6229 results

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  • Holidays Act payments

    We’re addressing payroll system non-compliance issues with the Holidays Act 2003 to ensure all current and former Toitū Te Whenua LINZ people receive their correct leave entitlements. On this page
    • Corporate
  • Mount Axford officially named after prominent space scientist

    The official name Mount Axford has been given to a previously unnamed mountain in the Kepler Mountains in Fiordland National Park by Minister for Land Information Hon Damien O’Connor.
    • Māori and iwi
    • Place naming
  • Central Wellington area officially named Paekākā

    A central Wellington area covering the Botanic Garden precinct, Anderson Park and Bolton Street Memorial Park has been officially named Paekākā by the Minister for Land Information, Hon Damien O’Connor.
    • Place naming
  • Pānui - September 2021

    We are looking ahead to reform changes coming in November. Find out more about the upcoming changes and other Overseas Investment Office activity in our latest edition of Pānui.
    • Overseas investment
  • Agreement reached for Hukarere Station tenure review

    A tenure review agreement has been reached for Otago high country pastoral lease Hukarere Station.
    • Crown property
  • Final Christchurch red zone demolition underway

    The last demolition in Christchurch’s red zone is underway, signalling the end of a massive 10-year clearance programme.
    • Crown property
  • Panui - Special edition

    Overseas Investment Office fee changes from today In this edtion we cover our new fees framework for applications to the Overseas Investment Office.
    • Overseas investment
  • Native plants transforming red zone – and the students who plant them

    Helping to populate Christchurch’s red zone with thousands of native plants has been life-changing for some of the students involved, according to Eco-Action facilitator David Newton.
    • Crown property
  • New fee regime for overseas investment

    New overseas investment fee regulations were gazetted today and will come into force on Monday 13 September 2021.
    • Overseas investment
  • Overseas investor associate fined for not seeking consent to buy sensitive land

    The Auckland High Court has ordered Clevedon Kawakawa Road Limited (CKRL) to pay $160,000 in penalties and $15,000 in costs for not seeking approval for a sensitive land purchase it made on behalf of an overseas investor.
    • Overseas investment
  • Overseas investment rule changes strengthen and simplify investing into New Zealand

    Several changes to the Overseas Investment Act come into force today.
    • Overseas investment
  • Significant interest in Dunstan Downs tenure review

    Most submissions on the tenure review of Dunstan Downs want more of the North Otago Crown pastoral lease to become conservation land and increased public access.
    • Crown property
  • Landwrap - June 2021

    In this edition: new fees for Landonline products, licence fees waived for new Landonline customers, improving contact centre waiting times, Cadastral Survey Rules 2021 webinar recording, payment for manual dealings, Ngāti Hinerangi Claims Settlement Act…
    • Land registration
    • Landonline
    • Māori and iwi
    • Survey
  • Māori interest in surplus Crown-owned land: June 2021

    Land Information New Zealand works with the Treaty Settlements Rōpū (part of the Office for Māori Crown Relations – Te Arawhiti) to manage surplus Crown properties in the Treaty Settlements Landbank.
    • Crown property
  • OIO Reform update 3 - May 2021

    Two important changes to the overseas investment rules are coming into force in June and July 2021. In this edition of the OIO Reform Update:
    • Overseas investment
  • Stories of manawhenua told at popular Mackenzie Basin tourist spot

    A sign installed at Tapataia Mahaka/Peters Lookout on Highway 80 to Aoraki (Mt Cook) tells the stories of manawhenua in Te Manahuna (Mackenzie Basin).
    • Crown property
    • Māori and iwi
  • Thresholds for Australian investment in New Zealand

    Alternative monetary thresholds for Australian non-Government and Australian Government investments in New Zealand.
    • Overseas investment
  • Consultation on the overseas investment regime fee structure opens today

    Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) is consulting on funding options to cover the cost of the overseas investment regime.
    • Overseas investment
  • Māori interest in surplus Crown-owned land: February 2021

    Land Information New Zealand works with the Treaty Settlements Rōpū (part of the Office for Māori Crown Relations – Te Arawhiti) to manage surplus Crown properties in the Treaty Settlements Landbank.
    • Crown property
  • New search tool makes accessing land records easier

    Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) has launched a new online service so anyone can find and buy property records such as titles or survey plans for an address.
    • Land registration
    • Landonline
    • Survey
  • New editions of navigational charts for Auckland harbour released

    New editions of two navigational charts for Auckland harbour have recently been released, providing enhanced safety as Auckland mariners take to the water in significant numbers over the summer sailing season.
    • Marine information
  • Signing documents remotely

    This page provides a summary of our existing guidance regarding signing documents remotely and how we’ve modified that guidance to deal with COVID-19 precautions.
    • Land registration
  • Scale factors, scale differences and scale adjustment

    The following article explains the difference between the various scale factors used in preparing a cadastral survey dataset and situations when a scale adjustment to an existing distance could be justified.
    • Survey
    • Cadastral survey guidelines
  • Setting up Landonline in a Virtual Desktop (VDI) environment

    How to set up Landonline access in a Virtual Desktop (VDI) environment.
    • Landonline
  • E-dealing requisitions and rejections list

    The list below outlines the reasons for rejection of a title and the specific requirements that may be addressed to correct the rejection.
    • Land registration
  • Landonline notices

    A user guide and common questions will help you understand why you've received a notice and how you can set your notice preferences.
    • Landonline
  • Common Landonline error messages and connection issues

    Find out what your Landonline error message means.
    • Landonline
  • Scanning requirements

    Please use these requirements to guide your purchase of a new scanner or to assess your current scanner to operate with Landonline. These details can be provided to your current or proposed technology supplier.
    • Landonline
  • Landonline user access types

    Deciding what Landonline access your people will need? Here's what you need to know to choose the right user access type.
    • Landonline
  • Automated survey report

    A survey report can be included in a CSD using the automated survey report functionality in Landonline.
    • Survey
    • Landonline
  • Water, water centre-line and irregular boundary annotation

    Water boundaries require an annotation to be added for legal and physical description of the boundaries.
    • Survey
    • Landonline
  • Keeping Digital certificates, passwords and passphrases secure

    As a Digital Certificate holder, you are responsible for safeguarding your Landonline username and password, and your Digital Certificate (DC) and passphrase.
    • Landonline