Topo50 map: CF10 - Winton

  • Topo50 map: CI04 - Waitangi

  • Topo50 map: CH12 - Waipapa Point

  • Topo50 map: CH11 - Ruapuke Island
