6229 results

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  • Overseas investment decision for case 202200217 - Craigmore Permanent Crop No 12 Limited

    DecisionConsent granted
    OI Information Release
  • Māori interest in surplus Crown-owned land: June 2021

    Land Information New Zealand works with the Treaty Settlements Rōpū (part of the Office for Māori Crown Relations – Te Arawhiti) to manage surplus Crown properties in the Treaty Settlements Landbank.
    • Crown property
  • OIO Reform update 3 - May 2021

    Two important changes to the overseas investment rules are coming into force in June and July 2021. In this edition of the OIO Reform Update:
    • Overseas investment
  • Stories of manawhenua told at popular Mackenzie Basin tourist spot

    A sign installed at Tapataia Mahaka/Peters Lookout on Highway 80 to Aoraki (Mt Cook) tells the stories of manawhenua in Te Manahuna (Mackenzie Basin).
    • Crown property
    • Māori and iwi
  • Thresholds for Australian investment in New Zealand

    Alternative monetary thresholds for Australian non-Government and Australian Government investments in New Zealand.
    • Overseas investment
  • Consultation on the overseas investment regime fee structure opens today

    Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) is consulting on funding options to cover the cost of the overseas investment regime.
    • Overseas investment
  • Māori interest in surplus Crown-owned land: February 2021

    Land Information New Zealand works with the Treaty Settlements Rōpū (part of the Office for Māori Crown Relations – Te Arawhiti) to manage surplus Crown properties in the Treaty Settlements Landbank.
    • Crown property
  • New search tool makes accessing land records easier

    Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) has launched a new online service so anyone can find and buy property records such as titles or survey plans for an address.
    • Land registration
    • Landonline
    • Survey
  • New editions of navigational charts for Auckland harbour released

    New editions of two navigational charts for Auckland harbour have recently been released, providing enhanced safety as Auckland mariners take to the water in significant numbers over the summer sailing season.
    • Marine information
  • Allocate Record of Title

    Each new primary parcel needs a Title allocated to it. Use the Title allocation tab to allocate a new title reference to each parcel.
    • Landonline
    • Survey
  • Create and delete a table

    Select + Create table to create your first table.
    • Landonline
    • Survey
  • Information relating to staff and contractors and consultants from 2011/12 and 2021/22

    This OIA response provides statistics from 2011/12 and 2021/22 financial years relating to staffing numbers, costs, and diversity; as well as numbers and costs for contractors and consultants.
    • Corporate
  • Place name proposal - Kororāreka

    The proposal is to alter the existing unofficial recorded name Russell to Kororāreka for the small township in the Bay of Islands, on the east coast of Northland Region.
    Consultation › place name
    • Place naming
  • Edit, add or remove a certificate

    You can edit, add or remove a certificate in a package.
    • Landonline
    • Survey
  • Information relating to Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand’s Christmas and end-of-year events

    Information relating to details and costs for Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand’s Christmas and end of year events for 2021 and 2022.
    • Corporate
  • Survey details

    Add summary information on your survey and edit the information while capturing the dataset.
    • Landonline
    • Survey
  • Existing parcels

    When a dataset is creating new parcels, you also need to capture the current underlying parcels as ‘extinguished’ in the Existing parcels panel.
    • Landonline
    • Survey
  • TA certifications

    Prepare and request territorial authority (TA) certifications for your survey.
    • Landonline
    • Survey
  • Add and edit survey details

    Record and update summary information about the survey.
    • Landonline
    • Survey
  • Old Masterton hospital demolition complete

    The demolition of the old Masterton hospital is now complete and 2800 tonnes of material salvaged from the site.
    • Crown property
  • Crown Subdivision CSDs

    Guidance on meeting the requirements for cadastral survey datasets (CSDs) prepared under the Cadastral Survey Rules 2021 (CSR 2021) to define subdivisions of Crown-owned land not held under the Land Transfer Act 2017 (LTA).
    • Survey
    • Cadastral survey guidelines
  • Boundaries

    Guidance on meeting the requirements of the Cadastral Survey Rules 2021 (CSR 2021) and Landonline capture for parcel boundaries defined in cadastral survey datasets (CSDs).
    • Survey
    • Cadastral survey guidelines
  • Non-primary parcels

    Guidance on meeting the requirements of the Cadastral Survey Rules 2021 (CSR 2021) relating to non-primary parcels.
    • Survey
    • Cadastral survey guidelines
  • CSDs with adverse possession

    An overview of adverse possession and guidance on meeting the requirements of the Cadastral Survey Rules 2021 and Landonline capture for cadastral survey datasets (CSDs) supporting adverse possession claims. 
    • Survey
    • Cadastral survey guidelines
  • Signing documents remotely

    This page provides a summary of our existing guidance regarding signing documents remotely and how we’ve modified that guidance to deal with COVID-19 precautions.
    • Land registration
  • Scale factors, scale differences and scale adjustment

    The following article explains the difference between the various scale factors used in preparing a cadastral survey dataset and situations when a scale adjustment to an existing distance could be justified.
    • Survey
    • Cadastral survey guidelines
  • Setting up Landonline in a Virtual Desktop (VDI) environment

    How to set up Landonline access in a Virtual Desktop (VDI) environment.
    • Landonline
  • E-dealing requisitions and rejections list

    The list below outlines the reasons for rejection of a title and the specific requirements that may be addressed to correct the rejection.
    • Land registration
  • Requesting image files

    When seeking images from Landonline (for example, survey plans or titles), you can search the image you want and view it on screen, or you can use the Request Product List function.
    • Landonline
  • Registration under the Building Act 2004

    The majority of the Building Act 2004 came into force on 31 March 2005, repealing the Building Act 1991.
    • Land registration
  • LandXML formatting eases the exchange of data

    Surveyors – how much time do you spend typing data into Landonline?
    • Survey
    • Landonline
  • Memorandum of Priority – things to remember

    This page sets out the requirements for a mortgage priority instrument (also known as a Memorandum of Priority) (MP) lodged by e-dealing.
    • Land registration